Nocturne part 3

YoonYul Collections

A/N: this chapter will show the moment when Yoona is about to turn evil




Yoona flutters her eyes open at the feel of something dripping on her face.

“For a small fry, you are quite a violent one…”

Yoona looks up to see a debonair, well built man, his slitted eyes disappearing in a smile as he looks at her with such amusement. She wipes the substance and her face, her gasp was full of terror as she sees her blood stained hands.

“W-wha-what happen?”


The sinister man pointed at her.

“You did this…”

She began trembling uncontrollably at the gruesome sight in front of her. She started to become lightheaded when she sees her white dress was now stained with dark crimson. She raised her shaky hands and saw it tainted with blood as well. But when she looks up, that’s when she saw all the horror. Right in front of her was Nichkhun and his family massacred so ruthlessly.

“N-no… It… it can’t be…”

“Oh yes… oh yes it’s you…” The man says amusingly. “You massacred the whole Horvejkul family.”

“NO!!!!” Yoona screams in protest.

“You think this is gruesome? Just imagine that poor baby…” He said in fake pity.

“Baby? No…no… No! Not Krystal… not our baby.”

Junho smiled as he saw Yoona falling to her knees. Of course Yuri saved their baby, but Yoona was too blinded by her misery to realize that she never even saw the child that night.

Yoona felt her knees giving up on her and she ends up kneeling on the pool of blood on her feet. How could she not remember this? How could she turned into such a demon? How can she hurt her and Yuri’s child? How? How?”

“Yes your baby. But don’t worry… cause there’s hope…”

“T-there is?”

The man takes sophisticated steps towards her. His lips curve into a sinister smile as he took a whiff of Yoona.

“Even though we know that it was you who murdered the Horvekjul. The officials won’t waste their time chasing after a small fry like you… But the thing is Yoona… Yuri’s scent is all over you.”


“Yes her… your lover. So, you have nothing to worry about really. Instead of chasing you, the officials will be chasing her. This will be the ultimate reason to finally get rid of Yuri.”

“No…no…” Yoona could feel the whole room spinning around “They can’t do that!”

“Actually they can. I don’t think you realize who Yuri is." He leans closer, his voice velvety and venomous at the same time. 
“Your lover is not just another vampire. She’s the most dangerous one out there, dangerous and powerful. She could massacre a board room of officials by herself. And the officials perfectly knew that.”

His lips curve into a devious smile.

“They have been looking for ways to get rid of Yuri, and with what you did… You finally gave them the ultimatum to destroy her.”

“What should I do? Should I turn myself in?”

“Are you willing to do that to save Yuri?”

And without hesitating, Yoona nods “Y-yes.”

“They don’t want you, they want Yuri.”

“B-but surely, there is something I could do.”

Junho’s lips contorted into an evil grin, as he eyes the doe eyed angel lustfully.

“Actually there is…”


“Yes, I know the transaction pulled through…” Chansung groans drowsily trying to keep himself awake as he drives, but then the sound of the metal crunching bolted him awake.

Chansung never knew the meaning of the word fear until he sees the beautiful raven haired devil right in front of him. But then he realized how he could use this to his advantage.

Every vampire knows that Yuri’s head could mean a lifetime of comfort. When he could rip her head off and show it to the officials and to junsu, he knows he would be rewarded.

He growled showing his fangs threateningly at Yuri. He swerved to the side, so he could throw Yuri off but before he could even try, Yuri already smashes her fist on his front window, grabbing him by the hair. The glass shatters as she yanks him violently out of the Driver’s seat.

So this… this was the reason that Yuri was the most powerful one…

Chansung soon finds himself getting drag by his hair deep into the woods. He tries to fight back, but it only ends with Yuri pulling his hair harder.

He could only scream in terror as he could feel his head slowly getting ripped off from his neck, with how hard Yuri was dragging him.

And just like a rag doll, Yuri flings him so effortlessly, feeling his bones crush as he collided into a tree.

Where was Junsu? Surely he could beat this demon, but knowing his boss there is no way he was man enough to face Kwon Yuri.

If he wanted to survive, he couldn’t wait to be saved, he have to do it on his own. He was about to lunge on Yuri but Yuri was too quick for him. Before he could command his muscles to move, Yuri already has her fingernails digging into his throat.

“Where is she?!”

Chansung remained frozen, muttering unintelligible response against the beautiful devil. Yuri leans in and Chansung stiffens at the feel of Yuri’s breath in his ear.

