Nocturne part 1

YoonYul Collections


A/N: I'm warning you that this is the one and only tragic story that KB ever made. So prepare your heart for this story. This is a vampire YoonYul story and this has a complicated timeline. This has backwards timeline, so you will read the ending first, then the next 3 chapters will have YoonYul's past. I hope you won't get confused when you read it.



“If you really think about it, do you think there are things such as a good vampire?"

The poor girl trembles as the Goddess circles around her, like an eagle about to devour her prey.

“There is no such thing as a good vampire. Cause at the end of it all, we still kill to survive. So, in reality, there is only bad vampires and those pretending to be good.”

Her dark, hypnotizing eyes glint of evil as she eyed her prey… shaking, crying, begging God for a miracle to save her from this beautiful creature. The dark angel leans closer and runs her tongue on the neck of her hapless victim.

“Guess what kind I am?” Her lips curled in a smile. But before she could sink her teeth on the poor girl, the door burst open.


The sight of Yoona’s fangs made her minion stumble back in fear.

“What did I say about interrupting me during meal time?”

The minion bows down in fear and apology. “I’m sorry but the nomads, they’re getting out of control.”

“Tell Gyuri to handle it”

“She did but she… well…”

Yoona takes careful steps towards the shaking girl. “Let me guess… she couldn’t?”

The girl nod embarrassingly.

“Guard my dinner.”


Gyuri pulls the doe eyed beauty to the corner. As the nomads starts circling the warehouse ready to kill whoever doesn’t agree to their demands.

“They’re going nuts, Gyuri.”

“You think I can’t see that?” Gyuri growls at the girl, Hara was a beauty even before she was a vampire. But Gyuri assume that it wasn’t just Hara’s heart that stop working when she turned into a vampire, her brain must have malfunctioned too.

“Come out, come out wherever you are.” The husky tone of the nomad’s leader says teasingly. He and around twenty of his people are running around the warehouse.

“What is going on here?”

Everyone turns towards the door and Hara jumps up excitedly at the sight of her gorgeous leader before Gyuri pulls her back down.

It was lust at first sight the moment Taec laid eyes on the doe eyed Goddess. This woman isn’t just some leader of a vampire clan. Powerful CEO’s of three of the largest companies in the country were just mere puppets to her. Every move is being watch by her people and one false move could result to punishment worse than death. Defeating Yoona means taking over the power and it’s time for a man to handle the job.

Taec might be what those disgusting humans call handsome, but Yoona wasn’t interested in anybody else except for a raven haired beauty.

“I’m glad to finally put a face to that powerful name, Yoona.” Taec his lips as if he was ready to savoring to taste her.

But Yoona remained quiet just staring at the guy eyeing lustfully at her. “We had an agreement.”

“I know… But we decided that we wanted more.”

“A deal is a deal. ”

Taec laughs at the stoic girl. “Such a shame, we could have made a great partnership if you weren’t such a greedy B!tch.” Taec circles the girl “I will have so much fun with your body after I’m done with you.”

Taec thought he got her, he should have got her but before he even have the time to think of attacking her, he already felt her fingernails digging into his neck.

“So fuking cocky...”

The nomads starts taking steps backwards as they saw their leader struggling.... Taecyeon was the strongest of them all but how could he just falter like that? And in front of a woman too?

“I would have kill you now but I have a hobby of watching ba$tards die a slow, painful death.”

Everybody wince when they heard Taec’s skull crack on the asphalt. Taec groans, trying to get up but he screams in pain as he felt something sharp stabbing his chest. He looks up and saw the cold eyes of Yoona boring at him. When he stares at his chest he closes his eyes shut as Yoona’s stiletto dig deep inside him.

Everyone watches in horror but amazement as Yoona grabs Taec by his hair and yanks him off the ground. His people taking careful steps backwards as they saw their lifeless leader being shaken like a rag doll by this woman. When they thought she was done that’s when they were all wrong cause Yoona without any emotion rips Taec’s head of his body, she drops the head on the ground and kicks it towards the nomads.

“Who’s next?”


This was what Taeyeon fears the most, when everything is quiet… just too quiet… It was quiet…

“Unnie I’m scared.”

Seohyun, their maknae and the newest member of their clan whimpers. Hyoyeon looks straight at the young girl’s innocent eyes.

“it’s all in the growl baby, when you want to scare the Sheyt out of them, just show them those pearly white fangs.”

Seohyun nods obediently and practiced growling but she sounds more like a puppy whimpering. Taeyeon throws masks at the girls.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

The eerie sound of the dead body landing on the hood of their car, followed by a loud shriek from Seohyun broke the quiet.

“Ah crap”

The girls look up at the buildings as figures starts to slither out of the darkness, eyeing them like their next preys.

