Terminal Love

YoonYul Collections



The luggage didn’t even make it past the doorstep, but the owner of the bag didn’t do so well either, as she collapse face first into her mahogany leather couch…

“Don’t complain Yul… you ask for this.”

Yuri buries her head on the couch before turning towards her HDTV. She tries to reach out for the remote but realizes she has no strength to move or even keep her eyes open.

Yuri knows she has no right to complain about her life. She lives in the upscale part in the city and her place boast the finest electronics that could put best buy to shame. But nowadays, her “home” is practically like a motel, just a place where she could sleep. Her work constantly demands for her to travel all around the continent. This was the life she had dreamed of, jetting around the world, feeling important during board meetings. But lately, the glitz of the job didn’t seem worth it, as her body is taking the punishment for her work.

While people count sheep to fall asleep, Kwon Yuri is already snoozing before she could even think of counting.


“Have a safe trip.”

Yuri merely nods at the girl on the coffee shop before sipping on her French vanilla coffee. One sip is all she needs before she races back to her boarding gate.


Yuri tries to sleep during her plane rides but the girl sitting beside her has other plans…

“Hey… can I have your-”

Yuri put the bag of nuts in Sooyoung’s seat tray before the tall girl could even ask and interrupt her sleep.

“Thanks Yul… you know me too well.”

Sooyoung hums happily as she enjoys her second bag of peanuts.


“Coffee… must have coffee…”

Yuri was glad to finally be in solid grounds after jetting around the country for 48 hours to fix up someone else’s screwed up work. She was back home (the airport) and was in dire need of coffee.


The sight of the pretty girl with those adorable doe eyes jolted Yuri back to consciousness. It was one AM and the girl who sold her coffee yesterday was still there.

“Do you work here 24 hours?”

The girl chuckles softly… “No… I just took the late shift.”

“Oh…” Yuri looks at the overhead menu but before she could say what she wanted… the pretty girl broke her thought.

“Here… one French vanilla.”

“I didn’t…” Yuri could only smile as the girl set the warm coffee on the counter… “Thanks” Yuri started to open her wallet when…

“No…” The girl shakes her head cutely… “Don’t worry about it, it’s one of our privileges in here to get free coffee, but I could only drink too much before I get buzzy.”

Keke… Buzzy… this girl is just too cute… She would be a cute buzzy girl. Yuri smiles her thanks… She didn’t even take a step when she turns around.

“I’m Yuri…”

The girl lips spreads out into a beautiful grin before she points to her nametag

“I’m Yoona...”

Yuri nods before turning around…


Strange that even though her body was shutting off because of exhaustion, a smile from the doe eyed girl manages to keep Yuri awake.


Yuri and Sooyoung for once came earlier and instead of racing to their boarding gates, the two are walking leisurely around the airport while Jessica stayed behind to guard their luggage and sleep of course…

“Changi Airport, man…” Sooyoung lets out a low whistle as she stares in amazement “This place is even better than the mall we have back home… Yul?”

Sooyoung turns back and sees Yuri smiling as she looks at the display of souvenirs.

“What do you think I should get Soo, this one or this one?”

Sooyoung raise her brow, she blames Jessica when Yuri is starting to act, move and even look like a zombie. But the Yuri with her now, this girl who’s holding merlion stuff toys as huge as an infant child in each arm is different, not that she could complain cause this Yuri was definitely better.

But for someone who the company consults to solve multi million dollar problems, Kwon Yuri is sure clueless with gift giving.

“Or maybe I should get her both… Yes… that’s what I should do…” Yuri nods as she agrees with herself “I’ll just give her both.”

But before Yuri could purchase the giant stuff toys, Sooyoung pulls her back.

“Hold on a sec- Who are you giving it to?”

“Ummm… it’s ahhh” Sooyoung raises her brow again cause Yuri was blushing as she stammers to find an answer.

“Ok… fine… fine… if you don’t want to answer that, you don’t have to. But I will find out, you know that, right?”

“I do…”

“So, did you just meet this person or you know HER for quite some time?”

“I ahhh…ummm… I just met her.” Yuri confess nervously…

“You went out on a date or something and you didn’t tell me?”

“Well, she sells coffee in the airport back home and ummm… she gave me a free coffee.”

