One - Epiphany

Caedis Sicarius


 chapter one




Seoul. Winter, 2007.


Kai strode through the trees along the Amur maple with little more than his memories to guide him. He had roamed in this woodlands since a very young age – at the age of five to be exact – before some part of the forest were cut down and was built into a forest park, this very forest, was the forest he had been chased by a Silver Blood, and if it was not for Choi Rae Won; his father, he would have been dead. The forest was so still, and he liked that certain stillness – the trees were bare with only a dusting powder of cold white nothings on their branches and limbs. The sun was sharp and glinting off the expanse of diamond-like crystals all around. His footsteps sounded crunchy, even squeaky as his sneakers compressed the icy crystals beneath his feet. The sound was sharp, clear and seemed to carry up to a mile away – his memories of eight years ago might be blurry and fragmented, but he still remembered that it also had been winter when his father found him in this very forest. It also had been him, who saved Kai from the Silver Blood. The disoriented and vulnerable five-year-old Kai was found here, the five-year-old Kai who did not remember anything but his name was found here, in this very forest.

He let his memories guide him past the lightly scattered beech and conifer trees that peppered along the forest, casting a soft shadow along the gray carpeted snow, beckoning him forward. Whenever he wanted to ease his mind, he would come to this forest, and under the cloak of darkness, he would run in such agility only tracking athletes would have, then he would simply laugh after he ran – it was one of Kai’s peculiar ways of releasing his stress – his laughter would always sound breathless and sporadic, it was even cadence that mingled fluently with the nightly chorus sung by the woodland creatures.

“I know I’d find you here,” a warm, melodic voice drifted into his ears. He looked over his shoulders, only to have his eyes pondering over a ravishingly beautiful young girl. 

“Sooyoung,” he absentmindedly muttered. 

Her long, charcoal black hair framed her cut-glass cheekbones, her pair of impertinent amber eyes with glimmering solicitude inverted toward him. A hint of the white scallop hem lace dress she was wearing under the basic, black trench coat could be seen as she slipped her hands into the pockets – she was no other than his sister, Choi Sooyoung.

A little smile formed along her peach-tinted lips as she walked toward her brother. “Do you know you’re going to be late for the Bal des Sicarius if you do not budge from this very position?” Sooyoung was on the early stage of her adolescence, but she had always spoken in certain clarity. Despite their same age, the thirteen-year-old considered his sister as a prudent and mature person. Sooyoung was, indeed, more mature than Kai himself. “Grandfather would be furious to the sight of you being late.”

“What a pleasant surprise. Were you following me the whole time?” an ingenious smile formed along Kai’s full lips as he affectionately dusted off the little specks of white crystals off his sister’s shoulder. “I am touched to the fact that you came all the way here just to pick your childish brother up, so he wouldn’t be scolded by his grandfather,” he offered his arm for Sooyoung to hold onto. “That’s really nice of you, really.”

Sooyoung smirked, rolling her eyes. “Be touched and surprised then, Kai. I know you are,” she bantered, Kai snickered at his sister’s hint of dull sarcasm. “Eight years has passed and your rather unusual way of releasing stress hasn’t change,” Sooyoung remarked. Her usually soft voice that would speak in such certainty and integrity seemed rather apprehensive as she brought the subject up, whereas she was well aware of the fact that eight years ago, her adopted brother had suffered from psychogenic amnesia. “They never came back, didn’t they?” she held her breath. “Your memories before Father found you here.”

Kai vacantly shook his head. “No,” he replied, his alleviating yet cryptic voice did not falter. Kai was never the type who would look back, for his father had always taught him to look forward, hence his missing memories did not affect him by bit – inasmuch as his psychiatrist had told him that he suffered from a psychogenic amnesia, due to a traumatic experience he had as a child, and it had left the five-year-old no other choice but to selectively erase parts of his memory – he heaved a heavy sigh at his sister’s apologetic eyes before he spoke, “Look, Soo. I know I missed five years of my life. But, I believe the five-year-old me had a reason why he chose to forget, maybe he knew that his childhood memories wouldn’t do anything but to pour more fuel to the fire of the deranged mind I had when I was a mere child,” Kai inhaled slowly. “So, there’s no need to feel so guilt-ridden whenever I start talking about the old days, Sooyoung. I am holding on and I will always hold on, just like what Father had always said. I will never let my past get the best of me.”