“For once Soo you’re right… oh crap”

Then, a dark flash went down from the sky, stunning the girls, soon four more figures falls down. The dark figures stands up revealing four beautiful girls.

“You see those?” Gyuri points to the shadows hovering over them.

“ One snap of my finger and all of them would ravage you to pieces. So, if I were you. you girls should tell us where Yuri is”

The girls look at each other in amusement and starts clapping.

“Wow… talk about a choreograph entrance, you girls ever thought of being a girlband or something?”

“Really?” Hara asks innocently before Gyuri pushes her away.

“Shut up! Where is she?”

She asks the three girls.

“If your clan is as strong as you make people believe then you won’t have a problem finding her.” Taeyeon says so casually…

“I guess we're going to do it the hard way.”

“Stay in the car” Taeyeon commands

“What?! and be like canned meat for these a-holes! Hell no! we're gonna go fight…”

The figures starts falling and surrounding their car and the four girls watch helplessly as their trap inside their vehicle.

“Ok, I think you’re right, Tae. Let’s just stay here and get ready for our deaths.”

Soon, someone rips the car door open and the girls got dragged out of the car.

“Good thing I have insurance for that” Taeyeon looks…


Hyoyeon pushes Seohyun out of the car…


“B- but.” Seohyun looks in hesitation…

“RUN… WHILE WE DISTRACT THEM!” Sooyoung screams back…

Seohyun hesitated but starts running out of the alley.

“After her…” Gyuri commands one of the girls and starts chasing Seo.

Gyuri then grabs Sooyoung by the neck.

“Wow Gyul… you got stronger… have you been working out?” Sooyoung jokes through her bloody lip and swollen eye. Gyuri scoffs before shutting Sooyoung up with her fist.


Seohyun could feel the shadows gaining at her. But the sounds of someone else's footsteps faster than most disturbed Seo. At the sound of deathly shrieks and bodies falling, Seo couldn’t help but turned around. Someone grabs her and drags her to the alley, but before she could shriek, a hand in muffled her.


Seohyun looks up and sees Yuri calming her down.

“Kwon Yuri?”

Yuri protectively steps in front of Seo as one of Yoona's minions is staring at them in delight.

“Take my car… I’ll take care of this.” Yuri motions to Seo.

The girl’s lip curve into a devious grin at the thought of being the first to catch Kwon Yuri, her boss would be so proud.

“Yuri? oooohhhh… I wonder what the boss is going to give me for catching you...”

The girl claps gleefully. But before she could celebrate, Yuri pinned her to the wall, her hand wringed around the poor girl’s neck. The once happy girl was now reduced to horror as she could feel Yuri’s eyes on her.

“P-please… Yuri… please…” The once happy girl was now trembling in fear. “I didn’t want to do this but Yoona-shi… she wants you, she wants you dead.”

“Well… tell her to get me herself instead of sending cowards like you.” Yuri the nice vampire that she is, ended the girl’s misery quick and killed the girl right then and there. “On second thought, I’ll just tell her myself.”

The girl lifelessly fell to the ground.


Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon starts backing off to each other. Their situation was getting hopeless, Yoona’s clan was always known to be the strongest and to add to the fact that the nomads have combined forces with them make them impossible to even survive.

“Oh, I guess this is it, dude?”

“Nice knowing you”

“Ok, my turn”

Everyone turns to the sound of the husky voice. And there she was stepping out of the shadows, right into the light for everyone to see, the cause of all this chaos. Kwon Yuri.

“Hey! What took you so long?”, Sooyoung screams at Yuri…

“Sorry… traffic…”

Gyuri realizing that she has no need for the tall girl quickly drops Sooyoung to the ground, then walks over to Yuri.

“Took you long enough...”

Gyuri smiles slyly, Yuri was still as stunning as ever, it’s no wonder that after 16 years Yoona was still desperate to have the girl. Yuri points a finger at Gyuri, then with a devious smile, motioned Yoona’s right hand woman closer.

“Come and get me.”

And before Gyuri could react, Yuri already flew up to the roof…


And the chase is on…

“All of you take them! I’ll handle her myself!”

The three girls gives each other the look and punches the still stunned enemies who still look dazed on what had just happened. They immediately woke up when a red car screech in the alley and saw their enemies jump in…

“Buh- bye” Hyo blows a kiss before they drove off.

And Yoona’s clan couldn’t do anything but look at the car speed away…

“We are so dead” Nicole said

“Aren’t we already dead?” Hara asks confusedly…


Gyuri was swift enough to have caught on with Yuri and ends up pummeling both of them in the rooftop. Both skids on the ground because of the force of the impact. Yuri’s back landed on the wall but she was able to kick Gyuri in the guts off the building. Yuri jumps down the building and met Gyuri’s face with a punch, both girls try to evade and attack each other. The car alarm starts blaring when the two crashes into its roof.

