What you didn't want to see

What if I told you...?

The next day I didn't feel sick anymore so I put on my clothes and walked to school after having breakfast with Minho, we walked together and we ran into Sulli on a crossroad. She kissed Minho on the cheek and waved her hand to me with a smile on her face then she placed herself between us.

"Did you have breakfast, honey?"

"Yeah, we ate omelettes, what about you Sulli?"

"Yep, I ate a sandwich."

I kept quiet and felt uncomfortable around them I didn't want to be a third wheel, Taemin was walking around and Sulli called him so he walked towards us. He started talking to me as Sulli kept on saying things like "Don't they look cute together?" It was quite obvious she was thinking of me as a threat to her relationship with Minho and that was why she insisted on forcing Taemin and I as a couple so I got out of her way, I would prove my theory later that day but most of the time I was around them she clinged onto his arm and giggling around him (even when he wasn't doing anything funny). After school Minho told me he had to go to the school's library to focus on studying for our Calculus exam, he said he was going to be late so I was going to walk home alone. Before I left school I went to the library I was leaving and remind him not to go home late but before I got in Sulli stopped me, she was waiting for me in the entrance, I had walked in front of her but she called me with a big fake smile.


"Oh my God! You scared me Sulli."

"Did I? Sorry. Can I talk with you?"

"What is it?"

"Not here, it's something personal."


I was wondering why she would want to talk with me about "something personal" but I just followed her, she took me to the back of the building and once we were there she pushed me against the wall.

"What the f***?!"

She grabbed my neck tightly, as if she was trying to suffocate me.

"What are your intentions with Minho?!"

"What are you talking about?! He's my brother!"

I said that because Minho had told her we were siblings.

"That doesn't seem to stop you!"

"Let me go!"

"Here's how it's going to be, you can't ever get close to him or be alone with him, even if you're living together you can't be in the same room alone."

"What if I get close to him? You wouldn't know."

"I'll make sure you don't."

"How dare you threaten me?"

"I'm not going to let anyone steal him from me!"

She pushed me and I hit my head hard with the wall, I instantly fell unconscious, she must have thought I was going to cry so she just left. School was almost empty at that time and not many students went to the library after school so I just remained on the ground unconscious; when I regained consciousness I got up slowly, cleaned my clothes and fixed my hair. I walked to the school's main entrance, but Minho saw me there.


I turned around and I still looked dizzy.

"Were you waiting for me?"

"Huh? Eh...yeah...I was with Kibum but he left a little while ago."

"I see, does this mean you forgive me?"

"Uhh, yeah sure..."

He came closer and he hugged me, he caressed the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair but I was still in pain so I let out a cry he was able to hear it, when he let me go he realized I wasn't feeling well.

"What happened to your head?"

"It's nothing, it doesn't hurt that much."

"Shinyeong, tell me what happened. You're a terrible liar."

"I said it's nothing."

When I lied I raised my voice's pitch, I don't know why I didn't want to tell him what Sulli did to me, I think it was because I thought he wouldn't believe me when I said it, after all that happened before I figured he didn't trust me as much as he did before.

"Won't you tell me what happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"How bad can it possibly be for you to not tell me about it?"

"I just hit my head because when I was with Kibum a girl came into the room and pushed me towards the wall."

"I still don't believe you, I hope you tell me soon or I'll..."

I interrupted him.

"You'll ignore me, yeah I know."

"Then tell me."

"I will later."

"I want to know now."

"I promise I'll tell you."

He didn't ask me anymore, I was trying to find a way to hide the fact that Sulli was threatening me because there was no way for me to tell that to him after they just reconciliated. I was scared and as soon as he texted her saying he was leaving school she called him.

"Hey Sulli!"


"Uh, I'm with Shinyeong, why?"


"No, it's just us. We're almost at our house."


"I will, you too."


"Yes, I understand."


"I'll keep on studying at home so I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow."


"I'm sorry but I really need to focus!"


"Yeah, I like you too. Bye."

I followed him to my house, once we got there I ran to my room and didn't talk to him for the rest of the day I just said that I had to study as well. However, Taemin interrupted my time on my own when he decided he was going to visit me in my room. He jumped into the room and stood behind me, he then covered my eyes and I got scared so I punched him in the face for him to get away from me, when I realized it was him.

"I'm so sorry Taemin!"

"It's ok, I'm alright."

"I didn't mean to! You shouldn't come in like that!"

"My bad, you hit me hard girl!"

"I'm sorry, what are you doing here?"

"I saw you talking with Sulli at school but then I didn't see you anymore, so I got worried."

"Oh, nothing happened, I just went the other way around..."

"Is that true?"


"Then it's alright, what are you doing?"

"I'm just studying for tomorrow's exam."

"Oh, do you want me to help you? I happen to be really good at Calculus."

"Really? Thanks!"

He wasn't really that good at Calculus but at least I was glad that he was trying to help me, I suspected he knew that something happened when I talked with Sulli but unlike Minho he didn't insist and I later found out that he did his own research on the matter. I wondered if Sulli would try to hurt me the next day since she had found out that I was alone with Minho, but then I thought I would be alright if I stayed next to Kibum or Taemin to protect myself because I knew they wouldn't let her harm me, I knew that it would be better for me to tell a teacher about it but I wasn't sure if that was the right decision so I figured I would solve it on my own. Once we finished studying I was going to let him go like that but I thought it was rude so I invited him for dinner.

