That Fateful Day...

Stranger Things Have Happened

I, Ryeowook, am a police officer.

That is one piece of information that is completely irrelevant to both the meaning of life and the creation of the universe.

However… It is entirely relevant to the story I’m about to tell.


“We’ve got to catch them eventually, sir,” my assistant, Eunhyuk, said to me. He was referring to the case we had been working on recently—there had been a great scandal in the strip club industry. Two of the companies’ CEOs had cooperated in secret and set up a huge ploy to rob the entire industry of millions. Then they had made off with the money.

We caught them of course—they honestly carried no significance anymore. What DID matter, however… was the fact that there was another ploy underway as we spoke. We were trying to catch the mastermind behind all of this theft, since we figured he had to have been the one who committed the first crime. The guys we caught were practically innocent—they didn’t even have the money. It all had gone to one man, a man whose identity not even they knew.

We had narrowed our suspects down to a certain few businessmen, but something was off. Donghae, Yesung, Leeteuk… I knew most of these guys like the back of my hand, and there was no way they could have plotted a grand theft against one of their favorite industries… no… it had to have been someone else, someone we would NEVER suspect.

I decided to take a walk down to the strip clubs. Maybe going to the scene of the crime would shed some light onto the situation. Taking my hat and briefcase, I slipped on my coat and stood up.

“I’m heading out,” I said darkly to my assistant Eunhyuk, who merely shook his head and wished me well.

Yes…. I would very much require the luck.

On my way down to the strip club, I noticed a man. ….Or was it a woman? He/she was dressed suspiciously, in a sparkling pink trench coat and a pair of black, sequined, stiletto platform heels. Damn, they were working those heels. My first instinct was that they were most likely headed for the strip club, in that getup at this hour of night. But then, they walked right past the club, heading deeper into the bad end of town.

Curiosity overcoming sense, I decided to follow the good-looking person. That trench coat seemed to be hypnotizing me with its glitter…. I couldn’t resist. I shuffled quietly after him/her, listening to the stiletto heels clack as they made their way down the dark, dirty, deserted street.

At some point, I think they may have noticed I was following them… For their path became unpredictable and confusing. They spontaneously turned down dark alleys, walked through darkened city parks, walked up stairs, then backtracked and walked down. I was intrigued by the unfathomable mind of the suspect, following every step as quietly as I could.

Through some turn of events, I ended up walking through a darkened building in pursuit of him/her.

I noted that this building was incredibly…. Weird. It was indescribable. I would look at the walls and the floors and the stairs and the doors and think… Wow, this is weird.

Before I even realized, the suspect had led me into a weird, dark room of the weird, dark building. Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind me, even though no one was there to close it. I sharply turned my gaze to the sparkly pink trench coat person. Their back was still turned to me, so I had no way of knowing who they could be. Slowly, they took one… two… three steps forward, farther away from me, into a pool of moonlight that was peeking in from the glass wall they were facing. Then, slowly… they turned.

Finally seeing the face, I realized… the silky red hair, the perfect complexion, the eerily beautiful facial features and dark, eyelinered eyes… This was not only a man, this was THE man.

Heechul, the stripper.

Heechul dropped the trench coat from his shoulders, revealing his black, leather short-shorts and his low cut, silky, black tank-top. His long pale legs shined in the moonlight as he took one… two… three steps toward me. He was smirking, the smirk contorting his face in to something I began to see as a threat…. He walked faster to me, his stilettos clacking against the floor, and I desperately stepped back, trying to open the door behind me.

But Heechul reached me first. Taller than me by at least a foot in those heels, he lifted me by my neck, bringing me up to his eye-level. He smirked down at my feet, looking back up and his lips.

“I will eat your shoe,” he said, with a frightening amount of sincerety.

“I have—agh!” I tried to respond, but he threw me to the ground faster than I could say “cake”. I coughed, struggling to my feet and throwing myself at him. He dodged out of the way easily, giggling, and grabbed me from behind, throwing me over his shoulder, bashing my head against the hard, concrete ground that was as weird as the weird building.

I knew in my heart that he was the one. He was the stripper that had committed the crime. He was the one they all looked to for orders, he was the one that they gave all of the money… I launched myself at him again, knocking him down and throwing a couple of punches of my own. He was the one that had betrayed his own company…  Punch. He was the one that got those men killed… Punch. He was the one who had done it all. I knew in my heart….

He was the one for me.

I stopped throwing punches and embraced him tightly, breathing his name into his ear.

Heechul…” I inhaled the sweet scent of his perfume, knowing that it was the same from the night we had first met.

He laughed softly. “I will eat your shoe,” he repeated, wanting to know if I still remembered the answer. With tears in my eyes, I nodded and smiled shakily. “I have some cake in the fridge,” I responded.

He knew then, that it was me, that I knew who I was and that I knew who he was. “Ryeowook,” He sighed, sitting up from the floor, hugging me in his lap. Before I knew it, he was kissing me, and it was sweeter than I had imagined it would be, ever since that fateful day in the strip club.

We sat happily in a loving embrace on the weird, dark floor of that weird, dark building. And we cried. I will always remember the day, the day I was reunited with my criminal stripper boyfriend.

Then we heard screams.