“We’ll finish this later”

Yuri says before snapping her finger, and Gyuri was left stunned when she was left by herself as if there was no sign of the raven haired beauty.



Yoona runs her finger around the brim of her wine glass as she waited in her sprawling mansion for her girls. Her clan scouring the city for Yuri again…


Yoona scoffs to herself, it’s been 16 years and the hunt is still on. She tortured and created those mindless girls to become part of her strong clan. And she finds it so pathetic how they couldn’t even catch one girl. That’s why she lured those barbaric nomads to her side, thinking that maybe she could finally capture Yuri with the use of manpower.

“Why are you making it so difficult my love? Don’t you want us to be together?”

If she had Yuri with her, her afterlife would go on smoothly. But what worse is that, Yuri chose to protect humans rather than be with her. While Yoona aches for them to be together again, Yuri chose to disappear from her.

Yoona angrily flings her wine glass across the room, shattering the expensive crystal in pieces.


“Yoona, we're leaving sweetheart.”


Yoona is too engrossed with her book that she didn't even think of an intelligible response to her mother. Unlike her parents who are a staple in the social circle, she chooses to stay at home and spend her time reading. She has a life that most girls dream of, she’s stunning, born in a privileged political family, send to an exclusive international school and wooed by eligible bachelors.

Yoona didn’t mind being left at home and actually preferred it that way. She never felt comfortable with the attention. Most of the time all these men do is brag about their accomplishments and try to buy her affections with things she could afford herself.

But there was something quite eerie about tonight. The airs feels colder and the stars aren’t too plenty but what’s strange is that she has this haunting feeling as if someone is watching her.

Then, out of the darkness she saw someone stepping out of the shadows. A girl about the same age as her, dark raven haired, tanned skin, and a beauty that she thought only existed in story books. That was how beautiful Yuri is… Yoona steps back in fea, unsure if the girl was there for a good reason. But the girl’s smile was enough to reassure her.

“Don’t go… here.”

She hands Yoona a book before plopping lazily on the rocking chair.

“Come read this to me.”

The raven haired girl commands her. Yoona stares at the book and leans across the railing, across from the girl.

“No… come here...”

She patted the spot next to her and those red lips playing a mischievous smile. Yoona hesitated but next thing she knows, the girl pulled her over and she was right there sitting beside her.

“I’m Kwon Yuri”

“Im Yoona”

“So, tell me, Im Yoona… why do you like books so much?

Yoona raised her head to look at Yuri. How on Earth would a stranger know that? “How would you know that?”

Yuri pouts thoughtfully before grinning goofily. “I have magic powers”

And Yoona didn’t know why in the few minutes that she knew the girl, she felt a certain kind of comfort with her. “Or you’re a stalker?”

“A stalker with magic powers” Yuri smiles goofily making Yoona laugh harder. “So, tell me, Yoona… why do you like books?”

“Ummm… it takes me to this world… I tend to imagine a lot and...”

It takes a lot to make Kwon Yuri shiver but one look at Yoona’s blushing face and Yuri was down on her knees.

“Books are my way to take me there” Yoona continues…

“This is a good book.”

Yuri smirks proudly, Yoona skim through the pages then starts reading. When it got too silent, Yoona turned and wondered if Yuri fell asleep on her. And Yoona didn’t know how long she was staring at the other girl, her skin looks like porcelain, the moon illuminate her dark hair, her long lashes and those red full lips. Yoona didn’t even realize she stop reading until she yelp at the feel of the icy hand patting her hand.

“Keep reading” She commands

Yoona smiled and followed. Yoona couldn’t remember what the book was or what it was about. The only thing she remember was the girl sitting beside her… and that feeling… that feeling that have only gotten stronger.

Yuri visited often after that… every week another book…

“Don’t you know how to read?” Yoona asks as she closes the latest book that she red to Yuri.

“I don’t like it if it doesn’t have pictures.”

“Keke… you want me to draw it?”

“I saw your paintings, I thought a 5 year old did it.”

Yoona rolls her eyes. “So cocky, as if you could do any better.”

Yuri gasps in mock horror. “You dare mock the amazing artistic talents of Kwon Yuri?”

Yoona gasps back in mocking fear “Oh no! please… don’t hurt me.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Yuri steps closer and Yoona’s eyes stares back on Yuri’s dark brown eyes before darting into those red lips. But the serious moment quickly dissolved as Yuri tickles Yoona.

“Tell me I’m amazing!”

“You want me to lie?” Yoona says between her laughter.

“Why you?!”