“Tell me! Where did Junsu take Yoona?!”

Chansung struggles for air as Yuri’s fingernails continue to sink deeply into his throat.


Chansung closes his eyes as he gets prepared to be crushed to death. But before he could say his regrets, someone save him from his hell.

Yuri lets out a growl that could wake the sleeping dead. She quickly bolted after Chansung and his savior.

Taeyeon steps in front of the raging Yuri…

“Yuri! Don-t!" Taeyeon didn’t get to finish what she says when Yuri easily swats her out of her way. Taeyeon uttered a guttural moan from the impact.


“Don’t worry about me! Chase after Hyo! Yuri is going to kill him!”

Hyoyeon have never felt fear until now… Yuri is one of her sisters but the girl is consumed with fury. Anyone who steps in between her and killing Chansung is considered an enemy and Hyoyeon is now the enemy.

Hyoyeon races up, feeling Yuri’s hot breath closer.

“HE’S MINE!!!!” Yuri snarls at Hyoyeon…

Sooyoung, Sunny and Seohyun each jump to stop Yuri, all unsuccessful.


Yuri’s powerful growl was enough to bring life to the dead midnight.

“I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you where she is… just please… please… let me go…” Chansung trembles, falling to his knees.


Yuri had been warned by her sisters that Junsu just used Chansung and his pansy ways to lure her to them. But she refuses to listen, when it comes to Yoona, she was blind, deaf and mute to everything else. For her, only Yoona and her safety was the only thing that matters.

Right now, she had stepped into their lair. Someone could attack her out of nowhere. But she could care less, the only thing that mattered to her was saving Yoona.


Yuri walks in quietly through the balcony doors, her angel was sitting in the bed. Yoona looks up and saw Yuri who without hesitation wrapped her in her arms.

“My Yoona…”

Yuri coos, burying herself in Yoona, nuzzling sweetly on Yoona’s neck.

“Yuri… I’m a horrible person.”

Yoona screws her eyes tightly, dreading to look at Yuri who still stare at her so lovingly.

“I… I’m a murderer, I killed people… I… I…”

“Shhhh… shhhhh…” Yuri pulls Yoona to her chest. “It will be ok, I’ll still be here…”

“Yul… stop…” Yoona shoves Yuri away, but Yuri refuses to release her. “Just leave please…”

“No Yoona! We have to go… we have to get out of here.”

This was it… this is the part where Yoona has to break both their hearts.

“No… I can’t.”

“I’m not giving you a choice… Let’s go.”

Yuri wasn't giving Yoona a choice. She took the other girls hand, ready to escape this hell. 

“I said I can’t!”

“No, I don’t want to hear your reasons! We need to go!”

Yoona pulls away from Yuri.

“I said no!”

“Why hello there, Ms. Kwon…”

Yuri quickly stands protectively in front of Yoona, snarling threateningly at the man walking inside the room.

“Step aside before I kill you…”

“Whoah… Yuri” Junsu raised his hands in defense. “No need to get all violent here. I know how you are, how volatile you could be.. And come to think of it, shouldn’t it be us who should kill you since you’re here in my estate?”

“You can keep everything that you have, but Yoona is coming with me.”

“Well, ok… But me and Yoona had a deal, right Yoona?”

Yuri turns towards Yoona “W-what is he saying Yoong?”

Yoona looks away from Yuri “I’m staying Yul.”

“W-what? No… No Yoong, I’m not giving you a choice, you’re coming with me.”

“I can’t. I mean I don’t want too…”

Yuri says shakily, her strength dwindling for every step Yoona steps away. “I said let’s go!”

“No!” Yoona pulls away from Yuri…“You couldn’t even protect me against a human, what more against vampires?”

Yoona's words stab through Yuri like sharp edged daggers, weakening him by the second. 

“You’re too weak Yul, always been… letting your emotions take control of you. If you haven’t done what you did to me, I would probably be in a happier place now instead of this hell.”

Yoona try to paralyze her every emotion as she saw the one she loves crumble in front of her. But she needed to do this. She needed to protect Yuri…

“I killed Nichkhun, I killed his family because you don’t have the guts too!”

“Killing them is not the answer!”

“Yes it is! I made a mistake trusting my life to you, when you can’t even protect me. So just leave Yul… just leave.”

Yuri was left, struggling for the right words to say. 

“You heard the girl, she said leave.”

