ch.5 I'm yours

Shattered Spirits



                                                                                        SUNGYEOL'S POV~



           I never thought that my life could change so fast, I thought that my vogue dreams were pure hopes, that they would never become my reallity.

After that faithful day were I met him. He has become my everything even thought, things were pretty rough for us the first months.

It scared me to think that at any time, he would just get tired of me. But not that never happened, because just like he promised me that we would face harships together, and he did it.

Even when everybody else was against us and our love. we kept on going forward, only because we had each other.

day by day felt like hell for me, before we met. Life wasn't pretty for me. I thought that just like everybody else, he would crushed my heart and laught at me for being a stupid and naive fogget like me.

But just like a princess from a fairly tale, who suffers throughout life  waiting for his knight and charming prince, to rescue her from her torment

"Myungsoo" my handsome savior, Save from a living nightmare of emptiness and lonelyness.

Life was always hard for me, but when myungsoo and me came out of the closset things got pretty rough for us.


but holding into each other for dear life we got through all that. and maybe with a little help from his parents, who were happy to see that their little boy was growing up protecting the one he loves made them feel very proud.


I was afraid when he convinced me to finally meet them. They already knew about us,however we had never met.I was afraid that they would think that I was not enough for their son. But ma assumptions were wrong, because when I first stepped into their house I was tackeled by his mom, while Mr kim just laughed at us seeing how happy his wife was. I stilled remembered like if it was yesterday, whem me Lee Sungyeol met his second parents without knowing what to do or how to react around so much love. kekeke I still giggled like a little girl eveytime I remember that memory.



'My myungy a.a..are you sure about this' I told him as I was being dragged by my wonderful lover."baby stop whinning would you, they are not like our classmates, they will surely love you, like I do"

his sweet words making me teary. "okey myung" I said this time with confidence.

we were infront of his house and I felt like my heart would explode any minute, shakingly I took a deep breath and hoped for the best as the door slowly opened.

I didn't even notice that I had clossed my eyes until I abruttely opened them, when someone hugged me.

"Uhhh myungsoo why didn't you told us how cute your boyfriend was" said mrs kim with an adorable pout, while mr kim just laughed used to his wife's antics.

Myungsoo stared at his mom a little bit angrily, for hugging me. As tine went by I realised that myungsoo has a very possesive side. that instead of making me annoyed made me love him even more. " mom stop you are going to choke him, let him go" said myungy pulling me away from him. and his mom's pout just grew larger.

and that is how my first encounter with his paren's most likely went...

(End of flashback)


Now we had come to a point in our lives , where we are trying to move forward with our lives and forget all those memories.and explore life deeper with our new "friends" who went through similar situations like us . each one with a unique story on their own... but unite in the end with the power of love...





Stayed tune and discover their heartbraking love stories...












Hey!!! everybody I'm back with a little update to open the path to continue my story.

 Thank u thank u so so much for being patience with me and my story, I promise to update faster now that I finally have  a break from school.

I'M so so sorry again... ang dont't forget to comment and subscribe if you like all my fluffiness kekeke just kidding,




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so here is the first chapter hopefully you will LIKE it kekeke *_~


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TEENTOP10031996 #1
Chapter 6: please update
SHINee_Fan #2
Chapter 6: Please update sooooooooon author-nim
Chapter 6: i just read this story and i love it! ill wait for the next update!
KoalaSoo02 #4
Chapter 6: Oh how i really loved possessive Myungsoo....(*^﹏^*)
myungyeol is ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 5: ahahajajaja~
Myungsoo you cutie pie
Chapter 4: KYAAAAAAA!!!!
kimchoding91 #7
Chapter 4: awww..awww..awwww..aaaaaaaa
what should i say???
update soon update soon..
aaaaa..this is so beautiful..
Chapter 3: why do short? T^T
poor Yeolie, people just leaving him out :'(
ehehe UPDATE SOON ~ ~ ♥ ♡ ♥
Chapter 3: Myungyeol myungyeol forever
Why so short?
Poor Yeolie,
Ehehehe UPDATE SOON ~ ♥ ♡ ♥