The laughter of the two girls have created a melodious atmosphere on that cold, starry night.

“Ok, ok.. I give up… you’re amazing.”

Yuri smiles triumphantly and Yoona wipes her tears away from laughing too much. But her whole body froze, as she felt Yuri laying her head on her shoulders.

“I just like to hear your voice…”

Yoona spun her head at Yuri. The mischievous smile wasn't there anymore, instead it was replace by the look that only the two of them could understand.

“You don’t know the world where I belong to. It’s messed up and damaged but when I hear your voice or even just think of you. You made me feel like I’ll be alright, you take me to your world and there is nothing else I want to do but stay there. But it’s not just your voice, Yoona… It’s you, I know how close we are physically but I always feel like it’s never enough… and when were apart, I start missing you. I can never have enough of you, I need to have you…”

Yoona pulls away… uncertain of how to react to Yuri’s words… She have heard every confession from every boy and some girls but none of them seem to have touch her as much as Yuri’s…

“Then… I’m yours...”

Yoona says softly, she closes her eyes and Yuri stares at those lips. Those lips that she’s been dreaming of kissing for a long time, She kisses them softly, hesitantly until she felt Yoona kissing her back.


Yoona’s POV

I came from a conservative, politician clan and I know what I was doing was enough to burn our whole family reputation to the ground. I step into the boundary that no one dares to accept, I’m a girl in love with another girl. Yet, I did not care, I know who I was suppose to be with and it’s not any of these men that my family wants me to marry.

Love is a force of nature, it does not see any boundaries or scared of any consequences. I was blindly following my heart and it led me to Yuri. Almost every night there would be a party where my family is invited to go. And every night, she would come into my room. Her kisses and touches was addictive, we made passionate love almost every night. But all my happiness cease to an end, when I got married…

My parents knew that I didn’t love Nichkhun. He came from one of the most elite political family in the country and for my parents that sums up their requirement for a son in law. Our marriage was more for a political gain than a personal one. The merger of our family was a news story for all the newspapers and television shows. Everyone watched our wedding yet i couldn’t even look at our wedding photos. I never knew I was capable of it but I have never felt so much hatred towards my family, towards Khun.

The man I married was a useless b@stard who comes home drunk or sometimes doesn't even come home at all. I haven’t seen Yuri for a couple of months. She must have hated me so much and every night I would lay there all alone, thinking about her. I constantly think of ending my life. I don’t feel like it was worth anything if I was to live without her.

But one night, I didn’t know if my mind was playing tricks on me but I saw her shadow on my balcony. I didn’t even want to check it and see, fearing the disappointment would do nothing but kill me. But there she was, standing at the foot of my bed, still beautiful as ever, my girl came back to me.

Before I could asks for her forgiveness, Yuri had already trap me in an embrace, her tongue seeking mine as we let every part of our emotion take over us. She pulls away as were both breathless and says…

“I’m sorry to just disappear on you like that”

“You have nothing to be sorry about… It was my fault. I should be the one who’s sorry. I should have come with you.”

Yuri opens her eyes and I swear I saw fear in it. “Don’t ever say that…”


“I don’t want you to be part of the world that I live in.”

I wanted to ask her why but I don’t feel like I needed to know. I was already contented with having her beside me. We laid there in silence, we didn’t need any words… having her was enough. But I felt like she needed to know something…

“ I’m pregnant.”

I was expecting the worse. I was expecting that she would leave me again but, instead she smiled so softly that I felt I was falling more in love with her.

“I know…”

She pulls my shirt up and kisses my stomach that’s already starting to reveal a little baby bump.

“I know it’s that b@stard's but don’t worry, I’ll raise her with you. She’s going to be our baby.” Yuri says softly while laying her head on my stomach.

“Our baby… I like the sound of that”

I feel my eyelids drooping, my hand running in her hair starting to slow down. But after quite some time I was happy.

************** end of flashback********************


I almost bite Gyuri’s head off as she interrupted my thoughts. I look over the sad, sorry bunch with their heads down… bullsh!t… I should have known.

“Where is she?”

Gyuri and the girls look at each other.

“She got away. But we brought you food.”

They pushed a sorry looking girl bawling her heart out, begging me to keep her alive… how pathetic…

“Chop her head off and send it to them.”

You ask for this Yuri… I hear an ear piercing scream as I walked out of that room…



Taeyeon slaps off Tiffany’s hand.

“You’re such a big baby.”

Tiffany pulls back tries to put more crème on it, and the girls turn to watch Yuri about to step out of the house.

“HEY! Where do you think you’re going?”

“Out” Yuri says casually...

“Oh no you don’t! with the rate that Yoona’s clan is attacking. I’m going to die a here!” Hyoyeon shouted in frustration.

