Before The End

Before The End

It was the last day of filming… and it’s the first snow of the month. I said to my manager that it’s like the snow is celebrating with us, but inside I don’t feel like celebrating… I feel regret.

Shin Hye already arrived at the filming location when my manager and I parked. Many fans have gathered today and it seems like my plan will not go well. 

 Minhos’ Manager: Finally, we arrived. Remember that we will be filming your farewell with the cast and crew.
Minho: Yes. Should I prepare something to say?
Minhos’ Manager: Anyi, it should be spontaneous, like a behind-the-scenes. It will be uploaded for your fans to see.
Minho: Okay. But Hyung...
Minhos’ Manager: Arasso. Her manager will be filming her version as well. Let's hope she doesn’t cry.

Minho just made a face because he’s sure… Shin Hye will cry.

He went down and immediately greeted the director and the staffs. Almost all the production staffs are here and only the two of them are the actors. The staffs are still setting up, he went to find Shin Hye and there she was talking to her stylist, laughing. But her laugh doesn’t reach her eyes, it is as if she’s hiding her sadness with that loud laugh.

Minho: Annyeong, Eun Sang. (He pat her on the back)

From the start everyone calls him Kim Tan and Shin Hye, Eun Sang. So, until the last filming he wanted to call her Cha Eun Sang. He'll never know when he can call her again with that name.

Shin Hye: Oppa (She smiled but stopped laughing)
Minho: They are still setting up and waiting for the snow to fall down.
Shin Hye: Deh. They said that we will have to endure a lot today, because we have to walk from here to there without gloves and winter coats, only our long coats. (She pouted)
Minho: Arasso. We have to make today perfect and no NG’s. 
Shin Hye: Uh I will try my best Oppa 
Minho: Aja

The Director is now calling them to be ready and they went to their positions. 

Director: Okay. Kim Tan. Eun Sang. Please face each other. And look at each other’s eyes. Smile. We will be filming you on the first cut. Just stand there.

Minho: (Faces Shin Hye, smiling)
Shin Hye: (Faces Minho, smiling while bursting little laugh)
Director: ACTION!!!

Minho: *It's the last day, how do you feel?*
Shin Hye: *I feel cold... and sad. Is this really the end?*
Minho: *Should I hold your hand later? I will miss Eun Sang's hands*
Shin Hye: *Should I hug you later? I will miss Kim Tan's hugs*
Minho: *Will we sit next to each other on the Farewell Party?*
Shin Hye: *I have a prior schedule before heading to the farewell party. I hope we arrive at the same time*
Minho: *Will you still contact me after filming?*
Shin Hye: *You always tease me and I get pissed every time haha choding!* (she smirked)
Minho: *You will be so happy that now you can sleep more than an hour after today*
Shin Hye: *You will be very busy after this. Training immediately for the movie?*
Director: CUT!!! That’s great! Now, we will shoot you two walking and having the conversation. Wait for my cue.

Shin Hye’s PA and makeup artist came, covering her with another coat and the other one re-touching her makeup.
Minho’s PA and manager came, covering him with another coat.

But they still stared at each other… until his manager handed him the warm bottled water to warm his hands. He was startled. That’s when he broke the eye contact.

Minho: Eun Sang (handed her the warm bottled water)
Shin Hye: Komowo Oppa
Minho: Your hands will be colder later. It’s starting to snow.
Shin Hye: (Looking up and seeing the beautiful snow falling down)

He saw it, her eyes are twinkling. Not because of happiness, tears are starting to show. He felt it

Minho: The weather is celebrating with us. The snow is celebrating with us.
Shin Hye: Deh. (Still looking up)

Director: This is perfect! It is starting to snow! Now you walk from there while delivering the lines! Okay?

Minho and Shin Hye fixed themselves and held hands. It is written in the script. 
Her hands are shaking, he doesn't know if it is because of the weather or because she is trying to control her tears. 

Minho: (whispering) If you feel like crying, don't hold back. Just smile more, so it won't be obvious to the camera.
Shin Hye: (whispering) Komowo Oppa. Don't worry. Now that you're holding my hand, it gives me strength not to cry.
Minho: (whispering) Hold my hand tighter if you feel a tear will fall down. 


Director: READY! ACTION!

While they deliver the lines and walking on the path. The snow is starting to fall heavily.

Shin Hye is pinching his hand every now and then. He lost count how many times. He wanted to turn to her side to see if a tear fell down. But they are still filming. He looked at her once, twice and she was smiling. She took his advice, to smile more. So her tears won't be captured. It's a good thing the snow is pouring now.


Director: CUT!!!!


Minho and Shin Hye stopped walking. Everyone in the crew and even their managers, he can hear them howling and greeting each other for a job well done. Shin Hye is starting to cry now. Their PA's are now running towards them to cover them with coats to keep them warm. The snow is puoring down like Shin Hye's tears are pouring too. 


Minho: Cha Eun Sang

Shin Hye: (looked up) 

Minho: (lifted his hand) *I'd like to wipe those tears on that face*


But before he can touch her face, his manager bear-hugged him and dragged him to walk towards the crew.

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Chapter 1: Awwwww it's so sweet and true, their conversation while looked at each other in the last scene bts which is still my question. And your one shot story help me to endure my curiousness , thank you so much <3
Berlianvelia #2
Chapter 1: Sweet but sad...