January 14

Not Expecting That!

(planning to post this on Jan 13, 11 p.m but I changed some parts sooo yeah. happy birthday jongin!)


It’s been two days since that kiss and Kyungsoo still can’t figure out what was happening. Was that real? Does he have a crush on me too? Was he doing that for a dare or something?

It’s been two days Kyungsoo woke up to stare in the mirror for a loooong time to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. It ranges from staring deeply to carelessly smack his cheeks, that later left a red hand mark on his smooth skin.

His gaze shifted from his own reflection to the calendar beside the mirror. Today is January 14th. Jongin’s birthday. His gaze shifted again to a table near him with a box on top of it. There, a birthday present he bought days ago for Jongin sits nicely. Nothing much is inside, just a plain knitted scarf in Jongin’s favorite color, red (he knew this by eavesdropping to one of his conversations. Naughty Kyungsoo.) It’s still winter cold now, so he hopes he’ll find it useful.

But after that kiss, Kyungsoo thinks twice to give the present. He hasn’t seen him face to face again since that happened, nor talking to him. Would that be super awkward if he simply came to Jongin and said happy birthday and give it while Jongin has done something out of Kyungsoo’s mind? Or should he confess to him because it’s too late to hide it even more?

Whatever. He then reaches the box and shoves it into his bag.


The weather is still freezing, with sun only at a peak of the clouds. Today Kyungsoo decided to go to school one hour earlier than usual so he can put his present on Jongin’s desk with no one seeing him. But he sort-of regretting it because IT’S SO FREEZING COLD. He rubs both of his hands until they’re a bit warm before putting them in to each pockets on his bulky winter jacket.

He walks out from his house to the bus stop. The walk could take twenty minutes, so he plugs in his earphones and shuffles the playlist. The first song hasn’t even finished yet but someone plugged out one of his earphone. Shocked, his over-sensitive sense tells him to back off quickly and karate-chops (sort-of; Kyungsoo never went to a legit karate class) whoever besides him. His heart beat rate rises and his brain works hard to find a way to save himself.

“Whoa, whoa. Sorry!” a hand blocked Kyungsoo’s karate chop immediately. After the hand is lowered, Kyungsoo can see the owner; his heart beat got even faster.  Jongin.


Dude I went earlier to school to avoid you!

Kyungsoo made a panicked face before covering his mouth with both of his palms. “Oops, sorry! I tend to be like that because I can sense danger.”

“Do I look like a danger to you?” Jongin sends a smile that looks more like a smirk to Kyungsoo. YES JONGIN YOU’RE A DANGER TO MY POOR HEART.

“Hahaha, nevermind,” Kyungsoo shrugs, calming himself. He then continues walking, leaving Jongin on his spot.

“Hey, wait!” Jongin rushes to his side and suddenly linked his arm to Kyungsoo’s. “May I invade your personal bubble?”

It’s weird because Kyungsoo feels super warm even though the wind blows like crazy. He doesn’t know if it’s because there’s an extra body warmth attached to him or it’s just Jongin’s sudden action that makes him blush from head to toe. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable (or just plain I CAN’T BREATHE HELP), he wiggles his arm off softly. “Yeah, I guess? You’ve suddenly plugged out my earphone.. No one has ever done that.”

“Yay! I always feel bored when I have to walk to the bus stop.” Kyungsoo notices how those pretty twinkling eyes formed into little cresents after he made that confirmation.  He giggles inside, and made a remark that he had never been this close to anyone else before.

Jongin playfully kicks the rocks on the pavement as he starts the conversation. ”I didn’t know you live in the same block with me,”

“Me neither,”

“Why I never saw you these past fewmonths after you got here?”

“Well.. I’m new to this town and I need to know it better first or I’ll get lost..? Besides, my parents are pretty overprotective and didn’t allow me to travel alone until I turn 17, which was two days ago.”

An apologetic concern filled Jongin’s voice. “Wow, that’s pretty sad.”

“I know right,” Kyungsoo sighs helplessly.

“You’ve missed some awesome places here then. You know, the typical teenager places. I usually hang out there with my friends every weekend,”

“If it involves night clubs and drinking then no..... I’m fine.”

“No, no!” Jongin panicked. “I don’t like nightclubs either. I don’t get why people would go to a crowded and cramped place to dance with no choreography when you could do that in your own room. Besides, alcohol contains ethanol which is a big no-no for me. I still need my brain to work so I can create actual choreography. To add, those cigarette smokes could kill me because fun fact, nicotine .”

A laugh blurts out from Kyungsoo’s mouth. Jongin sounds really nerdy, much to his surprise. But he quite like it. Cute. And for the first time in his teenager life, he feels relaxed in a conversation. “So, you dance?”

“I guess so. I take some dance classes and I’ve become a back-up dancer for several small shows... So yeah. No big deal,” he grins. “Hey hey hey. Speaking of that typical teenager places, they’re actually street food stalls, night markets, and the world food market. The world food market sells any kind of food from around the world. Yum. Who doesn’t love food? And sometimes we went to a theme park or nice outbounds or a less crowded beach, which is sooo far from here but worth the time,” he pauses for a while, cathing his breath.  “Okay I sound like a drunk kid, don’t I?”

