

"It's been 5 years." He mumbled, reaching out to the rock. There on the tombstone, beside the date that read 5 years ago from that day, was the name:

Song Ari.


Song Ari stood at the bus stop, shoulder to shoulder with the boy next to her. She glanced at him often, but he stood straight, staring ahead. They were the only two at the stop, waiting in the cool fall breeze. He wore a dark green jacket, and wrapped his neck in a thick wool scarf. It was a light grey; a gift from years ago. His legs were covered in the dark grey jeans, and his feet in black combat boots. He looked no more than 20 years old, but he in actuality, he was 23. His face was young and handsome, but his eyes pooled with grief and sadness.

The two did not speak. When the bus came, he went first, and she followed, almost floating behind him. When he sat, he placed his rucksack in the seat next to him, but then changed his mind, putting it back on his lap. She replaced the bag, mumbling a quiet, "Thank you for the seat".

It was six o'clock in the evening. The sun had already began to set, and there were clouds coming in from the far distance. The bus was scattered with a few women, and some teenagers from the local high school. The vehicle made its way through the metropolitan, heading deeper into the suburbs as time passed. Half an hour later, the boy got off the bus, again followed by Ari.

He walked and walked, and she the same. Quietly, with no words exchanged, he approached a small plaza. She was at his tail the entire time, never falling behind in pace, but never getting too close as to step on his heels. He never turned around, never even glanced any way but directly ahead. It was as if he didn't notice she was there.

The plaza was small and cute. It had a cafe on one end, a convenience store, a pizza shop and a small flower shop. The boy glanced quickly at the cafe but headed towards the florist's.

"Good evening," He was greeted. "Has it already been a year?"

The florist was an older woman, hair already beginning to grey. She held in her hand a bouquet of orange flowers, and smiled sadly at the boy. He nodded solemnly.
The girl stood outside the store, unable to come inside. The door had shut quickly on her, and she decided it would be better to stay out here.

The boy quickly bought a bunch of white flowers, lilies, Ari guessed, and headed back towards the main road. There, he took another bus, the same routine. No words were spoken between the two. This bus was considerably more quiet and lonesome. There were only 4 people on the bus, including the driver. An elderly woman stood at the front, holding her walker and making quiet conversation with the driver.

Some twenty minutes later, after the woman had left, and the bus had gone well into the suburbs, the two left. The boy walked, quickly now, his paces steadily pushing towards a run. Ari still managed to effortlessly keep up with him, silently following, floating in his footsteps..

As they approached a small church, the two began to slow down. It was late now, and the sun had completely set. There were few stars in the sky, but it was mostly covered with clouds; rainclouds. She hadn't notice them come in, but now she looked up at them worriedly. The two entered the church, and after greeting the priest, made their way into the courtyard, towards the small cemetery. The boy clutched at the flowers, his knuckles becoming white. He walked among the tombstones, knowing exactly where the one he was looking for was, but going through the act anyways. At the end of the fourth row, he sat down, and placed the flowers. The girl sat beside him silently, both of them looking at the tombstone.

"It's been 5 years." He mumbled, reaching out to the rock. Ari pursed her lips and looked down.

There on the tombstone, beside the date that read 5 years ago from that day, was the name:

Song Ari.


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J3ss1ca #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^