A Tear part 1

YoonYul Collections

YoonYul's short story. This will have 4 parts ^^




And just like that, the memories of her just come pouring in. It just happens out of nowhere, just when I least expected it. Just when I thought that I was getting over her, something so simple just trigger my heart to crave for her again.


I hated the metrorail, no matter how fast and efficient it is, I hated it with a passion. Hated the crowd that just pour in and out, hated how the scent of sweat, perfume and whatever just mix in the air and above all I hate it when it just brakes and random strangers would just bump into you.

But Yuri never did, nothing could spoil her mood. She was the kind of person who could light up the room with how happy she is. Anyone who rode in the metro rail with her should be considered lucky, she was the type to give up her seat to just anyone except me- her girlfriend.

“You know you could have just given me your seat.” I groaned at her as she happily gives up her seat to a random lady while me, her girlfriend have to stand up.

“But I think this is more romantic, don’t you think?” she whispers softly while her arm wraps around my waist.

“It will be more romantic if you offered me your seat”

She chuckles before softly planting a kiss on my lips. I quickly pull away and felt myself shrinking as I felt everyone’s eyes on us. Their looks almost felt like daggers stabbing us for our indecency.

“Yul…” I hissed under my breath.

“What?” She shrugs, nothing could bother her and that could either be a blessing or a curse in my case.

“We talk about this” I didn’t need to elaborate, she perfectly KNEW what I was talking about.

“I can’t help it… your pouted lips are just so kissable.”

There was no point arguing, Kwon Yuri was never capable of listening.

“When are you ever going to stop being embarrassed about us?”

The hint of hurt in her voice made it hard for me to look at her.

“I’m not embarrassed…” Truth is, I was. If I wasn’t, I would have looked her straight in the eye rather than the bubblegum stuck on the floor. “It’s just that- Crap.”

The train brakes almost caught me off balance and before the fluffy woman next to me could cushion my fall, Yuri was able to wrap her arms closer and caught me.

“Here’s our stop-“

She took my hand but before she could lead me out, I pried my hand off not wanting anybody else judge me because of who I was with.


I relish the applause of the audience. Despite the sea of people who came to watch the show; it was easy to spot the people who I was dedicating my every performance to. There was my family smiling proudly at me, my rambunctious crew and their voice echoing in the whole auditorium and of course there she was, with the same look in her eye the first time we’ve met.


I almost fell off as my friends jump on me as they met in the backstage.



“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so proud of you.” My mom wraps her arms around me and I could see my dad, he hardly speaks but from the look in his eye, I could tell he was proud of me too.

“Thank you, mom”

My heart froze when I saw Yuri with a bouquet of flowers a few steps away from us. Before she could step any closer, I look at her warningly and she was able to get the hint. She laid her bouquet on the table and walk away.

While everyone is happily chatting about nonsensical things, I sneakily make my way to the bouquet. My heart started sinking in record speed as I red her little note.

I’m so proud of you, you don’t know how lucky I feel to know you’re mine.

I love you so…

Yours forever,


I haven’t made it all the way to our shared apartment when Yuri’s cheerful voice already welcomed me.

“Yoona- yah!!!”

But before I could answer her, Yuri already pushed me to the couch, drowning me in a deep, lingering kiss. She pulls away breathlessly and kisses me in the forehead.

“How many people can say that? That they get to kiss their bias?”

“Gosh Yul, Get off me”

“Oh… Sorry…keke… I guess I just got excited to see you” Yuri jumps off and walks over to the kitchen. “I hope you didn’t eat something, I made you your favorite.” She says while preparing dinner.

“Yul… we need to talk”

“About what?”

“No, Yul, stop what you’re doing and look at me”

Yuri looks up from the plates and walks straight over to me.

“Is there something wrong?”

Her worried eyes didn’t do anything but quadruple my already surmounting guilt.

“Well… no, but right now I have a lot of things going for me, Yul…”

“And you know I’ll support you all the way, you know I’m your biggest fan. I’ll go to your every show with a poster and a banner and what else do you need?”

This is the part where I needed to break her heart.

“I don’t need your support”

“Ummm… why?”