“Pffft… She was that cute, huh?”

“Super cute.” Yuri mumbles incoherently…

“Well… you don’t want to freak her out by giving her a huge, expensive gift. Instead, why don’t you give her this cute keychain?”

Sooyoung hands Yuri a cute little stuff merlion dangling from a keychain.

“It’s subtle yet thoughtful.”

“Subtle yet thoughtful.”

“That’s the mistake of some people, they think they could win over someone they just met with an expensive gift… Goes to show that some people are just impatient and just try to buy people off by giving expensive gifts so they could jump in the sack with them. You don’t want her to think that or you Kwon Yuri just want to get laid? Hmmm?”

“What? No.no.no.no.no” Kwon Yuri waves her hands nervously and Sooyoung can’t help but be amused at the sight of the poor girl blushing madly. “I just really think she’s cute.”

“Then, a keychain is okay for now and the more you get to know her, the more-”

“Expensive the gifts?”

“No… the more personal and expensive is really nice too… but there is nothing that could turn anybody on than someone who pays attention.”


“What on Earth was I thinking?”

The souvenir was in Yuri’s pocket and she grips the poor merlion as she nervously looks at Yoona who was happily chatting with the flirty male customer.

“I’ll just go to starbucks” Yuri said in defeat and turns around… How stupid can she be? The girl was probably just nice to her because she’s a customer. It was weird how she couldn’t even sleep a wink on the flight because of how nervous she was but as she sees Yoona with somebody else, the familiar feeling of exhaustion just starts tumbling back. Right now all she could think about is making it on her bed rather than collapsing in her couch.

But for now the seats on the airport terminal will do…



Yuri turns around and sees Yoona coming towards her.

“Sorry, the line took too long.”

“No, I was… yeah” What was she trying to say again?

“Here… I got you your coffee.”

Yoona smiles as she hands Yuri her coffee.

“Oh… shouldn’t you be back at the counter?” DERP… smooth move there, player Kwon.

“No, it’s my break.”

“oh, ummm…ok… yeah I ahhhh got you this.” Yuri fished in her pocket and hands the girl the souvenir. And with that smile that Yoona had, Yuri felt the life in her again.

Yoona pouts cutely as she tries to decipher what animal it was hanging on the keychain.

“Is it a lionfish?”

Yuri chuckles “close but no… it’s a merlion, a lion that’s a mermaid or a merman or something like that… it’s like the symbol of Singapore.”

“Thank you”

“No thank you, I feel I owe you since you gave me a free coffee.”

“Hmmm… maybe I should start giving you free coffee then.”

“So, ummm… the shops here are pretty nice… you… ummm…well… want to walk around? With me? of course… or if you don’t want to walk around with me, it’s ok too… I’ll just follow you… NO.. NO!” Yuri quickly waves her hands when she realizes she sounded like a stalker “I ummm… crap… it’s your break, so… you could…ummm…”

It was absurd how Kwon Yuri could make those important people all googly eyed in admiration when she’s talking in board meetings, but how talking to this one girl made her feel like an elementary school kid trying to talk to her crush.

Yuri didn’t even know what she was trying to say… other than she must have sounded like one, huge epic fail.

But it’s a good thing that the other girl found her mumbling quite adorable…

“Let’s walk… together…”


“So yeah that’s what I do, I ummm go to our different headquarters and they tell us problems with a product or something and we find a solution about it.”

“Sounds exciting.”

Though the two planned to walk around, they decided to just sit down after realizing the ridiculous prices that the airport shops have.

“I guess…” Yuri leans her head back, she didn’t want to sound ungrateful but sometimes she feels like she hated her job. “but it gets tiring and you could only eat too much airplane and hotel food. God… What I would give for a homecook meal…” Yuri’s mouth water at the thought…

Yoona smiles sweetly… “So, do you get to meet a lot of people?”

“Oh yes… most of them I forget the second I turn around, some of them I’ll remember til the day I die.”

Yuri was talking about those demonic clients who give her, Soo and Jessica a heart attack, while Yoona thought Yuri was talking about hot, pretty girls. Yoona couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought, even though she knew she have no right to be. Yuri was a very attractive girl, there must be tons of girls and guys constantly throwing themselves at her.

“So, you meet a lot of people too, huh?” Yuri broke the silence.