"So...Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"With Minho?"

"I guess."

"Then I'll have to pass, last time he got really mad at me and I don't want him to make you sad again."

"Ok then, thanks for worrying about me."

"I'll always be here for you Shinyeong, I hope you know that."

"I know Taemin..."

He got closer to me and embraced me.


"You can trust me."

"Of course."

"About before...are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, you don't have to worry about me."

He broke the hug and looked at me in the eyes.

"Don't lie to me."

"I said I'm fine, if I have a problem I promise I'll tell you."


He hugged me again, more tightly which made my heart beat faster, I was able to hear his heart and his was beating as fast as mine. I felt safe in his arms but it wasn't right for me to keep getting his hopes up so this time I broke the hug and guided him to my balcony for him to go home, I just smiled and waved goodbye without saying another word. I had dinner without Minho and went to sleep early, the next day I woke up early and walked to school without him as well but I took a different route to go to school because I didn't want to run into Sulli. I was very careful and I managed to avoid her all the way to my classroom, I talked with Kibum and a little later Minho got there.

"Why did you leave so early?"

"I had to give something to Kibum."

I looked at Kibum and winked.

"That's right, she had promised me to bring me one of her books."

"I see, next time tell me. I got worried."

"No problem, oh. That's the teacher."

She walked inside and the class started, I'd usually look at Minho during class every now and then but I was scared thinking Sulli would see me and hurt me again so I didn't. During lunch time I went with Kibum to the cafeteria, we ate together when I saw Minho with Sulli walking around.

"You said you wouldn't look at them".

"It's just that I can't help it, I mean, it's been a long time since I started liking him".

"If it's meant to be then it'll happen".

"I'm not really sure about that, she'll never leave him alone".

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's nothing, she's just the jealous type. Minho even told her that we're siblings just so she wouldn't get mad".

"I thought she knew you're not blood related".

"Well, she doesn't. It's better if you don't tell anyone else that we're not related".

Before I could shut my mouth I noticed Sulli's friends were sitting really close to us, they obviously heard that.

"Can we go back to the classroom?"


We walked together to the classroom and I could still feel the stares of her friends on me, I rushed insidious and sat down with Kibum.

"Are you sure they heard?"

"Yes, I'm so dead!"

I started hitting my head with a book, Kibum stopped me.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I mean Sulli will get mad at him and he will get mad at me"

"You're lying"

"I'm not"

I laughed nervously, but Kibum kept looking at me concerned, I realized I couldn't possibly fool him.

​​​​​​"Something happened yesterday, Sulli talked with me, she told me to stay away from Minho"

"Did she hit you?"

I gulped, I didn't want him to worry and get involved so I lied.

"No, it was just words"

"She better not touch you, otherwise I'll make dure she never sees daylight again"

"Oh my God Kibum"

"Did you tell Minho?"

"Even if I did he wouldn't believe me"

"You have to! You have been friends for years!"

"I don't know, I think I lost his trust"

"I will protect you, if she does or says anything to you, tell me and we'll handle it together"

​​​​​​"Alright thanks, really"

After classes Minho came up to me and told me he was going out with Sulli.

​​​​​​"Are you going home?"

"Yeah, Kibum had to leave early so I will just go do my homework"

"Do you want me to walk you home? I can tell Sulli I'll meet her later"

"No, I'm ok"

"You sure? We haven't really spent any time together for a while now, even at home, I feel like you're avoiding me"

"I'm not! We're both busy"

"Are you pushing me away Shiny?"

I was.

"No, just go with her already! I'm fine"

He knew something was wrong but he left after hearing her calling him. She walked towards her and walked away without saying goodbye, without looking back at me. I felt my chest tightening, I tried holding back my tears. I walked out of the classroom and watched them walk away.

"I want my froggy back"

I sighed and walked to the bathroom, I washed my hands and before I could walk out I saw Sulli's friends coming inside, I quickly got into a stall.

​​"Where are you hiding Shinyeong?"

One of them opened the stall's door and another one pulled me out.

"Hey, we heard the truth, you thought you could hide it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, we know you and Minho aren't related, Sulli already knows"

"So what are you going to do?"

The one talking smirked and pulled out a pocket knife.

"We could use this"

​​​​I took a step back, one of them grabbed me by my hair and held my head down, I could feel another one holding my right arm and the girl talking grabbed the left one, with the pocket knife she cut my wrist. I cried out because of the pain and they let me go, I fell on my knees and started crying. They laughed and walked to the door, but it was locked.

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Shwetha #1
Chapter 9: Update plz..
Chapter 8: Can't wait for more
Chapter 8: No words........Really great......waiting for update. Update it soon author-nim^_^
mongjihyo77 #4
I can imagine how cute Minho would be.as if its so real..update soon authornim..
Chapter 6: Wow.......update it soon. I am eagerly waiting for next update.^_^
Sakura_24 #6
Chapter 4: I like her better with taemin.. Well I am his fan!! Go Taemints!!
MinMiShine94 #7
Chapter 4: awwww I think she's better of with taemin for now that is nice story update soon neh XD
Chapter 3: :3 awwww! please update soon!
Chapter 3: Update more