“If people would have find out about…about us, everything that I have work for would go down the drain”

“They wouldn’t, Yoong… We’ll be discreet.” She smiles playfully…

“Is this the kind of relationship you want, Yul? Where we have to hide from my family and everyone else and pretend that were happy go lucky roommates?”

“Well… I have no problem telling your family about us, just tell me when.”

“I’m sorry Yul, but I don’t want to risk it. I have so much to lose and it’s just not worth it.”

“Not worth it?” Yuri’s voice crack after hearing Yoona’s admission and without a warning her tears just come pouring down. “You mean the whole world to me, Yoona. and all you ever see me is a stump to your career?”

“I didn’t know that this will go too far, I’m sorry Yul”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It was fun until our feelings got into the mix”

“It was never about fun for me, I had love you from the moment that I saw you. You know that.”

“I do… that’s why I think you deserve better. Someone who could love you as much you could love them…”

“How long have you been feeling like this?”

“Quite some time now… I’m so sorry Yul.”

“No, you’re not… You’re just glad its over”


“So, my boss told me to put my invest-”

Blah. Blah. Blah… I smiled and nod my head every once in a while. But truth is, I didn’t hear a word he said nor do I care. I have been on a dating spree for months trying to forget Yuri. But as usual, it didn’t work… none of these guys made me laugh like her, or does this sweet goofy things, none of them is worth thinking about every morning or night, none of them made me need them, crave them… only Yuri can do that… and I let her go… I let go of the girl I love.

My date was in the middle of his investment talk, when I quickly stood up at the sight of a raven haired girl. I haven’t seen Yuri for weeks and it’s already killing me, but when the girl turned around I realize it wasn’t her. Then, I heard laughter, it sounds so much like hers that I decided to turn around and again I was disappointed… my life has been an avalanche of disappointment.

My date drop me off to my apartment door, I was itching to get inside and forget this one just like I forgot about the 5 guys I dated.

“I had a great time… I mean, how could I be so lucky? You’re gorgeous, intelligent and you actually listen to what I was saying”

He kisses me softly in the cheek… when I heard the door opens, I look up and there she was. I wasn’t dreaming this time. Yuri was there coming out of our apartment. I quickly pushed the guy away but Yuri already saw everything. She forces a smile and walks away.


“How’s your date with bank manager?” Hyoyeon didn’t even turn away from the TV.

I just groan my reply and plop at the couch next to Hyoyeon who’s been fixated by the TV ever since I left earlier this evening.

“Hey Yoong… You saw Yuri right?"

“I did…”

“So, ummm…”

“Ummm what?”

“That’s it? Aren’t you going to try to work things out again?”

“No. We broke up for a reason not so we could work things out”

“But still… she still loves you, maybe it won’t hurt to try again”

“No. It’s over unnie, I don’t want to fix things again”

“Fine… I’m not going to argue anymore. Can you just go get something from the fridge?”

Here I was heartbroken, trying to mend the broken pieces in the couch and she wanted me to grab something? But I feel like I’m in autopilot these days… I got up and open the fridge and there I saw it… about a dozen pack of chocolate milk. 

“She drop it off, she said she missed getting it for you.”



I had underestimate Yuri and her persistence. Despite me just saying one or two syllable words to her. She still comes back and tries to talk to me. Everyday she would still wait outside the auditorium so she could take me home.

“Hey Yul” I didn’t even bother to stop walking, if she wants this then she needs to keep up.

“Ummm here” She hands me a long stem white rose.

“Yul, can you please stop doing this?”

“I’m sorry but please Yoona, can we try again? You know you ask me before right? if I was ok if we have our relationship like this and I realize its ok. No matter how long you want to keep this, or if you want me to lay low I could do it but please, I couldn’t bear another second without you.”

“This isn’t just about us anymore, Yul. It’s about my family, imagine how they’ll react when they found out I’m dating a girl and I don’t think it looks right if I go pretend to be in love with some guy on stage when I go home and sleep with a girl.”

I could see her shrink away at my answer but this needed to be done.

“Yul, let me ask you this, do you still love me?”

Yuri looks up with a hopeful glint in her eyes “Yes I do, I love you so much.”