“Not my problem that no one is attracted to you.” Yuri walks out…

“Take that back!”


This has been the only thing that could calm Yuri. The sight of the doe eyed angel dancing happily in her room. Yuri sits down on the building across it watching her daughter.

“I wish you could see our daughter, Yoona… she’s as beautiful as you.”

“She’s beautiful.”

Yuri quickly turns and sees Jessica lighting a cigarette beside her.

“How old is Krystal now?”


“Hmmm… every night for 16 years you just watch her…”

“It’s the closest thing I have to Yoona and I’ll take it.”

“What do you think would happen if Yoona knows that Krystal is still alive?”

“I… don’t know…”

Yuri doesn’t even want to think of the possibility, Krystal was innocent and naïve. She doesn’t have any idea that her mom was a ruthless monster. And whatever she could do to keep them away, she’ll do it.



******** Flashback*******************

A baby is crying in the crib when someone picks her up, Yuri lays the baby in her chest and softly hums to her.

“I know Krystal, I miss her too”

Every night, Yuri would visit the extravagant nursery room and play with the beautiful baby. The baby would coo and giggle as if she knows that Yuri was there.

Yuri even watched Krystal take her first steps on those wobbly, chubby legs catching the chubby baby with kisses and hugs.

Every scratch that Krystal has as a child, Yuri would know and she always seem to know how to pacify the girl.

Even when kids are being mean to her, Yuri would know, she would always keep the young girl company. And just like her mother, Yuri would lay down in bed as Krystal reads her a bedtime story and Yuri would wait until the young girl falls asleep before stepping out of the room.

As Krystal grow older, Yuri starts visiting her less and less. Krystal was starting to miss her but she never knew that Yuri was there like she always was, watching her to make sure she was okay. Yuri knows everything about her, her period, her first heartbreak, the first test she failed and all those simple memories that usually count in the end.

Yuri would watch Krystal in her sleep. She would wait until morning when Krystal would go out and about in the world and Yuri knows that she’s safe. Even Yoona wasn’t stupid enough to attack in the middle of daylight.

************** end of flashback********************

Yuri plops back to bed, her head is still filled with Yoona. The guilt was always gnawing at her, the massacres, the rampant killings, all of Yoona’s doings, it was because of her. Because she turned her into the monster she was now. But she was left with no choice 16 years ago, she couldn’t watch the love of her life die.


Krystal was born 6 weeks early and is miraculously surviving. But Yoona wasn’t. She had a difficult childbirth and developed an infection. And while Yoona was hospitalized with tubes connected to her, Yuri spend every second of the night with her and kept watch at day when her family was there.

Despite being so pale and her skin almost sticking to her bones,Yoona was still as beautiful as Yuri could remember. She kisses Yoona’s forehead softly and lays her head beside her.



Yuri raise her head up and sees Yoona smiling beautifully at her.

“Make love to me please...”

“B-but I don’t want to hurt you.”

Yoona shakes her head and what little strength she have, she used to pull Yuri on top of her.

“I need you.”

And Yoona should very well know that Yuri needs her to, by the feel of her kiss, by the intensity of her touch. Yuri would do everything to keep Yoona with her.

Yoona moans in pleasure at Yuri’s every touch, Yuri starts pressing kisses on Yoona’s neck before whispering…

“I love you.”


Yuri wished she could have stepped inside those room, pushed all those doctors and nurses because none of them could make the pain of Yoona go away. Yoona would scream in pain and would just pass out from the pain and the doctors would do nothing, nothing. Every time Yoona cries and scream, a part of Yuri dies because she knows, she knows perfectly that she was close to losing Yoona.

So, that night as Yuri watches Yoona breathing hard, suffering to stay alive, it was enough for Yuri to make her decision. She leans close and brushes the hair away from Yoona’s neck. She kisses the soft skin on her neck before whispering.

“I love you...”

Yoona’s eyes shot wide open with the pain as Yuri sinks her teeth in Yoona’s neck, her hand covering Yoona’s mouth to muffle the screams.


Yoona’s transformation was one of the worse that Yuri ever witness. The delicate beauty quickly turned into a monster. Yoona would try to hurt and even kill anyone who comes near her that Yuri was left with no choice but to lock her up in a room.

The fear of each and everyone in her clan grew at Yuri drags a helpless girl with her.



It take Yuri a whole lot of strength to look at the girl that she loves. She wasn’t Yoona anymore, she was a monster.


Yuri moves the helpless girl’s hair out of her neck.

“W-what are you doing?”

The frantic girl asks but Yuri just responded by cracking her neck. Yoona smiles slyly and walks over to the girl, every ounze of blood out of the girl.

And Yuri couldn’t do anything but watch helplessly as she sees the love of her life slowly turning into a monster.