Yuri gives Yoona one pleading look but all she saw was those cold eyes.

“NOOO!!!” Yuri growls back.

Yuri was so blinded by her anger that she didn’t realize that Junsu pulled a gun. Next thing Yuri knew, her breath was almost cut off as she felt something inside her chest. Warm blood started to trickle from her wound.


Yuri raised her head to the sight of Yoona crying uncontrollably.

“How could you do this?!” Yoona cried out to Junsu “You promised me!” Yoona says angrily and helplessly at Junsu. “You promised that you will leave her alone, if I come with you…”

Yoona was about to run to Yuri but one of Junsu’s man yank her away.

“Let go of her!”

“Awwww… did you actually believe that?” Junsu says faking a look of concern at the sobbing girl. “Didn’t I tell you how wanted Yuri is? Do you think I will give up my reward just so I could keep my promise, you’re quite delusional then…”

“Yoona…” Yuri was staggering to get up. But when she thought she lost all her strength, the sight of these men taking Yoona away from her gave her the will to lunge back.

“Make one move Yuri and say goodbye to your lover here…”


Yuri growls in defeat as she sees a man with a knife piercing Yoona’s throat.

“Yuri…” Yoona tries to reach out but stops when the knife digs deeper into her skin.

Yuri could see her tears dropping furiously in defeat. She collapses on the ground, and the last thing on her mind was failing to have saved Yoona again.

“Junho… call the officials… tell them we have a surprise for them.”

Yoona have never felt so stupid, here she was thinking that she could finally save Yuri, but all she did was lure her back in danger.

“NO! NO! YURI!!!”


Gyuri watches in disgust as Junsu walks out of the bedroom with that smug smirk. Gyuri should be thankful that since that Yoona girl came in about two months ago, that Junsu doesnt consider her to be his favorite play thing anymore, but Gyuri couldn’t help but feel guilty instead.


Vampires are not supposed to feel anything but she could feel her heart clench as she sees the young woman balled up in the corner.

“Yuri… Yuri…”

Even at the girl’s weakest, her words have always been filled with Yuri.

“I’m… I’m sure she’s ok…”

Gyuri reassures Yoona. She heard multiple stories about Yuri and judging from how powerful she sound, there’s a good possibility that Yuri made it out alive.

“No… she’s not… I saw her, lying on the floor and Junho was calling the officials… It’s my fault… it’s all my fault.”

“Shhhh… shhh.”

“I led Yuri here, because I was stupid enough to believe Junho, but he killed her.”

“It’s not your fault, Yoona. If there is someone to blame for this, it’s him.”

Gyuri says sympathetically, pulling the girl into her arms.

“We can’t live our lives like this Yoong.”

“I know, Gyul… but right now, do we really have another choice?”

“Yes… we can…” Gyuri walks closer towards Yoona, fearing the others might hear her. “We can get away from here.”

Yoona looks up at her. Those doe eyes filled with questions.

“How do you think we can do that?’

“We kill him…”

Yoona quickly pulls away after Gyuri tells her plan.

“I… I… I don’t think we can do that… Were not powerful enough.”

“Yes… we are… we both are. All we need to do is to let him think that, that we surrendered and when he got his guards down, then we go for the kill…”

Yoona remains motionless but Gyuri thought this through and through. She knows there won’t be a chance for it to work if Yoona won’t help her.

“This man Yoona, this man is the one who killed the one that you love. This man is the one who tortures you every single night. We have nothing to lose now, if we die trying to protect ourselves, I think that’s much better rather than us living in this hell.”

Yoona wasn’t certain what to think of Gyuri’s plan. But then the memories of Yuri bleeding on the floor, struggling to live quench all her doubts.

Yoona didn’t know if it was wise for her to even think of such a thing. But right now, being bound and gagged under Junsu and losing Yuri, she knows that she has nothing left to lose.

“Let’s do it.”


Sooyoung doesn’t know how Yuri does this so easily… just climb up and hangout in the roof, but at last she finally got herself on top without falling off.


Yuri didn’t even recognize her existence, instead Yuri had that blank look on her eyes, the same look that she had since she lost Yoona.


“What?” Yuri says in irritation, her eyes still focus on nothingness.

“Have you heard? Junsu is dead.”

That got Yuri’s full attention, quickly turning next to her. “What? So, that means Yoona?”