“I do… same as you, some I forget, some I remember and someone I hope could just stay close to me forever.”

If Yuri only knew who Yoona’s someone is…

“Ummm…Oh crap” Yuri says as she sees the time on her watch “I guess you have to go back to work.”

“Yeah…I should.” an hour ago but Yoona didn’t want to be anywhere else right now…

“Ok, ummm… I’m sorry… but it was really nice to talk to you.”

“You too…”


Yuri have wanted so bad to ask Yoona on a date outside the four massive walls of the airport terminals. But it seems like they could never find the time to talk face to face longer than ten minutes. It’s either Yoona needs to serve some grumbling passenger their coffee or Yuri is about to get late for a flight.

What they lack in personal time they make up with frequent phone calls and texts and while people woo each other with chocolates and flowers, Yuri makes up with different delicacies (since Yoona was a good eater) from the different places she goes too and of course a little souvenir that goes along with it.



Yuri could put the flash to shame as she zigzags her way to the airport. It was one of those days where everything just wouldn’t go right; she woke up late, got caught in traffic and the girl in front of her in security check insist that her bottled water is really just plain water and Yuri have to step in, yank that damn water and promise the girl that she’ll just get her one.

Every second counts but the moment she pass by the coffeeshop, she let her seconds go to waste. Yoona was busy making someone their coffee to notice her. But for Yuri just the sight of Yoona was enough.



Yuri sees Yoona running towards her carrying a paper bag. Yoona smile tirelessly, trying to catch her breath before handing out the paper bag. Before Yuri could find out what was inside the bag, everything inside of her just froze as she felt Yoona’s soft lips on her cheek.

“Have a safe trip.”

Yuri sees Yoona’s cheek blushing madly before the girl runs back…

“Screw the flight.”

Yuri runs to Yoona and before Yoona’s mind could register on what was happening, Yuri plants a soft, sweet kiss on her lips.

“Wait for me” Yuri whispers as she leans her forehead against hers. “Well, not literally but… you know”.

Yoona returns the kiss with an equally sweet one… “You know I will…Now go, you’ll miss your flight”

“I’ll miss you…” Yuri shyly confesses “no one can make French vanilla coffee like you.”

Yoona smile “no one can make me miss someone, as much as I miss you…”

They lock lips again, this time longer and more passionate before they reluctantly pull away…

And the very second that Yuri was apart from Yoona, she instantly missed her.


Jessica immediately removes her eyemask at the sound of someone “humming”. Though the girls are executives and have their own first class hotel rooms. The three were so close that they would share a room together. Like they would say this is the closest thing they got to a relationship.

“Kwon Yuri you know you’re not supposed to accept packages from strangers.” Sooyoung says in a reprimanding tone. “What if it’s a bomb? We could blow up in the air because you were trying to get it on with airport coffeeshop girl.”

Yuri ignores the ranting of the tall girl and smiles happily at the homecook meal that Yoona had made for her. Then, a fork swooped in and before she could react Sooyoung already took a bite of HER food.


“WHAT?! I’m doing this for you… what if there’s poison on it?”

Sica rolls her eyes at the two, the tall girls might be important executives but that didn’t mean they’re mature.

“I’m glad at least one of us has a relationship.”

Yuri can’t help to get the words get to her. She barely had time to sleep, how on Earth was she going to make it work?


“Can’t sleep?”

Yuri almost stumbled off the balcony to see such a rare sight, Sica awake…

“ummm yeah, you’re awake?”

“I needed to go to the bathroom”

Jessica leans over the railings and admire the cityscape around her. The four star hotels, the spectacular view, they both know that they won’t be able to have it if it wasn’t for their job.

“Pretty good life we have here, huh Yul?”

“Yeah… I guess.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing.” Yuri lied.

And Jessica saw through it right away… “Liar.”

“You know I always thought this was enough, the glamor of the job, the things that I could afford…. Then, I ummm… I met someone.”

“Airport coffeeshop girl?”