“Then, let me go”

I know I did the right thing when I walk away. And for once, I think Yuri finally get the hint that it’s all over between us.


It was weird how it’s the littlest thing that makes you realize that you miss someone. I couldn’t sleep a wink the first night we broke up, I guess I was just so use to the warmth of her hugs. I miss waking up to the sound of the shower and her humming. I miss how even if she was almost late for work, she would still make me my favorite smiley face pancakes.


Despite of the crowded hallway the moment I stepped out of the auditorium, I have never really felt so empty. I felt so alone not seeing Yuri waiting for me. And it suddenly dawn on me... 

I let go of the girl that I love.


I was practically shoved inside the Metrorail, I tried to look for a spot when a familiar voice rings in my ear.


I don’t know how the sound of someone’s voice can make you hopeful again but it did, a part of me felt like this is God giving me a second chance to make things right.

“Here, take my seat.”

“Ummm… I don’t mind standing” I smile at her, hopefully it was enough to let her know that I’m willing to try again and this time, I’ll do things right.

But I should have known…

“Yul, babe hold on, would you?”

And there was Yuri oblivious of the world around her as she wraps her arm around the beautiful girl’s waist before smiling sweetly at her. It was the same smile that I used to wake up to, the same smile that I come home to everyday- the smile that used to be only meant for me.

I hated the metrorail, I hated it with a passion. Hated how every space remind me of the only good thing that I had in my life, hated how I was squeeze between everyone except the one I want to be next with, and hated how I kept wishing that it was me who’s Yuri’s arm are wrap around in. I hated the metrorail and after today- I hated it even more.


It was a miracle how I was able to hold every tear in, but the moment I step inside my apartment, I just let it go. I cried over Yuri.

“That you, Yoong?”

I wipe off my tears with my sleeve…

“Don’t you ever do anything else other than watch TV?”

“Yup. I sleep and eat too”

I groan and start walking to my bedroom.

“Hey Yoong…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Come here…” Hyoyeon pats the spot beside her in the couch

“I’m tired, unnie…” I groaned, the only thing I wanted to do is collapse in my bed.

“No, come…” she said it with more persistence this time.

I groan in defeat and sit down beside her.

“Is it about Yuri?”

“I saw her today.”

“That’s funny, you two have been together for like 2 years yet she never made you cry and the moment you break up, you cry about her almost every night”

“What’s your point?”

"I got this text message or I saw it on TV, I don’t remember. It was really corny but I think it works with you…It said that the only person worth crying over is the one that never makes you cry … and girl…"

She patted my back and softly whispered the thing that I knew all along.

“Yuri is worth every tear”



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Chapter 2: Buzzy airport coffee shop girl lmao
TrooperluvYY #2
I think i'll never get tired reading this story ..
Thanks for your amazing fanfiction ,KB!
Chapter 31: ok here I am again. lol

unnir will you be mad if I say this again? PLEASE STEAL THEIR PHONEEEEEEEEE! I want to see their pictures..... private pictures :(
and somehow I feel sad and happy and proud at the same time seeing both YoonYul shine on their own now, but I miss the group too.. their craziness when they're together, YoonYul's ers when they're about to have moments on stage or tv shows.. I miss them unnir :'(

now that I'm thinking of it, with Yoona's schedule which was back and forth from Korea and China and Yuri's variety show which demanded her to go abroad too, how much they missed each other during those days....
and more over Yoona's birthday is coming. when Yuri said a happy birthday in advance is heartbreaking somehow :((

"Oppadeuls over dongsaengs" lmao why I don't wonder when it comes from Hyo and Soo.... poor dongsaeng

ugh if only Yuri knew what's inside Yoona's mind..... it's been always her...... lol unnir I won't ask if you say your standard for a boyfriend is shot up high....
and Yoona's drool? lol I'm pretty sure Yuri didn't mind Xp

like what people say, there's white and there's black. here comes the heartbreak part T.T
but hey there's rainbow after the rain right?
hmmm now I'm thinking..... do you think they know if they have a lot of fans too? for being together I mean.
I know not all will accept them as how they are, but I'm still hoping that one day they will have their own happy ever after.
live in Melbourne or Japan with their little YoonYuls kekekeke