“Ummm.. that’s the thing though.” Sooyoung says cautiously, fearing Yuri’s reaction. “The officials have ransacked his place and found no one there, cept Junho’s body… his head is out in the world somewhere too. We don’t know where his posse disappeared into, probably in hiding.”

Yuri quickly bolted off her feet but quickly recoiled, her wound was still healing but it always felt worse than it does.

She was lucky she made it out alive, that her family trailed her and saved her before the officials could reach her.

But Yuri can’t remain sitting here, Yoona is out there somewhere.

“How long has he been dead?”

“Nobody knows… isn’t that funny?”


“Because as far as everyone is concern, Junsu is still running his own shady business. They just found out that he has been dead for quite some time now.”

“So? That could only mean?”

“It only means that somebody from Junho’s people is running his business now. Taeyeon is trying to learn who it is.”

“Does Taeyeon know anything about Yoona?”

“I… I… I don’t know…”

Sooyoung actually does, Taeyeon got tabs in everyone of Junho’s people including Yoona. Taeyeon was getting dangerously close in finding out the truth. Whoever is in control of Junho's powers, was a more dangerous enemy that anyone could anticipate. The thought of that terrified Yuri. Someone more ruthless could be hurting her darling now.


Yoona almost screamed out in terror, but the hand covering muffled her scream. She tries to fight back as she was getting pulled over to an dark, deserted alley.

“Shhhhh…. Shhh…. Yoong… Yoong…” Yuri says calmly to the girl trembling in her arms. “It’s me… baby it’s me.”

Yuri wished so bad to wipe the fear in Yoona’s eyes. She holds the girl promising to never let go.

“Yuri… Yuri…” Yoona softly cried in Yuri’s arms. “You’re alive!”

Yoona clutches tightly on Yuri’s chest.

“Yes…” Yuri kisses Yoona on the forehead, feeling alive once again. It’s almost been a year since they last saw each other. Yuri felt like death every second, but all it took is the feeling of Yoona in her embrace to make her live again.


“It doesn’t matter now.”

“I… I don’t know what happen… I… I… I… look and I…”

Yuri could feel her heart ache as she sees Yoona trembling in fear. Newly born vampires are aggressive and ruthless when hungry. They lack inhibition and the will to think clearly. The moment they come to their senses, they could not piece out what have happened.

Yoona was now being hunted down by the officials, not only for murdering most of her clan but for murdering humans too. Yuri was sure that Yoona would receive a death sentence from her crimes, but she’s not going to allow that.

“Hey… hey…” Yuri coos softly, tilting Yoona’s chin so she could look at those worried eyes. “I’m here… I will never let them touch you… never."

“Yuri… I’m sorry…” Yoona buries herself in Yuri’s shirt, her tears falling profusely. “I killed them… I did… and I…don’t know what happen.”

“Shhhh… shhhh… darling… It doesn’t matter… I love you… I miss you so bad darling… so, so bad…”

Yoona knew what she was doing was dangerous. She and Gyuri have started to finally took control of the underground vampires. Gyuri warned her that seeing Yuri could mean easy detection from the officials, but like always she was willing to risk it.

“We’re going to be together now.”

Yuri promised before she kissed the lips of the girl she loves.



Yuri pulls away reluctantly from Yoona. The two has been tangled, literally, with each other for countless days and nights. But the two are like addicts, being away from each other is like committing suicide…

Yuri turns sideways and looks at her lover satisfyingly. Even after all these years, the fashion change, hairstyle and looks… she still has the same description for her… breathtaking.

She let out a soft groan as she felt Yoona’s fang softly pricking on her neck.

“You know I tasted everything. The blood of royalties, of saints and sinners, young and old… But you know what’s one taste that I can’t get enough of?”

Yoona pouts thoughtfully at Yuri’s question, but surrendered and finally shakes her head. Yuri leans closer and softly whispers her dirty answer.

It was enough to make Yoona blush madly and hit the other girl on the shoulder. Yuri’s laughs amusingly at Yoona’s reaction. Yuri misses this so badly, seeing Yoona’s blush and hearing her laugh.


“What? You made me!”

The quiet room was filled with laughter from both women.

“Let’s just stay like this.”

Yuri notice a Yoona’s lip curl into a small smile. She smiles back then got herself on top of her lover.

“Stay with me forever…”

“After all that I have done, it would be impossible for your family to do that. ” Yoona sadly confess.

“We don’t have to live with them. We could get away from everyone and start over again.”