Kyungsoo chuckles. He never thought that a popular guy would be this–what’s the word,  geeky and nerdy and enthusiasthic? Through the movies he watched, popular guys are usually stubborn, bratty, and cocky. Reasons why Kyungsoo never really try to get close to him. “It’s cute,”


Jongin turns his head to the shorter boy with a shocked face. Kyungsoo thought he was so doomed but the next words he says are even more shocking.

“You’re too,” he pokes his index finger to Kyungsoo’s cheek before burst into small, cute, laughter. “You should mingle more often, you know... You’re... You’re interesting.”

“Nah, no thanks. My socializing skill is awful,” Kyungsoo waves a hand to hide his blush.

“Not really! Well that’s what I think... You should really give it a try!” Jongin exclaims. He was about to open his mouth to say something more when he saw the bus stop. “Oh look, that’s the bus stop! Wow. It feels so close when I have a company!”

They both step in to the bus and sit on the empty seats side by side. The bus was rather quiet because who the goes to school at 5.30 a.m?

Jongin was dozing off by the gloomy view, all white-ish and dull, outside the bus when he snapped back to reality and turns to Kyungsoo. “Hey I forgot to ask you. Why did you go to school so early?”

No. Nope. There’s no way I tell the truth to him. Kyungsoo avoids his gaze and tries to divert the topic. “What about yourself?”

“I just... feel like it. I don’t know. Maybe because it’s my birthday? My mom always told me that you have to wake really early on your birthday so you will get longer life. Cheesy, I know. But I’m just being a good kid.”

OH MY GOD. Kyungsoo enjoyed the conversation he had with him so much that he almost forgot about that!

“OHHH YEAH,” he gasped too loudly, only to be stared by a puzzled Jongin. “Speaking of it..”It’s now or never, man. You have no choice. He pulled out the wrapped box from his bag. “I.. I-I bought you this as a present..”

The birthday boy slightly tilts his head. Kyungsoo took a small glance at his cute, pretty face before handing the box out because if something embarassing happened after this he will jump out of the bus for sure and he will never see his face again.

“Happy birthday, Kim Jongin,” Kyungsoo hides his redden face.

He took the box after staring at it for a while. “Wow, I feel special. Thank you, Kyungie-yah~” Jongin cooed.

Did he actually just call his nickname at home???

“Aww It’s red! How do you know my favorite color?” he exclaims after the box revealed the knitted scarf.

Kyungsoo drowns his face in his thick scarf even more. “I may or may not eavesdrop you...... I’M SORRY BUT I CAN’T HELP IT,” he cover his entirely blushed face with his hands.

“Oh, it must be when I talked about Christmas swap last month, huh?” he asks. Kyungsoo nods. “I saw you there actually,” Jongin nudges his side. “You should’ve just joined us!”

“Have I told you that I at socializing?” Kyungsoo’s voice is muffled.

“Well.. Okay. I can’t insist you anyway,” he gives a sad smile. “But hey,” Jongin removes Kyungsoo’s hands away from his face, then land his fingers on Kyungsoo’s jaw to lift his head.  ”Thanks a lot,” he smiles. And Kyungsoo never see a smile so genuine before.

It took Kyungsoo several seconds before he realizes that he’s just inches away from Jongin’s face. Technically, he’s suffocating after he encountered the fact. “Why....... are we..... so... close,”

“Because I like you,”

He blurts it out just like that.

Kyungsoo widen his eyes and flinch back. “What?”

Jongin looks down and scratches his non-itchy ear. “I actually kinda... liked you.. since the first time we are partners for Biology lab project? Y’know, I’m really fascinated with Biology. Like, I can be REALLY excited when I have to do anything related to it. Most people think I’m popular and handsome and talented and whatever, but when I started to be really geeky about Biology they will give confused look, if they don’t make jokes about it. And you’re the first person who stay calm and didn’t do anything. So... yeah,”

“..... Huh?” He can’t process the information quite well.

“I know there’s something interesting about you but I don’t know what is that. I want to try and go up to talk to you to at least figure out something or what kind of things do you like but you seemed like someone who doesn’t want to be approached. I don’t want to disturb you so I never really do that and—“

“Jongin, breathe.”

Jongin did something between inhaling and sighing. “Well, so, uhm. Yeah, uhm, the point is, I like you, okay.”

Kyungsoo still widen his eyes in disbelief and he just realized that he has gaped for a while. He blinks for several times in a not normal way. All these sudden confession is overwhelming to him.

“Argh! Why am I so good at public presentation when I can’t even confess properly?” he grumbles in frustration. “Okay I know I have probably invade your personal bubble too much. I’m sorry; it’s nature I guess. But here’s my last question.... Do you like me too?”