Sooyoung plastered a whimsical little smile along her lips. He knew she was satisfied with his answer, which had once again put her into a reassurance her brother would never leave her side. As a child, Kai and Sooyoung had always been close to each other, despite the fact they were not connected by blood, Sooyoung seemed to not mind Kai being her brother - our bond is thicker than blood. Kai thought - for they had shared the same pain, the same loneliness, and the same emptiness after the passing of their loving father. They were siblings after all, regardless the fact they were not connected by blood.

They had been holding on and they would always hold on, for they had been bounded together, if they were to be damned, they would be damned together – that was the promise, the very promise Kai and Sooyoung had vowed together. They would never be separated for they would do anything together like what they had always did for the past eight years. Not connected by blood did not matter much to them. She was his sister, he was her brother, and that was all that mattered – Kai and Sooyoung, they were indeed, loyal to each other.

Kai’s pair of amber eyes diverted toward the Rolls-Royce Black Phantom and an old man in a classic butler suit – a simple white shirt underneath a black suit with tails, along with black tie and black bluchers – standing in front of the car, his silver hair was neatly brushed backwards, and both of his hands that were covered with white gloves were folded across his stomach. He bowed to the sight of Sooyoung and Kai. “Master, Mistress,” he spoke in a soothing tone as he opened the car door for Kai and Sooyoung to enter.

After the passing of their father, their grandfather had become Kai and Sooyoung's legal guardian. But, due to his tight schedules and the fact that he was living in the United States, he hired a butler to take care his grandchildren instead, thus there he was, Butler Seon. Seon Si Hoo. 

Kai lightly nodded at him and spoke, “Thank you.”



The car ride was quiet, and he was fond of that certain quietness, to Kai, at least, quietness meant tranquility, serenity. For Kai, whose mind would constantly paced back and forth, whose mind was frequently muddled and disturbed, stillness and quietness was something essential to him. He looked out the window – he had promised himself not to look at the past, but he would occasionally allow himself to gaze at the sky and heaved a sad sigh. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be like this, particularly when Sooyoung was sitting by his side. But, no matter how long his sadness had been prolonged, when he revisited it, the same thoughts, feelings and actions all took place. Before he realized it, he had visited the place where he left off – one year. It had been one year without the familiar sight of their loving father, sitting on his usual leather armed chair near the fireplace. One year. One year, his disturbed thought had repeated that one particular word over and over again. One year …

He remembered when he entered the house; he felt heaviness in the air. The sitting room was dim and crepuscular, but there was a feeling, a feeling he knew he wasn’t supposed to feel. He remembered how he had tried to convince himself that his father was home, and there was nothing to worry about. But he felt unusually precarious toward the feeling of menace that had hovered the air. The flower vase had been knocked over and was broken into pieces; it was as though someone had run down the stairs in a hurry. The silence was ominous, and Kai disliked the feeling it gave.

Kai remembered pacing up his speed as he climbed up the stairs. Father was home and Sooyoung was not home yet. He felt a wild panic rose inside him as he noticed a scratch mark on the wall. Someone had been here. Someone who did not belong in this house had been here – Kai remembered he had only been twelve at that time, but inside, deep inside his soul, he knew the weak and vulnerable five-year-old Kai still existed in him – Father’s room was on the far end of the second landing. He threw the doors open and walked briskly inside, frantically calling his father.

Father! Father!

There was a knock from the other side of the bed. He just stood there like a statue, as though he was a monument frozen for eternity, for he had remembered what his father had said to him that if he wasn’t able to speak in the situation or condition he was in, he would knock – there was a second knock. Kai ran toward the source of the sound, frightened of what he would find. But he didn’t scream when he saw his father lying on the floor, thick red liquid surrounding him. Kai was paralyzed. His father was dying.

Who did this to you?” he had asked his father that question as he helped him into a sitting position – his father coughed up blood – “We should get you to hospital. I will call the ambulance right awa –

It’s too late, Kai. The Silver Blood had won against me,” Choi Rae Won interrupted, his voice was barely louder than a mere croak.

