

”Please, let me wake up from this nightmare…” Jaein whispered to herself, panting from all the running. Her breath was visible in the cold weather caused by all the snow. Her clothes were soaked from all the times she had fallen while running.


Jaein continued running in the snow. She could hear the steps behind her and started running even faster, despite having no energy left. Her survival instincts had kicked in, and there was no way she would stop running, if it meant she would survive. She could hear the person behind her coming nearer. Tears was streaming down from her eyes, she wanted it to end. Suddenly her legs couldn’t anymore and she fell to the ground. Horrified she looked behind her and straight into the pursuer’s eyes. The man calmly walked over to her and as closer he got the more panicky Jaein became. The moment the guys lightly touched her shoulder she screamed hoping he would leave her be. She shut her eyes close and her tears seemed to be unending. Suddenly the guy embraced her and she was fighting to free herself from the guy.


“Shh…It’s okay…everything is okay.” The guy whispered into Jaein’s ear, trying to calm her down. Jaein was still in a fit of panic. It took a long time for Jaein to finally calm down when the guy didn’t move and just continued to hold her in his arms while trying to calm her down with his voice. That was when she realized the voice, but before she could move everything she was seeing changed. She was no longer outside in the dark sitting in snow and was being held by a scary stranger, but was not sitting on the hospital floor, being held by her friend, Leo.


“Are you ok?” Leo asked with concern clearly showing in his eyes and face. Jaein looked at him her tears still running down like a stream from her eyes. Leo hugged her tightly. “You must have been so scared.” Jaein blushed and slowly nodded. “What happened?” Was all she could muster to say with her shaken voice that was affected by her crying.


“You were hallucinating. You ran out of your room and when I ran after you, you started crying and screaming.” Leo said sighing as he let go of Jaein. Jaein looked at him apologetically. “Sorry.


Leo stood up from the floor and reached out for Jaein’s hand in order to help her up. Jaein gave him a small thankful smile and took his hand. When she got up Leo helped her back to her room. The moment Leo opened the door to the hospital room they were met by an angry Ravi.


“YAH! Where the hell have you two been!?” Ravi asked pouting. Leo didn’t say anything and just pushed Ravi aside so he and Jaein could enter the room. Jaein looked at Ravi’s pouty face and chuckled. “Sorry, I seem to have been hallucinating and ran out of the room, Leo ran after me.” Jaein explained while she slowly got into the hospital bed. “Hallucinating?” Ravi quickly changed from angry to worry. “And you are okay, right?” He then asked staring at her. Jaein nodded. “Sorry to have worried both of you.” Jaein said and made a small apologetic bow to her two best friends.


“It’s okay, as long as you are okay.” Ravi said smiling. Suddenly the door opened and a doctor stepped in. “I got the news that something had happened with you miss Kim?” The doctor asked as he came over to the bed. Jaein nodded with a small smile. “Yeah. I have been hallucinating.” The doctor wrote it down on his notepad. “It probably happened as a side effect of the medicine you got earlier. If everything is going fine tomorrow, you will be able to be prescribed then.” The doctor said with a smile before leaving the room again.


“Finally” Jaein smiled knowing she would soon get out of the boring and sad hospital. Both Leo and Ravi smiled to her. “Let’s celebrate!” Jaein continued as she looked at her friends. Leo didn’t say anything while Ravi was nodding in agreement. Ravi quickly stood up. “Me and Leo will go to the store and get some snacks and something to drink. Rest here until then.” Ravi smiled to Jaein as he went over to Leo, grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. Jaein chuckled a bit by Ravi’s sudden gesture of dragging his friend out of the room.


Jaein had met Leo and Ravi in middle school, and had almost immediately fallen in love with Leo. She felt pathetic, since she had never mustered up the courage to confess to him. She also didn’t want to ruin their friendship if it turned out that he didn’t like her back. Back in high school when Ravi had confessed to her, and she had turned him down, she had been so afraid their friendship had been ruined, yet Ravi seemed to be his normal self the day after. She felt thankful yet very apologetic towards Ravi. To her the always cheerful and happy Ravi was more like a little brother than a potential boyfriend. Leo was a more quiet mysterious type, which she became attracted to.


When the two boys returned to the room they found Jaein sleeping in her hospital bed. “Let’s just go.” Leo said before turning around and leaving the room again. Ravi slowly followed pursuit. “She must have been tired to fall asleep before even getting dinner.” Ravi mumbled to himself, yet high enough for Leo to hear as well.


The moment Leo entered his apartment he remembered that his phone was still in Jaein’s hospital room, so he hurriedly left his apartment again and went straight towards the hospital again.


Jaein woke up to a very dark hospital room. She wanted to sit up but couldn’t. She couldn’t move her legs or arms. She started to panic as she saw the robe around her wrists and ankles. Her eyes scanned the room for answers, yet it was too dark for her to be able to see anything. As she was trying to free herself she heard some distant steps and suddenly the door to the room being opened. She slowly turned around so she would face the person who was entering.


“W-who is th-there?” Jaein stuttered as tears started forming in her eyes. She couldn’t see the person that had just entered the room, and is was freaking her out. She wanted to know what was going on, why she was tied up and who the person was. There was no answer to her question. Suddenly she heard a snicker from the person, defiantly a male. But the voice seemed so familiar. “Leo?” Jaein was sure it was his voice she had heard just now. Again there was no answer just a small laugh, a sinister laugh. It sent cold shivers down Jaein’s spine as she could hear him coming closer. It freaked her even more out the moment she was able to see his eyes, which had suddenly turned blood red.


“L-leo?” Jaein asked again hoping she would wake up soon. Maybe this was another hallucination? Yet she had no way of telling since she could barely move her body. She closed her eyes shot tightly, tears streaming down from her eyes. Her whole body was shaking as if she was lying in a freezer. 


“Scared?” Was all the other person said, making no confirmation of who he was. She could feel him coming closer and closer, his whole presence felt so cold. The moment she could feel his breath by her ear Jaein’s body froze. “Die…” Before she could react she had trouble breathing as two hands where strangling her. Jaein was fighting to get air, which was difficult to do without her arms to fight back.


Suddenly it all turned black…


“Jaein!  Jaein!” Leo kept calling Jaein while shaking her, trying to wake her up. She had been acting strange the moment he had entered the hospital room. Now she was even gasping for air while not moving her body. “Jaein!” Leo called again finally getting a response. Jaein opened her eyes and quickly sat up gasping for air. She looked around the room with tears in her eyes when she saw Leo who hugged her the minute they met eyes. Jaein kept crying while Leo just comforted her in his embrace and her hair to calm her down.


“What happened?” Jaein asked after what seemed to be hours. “I don’t think you where hallucinating this time. Probably a bad dream.” Leo said with concern in his voice as he kissed Jaein on the forehead making her blush. “Still scared?” Leo asked looking Jaein into the eyes. Jaein shook her head a bit and smiled. “Thanks for coming. With you here I don’t feel scared at all.” Jaein said as she blushed by her own words. Leo smirked by the comment.


“Want me to stay by your side forever?” Leo asked before kissing Jaein on the lips. 



Hope it was okay despite me being bad at writing angst/dark >.< 

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Chapter 1: OMONA! <3
Ofcourse ofcourse you can stay by my side forever :D

I luf it <3
And for being used to do Romcom ! I would say you did a pretty damn good job <3

Having Leo to calm me down when I get nightmares.. I would want to have them every night ~ with pleasure (I should be carefull of what I wish for!)

thedramalover1099 #2
it sounds really intersesting....cant wait to find out if it actually is a dream or if one of the guys r chasing her....please do update :]