“Ahhh…” Yoona sighs satisfyingly, wiping the dripping blood of her lip. She quickly wraps herself in Yuri’s arms and the two got tangled in making love again.

Yuri looks at Yoona falling asleep on her chest, her hair softly. Yuri slowly pulls away, careful not to wake up the young girl then kisses her in her hair before stepping out of the room.


Yuri was met with the angry scowls from her clan.

“You need to stop it” Taeyeon says…

“Stop what?”

“What you’re doing! You are doing everything against what we believe in and for what Yul? For ?!”

“Don’t you ever talk about Yoona like that?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?! WATCH HER SUFFER?!” Yuri clenches her fist before she could pummel the other girl on the face.

“You know it’ll pass Yul, you need to give it time. We all went through with it.” Tiffany says calmly, trying to appease the already tension filled room.

“If you love her like you claim you do, Yul.. You should have just let her die a human than let her live as a monster”

And Yuri knows that every word, no matter how hurtful that came out of Taeyeon’s mouth was true. And Yuri was left with no choice but to run away.


Yuri walks at the only good thing in her life, and sees their baby smiling adorably at her.

“You still awake?”

The baby cooed, excited to see her. Yuri cradles baby Krystal in her arms, waiting until the baby have fallen asleep.



Yuri walks back into the hall, bloody, lifeless bodies of her family. She looks up and sees Taeyeon bloodied and angry.

“Some of us got lucky and escaped but what about them, Yul?!”

“Taeyeon… I’m so sorry…”

“Don’t say sorry to me, I’m still alive say sorry to them”

And Yuri falls on her knees, begging her deceased family for forgiveness.

“What have I done?”

Then, Yuri realized something and she pushed herself up and quickly run out of there. She needs to save her daughter.


Yoona smiles satisfyingly as she sees the tortured dead bodies of Nichkhun and the rest of her family lying in the pool of their own blood. She looks upstairs and knows that there is one more left… The most important one…

But she walks in the nursery room, met by a swift wind coming from the open balcony door and her daughter, the parasite that lived inside her was gone.

**************end of flashback********************



“How dare you underestimate me love?” Yoona growls under her breath.



She have been sitting behind the tinted windows of her S600 black Mercedes benz. Watching as Krystal, who almost look just like her, living a normal happy life. Her daughter-their daughter was beautiful, but Yoona hates how Krystal reminds her of her painful past. But what's worse is she hates how Yuri spends her every waking hour watching her, protecting her. Yuri only belongs to her and she is not going to share her with anyone, not even their own daughter.

Everyone in the campus turns as a slender doe eyed goddess stepped out of the luxury vehicle. Krystal looks up and feels the hair in the back standing, she knows this woman… yet she can’t put a place or name to her.

“You got a sister?”

Krystal wondered at the question but she realized something as the woman came close to her. They look almost identical.


“ummm… hi”

The woman smiles at her, she is like a Goddess up close but her smile, there was something cold about it to the point of being cruel.

“I don’t know if you know me, but I’m Yoona.”

Krystal shivered at the sound of the name. That was the name of her mother but it can’t be. The woman right in front of her looks like she’s in her early 20’s, unless she had her when she was 6… there is no way this was her mother. But how come she still feel eerie around her?

“I’m a friend of Yuri’s”

Krystal looks up at her, Yuri that was the name of her Angel… the beautiful woman who would come to her room and she would read bedtime stories too… she may not know who this Yoona is, but she knows Yuri.

And Yoona knows it’s the same name that could lure her daughter.


“What’s wrong?”

Yuri looks at her family, quickly sensing the tense atmosphere. She look at everyone one of them, they’re all here, all safe, but why did they look so frightened?

“Yoona took Krystal”

“NO! NO! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!”


Yuri storms inside Yoona’s haven. There sprawled in the living room, with a dead girl in their midst, Yoona’s clan turned and smiled evilly as the miserable looking Yuri walks in there.

“Too late...”

Gyuri said and as much as Yuri wanted to rip Gyuri’s head off. She has something more important to deal with.

She storms into the bedroom and fell on her knees as she sees Krystal’s body lying lifelessly in bed, drowning in her own puddle of blood. Yuri brushes the hair out of Krystal’s face, cradling her daughter in her arms.

“I told you Yuri…”

Yuri looks up to the sound of Yoona’s voice and before Yoona knows it, Yuri had her hands wring around her neck.



And just like that Yuri’s arms fell to her side, pressing her forehead on Yoona’s… her guilt multiplying at the second at the horrible torture she had put Yoona in.

“This is all my fault... So please, don’t blame her…”

“STOP!!! STOP PROTECTING HER!!!” Yoona’s tears fell out of anger, but mostly out of hurt. Why would Yuri protect Krystal but not her?