“Ummm she got a name… And I realize, I was happy with the wrong things. It’s weird what this girl that I just met could make me happy at the simplest things. But I don’t even know if I could… you know… make her feel as amazing as she makes me feel. And to think with our job… we barely even have time to-”

“Stop with the excuses…” Jessica stops Yuri’s worried mumbling…


“You know some people no matter how tired they were, they stay up a second more just to see and talk to the one they love, they put down their prides just to fix a fight, they don’t try to change the other person, instead they change themselves just to make someone else happy.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I don’t know if you notice it, but me and Soo did… and Yuri, these past weeks you just change. You would just smile out of nowhere and then you buy these little souvenirs everywhere we go.”

“It’s a good thing, right?”

“Yeah… Whoever says being in a relationship is easy has never been in one. Cause relationships, they make you happy, make you cry, and sometimes make you go homicidal… But it’s up to you, is she worth the effort?”

Yuri didn’t have to say anything the smile on her face answered Jessica’s question.

“You’ll be alright, Yul.”

Jessica ruffles her hair before going back in…


There’s a reason why Yoona sleeps beside her cellphone these days… Yoona was usually a sound sleeper that her mom would even joke that someone could bomb the house next door and Yoona would still be asleep.

But not these days, just the feel of her phone vibrating or the blink of the green light from her phone can wake Yoona up.

And tonight was no different…

“Hello?” Yoona tries to rub the sleepiness from her eyes.

“Hi… did I wake you?”

After hearing that husky voice, the thought of sleeping quickly fades.

“No… you didn’t… How was the meeting?”

And they didn’t know what happen, the topic of meetings turned into the topic of vegetables then they talked about what’s happening on the latest episode of this Korean drama, until they realize they spend the whole night just talking.

“Eyyy… it’s 3 am… you still have classes tomorrow… I mean today.” Yuri reprimands the young girl.

“I will… What time is your flight coming?”

“Around 8 pm tomorrow night.”

“Oh.” Yoona says disappointingly “My shift is from 2-6”

“Oh” Yuri was just as disappointed “It’s okay” It wasn’t… “I’ll just call you.”

“Okay” It still wasn’t… “Good night Yul…”

“Night Yoong”



“Sweet dreams” Now Yoona was just saying things to keep Yuri on the phone longer.

“You too…”

“I love you”


End Call.

Yoona buries her head in her pillow to muffle her shriek. She didn’t know what came up to her, she’s been wanting to say it but she was too scared that Yuri might freaked out. And the sound of Yuri’s voice kinda confirmed it… What if Yuri didn’t feel the same way?


Usually Yoona feels so excited when she sees Yuri’s name on her phone. But now that the other girl is calling her this very second, Yoona don’t know what she’s going to do. But she just can’t ignore Yuri…


“I love you too…”

It was 3 am and half the world is probably dead asleep but Yoona think that she will never sleep, not when her reality is so much better than her dream.


Yuri steps out of the gate to the sight of the prettiest girl alive.


Before Yuri could say anything, Yoona already wrap her arms around Yuri and Yuri closes her eyes as she lingers in Yoona’s kiss.

“I miss you…”

Yoona hands her a long stem rose. Yuri smiles amusingly at it and the innocent Yoona feared that Yuri might think it was childish.

“I know cheesy…” Yoona blushes embarrassingly.

“I love it. And I love you.” Yuri kisses the other girl “I thought you only work until 6”

“I did. But I have been waiting to see you for three days, what’s another two hours?”

And Yuri kisses Yoona again and felt like she needs to tell Yoona something “Yoona you know my job, I’m constantly traveling. I won’t be around you as much as I would want to. And if I’m here I’ll probably be tired, but I’ll try to make time for you-”

“Hey… hey…” Yoona kisses away Yuri’s worries… “Just let me take care of you, that’s all I ask…”

Yuri kisses Yoona on the forehead before they walk away with their fingers intertwined.


“I THOUGHT YOU ARE COMING HOME?!” Yoona screams at the other line.

“Well, I thought so too… but things happen Yoong…” Yuri was always the calmer one.

“But still…”

“I know baby…”

Their time apart and distance were just two of the things that they always argue about. And though it was probably much more easier if they just find someone who’s lifestyle matches theirs, they both knew that they would rather deal with all the crap and stuff than be with someone else. Because at the end of it all every tear, every laughter and everything else in this world only meant something when they're together.


The luggage ended up in the doorstep as Yuri threw it there. She was dead tired and ready to go to sleep.