Yuri looks intently at Yoona’s eyes. There was a certain need in her voice and Yoona knows it perfectly well, cause she feels the exact way. Yuri leans closer and whispers something to Yoona.

“I promise I will take care of you. I’ll protect you and I’ll give you anything you want.”

“The only one who I need protecting with is from you… and anything I want?”

Yoona asks teasingly, wrapping her finger in Yuri’s dark hair.


She pulls Yuri closer and lays her lips on Yuri’s hand.

“You… are everything that I want.”

No matter how demonic the world they belong to, in this room they could honestly say that they were selfless, selflessly in love.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

And the two drown themselves in more kisses…


Yuri is lying sideways in her plush bed, staring almost to the point of obsessing over the sleeping beauty beside her.

Yuri leans closer and brushes the hair out of her lover’s face to get a better look. But the inches apart weren’t close enough for her. It was rude to wake Yoona up after all that she put her through that night, but it’s like a sin not to touch her. Yuri had to have her. again.

Yuri is close to laying her lips on Yoona when her heightened sense made her aware of someone else’s presence. She turns to the balcony door and sees a shadow seemingly watching her and Yoona. Yuri lays her lip softly on Yoona before pulling away hesitantly.


“You need to give her up.”

Yuri without hesitation snarls at her leader. She steps forward ready to attack Taeyeon but Tiffany steps in before she could hurt Taeyeon.

“Yuwree please… Think about this.”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“Yuwree…” Tiffany says with such compassion. “We know Yoona did it because she’s a new vampire, but we can’t just let her go like this. It’s against everything we believe in.”

“NO!” Yuri snarls angrily…

The rest of the girls starts to back away as they see Yuri’s back heaving angrily. They know any instant now, one wrong word and Yuri could kill them in a heartbeat.

“Don't you understand? they’re going to kill her, and I can’t let them do that…” Yuri’s eyes starts to brim with tears.

“It’s something worse than that, Yul…”

Now Yuri’s face was filled with confusion.

“We… we have gathered reports and ummm… something is going on with Yoona.”

“What do you mean?”

“Why don’t you ask her?” Taeyeon finally stepped up “If you claimed that you know your lover as well as you do… Ask her about it.”

Tiffany steps between the two vampires who are ready to rip each other’s head’s off.

“We think that Yoona might be involved with what happen with Junho…”

Yuri looks at them appalled, Her Yoona, her sweet and gentle Yoona couldn’t be involved in this.

“No, no… you’re lying…”

“If you are so sure of that, why don’t you ask her yourself?” Taeyeon provoked Yuri.

“You think I give a damn? I will protect Yoona with everything I got. And if these officials starts chasing after us, I’ll just take care of it by myself.”


Tiffany says in compassion as she sees Yuri walking away.

“No Tiffany… I don’t want any of you involved in this. I’ll take care of Yoona, I’ll protect her. So leave now…”

Yuri snarls angrily before returning back, her family looking at her in defeat.


Yuri was desperate to erase every doubt she has. She knew that a voice in her is going to start gnawing at her until she finds out the truth.


Yuri walks over to the girl who sat up in bed.

“Yoong? I need you to be honest with me. What happened? I mean… How did you escape?”

“I… Why does it matter?”

“It doesn’t… it’s just…”

Yoona smiles sweetly and kisses Yuri on the forehead. Yoona’s hand skated between Yuri’s legs hoping to distract the girl, but Yuri was quick to still her hand.

“I’m asking you, what happened?”

“A lot of things happen, Yul… I don’t know if you could take it.”

“Is there something I need to know, Yoona?” Yuri continues to pry for answers.

Yoona didn’t realize that this will come this soon.

“Did you? Did you kill Junho?”

“What if I did? What would you think?”

Yuri didn’t know what startled her, the cold tone in Yoona’s voice, or Yoona’s confession.

“I don’t know…”

“It’s so easy for you, Yul, to see the right side of things but once you been through what I did… there is no other choice but to become as evil.”

“Yoong? I don’t understand…”

“The torture that Junsu and his men put me and the girls through. We thought we have nothing to lose, so one night we poisoned him and the men. They were alive, they could feel everything but the thing about that is, they couldn’t move. So, we slowly cut them, piece by piece, you should have seen the terror in their eyes, Yul… it was…. It was…”

Yuri felt like she fell of the edge as she saw the sinister smile playing in Yoona’s lips.

“It was… gratifying…”

Yuri’s eyes widened in fear as she finally saw the dark side that she never thought Yoona has.