Father, for once, please don’t be so persistent. You're severely wounded. You need to go to the hospital, or you’ll …” Die. Kai pursed his lips shut before another word he had been afraid of could escape from his mouth. “Please, Father.

Choi Rae Won shook his head and gave him a small, faint smile before he spoke, “I still have so many things to tell you, so many things to teach you, but I don’t have much time left.” He inhaled slowly as he realized tears were starting to well on his son’s pair of amber eyes. He reached for his son’s face. “It’s going to be okay, Kai. I promise.

He remembered how he buried his face on his father’s bloody hand as tears gushed down his cheeks. “Please, Father,” he pleaded. “Stay.

I promise, it’s going to be okay,” said Choi Rae Won. His pair of dark brown eyes looked so distant. “Take care of your sister and yourself. I love you both. Be safe,” he coughed up more blood. “Facio Valiturus Fortis.” Be strong and brave. And before he knew it, his father was gone.

Kai was tensed up, as he was momentarily jolted back into his evanescent past. He clenched his fist, and Sooyoung seemed to be aware of the tension surrounding her brother as well. Her presumably firm and oblivious expression softened as she affectionately placed her soft hand on the top of Kai’s clenched fist, patting it softly. “We are in this war together, remember?”

Kai looked into his sister’s pair of amber eyes, and for a brief moment, Sooyoung's eyes that would usually reflect pureness and honesty was gone, entirely replaced by an indescribable vengeance and luminosity.


He watched his sister’s eyes grew dim as she slowly hugged her knees tighter, bitter gust lashed against her well-sculptured face. He knew she tried not to, she certainly did, but one perfectly round drop edged down her ashen, pale cheek. It fell onto the cold stone of the grand stair. Burying her head in her hands out of sorrow and grief, more tears seeped from her eyes. She looked weak in his eyes, and he was sure his sister wouldn’t want him to see her in such state.

“Father was murdered, right? A vampire … a Silver Blood murdered him. Am I right?” she asked acrimoniously.

Kai was taken aback by the sternness in his sister’s voice, but Kai’s firm and strong gaze did not bat. He knew Sooyoung was not expecting an answer, for she already knew what would her brother reply. But, still, he answered, “Yes.” Despite the unusual tension that had engulfed the both of them, Kai slid his arms around her shoulders, locking her lithe body into his unyielding embrace. “We’ll kill him someday, the Silver Blood, we will definitely kill him someday.”

“How? How can I possibly kill an immortal soul?” she breathed heavily. Kai could feel her wet tears slid down her cheeks to his shoulder.

“Don’t be so greedy, my dear sister,” he tightened his grip on her. “This war is not yours to fight alone. This is our war, Soo. And, I promise you, with you by my side, we will find a way to avenge Father’s death.” He could feel her faint nods against his shoulder. “Those damned vampire creatures are ours to send to the deepest pit of Hell.”


A crafty smirk formed along Kai’s lips as he came to a realization his words that he said one year ago, had left a deep impression to his sister. “You still remember.”

She patted her older brother’s arm, “You are so silly. Of course I still remember, brother dear,” an indecipherable smile formed along her peach-tinted lips. “Those words are the very words that has kept me sane until now. I should be thankful to you, Kai.”

In response, he pressed Sooyoung's head to his shoulder, and he kissed his sister’s sleek hair; the usual sweet scent of lilacs ran through his perfectly upright nose, “Vous êtes les bienvenus, ma chère sœur.” You are very welcome, my dear sister.



Kai and Sooyoung climbed up the deck stairs of the Italian Renaissance mansion made of beautiful gray stone they called home. They stood before a wrought-iron door and the ever so intimidating gargoyles standing guard at the balcony level.

Butler Seon rang the doorbell.

“Where in the world have you two been?” a man’s voice rang in his ears. Standing in front of him was a tall, old man with silver hair and dressed neatly in gray, Canali wool blend suit. His pair of deep brown eyes stared down at two of his grandchildren intensely. “There is only an hour left before this year’s Bal des Sicarius and you …” he paused, his gaze shifted to Kai who was wearing a white stand collar smart shirt underneath a black-waxed cotton jacket, along with washed jeans and a pair of herringbone sneakers, “You haven’t even changed your clothes yet, Kai.”