And Yuri wraps Yoona in an embrace.

“I already lost you… Why would you take Krystal away from me too?”

“I’m here, Yul… I have always been here… I’m still Yoona…”

“No you’re not… you’re nothing like her!”

“I’m still her! I’m still that same girl in that balcony who fell in love with you. I’m still the same girl who’s pleading you to love me…” Yoona begs…

“When did I ever stop?”

And Yoona answers Yuri by crashing her lips into hers desperate to taste her addiction once again.

This is what Gyuri feared the most to see Yoona wrap in Yuri’s embrace. Gyuri spend her dead days protecting, bowing to Yoona’s every whim. She would do everything just so she could fulfill the empty space that Yuri left in Yoona’s chest. Yoona uses Gyuri in every sense, and Gyuri would comply even if it kills her that Yoona screams Yuri’s name everytime they make love.

But here she is, the woman she has worship, her Goddess, almost look human as she surrender herself to Yuri. The two lost in a kiss and it killed Gyuri that she could never be the one who could make Yoona happy.

Yoona’s eyes open when something splattered unto her. And no matter how powerful she is, that very second she has never felt so hopeless as she sees blood gushing out of Yuri’s neck. Yuri took a second before realizing what had happen to her, hearing Yoona crying and seeing Yoona desperately trying to stop the bleeding. But Yuri just held on to Yoona’s hand before she smiles in defeat.

She knows it’s too good to be true. She thought she was close to her happy ending but she thought wrong... she never deserved a happy ending. But she was with Yoona now and as foolish as it sounds… she knows she is about to die happy…

And in Yoona’s arms, Yuri collapse, Yoona’s tear stained cheek and kissing her in the lips. Their last kiss…

“I love you.”

Yuri whispers in her last breath. Yoona held Yuri’s lifeless body in her arms. The pain of having the one she loves dead in her arms was enough to numb every emotion in her. She kisses Yuri softly in the forehead while her dark hair. It wasn’t a dream after all, Yuri finally left her.

She looks up and sees Gyuri holding the dagger dripping with Yuri’s blood. The dagger that took away the life of the only person she loved.

“I’ll be back, love.”

She whispers to Yuri’s dead body as she walks over to Gyuri. In one swift motion, Gyuri is pinned to the wall, Yoona holds the dagger to Gyuri’s throat. But instead of fear, Yoona could see the amusement in Gyuri’s eyes.

“Do it… kill me. if I die, I’m glad it’s you who did it.”

And Gyuri chuckles as she sees Yoona’s eyes filled with anger. This was the Yoona that Gyuri worship, the woman whose heart doesn’t falter to anyone. not the helpless, pathetic girl weeping for her dead lover in her arms. Gyuri closes her eyes, she was ready to die, and be killed by her Goddess.

Gyuri could hear the blood dripping, but was surprise when she didn’t feel any pain. Did Yoona became this weak that she couldn’t end her life?

Gyuri opens her eyes and the horror in front of her was enough to freeze her. Yoona’s lips curve deviously, her neck bleeding and the bloodied dagger fell on the ground with a clash as Yoona lets it slip off her blood stained fingers.

“YOONA!!!!!!” Gyuri screams in horror, her teeth clenched as she watched her Goddess bleeding, crawling towards her dead lover.

Yoona smiles before laying her lips on Yuri’s. She lays her head on Yuri’s chest before intertwining her fingers on Yuri’s limp ones. And with her last breath, Yoona whispers…

“I love you too.”







I put 'the end' because it is the ending for this story. But the fic still has 3 more chapters, it will show you about their past.

Feel free to ask questions if you are still confused ^^


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Chapter 2: Buzzy airport coffee shop girl lmao
TrooperluvYY #2
I think i'll never get tired reading this story ..
Thanks for your amazing fanfiction ,KB!
Chapter 31: ok here I am again. lol

unnir will you be mad if I say this again? PLEASE STEAL THEIR PHONEEEEEEEEE! I want to see their pictures..... private pictures :(
and somehow I feel sad and happy and proud at the same time seeing both YoonYul shine on their own now, but I miss the group too.. their craziness when they're together, YoonYul's ers when they're about to have moments on stage or tv shows.. I miss them unnir :'(

now that I'm thinking of it, with Yoona's schedule which was back and forth from Korea and China and Yuri's variety show which demanded her to go abroad too, how much they missed each other during those days....
and more over Yoona's birthday is coming. when Yuri said a happy birthday in advance is heartbreaking somehow :((