“So, tell me Yuri… do you still love me now?”

“I do… but this has to stop, this isn’t you…”

“Yuri…” Yoona laughs at Yuri’s naivety “Don’t you understand? All this… All that I’m doing now, it’s for us my love…”

“I don’t understand…”

“After we killed Junho, we went to the business and we took over. Now, we have the power we never even dreamed of. Everything that I have is yours Yuri…”

“I don’t want any of this.”

“Why? You want more? Cause I could give you more… I could give you the whole world if you want.”

“I don’t want anything from you!” Yuri yelled out… “I don’t want this filth that you got from terrorizing people.”

“What do you want me to be, Yuri? Still be the same meek, helpless Yoona you met in the balcony? It’s different now my love… I’m so close to turning Junsu’s stuff to an empire. I finally see what I can become, don’t you see that Yuri?”

Yoona slowly explains hoping Yuri could understand.

“The “empire” that you’re running is hurting and killing too many innocent lives and for what? Yoong you’re already the most powerful out there… you don’t need to hurt anyone anymore.”

Yoona smiles, amused with either Yuri’s naivety or foolishness.

“Yoona… you’re so much better than this.”

“Yes I am… I could have the world in the palm of my hands, Yuri and you’re not going to pull me away from what I can become.”

“No! No! No!” Yuri cups Yoona’s cheeks, pleading to the other woman. “We don’t need this. Didn’t we promise? we will run away, we will forgot about this. We… We can be happy again, Yoong…”

“Yes we can, Yul! We can have the world, imagine what we can do together…”

“NO! NO! NO!” Yuri covers her ears refusing to hear the words coming from Yoona. “You don’t want this life, Yoong… it’s ed up! We can have a peaceful life, Yoong…”

“We drink people’s blood Yul, we will never have a peaceful life.”

Tortured… Yoona feels that as long as she lives she will always be a tortured soul. That it doesn’t matter how much kindness that she does, in the end, she will still end up in hell.

The moment she stop being human, she gave her humanity along with it.

“Love, don’t you know how many people want to bring me down? It’s not easy being on top, you have to be wary of everyone who wants to dethrone you…” Yoona moves closer to her. “and I’m starting to think you are one of them.”

Yuri finds herself battling every emotion, surprised, anger and worse… hurt. She should have known, Yoona isn’t the girl that she fell madly and deeply with. Right in front of her was a monster.

But here she was again, foolishly believing that beneath all this monstrosity is the girl that she loves. There was only one way to stop this and as hard for Yuri to do it, she was left with no choice.

“Stop! Stop calling me that!”

“Calling you what?”

“Love! You don’t have any right to! I don’t belong to you! You’re not the woman I love anymore… So, stay the hell away from me!”

Not the woman I love…

Not the woman I love…

Those words starts ringing in Yoona’s mind. Those words were still there echoing in Yoona’s head. Slowly building mistrust and a huge amount of doubt. She is far from the girl that Yuri have fell in love in that balcony.

And Yuri did say it, she was not the woman that she loves… So then, what was her reason? Why is she back?

“I meant my promise, I’m giving up what I am, my clan, just so we could be together. I need you to do this too…”

“Why Yuri? Are you just using so you and your pathetic family could bring me down?”

Yuri was usually the calm one but Yoona cross too many boundaries. Yuri didn’t even hesitate to lose everything she work hard for just to be with her but here was Yoona doubting her love.

Yoona swats Yuri’s hand away.

“I need you to choose Yoona… Us or them…”

“What if I choose them?”

“Then you will never see me again.”

Yoona scoffs and turns to Yuri…

“You said that before and you’re still here… what makes you think I would believe you?”

Yoona says almost emotionless like ice being poured to freeze Yuri’s beating heart.

How foolish was she to believe that this monster was the woman that she love?


Yoona looks out the window of her penthouse, gripping the edge of the window to keep herself from falling while hopelessly leaning her forehead against the glass…

“Yuri, where are you?” She whispers softly…


She immediately turned cold and turned angrily at the voice.


“It was false alarm with the attack yesterday. It was from another clan…”

“You piece of CRAP!!!! Why are you bothering me with this?”

Gyuri could felt herself shaking at the sight of anger in Yoona’s eyes. Yet she tries to remain firm… she wants Yoona that she can withstood anything, especially her.