Kai blinked, shifting his gaze to his grandfather, “We know. Sooyoung and I feel awfully bad for leaving without notifying you first, Grandfather. Particularly when there will be guests coming here soon to attend the grand ball our family is hosting this year,” Kai responded firmly, maintaining his calm composure despite the irascible tone that could be heard from his grandfather’s voice. “And I will change my clothes as soon as I enter my bedroom. Don’t worry too much about us, Grandfather, for you still have billions of other things that you have to worry about,” an ambiguous smile graced along Kai’s full lips. “I’ll be setting off to my bedroom first. I will meet you again in the ballroom, Grandfather.”

With that, Kai walked through the creaking double door to the dim and murky great hall lined with fleur-de-lis wallpaper, a Baroque crystal chandelier hung in the center of the room, emitting the only source of light for most of the large bay windows were covered by heavy velvet curtains. 

Sooyoung followed her brother’s footsteps before glancing back at her grandfather who was now walking toward his study room along with Butler Seon by his side. “Grandfather,” she called, offering him a warm gaze as his grandfather turned around to face his granddaughter, “I am certain Kai was trying to apologize to you earlier. It was just his way of apologizing that was rather confounding,” a whimsical little smile formed along the edges of her lips, “On the behalf of my brother, I am sorry for his childish actions toward you.” She bowed at him, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to help my brother choose the perfect suit for tonight."



By the time the dance took place in the Italian Renaissance mansion, the usually dim and murky great hall and grand ballroom were ornately decorated. The heavy velvet curtains that had covered the bay windows had been opened and overlooked the beautiful, Han River. The Baroque chandelier glittered on the center of the great hall, and the sweet scent of magnolia and fresh baked cakes drifted in the air. 

Two pairs of ominous eyes had swiftly examined the grand ballroom, impressed by the work of the event organizer who had successfully turned the seemingly dilapidated, dark room into a glistening one. Two young siblings on the early stage of their adolescence stood next to each other, both of them holding a glass of water on their hands. “Here we are again, Bal des Sicarius,” Kai’s eyes were fixed on his sister. “We have attended this ball every year, at different homes, different mansions, different countries.”

Sooyoung heaved a heavy sigh as she took a sip from her glass of water before putting it onto the nearest table. She gazed at her brother as she smoothed the edges of the elegant and sharp, Lanvin black suit she had carefully picked for her troublesome brother. “At least we're hosting this ball for a good cause,” she gazed at her brother’s baffled expression. She heaved another helpless sigh before she spoke, “Bal des Sicarius is a ball that takes place every year to gather funds for several charities. I thought you knew since you have attended this very ball for at least eight times already, Kai.”

“Well, then, you seem to really have fun in this ball, Sooyoung. You even listen to the boring opening speeches,” Kai said through and unwilling smile, ignoring Sooyoung's last response.

She shook her head. “No, and it’s the same for you,” she responded, spending little time to argue with her brother.

“Whatever.” Kai retreated. He was not willing to argue with his sister, especially in an atmosphere like this, where he felt quite uneasy toward the feeling of being watched.

After greeting and throwing friendly smiles to the guests for almost an hour and a half, Kai and Sooyoung concluded they could no longer stand the crowded and noisy place anymore. Both of them escaped to the great hall, which was only filled with four people; two guards standing on the doorway and them.

“Two children of the famous Choi Rae Won. Kai and Sooyoung, am I correct?” both Sooyoung and Kai’s eyes averted to the sudden appearance of an intruder, only to have his eyes falling upon a seemingly aristocratic young man and lady, standing side by side. As if possessing a mind-reading ability, the blond young man in black, Giorgio Armani classic suit spoke, “We wish to speak to the both of you. Privately,” he said. “Your grandfather has been expecting for both of your presence in his study room, as well. Follow me.”

Without any hesitation, Kai followed their footsteps into the study room, but he paused as he realized he did not hear the constant sound of tack-tack from Sooyoung's pair of skin-colored double platform court heels. When he turned to his sister, an indecisive look had crossed her face. Her fingers restlessly fidgeting her white lace dress, though trying to be discreet, attempting to hide her discomfort.