and I didn't expect that you would make Yuri made it to Yoona's birthday because she didn't in real life.
lol but that's the benefit of fanfic right? we can change it into something what we want.
and once again, we'll never know what Yuri gave to her for her birthday. yes I'm talking about real life..... if you understand what I mean XD

okay now it's done. thank you for filling our thirst of YoonYul with your updates unnir. see you in the next update!
Chapter 31: YES YOU ARE BACK ! THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING ! love itttttt ! miss yoonyul so much :')
august 8 ? that's next month ... can i wait that long to your update? lol hope i will survive and breath yoonyul at 8-8 ! thankyou so much !
Chapter 31: OMG YOU'RE BACK I HOPE YOU'RE BACK FOR GOOD I MISSED YOU I LOVED THIS ONE GAAHH and i'll patiently wait for your updates on the other fics i swear ;-;
Chapter 30: this is so darn amazing :( KB never fails to impress no matter which fic it is & i'm not disappointed a single bit. Always exceeds everyone's expectations /sobs/ But I think the rotation between Im Seobang & Kwon Seobang works just fine. Because Neon & Gemini makes Yuri look more like the Seobang & the other fics are Im Seobang. I think she can rotate it as always because some prefer Kwon Seobang and vice versa. Me, as a writer of Kwon Seobang, its refreshing to read Im Seobang but generally, i think she should rotate instead of sticking to Im Seobang. :) Some stories really frame the character and the two girls have different traits so...... :-)
kwonkeira143 #7
Chapter 30: //sobs// It's so beautiful!
peregrinestar #8
Chapter 30: Wahhh I love this authornim!! I noticed how some people mentioned on Kwon Seobang...but they also write Kwon Seobang so let's have the great KB stick to Im Seobang lol. I was hoping someone would write about their Halloween fan account! Now I hope you'll write about their instagram flirting (offline dates and Yoona wanting to be the one to visit Yuri first keke). This was so cute author!!! I'm so happy you're back! I have to read your YoonYul/WenRene story next!
Chapter 30: ah so this is the serious part you're talking about..
thinking of it sometimes makes me sad.. yes it's wrong but like you've said to me, we can't choose whom our heart like can we?
and what they have is actually beautiful.. who knows about someday right? only God knows..
and whatever they will have someday I wish they're still happily together ever after..
don't you agree with me unnir? kekekek

thank you again for this one shot! lol since you're like going to spam us, then I shall wait for another? hehehe
and congratulations! you just beat your laziness and got to walk under the clody lol
Chapter 30: unnir! lol sooooo this is why you asked me about their dream to be married or just satisfied with what they have? kekekeke

LMAO and there you go and big ears.. you're still not letting it go aren't you unnir?
Yuri is such a e.. I never thought Yoona can be jealous of that 2 legs mouse for Yuri's affection..
7 years? is it counted since the hello baby day? yoonyul private show of wgm..
and Katniss? sorry unnir but I'm so left behind with anything.. is it from the hunger games?

the magnetism of YoonYul kiss.. I can't blame them though.. hehehe
I love how YoonYul are when they're together.. who knows maybe that really happens when they're alone without any cameras surrounding them.. and for God's sake unnir! please steal their phone so we can see all the selcas (the ordinary selcas and *cough*cough* the extraordinary ones) they took!
or maybe we should kidnap Hani and Doe and offer an exchange over their phones... Xp
we should put a hidden camera in each of their bedroom..

AKJSDHKASJHDKAJSH omg the Im Romantic is back!! someday YoonYul.. I'll be waiting to that someday..
what will you do if that someday comes unnir? hmmm?

"A part of her was wanting Yuri now, a part of her wants to cover Yuri’s chest with something."
lol Yoona got to have great control of her wants and hey she has that ribbon above her head, maybe she could cover Yuri's chest with that ribbon.. lol
LMAO at "How do you even take this costume off?" control your hormone Im Yoona.. she already had that thought the moment she saw Yuri's chest.. hahahahhaha best one!

and I thought Yoona would say "watch where you're looking at" when she protected her girl lol
I love Yoona is so honest to Yuri.. lol talking about her s like its casual thing to talk about between them.. XD