“What the?!” Yuri almost stumbles to the floor as her buzzy girlfriend jumps on her…

“So, what did you get for me?” Yoona nuzzles on her hair…

“Ummm… just me… this is best souvenir you can get.”

Yoona frowns cutely “You know I just date you for the souvenirs, right?”

Yuri could only laugh until Yoona started tackling her to the floor. Yoona was really a buzzy girl with or without coffee, who always welcome her from a trip with a wrestling match. When she isn’t tired, she fights back but nights like now, she just let Yoona do whatever she wants to do.

“Let’s go to sleep.” she whispers as Yoona caught her in a headlock.


Yuri knows she would probably have to stay up a few hours more than what her body could handle, that she might even have some bruises from the girl with superhero strength, but at the end of it all; Even when she is dead tired and her mind is screaming for her to sleep, everything just seems worth it, cause this girl right here is worth every effort.

Yuri smiles then tackles Yoona to the couch. Yoona blushes immediately she knows what those naughty looks on her lover’s eyes meant, she embarrassingly look away because honestly, Yoona felt it too…

“I miss you” And Yuri kisses the younger girl fervently, passionately, tasting the girl that she had missed for days.

And with the way Yoona was kissing her back and impatiently pulling her out of her clothes, Yuri don’t think she’ll get any sleep tonight.

But who needs to sleep and dream, when your reality is so much better?


Yoona craned her neck sideways at the sight of the tall raven haired beauty dragging her luggage towards her.

“Hi…” Yoona smiles sweetly at her gorgeous customer


“How was your trip?”

“Tiring but I’m okay now…” Yuri smiles back sweetly “Can I get some coffee?”

“Well, I’m about to go home soon… I’ll just make you something when we get home”

“Yeah… I just need something to settle me down”

“Okay…” Yoona turns around and starts making Yuri’s favorite coffee, when she was done she turns to give Yuri something to wake her up. “Here”

Yoona pushes Yuri’s coffee across the counter while Yuri pushes something back to her.

“Baby, you don’t have to”

“I want to…”

Yoona smiles slyly and puts her hand on Yuri’s hand that is cupped on the counter. Yoona's eyes widened as she sees what Yuri was hiding underneath her palm because it wasn't just a pay for coffee, it's something more, something so much more.

Yoona presses her forehead against Yuri's as Yuri slips the ring on Yoona's finger.

"I know I travel too much but you don't know how happy I am to the thought of coming home to you, but it will make me the happiest girl in the world if I could tell people that I'm coming home to my wife."

Yoona presses a soft kiss on her future wife's sweet lips.

"So, will you marry me? Buzzy airport coffeeshop girl?"

They chuckle before they kiss again.

"I wouldn't wish for anyone else." Yoona whispers as she and her future wife kisses once more before she had to make coffee again.





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Chapter 2: Buzzy airport coffee shop girl lmao
TrooperluvYY #2
I think i'll never get tired reading this story ..
Thanks for your amazing fanfiction ,KB!
Chapter 31: ok here I am again. lol

unnir will you be mad if I say this again? PLEASE STEAL THEIR PHONEEEEEEEEE! I want to see their pictures..... private pictures :(
and somehow I feel sad and happy and proud at the same time seeing both YoonYul shine on their own now, but I miss the group too.. their craziness when they're together, YoonYul's ers when they're about to have moments on stage or tv shows.. I miss them unnir :'(

now that I'm thinking of it, with Yoona's schedule which was back and forth from Korea and China and Yuri's variety show which demanded her to go abroad too, how much they missed each other during those days....
and more over Yoona's birthday is coming. when Yuri said a happy birthday in advance is heartbreaking somehow :((