“But Yuri did show up”

And immediately the cold expression from Yoona have softly melted… Gyuri hates how one mention of that ’s name can make someone as strong as Yoona so vulnerable.

“Where is she now?”

Yoona’s voice was soft, almost desperate, her face was more like an angel and Gyuri felt herself stunned.

“She left before we caught up to her.”

Yoona just stood there motionless.

“Take the girls and massacre the whole clan… except her… I’ll kill her myself.”


An old man was leading Gyuri to the back room of the antique shop. She was there for a good reason… The old man opens a safe and took out a box inside of it was a gun and Gyuri couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“This is it? it’s just a gun.”

“The bullet wounds won’t kill you but the pain is something you won’t even wish on your worst enemy.”

She takes the silver pistol up in the air and smiles.



Gyuri and her clan attack a human household and just as expected Yuri arrives to save the innocent lives.

Gyuri smiled as Yuri fell right into their trap.

“I know you’ll show up.”

Yuri smirk as Gyuri points a gun at her chest.

“A gun? That is sup- AAAAAHHHHHHHH”

She was kneeling in the ground, gripping her chest where the bullet hits. She have been shot before but the pain it’s excruciating. Next thing she knows she fells on the ground.


Yoona walks in her mansion, she raises her arms so her slaves could pull off her fur coat. She sees Gyuri smiling proudly and for once she smiled back.

“You got her?”

“See for yourself.”

Yoona is smiling as her hand is about to turn the knob. But all the color in her face disappears as she sees Yuri all tied up in the wall, coughing, struggling to live. She sees the gun beside her.

“The emperor.”

“We all thought it was a legend but here it is, the only thing that could kill a demon… the only thing that could kill Kwon Yuri…”

Yoona felt herself shuddering at Gyuri’s words.. Kill Kwon Yuri…

“You do the honors.”

Gyuri proudly hands the gun to Yoona. But Yoona just stares blankly at it.

“All of you out..”

Her voice was low and harsh and her clan couldn’t help but step back.


She snarled angrily and her minions all fled before they could feel her wrath. The moment they all left, she was standing there vulnerable, she Yuri’s face, wishing she could take away the pain.


She lays her forehead against hers which only got a scream of pain from Yuri. She was startled with Yuri reaction, every contact and touch was unbearable for Yuri.

She coughs heavily and blood starts coming out of .

“Kill me…”

Yoona couldn’t stomach what Yuri is telling her to do.

“Do it…” Yuri pleads before coughing up more blood. “You don’t give a anyway… just kill me Yoona… kill me now…”

Yoona didn’t care anymore… Yuri needs to know how much her body craves her. How every second without her was torture, how much she is madly and deeply in love with her. There was no words that could tell her how she felt, so Yoona expresses her love in the only way she knows how…

Burning, it felt like fire spreading all through her skin the moment Yoona laid her lips on her. She was close to screaming in pain but like everything Yoona does, she made it worth it. Yuri hated herself, Yoona shouldn’t affect her like this, she couldn’t let Yoona affect her anymore. But here she was, losing every sense to their kiss. The pain was excruciating but she would rather suffer than be away from Yoona for another second.



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Chapter 2: Buzzy airport coffee shop girl lmao
TrooperluvYY #2
I think i'll never get tired reading this story ..
Thanks for your amazing fanfiction ,KB!
Chapter 31: ok here I am again. lol

unnir will you be mad if I say this again? PLEASE STEAL THEIR PHONEEEEEEEEE! I want to see their pictures..... private pictures :(
and somehow I feel sad and happy and proud at the same time seeing both YoonYul shine on their own now, but I miss the group too.. their craziness when they're together, YoonYul's ers when they're about to have moments on stage or tv shows.. I miss them unnir :'(

now that I'm thinking of it, with Yoona's schedule which was back and forth from Korea and China and Yuri's variety show which demanded her to go abroad too, how much they missed each other during those days....
and more over Yoona's birthday is coming. when Yuri said a happy birthday in advance is heartbreaking somehow :((