He came toward her and reached for her hands. “They’re not going to do anything to us. Trust me.” Kai reassured his sister with a soothing voice in an attempt to calm her.

Sooyoung had been rather skeptical of all things around her since Father’s death. It was true that she did not, and could not give her trust easily to other people. But, Kai, Kai, her brother did not fear anything, and every time she saw his pair of brilliant amber eyes, it would always reflect the same sentence over and over again; Don't you want to get your revenge? 

"You trust me, right?"

She took Kai’s hand, resuming her dignified elegance. A dexterous smile formed along Kai’s full lips upon seeing his sister’s eyes had glinted the same indescribable craftiness and her insensible nature.

They stepped into the study room, the glistening light emitted by the Baroque chandelier outside disappeared as the aristocratic, young lady in white, Alexander McQueen angel drape dress closed the mahogany double door. The room was dim, for it had only one source of light, which was the fireplace. The young lady strutted her way across the Persian rug to the young man’s side that was sitting on the Italian leather armed-chair across Grandfather.

“Kai, Sooyoung. Come. Sit here,” Grandfather’s firm order had made his grandchildren to obey. The siblings sat on the leather Louis XV sofa between the seemingly aristocratic young adults and their Grandfather, Choi Hyun Sung. “The famous Wu twins; Kris and Jessica,” he said politely as he gestured his hand to the aristocratic young adults.

“Please to make your acquaintance,” Jessica nodded at the siblings, her red-rose tinted lips had formed a cryptic smile as she begun to speak again, “It’s odd to see your rather baffled expressions, Kai, Sooyoung. My twin brother and I have met you six years ago, at the same Bal des Sicarius in Huang's manor, Beijing. Both of you must have forgotten, you were only seven at that time.”

Jessica’s nonsensical talk about how they had first encountered in Beijing had earned Kai’s impatience. “I am utterly touched to the fact that you remember every slightest detail about us, Jessica. I also appreciate your effort in trying to jolt us back to the past when we had first met you and your twin in Beijing,” Kai’s soft effort in trying to maintain the politeness in his rather brusque and blunt tone could be heard. He leaned backward, resting his back onto the soft leather, “I would be delighted to hear your stories about the old times, Jessica, but the crowd is expecting for our presence too.”

Sooyoung glared at her brother, which had only earned his trademark crafty smile. To her surprise, Jessica seemed to be rather appeased than vexed toward Kai’s curt response, and so she decided to continue her older brother's attempt in provoking them. “Kai is quite impatient, and the same as my brother, I am rather impatient too,” she said through an unwilling smile, “please bear with us.”

As if he had been anticipating the siblings’ curt responses, Kris’ face contorted an utter amusement. “The Choi siblings, known as their famous arrogance. Seems like the rumors are true, aren’t they?” he smirked, gazing at the Choi siblings with his pair of intimidating brown eyes. “If you’d like my twin to cut to the case. Trust me, she’d love to.” He crossed his legs, smoothening small creases on his Giorgio Armani suit. “I assume the both of you have been aware of your late father’s high position in the elite, charity funding organization; Caedis Sicarius.”

The usual disdainfulness was perfectly painted on Kai’s sharp features. “Amuse me,” he leaned forward. “This very ball you are attending now is the ball of Caedis Sicarius to gather some fund–“

“Helping other is not all what the Caedis Sicarius does, Kai,” it was now Jessica’s turn to shot back at him, stopping him before he could interrupt as she tucked strands of her dark brown hair behind her ear. “The both of you had been brought here tonight because both of you are very special – the only children of the highly-named hunter, former Regis of the Conclave, and your loving father. Kai and Sooyoung, your bloodline has shown that you are, certainly, the descendants of the hunters. Even for Kai, the adopted son, you are also considered as the descendants for you have been taken under the care of Choi Rae Won.” She looked at them straight in the eye with her set of deep brown eyes. “Both of you are the newest members of Caedis Sicarius, a future Venator; a vampire hunter.”