"Oppadeuls over dongsaengs" lmao why I don't wonder when it comes from Hyo and Soo.... poor dongsaeng

ugh if only Yuri knew what's inside Yoona's mind..... it's been always her...... lol unnir I won't ask if you say your standard for a boyfriend is shot up high....
and Yoona's drool? lol I'm pretty sure Yuri didn't mind Xp

like what people say, there's white and there's black. here comes the heartbreak part T.T
but hey there's rainbow after the rain right?
hmmm now I'm thinking..... do you think they know if they have a lot of fans too? for being together I mean.
I know not all will accept them as how they are, but I'm still hoping that one day they will have their own happy ever after.
live in Melbourne or Japan with their little YoonYuls kekekeke

and I didn't expect that you would make Yuri made it to Yoona's birthday because she didn't in real life.
lol but that's the benefit of fanfic right? we can change it into something what we want.
and once again, we'll never know what Yuri gave to her for her birthday. yes I'm talking about real life..... if you understand what I mean XD

okay now it's done. thank you for filling our thirst of YoonYul with your updates unnir. see you in the next update!
Chapter 31: YES YOU ARE BACK ! THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING ! love itttttt ! miss yoonyul so much :')
august 8 ? that's next month ... can i wait that long to your update? lol hope i will survive and breath yoonyul at 8-8 ! thankyou so much !
Chapter 31: OMG YOU'RE BACK I HOPE YOU'RE BACK FOR GOOD I MISSED YOU I LOVED THIS ONE GAAHH and i'll patiently wait for your updates on the other fics i swear ;-;
Chapter 30: this is so darn amazing :( KB never fails to impress no matter which fic it is & i'm not disappointed a single bit. Always exceeds everyone's expectations /sobs/ But I think the rotation between Im Seobang & Kwon Seobang works just fine. Because Neon & Gemini makes Yuri look more like the Seobang & the other fics are Im Seobang. I think she can rotate it as always because some prefer Kwon Seobang and vice versa. Me, as a writer of Kwon Seobang, its refreshing to read Im Seobang but generally, i think she should rotate instead of sticking to Im Seobang. :) Some stories really frame the character and the two girls have different traits so...... :-)
kwonkeira143 #7
Chapter 30: //sobs// It's so beautiful!
peregrinestar #8
Chapter 30: Wahhh I love this authornim!! I noticed how some people mentioned on Kwon Seobang...but they also write Kwon Seobang so let's have the great KB stick to Im Seobang lol. I was hoping someone would write about their Halloween fan account! Now I hope you'll write about their instagram flirting (offline dates and Yoona wanting to be the one to visit Yuri first keke). This was so cute author!!! I'm so happy you're back! I have to read your YoonYul/WenRene story next!
Chapter 30: ah so this is the serious part you're talking about..
thinking of it sometimes makes me sad.. yes it's wrong but like you've said to me, we can't choose whom our heart like can we?
and what they have is actually beautiful.. who knows about someday right? only God knows..
and whatever they will have someday I wish they're still happily together ever after..
don't you agree with me unnir? kekekek

thank you again for this one shot! lol since you're like going to spam us, then I shall wait for another? hehehe
and congratulations! you just beat your laziness and got to walk under the clody lol
Chapter 30: unnir! lol sooooo this is why you asked me about their dream to be married or just satisfied with what they have? kekekeke

LMAO and there you go and big ears.. you're still not letting it go aren't you unnir?
Yuri is such a e.. I never thought Yoona can be jealous of that 2 legs mouse for Yuri's affection..
7 years? is it counted since the hello baby day? yoonyul private show of wgm..
and Katniss? sorry unnir but I'm so left behind with anything.. is it from the hunger games?

the magnetism of YoonYul kiss.. I can't blame them though.. hehehe
I love how YoonYul are when they're together.. who knows maybe that really happens when they're alone without any cameras surrounding them.. and for God's sake unnir! please steal their phone so we can see all the selcas (the ordinary selcas and *cough*cough* the extraordinary ones) they took!
or maybe we should kidnap Hani and Doe and offer an exchange over their phones... Xp
we should put a hidden camera in each of their bedroom..

AKJSDHKASJHDKAJSH omg the Im Romantic is back!! someday YoonYul.. I'll be waiting to that someday..
what will you do if that someday comes unnir? hmmm?

"A part of her was wanting Yuri now, a part of her wants to cover Yuri’s chest with something."
lol Yoona got to have great control of her wants and hey she has that ribbon above her head, maybe she could cover Yuri's chest with that ribbon.. lol
LMAO at "How do you even take this costume off?" control your hormone Im Yoona.. she already had that thought the moment she saw Yuri's chest.. hahahahhaha best one!

and I thought Yoona would say "watch where you're looking at" when she protected her girl lol
I love Yoona is so honest to Yuri.. lol talking about her s like its casual thing to talk about between them.. XD