Backstage Noises

this contains a little (just hints of it) so if you are uncomfortable with any type of and in any amount please note that! :)

Yongguk slumped on the couch in their dressing room backstage as a green plastic mask decorated his face.
"Here" a familiar voice rang in his ear and he frowned.
"Talk respectfully!" Yongguk grumbled and took the can from the others hand.
"We're alone so it's fine..." The said man answered as he lifted his own can from the table and took a sip from it.
"Daehyun-ah! I'm still your hyung and someone might come in!" He glared at and gained a chuckle in response.
"I locked the door...Hyung~!" Daehyun teased and Yongguk chuckled.
He patted his lap, signaling Daehyun to come and sit, Daehyun put the can back down on the table and swiftly moved closer, he sat on Yongguks lap as one arm wrapped around his neck & the other laced together with his.
Yongguk lifted his hand to take off the mask but it was slapped away.
"Don't even dare to think about it! until they say differently that mask is staying where it is!" the older groan as he rolled his eyes, "I feel better!"
"I don't care, you had trouble breathing and that shouldn't be taken lightly!" Daehyun gently smacked his chest.
"You're worried?" Yongguk asked with a raised brow and an amused smile, "of course! who else would love me at night?" Daehyun mentally laughed as he saw the smile on his lovers lips falter.
"That's the only reason?" Yongguk questioned with a frown and Daehyun shook his head with a sly smile then pecked his cheek, "in the mornings too..."
"and...?" the older kept demanding more answers as Daehyuns lips traveled from his cheek to his ear.
"In the afternoons as well..." he whispered and blew hot air on his ear then his ear lobe and on it.
"and?" Yongguk inhaled sharply.
"Who else would kiss me?"
This time a small groan escaped his lips as Daehyun slightly shifted on his lap, rubbing the growing .
"Who else would I dry?"
Yongguk whimpered.
"Who else would me limp?"
Daehyuns hand traveled down and he palmed Yongguks .
Yongguk tried to take the oxygen mask off once again but Daehyun slapped his hand away once again.
"I said no." he glared at his lover who whimpered under him.
"I need to kiss you..." Yongguk whined and Daehyun shook his head, Yongguk glared at him then grabbed both of his hands and pinned them in place, he took off the mask and put it back on repeatedly, "see?! I'm perfectly fine!"
"Yah!" Daehyun hissed as he tried to free his hands and put the mask back on.
"Goddamnit! I swear I'll take super glue and glue that mask onto your face you freakin' jerk!" Yongguk just chuckled and captured his lips in a kiss.

"Hyung! what are you doing?" Zelo asked Himchan who's ear was glued to the door and his cheeks were flushed scarlet red.
"N-nothing..." he said as he backed away from the door.
Zelo moved in to eavesdrop as well but was yanked back by the older.
"Hyung!" he whined at Himchan who gave him a deadly glare.
"They're still there?" Jongup asked and gained a nod as a response.
"What the hell are they talking about in there?! we need to go! we'll be late for the next schedule!" Youngjae grumbled and crossed his arms in distaste as a frown decorated his forehead.
Himchan's cheeks turned redder, "They're clearing things out...it might take tine though" he said then glued his ear back on the door, soft dim moans rang in his ears as the two familiar voices moaned each others names.
Himchan sighed and muttered with a frown, "a very long time..."

bahhh too short... ><

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Chapter 1: Aaww junhongie kiyowohh
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 1: LOL HIMCHAN and the curious junhong lol
Chapter 1: omg haha poor Channie <3
k0j3t4 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha... so cute! Bangdae is perfect!
Chapter 1: Heyy hey hey it was so... I'm fan of this. *-*