Kyungsoo’s eyes travelling somewhere else as he thinks of an answer. Should he be honest? This is like one of a lifetime chance.. No one has ever confessed to him, but when it happened, the person who he likes for so long confessed first. It’s.. weird. And overwhelming. And awesome. Honesty would be the best option. But he doesn’t want to make it sound obvious because it’s his first and he wanted to make it special. Besides, it’s embarassing.

“I accept any answer, Kyungsoo. Just don’t let me hanging like this..,”

What is he going to say??!?!? Denying it would be stupid, obviously. But how to say it properly...

“Kyungsoo... Kyungie... Do Kyungsoo...”

It’s too late to back off, huh? Think, brain, think...

“I still want an answer no matter what it is. I think I will count now. One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five.. Six.. Seven..,”

Suddenly he remembered about something he read months ago on a Twitter account. Then he shoots a smile to Jongin.

“Sorry for the long wait, Jongin. You know..,”

Kyungsoo purposely leave a dramatic pause there. “I don’t know if you’ve read this on any Biology books, but I once read that it’s scientifically proven that our brain can’t function properly when we’re in love.”

Kyungsoo can’t believe he just confessed in a really witty way. He feels really proud. This is an achievement. He should thank that Twitter account later. He will treat himself a bunch of nachos after school—that is, if they both won’t planning on a date.

Jongin’s smile grew into a grin from ear to ear. “Does that mean—“

Kyungsoo pulled off the coolest look he could ever make. “Yes.”


The couple spent the rest of their time in bus by snuggling in each other; Jongin’s hand is on Kyungsoo’s shoulder while Kyungsoo rests his head on the opposite shoulder and slip his hand to the waist. Sometimes Jongin would nuzzle his head into Kyungsoo’s black hair and feels accomplished when the latter slightly shudders under his embrace. Kyungsoo would sneak some kisses on the younger’s (by two days. Really, Kyungsoo? Really?) cheek. To be honest, as far as he could remember, that’s the bravest thing he had ever done. Good thing they chose the very back seats.

The bus slows down until it stops when it finally arrives at the school.

Kyungsoo releases his grip from Jongin’s waist as he stands up. “Come on. Let’s get off the bus.”

“But I want to spend more time with youuuu,” he whines.

“We could do that later. Anytime. This bus is going somewhere else, you know. Come,” Kyungsoo extends his hand, which welcomed happily by Jongin. They laced their fingers together.

After stepping out of the bus, the cold breeze greets them. Kyungsoo became aware that the boy beside him isn’t wearing a scarf like he is. Even with a more toned body than a thin squishy Kyungsoo, Jongin still shivers under the cold. So he loosen their intertwined fingers and reach his hand to the box Jongin has hold in the other hand. He opens the box and takes out the scarf. “Here,”

Kyungsoo starts wrapping the taller’s neck with the scarf. Each layer adds a warmth to Jongin’s body as his tense body loosen up. He forgot that he’s way taller than he has expected, so in between those wrapping Kyungsoo desperately trying to balance his body with only a tip-toe. A smile find its way to Jongin’s lips when he noticed that.

When the scarf has wrapped Jongin’s neck comfortably, Kyungsoo stepped back and pleased with what he sees. “I bought this because I want to give something for your birthday. It’s still cold and I hope you’ll use it well. Little did I know that this could get me a boyfriend.”

Jongin softly laughs as both of his hands find Kyungsoo’s and laced them again. “This is the best birthday of my life. Thank you, Kyungsoo.” With that he lightly place his lips on Kyungsoo’s forehead, just a few milimeters away, whispering “I love you,” before planting them.

 Kyungsoo’s lips curved up and he manages to say, “me too.”

“Let’s go on a date after school.”


See? Kyungsoo will have to search another day for nachos.





[A/N: HUEHUEHUE I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I WROTE. i tried. i have too many feels for kaisoo. fml. and I found that fanart accidentally after i wrote the red scarf part. weird, i know. i love nerdy jongin. i probably should write stories with that character again soon. WHO'S WITH ME??? aaaand I planned this story as a twoshots but my sense is telling me that i should continue this. idk, maybe extras later.

so yeah, that's it from me. thank you so much for reading/commenting/subscribing! please don't be a silent reader. huehuehue.]

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updated! yaaaay!


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Oh my gahd! Its so good and one of the most beautiful oneshot :)
Make more kaisoo stories :)
Chapter 2: Oooh soo fluffy soo cute i want moree (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
Chapter 2: Oh... Twoshot* 5-5
Chapter 2: This is the best kaisoo oneshot fic i've ever read... Seriously!
Chapter 2: The best !
chika1611 #6
Chapter 2: awwww cute! this is the endorphin I need to ignore the cold night XD
silversea108 #7
Chapter 2: haha, this is cute
neko-likes-mangas #8
Chapter 2: KaiSoo's just dikjkfllxcjsj.
Stop playing with my feels, author-nim >< !
I liked it very much :3
Chapter 2: awwwwww~~ /screams/ it's so cutee ♥♥♥
faraaaaaahemilia #10
Chapter 2: Nooooooo. Why? Well, I love this story <3