ch.3 Beautiful...

Shattered Spirits

As  time went by, sungyeol found himself staring out the window, at the beautiful view outside, were the world seem so much bright. In contrast on how he was feeling. still deep in thoughts, he felt a cold shiver spreading throught his body, a little scared he torned his gaze from the the window, and noticed that the same kid from before was staring at him, with a expresionless face.


but his eyes told a whole different story. they were deep and black, and there was something about those eyes that made sungyeol confused, it was as if his eyes were talking to him and leading him towards a passage without returned.  


RING... RING sound the school's bell, signalizing the students that it was lunch time, and succesfully snaping sungyeol out of his trance.he droped his gaze towards his desk, and felt a strong pang on his chest. he didn't know why but looking at him made his heart ache, maybe it was because he had what sungyeol wanted or what he dreamed of, maybe it was the way that " L"  looked at him that made him wonder ,what the other possibly be thinking , was it just pitty what the other felt towards him was it simple curiosity , or was it that the other was planning on making fun of his pathetic life.


When he came to realize his sorroundings, he notice that he was all alone in the classroom, that the othes had left for lunch  or to play with their friends, who knew because him clearly didn't.


As usual he was all alone, he wasn't really hungry and he didn't wanted to face the people that made his life a sinfull crime ether , so he decided by far his best part of the day... quitly he made his way towards the school's rooftop, he opened the door slowly and was hit by a wonderful heat, that was his only confort and only companion.


Yes, he loved the rooftop, it was quiet in there too, but he didn't feel any type of preasured in there, it was just simply him the sun and a beautiful warm sky, that seem to be the only thing that made him feel alive once again, even for a little while.


sitting next to the fence, he closed his eyes and started hear the only sound that spoke to him, the sounds of nature.


he breathed in deeply and started to sing to a beautiful and soft melody. That was the only thing that nobody would take away from him, his love for music.

He started  humming , oh so slowly and first but getting alittle louder as, the song advenced...

HE began to sing the lyrics with all his heart... ....

Nobody sees, nobody knows,
We are a secret can't be exposed.
That's how it is, that's how it goes,
Far from the others, close to each other.

In the daylight, in the daylight,
When the sun is shining,
On the late night, on the late night,
When the moon is blinding.
In the plain sight, plain sight,
Like stars in hiding,
You and I burn on, on.

Put two and to-gether, for-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change
Nobody sees, nobody knows
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
(immersed  on his singging, he didn't notice that somene else also entered the rooftop and silently observed him singed his heart out)

My asylum, my asylum is in your arms
When the world gives heavy burdens
I can bear a thousand times
On your shoulder, on your shoulder
I can reach an endless sky
Feels like paradise

Put two and to-gether, for-ever will never change
Two and to-gether will never change.
Nobody sees, nobody knows
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover

We could build a universe right here,
All the world could disappear,
Wouldn't notice, wouldn't care
We can build a universe right here
The world could disappear,
I just need you near

Nobody sees, nobody knows,
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover
("Uncover") by zara larsson
( CREDITS  to the rightful owners.)
by the end of his heart whelming song, his heart almost stopped, when he heard someone clapping like a seal for him.
 and even more because that person was not only the first one to ever heard him sing outloud, but because that person was none other than MYUNGSOO or L as everybody called him.
L stared at him with a deadfounded look on his face, he felt himself getting scared and not knowing what to do or think.
so he did the first thing that came to his mind and that was to run away , far far away from the other. He suddenly stood up and got ready to run towards the door .
But wasn't expecting for L to reached for him, and grabbed him a little to forcefully for his sake.
L made him stopped, he didn't know why but L's mind seemed to have stopped working and did the most unexpected  thing in the wold.
KIM FREAKING  MYUNGSOO WAS " KISSING" HIM, HIM!!! it was just a simple peck on the lips, but for sungyeol it was the most unexplicable thing in the world, that almost made him faint.
myungsoo separated their lips, and sungyeol stared at him with a look of disbelief on his face,  he didn't know had just happened.
but myungsoo just gave him a gentle smile and, hugged him and whispered on his ear. something that made him teared up , it was a simple phrase but for him, it felt like the wold had just stopped , and there was only the two of them...
the phrase that made him feel like that was when myungsoo, whispered on his right ear... the word " BEAUTIFUL"
simple, short  but with a deep fealing behind their heavy hearts.



HEY HEY wonderful and beautiful readers, I decided to post a new chapter since I had some time free, hoped you will enjoyed it.

and THANK U... THANK U soo soo much for your support and patience.

I will be improving my story little by little( have faith in this miserable author !!!) ke ke ke

SUSBCRIBE and comment bye bye ... YEOLLIEPOP OUT/  I love my beautiful subscribers. 7(^_^7)

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so here is the first chapter hopefully you will LIKE it kekeke *_~


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TEENTOP10031996 #1
Chapter 6: please update
SHINee_Fan #2
Chapter 6: Please update sooooooooon author-nim
Chapter 6: i just read this story and i love it! ill wait for the next update!
KoalaSoo02 #4
Chapter 6: Oh how i really loved possessive Myungsoo....(*^﹏^*)
myungyeol is ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 5: ahahajajaja~
Myungsoo you cutie pie
Chapter 4: KYAAAAAAA!!!!
kimchoding91 #7
Chapter 4: awww..awww..awwww..aaaaaaaa
what should i say???
update soon update soon..
aaaaa..this is so beautiful..
Chapter 3: why do short? T^T
poor Yeolie, people just leaving him out :'(
ehehe UPDATE SOON ~ ~ ♥ ♡ ♥
Chapter 3: Myungyeol myungyeol forever
Why so short?
Poor Yeolie,
Ehehehe UPDATE SOON ~ ♥ ♡ ♥