Kai had almost uttered his irrational thoughts out loud, but he chose to remain his silent and reserved composure. However, his sister, Sooyoung, seemed to have lost herself in the utter excitement.

Vampire hunters, you say?”

Kai could not be more impressed by his sister’s calm approach in comprehending the unexpected revelation despite the feeling of exhilaration overflowing throughout her whole body – she was more reserved and more patient than Kai after all.

“Yes, my dear granddaughter,” her firm gaze shifted toward her grandfather, Choi Hyun Sung. His face softened as he saw Sooyoung's expression. “From generations to generations, our family has been vampire hunters. Your father, Rae Won, was once a part of us too. Remember how he saved you from the Silver Blood, Kai?” his distant gaze had leered over his grandson – Kai nodded his head – a warm smile formed along his lips. “Today is the introduction to the secret society of vampire hunters that has been lurking right under your feet.”

Kai turned to look at his sister who was, also, looking at him right in the eye – they were only thirteen, but their eyes had glinted such malice and intelligent craftiness – Kai smiled enigmatically, which had been returned by another enigmatic, whimsical little smile by his sister. And, behind their trademark smiles, laid words left unsaid; words of longing hatred and anger, all repeated inside their disturbed minds.

They had found a way to kill the Silver Blood.

Kai had kept his words, and Sooyoung was pleased by it.

“Welcome to your new life.”

Kai and Sooyoung were opening a new page in their chaotic lives. They were about to embark the journey into the darkness of themselves, and they were not afraid. 


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[Caedis Sicarius] An update on my life. I passed the national tests and now I'm officially a doctor!


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Ohmygod i cant believe that youre still updating your story :")))))
Chapter 9: Can't wait for the next chapter!! Plz update!!
Chapter 9: Hey there, I just finished reading chapter four and I enjoyed how they interacted, freely without boundaries. I'm glad that they are still able to have fun despite being all serious in their restricted organisation. Although they are just slaves to the higher ups, they still have the right to enjoy and be happy so I liked it, this especially make sense as Kai and Krystal are allowed to date openly (i supposed), like despite the clan stuff, there's no dating bans right? I'll be waiting for your upcoming chapter! Cheers!
Chapter 6: I just finished reading chapter three. I tend to read this fic slowly because this is just like an aged premium red wine - the more you indulge in it, the more enjoyable it is. And, by slowly reading, I am able to absorb the essence of this fic.

Omo! Kai and Krystal are a couple already? How? When? What happened between them? I'm so excited and there would be more interactions between them if they take this opportunity! (Which i highly think that they would!)

And I love you fine you describe Kai, he's sounds and look so handsome and I love it! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 4: What a grand event! But I know that the event isn't much of Krystal's concern especially when her eyes are fixated on Kai.
Omo! The flashback that shows how the two met, years ago in the same event but at a different place, is just so cute! Even though, they were small children then, they were so bold to roam around the mansion due to boredness.
I enjoy discovering Krystal's background which explained her personality and I am able to empathise to her level.
That father is horrible, how could he make a 10 year old child remember how her parents died? Was she even able to cope? And what did the father meant by they are claimimg her, I don't understand that.
But other than that, I enjoy this chapter!
Chapter 3: The invitation to the clan is done in such an exquisite way and I like how you build the foundation from how Kai went back in attempting to find back his forgotten memories. And showing us how Sooyoung and Kai are related. I believed that the two are now surprised at the fact that their father had kept them from knowing but then again, knowing at 13 is better because at least they are more mature and able to grasp the hold of the situation. I really love how detailed you go to describe and unveal the story.
Chapter 2: I just finished reading the prolouge and I'm intriguied by the way you write - how you flawlessly achieve what every successful authors would want to do: show and not tell. Every detail of the scene can be felt and not being told and that's an amazing feeling.
mamegoma #8
Chapter 9: I really like the genre of this story plus the couple's of course
2482 streak #9
Chapter 8: Happy to have you back and congratulations on graduating from medical school!! :D It's not an easy feat and I'm sure you passed your exams!! ^^ The change of characters is also completely understandable and thank you for updating us on the new cast. :) Best of luck with writing and I'm excited for future updates!! x]
thank you for this story