"Oppadeuls over dongsaengs" lmao why I don't wonder when it comes from Hyo and Soo.... poor dongsaeng

ugh if only Yuri knew what's inside Yoona's mind..... it's been always her...... lol unnir I won't ask if you say your standard for a boyfriend is shot up high....
and Yoona's drool? lol I'm pretty sure Yuri didn't mind Xp

like what people say, there's white and there's black. here comes the heartbreak part T.T
but hey there's rainbow after the rain right?
hmmm now I'm thinking..... do you think they know if they have a lot of fans too? for being together I mean.
I know not all will accept them as how they are, but I'm still hoping that one day they will have their own happy ever after.
live in Melbourne or Japan with their little YoonYuls kekekeke

and I didn't expect that you would make Yuri made it to Yoona's birthday because she didn't in real life.
lol but that's the benefit of fanfic right? we can change it into something what we want.
and once again, we'll never know what Yuri gave to her for her birthday. yes I'm talking about real life..... if you understand what I mean XD

okay now it's done. thank you for filling our thirst of YoonYul with your updates unnir. see you in the next update!
Chapter 31: YES YOU ARE BACK ! THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING ! love itttttt ! miss yoonyul so much :')
august 8 ? that's next month ... can i wait that long to your update? lol hope i will survive and breath yoonyul at 8-8 ! thankyou so much !
Chapter 31: OMG YOU'RE BACK I HOPE YOU'RE BACK FOR GOOD I MISSED YOU I LOVED THIS ONE GAAHH and i'll patiently wait for your updates on the other fics i swear ;-;
Chapter 30: this is so darn amazing :( KB never fails to impress no matter which fic it is & i'm not disappointed a single bit. Always exceeds everyone's expectations /sobs/ But I think the rotation between Im Seobang & Kwon Seobang works just fine. Because Neon & Gemini makes Yuri look more like the Seobang & the other fics are Im Seobang. I think she can rotate it as always because some prefer Kwon Seobang and vice versa. Me, as a writer of Kwon Seobang, its refreshing to read Im Seobang but generally, i think she should rotate instead of sticking to Im Seobang. :) Some stories really frame the character and the two girls have different traits so...... :-)
kwonkeira143 #7
Chapter 30: //sobs// It's so beautiful!
peregrinestar #8
Chapter 30: Wahhh I love this authornim!! I noticed how some people mentioned on Kwon Seobang...but they also write Kwon Seobang so let's have the great KB stick to Im Seobang lol. I was hoping someone would write about their Halloween fan account! Now I hope you'll write about their instagram flirting (offline dates and Yoona wanting to be the one to visit Yuri first keke). This was so cute author!!! I'm so happy you're back! I have to read your YoonYul/WenRene story next!
Chapter 30: ah so this is the serious part you're talking about..
thinking of it sometimes makes me sad.. yes it's wrong but like you've said to me, we can't choose whom our heart like can we?
and what they have is actually beautiful.. who knows about someday right? only God knows..
and whatever they will have someday I wish they're still happily together ever after..
don't you agree with me unnir? kekekek

thank you again for this one shot! lol since you're like going to spam us, then I shall wait for another? hehehe
and congratulations! you just beat your laziness and got to walk under the clody lol
Chapter 30: unnir! lol sooooo this is why you asked me about their dream to be married or just satisfied with what they have? kekekeke

LMAO and there you go and big ears.. you're still not letting it go aren't you unnir?
Yuri is such a e.. I never thought Yoona can be jealous of that 2 legs mouse for Yuri's affection..
7 years? is it counted since the hello baby day? yoonyul private show of wgm..
and Katniss? sorry unnir but I'm so left behind with anything.. is it from the hunger games?

the magnetism of YoonYul kiss.. I can't blame them though.. hehehe
I love how YoonYul are when they're together.. who knows maybe that really happens when they're alone without any cameras surrounding them.. and for God's sake unnir! please steal their phone so we can see all the selcas (the ordinary selcas and *cough*cough* the extraordinary ones) they took!
or maybe we should kidnap Hani and Doe and offer an exchange over their phones... Xp
we should put a hidden camera in each of their bedroom..

AKJSDHKASJHDKAJSH omg the Im Romantic is back!! someday YoonYul.. I'll be waiting to that someday..
what will you do if that someday comes unnir? hmmm?

"A part of her was wanting Yuri now, a part of her wants to cover Yuri’s chest with something."
lol Yoona got to have great control of her wants and hey she has that ribbon above her head, maybe she could cover Yuri's chest with that ribbon.. lol
LMAO at "How do you even take this costume off?" control your hormone Im Yoona.. she already had that thought the moment she saw Yuri's chest.. hahahahhaha best one!

and I thought Yoona would say "watch where you're looking at" when she protected her girl lol
I love Yoona is so honest to Yuri.. lol talking about her s like its casual thing to talk about between them.. XD