The door burst open, and suddenly we were surrounded by bloodthirsty zombies. Of course, how could I have forgotten... the zombie apocalypse had been upon us for at least a month now. It had advanced much faster than anyone had ever expected—at least half of the world had already been overturned.  

Heechul pulled a gun from the many secret compartments in his leather short-shorts, and kicked the heels of his stilettos to reveal knives that jutted from the toes. Taking the nearest zombie by the shoulders, he his foot-knife up into the zombie’s chin, then kicked it away, shooting it twice in the head. In the meantime, I had been rummaging through my police-belt and found what I had been looking for… my samurai sword. It was all I had, since my chainsaw was still locked away at home. Standing, I rushed to my lover’s side, wielding my katana as my only weapon. I sliced off the heads of three zombies in a line as I ran to him, not missing a beat.

We battled and battled until we realized we were entirely overrun… I was running out of strength, and my dear stripper boyfriend Heechul was running out of bullets. There was no way to win. The oncoming hoards of zombies tripped over the bodies and slipped on the bloody floor as they advanced on us. We backed up, searching the weird, dark room of this weird, dark building for some sort of weird, dark exit.

And, like magic, one appeared, in front of our eyes. We rushed toward the door, opening it to reveal a weird, dark staircase. With nowhere else to go, we went up, and up and up and up. Reaching the top, we went through the doorway and found ourselves in another weird, dark room. The walls were glass, and the entire expanse of the room was spotless, empty, not a thing in sight. We backed into a corner, knowing the zombies were coming up the stairs, but we still had time.


“What was that?” Heechul whipped his head up, searching for the source of the sound. Soon, we realized. The glass walls were surrounded by hoards of zombies, crushing themselves into the glass, hungry for the flesh of the living. I shivered, watching the big crack in one of the walls spread, around and around the glass of the entire room, which had shape-shifted into a circular room.

It wasn’t fair… nothing was fair… I knew this was going to be our last moment together. Heechul turned to me, taking my face in his hands and kissing me passionately.

“Heechul…” There were tears in my eyes. This was the end.

The glass shattered, all at once, and the zombies roared as Heechul charged into them, slicing and shooting with all of his might. I did the same, slashing viciously at all of the zombies as we were closed in on all sides.

Just then, I heard a cry of pain, to see Heechul fighting off a zombie that had sunk its jaws into his shoulder.

“NO!!!” I screamed, dashing to his side and slicing the zombie in half. But it was too late… there was a gaping, bloody dip in his shoulder, the bite already bubbling and decaying, turning black at the edges. ing my katana into the faces of the nearest zombies, I hoisted my lover over my shoulder, searching for an exit. I settled on the staircase—perhaps there weren’t any zombies there after all. Making a dash for the door, I slid the two of us inside and locked the door.

As I had thought, the zombies downstairs hadn’t yet breached the door at the bottom. We were alone, but not for long. Gasping, tears running down my face, I set Heechul down onto the stairs, gently.

“Heechul..!” I choked out, desperately his cheeks, trying to wake him up, to save him even if he couldn’t be saved. His eyes opened slowly, weakly, looking dull and lifeless as he wheezed for breath. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to speak and failing twice before finding his voice.

“Haaahh…. My precious Wookie….You…” he coughed. “…You got me out of there…Thank you…”

“Shhhhh…” I whispered, the tears making my voice shaky. I wiped some blood off of his face. “Don’t talk… you’ll strain yourself…” I gave him a weak smile, doing everything in my power not to sob in his last moments.

“Wookie… I love you… don’t you ever forget that…” he breathed, his eyes growing duller by the minute. “But you have… to leave… me…”

I shushed him again and held him close, he that was my life, my breath, my heart. I wished for anything to happen, anything but this. I would rather die myself than let him die. But there was nothing I could do. His breathing slowed, until I couldn’t see any other movement. I almost lost myself to tears, clutching at his body, wanting it to be alive and well, wishing it could be any other way.

“No…No….No…!” I breathed, grasping him desperately. I thought he was gone. I thought he had left me. Until he opened his mouth. And took a breath.


“Yes?” I sniffed, staring at his bloody figure with wide eyes.


I let his body fall out of my arms, scrambling backwards but being stopped by the stairs. I choked out a sob. I knew what was going to happen. And I was going to let it.

His eyes flickered open, but they were not his eyes. He staggered to his knees, but it wasn’t him. He turned his head back, too far, searching for the source of the bloody, living scent behind him. I held my breath. His eyes caught mine—his eyes were red on the outside and white in the middle. Mine were wide, scared, helpless.

He grasped my shoulder, and I let him. He pulled himself up to my neck, and I let him. He bit down hard, tearing into my neck and ripping out my flesh, and I let him. I just wanted to see his face. I choked out a last, strangled sob, before everything went dark.

I love you.



...THE END 8D So what'd you think? I love plot generators xD

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Chapter 1: Wow that was... GREAT!! Such a great story! It reminds me kind of The Walking Dead :D
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 1: Wow, this ending!
Chapter 1: Hikss..hikss why heewook be end with tragic huweeee....
Noooo u hurt my heart much hiks:(
Everlotte #4
Chapter 1: Lmao saddest crackfic ive ever read jbc of the ending D'