"Oppadeuls over dongsaengs" lmao why I don't wonder when it comes from Hyo and Soo.... poor dongsaeng

ugh if only Yuri knew what's inside Yoona's mind..... it's been always her...... lol unnir I won't ask if you say your standard for a boyfriend is shot up high....
and Yoona's drool? lol I'm pretty sure Yuri didn't mind Xp

like what people say, there's white and there's black. here comes the heartbreak part T.T
but hey there's rainbow after the rain right?
hmmm now I'm thinking..... do you think they know if they have a lot of fans too? for being together I mean.
I know not all will accept them as how they are, but I'm still hoping that one day they will have their own happy ever after.
live in Melbourne or Japan with their little YoonYuls kekekeke

and I didn't expect that you would make Yuri made it to Yoona's birthday because she didn't in real life.
lol but that's the benefit of fanfic right? we can change it into something what we want.
and once again, we'll never know what Yuri gave to her for her birthday. yes I'm talking about real life..... if you understand what I mean XD

okay now it's done. thank you for filling our thirst of YoonYul with your updates unnir. see you in the next update!
Chapter 31: YES YOU ARE BACK ! THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING ! love itttttt ! miss yoonyul so much :')
august 8 ? that's next month ... can i wait that long to your update? lol hope i will survive and breath yoonyul at 8-8 ! thankyou so much !
Chapter 31: OMG YOU'RE BACK I HOPE YOU'RE BACK FOR GOOD I MISSED YOU I LOVED THIS ONE GAAHH and i'll patiently wait for your updates on the other fics i swear ;-;
Chapter 30: this is so darn amazing :( KB never fails to impress no matter which fic it is & i'm not disappointed a single bit. Always exceeds everyone's expectations /sobs/ But I think the rotation between Im Seobang & Kwon Seobang works just fine. Because Neon & Gemini makes Yuri look more like the Seobang & the other fics are Im Seobang. I think she can rotate it as always because some prefer Kwon Seobang and vice versa. Me, as a writer of Kwon Seobang, its refreshing to read Im Seobang but generally, i think she should rotate instead of sticking to Im Seobang. :) Some stories really frame the character and the two girls have different traits so...... :-)
kwonkeira143 #7
Chapter 30: //sobs// It's so beautiful!
peregrinestar #8
Chapter 30: Wahhh I love this authornim!! I noticed how some people mentioned on Kwon Seobang...but they also write Kwon Seobang so let's have the great KB stick to Im Seobang lol. I was hoping someone would write about their Halloween fan account! Now I hope you'll write about their instagram flirting (offline dates and Yoona wanting to be the one to visit Yuri first keke). This was so cute author!!! I'm so happy you're back! I have to read your YoonYul/WenRene story next!
Chapter 30: ah so this is the serious part you're talking about..
thinking of it sometimes makes me sad.. yes it's wrong but like you've said to me, we can't choose whom our heart like can we?
and what they have is actually beautiful.. who knows about someday right? only God knows..
and whatever they will have someday I wish they're still happily together ever after..
don't you agree with me unnir? kekekek

thank you again for this one shot! lol since you're like going to spam us, then I shall wait for another? hehehe
and congratulations! you just beat your laziness and got to walk under the clody lol
Chapter 30: unnir! lol sooooo this is why you asked me about their dream to be married or just satisfied with what they have? kekekeke

LMAO and there you go and big ears.. you're still not letting it go aren't you unnir?
Yuri is such a e.. I never thought Yoona can be jealous of that 2 legs mouse for Yuri's affection..
7 years? is it counted since the hello baby day? yoonyul private show of wgm..
and Katniss? sorry unnir but I'm so left behind with anything.. is it from the hunger games?

the magnetism of YoonYul kiss.. I can't blame them though.. hehehe
I love how YoonYul are when they're together.. who knows maybe that really happens when they're alone without any cameras surrounding them.. and for God's sake unnir! please steal their phone so we can see all the selcas (the ordinary selcas and *cough*cough* the extraordinary ones) they took!
or maybe we should kidnap Hani and Doe and offer an exchange over their phones... Xp
we should put a hidden camera in each of their bedroom..

AKJSDHKASJHDKAJSH omg the Im Romantic is back!! someday YoonYul.. I'll be waiting to that someday..
what will you do if that someday comes unnir? hmmm?

"A part of her was wanting Yuri now, a part of her wants to cover Yuri’s chest with something."
lol Yoona got to have great control of her wants and hey she has that ribbon above her head, maybe she could cover Yuri's chest with that ribbon.. lol
LMAO at "How do you even take this costume off?" control your hormone Im Yoona.. she already had that thought the moment she saw Yuri's chest.. hahahahhaha best one!

and I thought Yoona would say "watch where you're looking at" when she protected her girl lol
I love Yoona is so honest to Yuri.. lol talking about her s like its casual thing to talk about between them.. XD