Part Two

[SubPlotToTaken] Marked

Do you want to meet up?

It was a simple enough text. No mention of blood. No subtle hint for . It was as vague as a typical boy could be. But this wasn’t a simple text and it most certainly wasn’t sent by a typical boy. You studied your phone then your wrist then back to your phone. You weren’t honestly contemplating getting back in contact with Baekhyun…were you?

I know you want to.

“Shut up,” You muttered out loud. How did he know you so well already?

I’ve tasted your blood. I must have more.

Your shoulders drooped, you couldn’t help it. Was that all you were to him? He was drooling after you but not for the reasons you would have liked. But he did say you were his type. What was fact and what was fiction?

Besides, we didn’t get to test out the bedrooms.

Okay, that made you blush. You did remember the intense pleasure you felt when Baekhyun fed from you. Did you have the courage to do that again? To even go farther?

You can’t say no to me.

That was the last straw. You quickly texted an affirmative and wondered where he wanted to meet you.

I suppose we should feed you first.

Baekhyun arranged to meet you at a local frozen yoghurt place that the two of you were both familiar with.

Afterwards, we are going to Lestat.

You almost spit out your water. Did that mean Baekhyun wanted to…oh dear. You had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to say no to that as well. Baekhyun had you well and truly wrapped around his beautiful fingers.

You picked out your cutest outfit, figuring you should at least be at your best for Baekhyun. You didn’t know how long he planned on keeping you around but if you could keep his attention by dressing up then you’d pull out all your guns.

You arrived at the place early, too anxious to sit at your dorm any longer. You picked a choice spot by the window in order to spot Baekhyun immediately. You swung your legs, perched atop the high bar stool for what felt like ages. You continuously glanced at your phone, torturously watching the minutes trickle by. Baekhyun just had to be one of the boys who enjoyed being late.

Your eagerness drained away quickly as you realized Baekhyun was going to be more than just late. Did time past differently for a vampire? You had curiously googled vampires the evening after your trip to Lestat but all you came up with was some dusty old myths and that horrible fanfic-turned-novel. You doubted anything you found was close to the truth.

You felt yourself being painted by patheticness when the minutes turned into hours. You decided to test out the menu while you waited. Your last spoonful of pistachio was in your mouth when Baekhyun finally graced you with his presence. Any unkind words were banished when he smiled bashfully at you. “You’ll forgive me for being late, right?”

Late was a huge understatement but you were being drawn into those puppy-dog eyes and suddenly didn’t remember why you were angry anymore. “It’s fine. I ate.”

Baekhyun preened in the reflection of the huge windows and your stomach jumped to your throat. You were sadly underdressed. Baekhyun’s hair was now a silvery hue, his eyes magnified with eyeliner and he sported a smart suit. He must have followed your thoughts because his hand encompassed yours.

“You’re cute today.”

With just three words, Baekhyun had you reeling. “I…th-thank you.”

His grip tightened to comfort you. “Ready to go?”

The two of you walked together, your hand tucked in the crook of Baekhyun’s arm. Who was Baekhyun? You began to daydream of an 1800’s gentleman in a dashing long-tailed suit, walking with a decorated cane just for the fun of it. You should have been paying attention to Baekhyun’s chattering, however. You only caught the end of it.

“…you weren’t scared, which I was glad of.”

“I wasn’t,” You agreed, even though you had no inkling of what he was talking about.

“Fear makes the blood taste differently,” Baekhyun wrinkled his nose. “I don’t like it.”

Ah, now you understood. Your pulse sped up. “You’re,” you swallowed but there was no moisture in your mouth to speak of, “You’re going to do it again?”

A sparkle of unknown excitement in Baekhyun’s eyes made your heart skip a beat. “Let’s experiment.”

“Experiment?” You squeaked.

Baekhyun stopped walking and leisurely drew you closer to him. He tilted his head, and before you could completely comprehend what was going on, he was kissing you. It was a sweet kiss, full of promises, until he nipped your lip, hard enough to break the skin. You gasped in shock and pain and Baekhyun took this opportunity to latch onto your lower lip and . His sneaky tongue lathed at your lip as well, encouraging your blood to continue his feast. There was that tug, as strong as the tides, coming from your lips this time but still ending at your nether region…

When Baekhyun deemed it a good idea to release you from the kiss, you knew your eyes were glazed over. His eye smile wasn’t helping things either.

“That’s just a taste,” he informed you.

“What else?” You heard yourself say faintly.

Baekhyun’s thumb brushed along your lips and he provocatively on the smear of blood painted there. “You’ll see.”

You didn’t even remember the rest of the trip to the club. You blinked and suddenly your ear drums were submerged in bass and you snapped back to reality.

Baekhyun looked amused at your startled expression. “Day dreaming of me?”

You pursed your lips, unable to comment. Baekhyun smirked but conintued to lead you to an unknown destination. That ending up to a round booth, currently occupied by two other guys.

“You’re late,” one of them snapped.

Baekhyun shrugged carelessly, “We stopped for a bite to eat.”

“A bite you say?” another looked intrigued. His face was very youthful where the one that snapped looked blank.

The snapper rolled his eyes. “You know Baekhyun. He likes to play with his food.”

“That’s Sehun and Luhan,” Baekhyun introduced you to the grumpy boy and baby-face.

You smiled hesitantly. You still weren’t sure where exactly you stood with Baekhyun. Were you friend, companion or fodder?

Luhan’s nostrils flared. “New meat?”

Sehun’s dark eyes flittered over you. “Very new.”

“I’m not sharing, don’t ask,” Baekhyun cut off any new thoughts. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. Suddenly the club seemed more threatening than before. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to go here without Arianne.

Luhan’s eyes were on a girl in the middle of the dance floor, looking innocent in her white dress. You were envious of how easily beautiful she looked. “I’m not interested anyways.” He got up and removed himself from your company. Sehun slid over in the booth to take his place.

“I’m bored,” he announced. The words were clearly directed towards Baekhyun but his eyes were on you. A shiver wrapped itself around your spine. The air was thickening with danger. You realized you had no power to save yourself.

“Let’s order a drink,” Baekhyun suggested. You turned to look at him and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

A slip of a girl moved to take Baekhyun’s order. Except he told the girl to get whatever drink Chen made for you last time and didn’t mention anything for him or Sehun. The girl returned with the pink concoction from the other night. You sipped it and grew confused when the girl stood waiting at the table. Sehun moved to get up and Baekhyun followed.

Baekhyun pushed the girl’s hair away from her neck and Sehun grabbed her hand. You watched with mouth agape as they both drank from her. When they were done, Sehun’s eyes were sparkly and Baekhyun wobbled. It was an imitation of what Baekhyun had done with you.

“Now that’s a proper mixed drink,” Baekhyun shouted.

You choked on your drink, caught somewhere between a laugh and a snort. Jealousy was flames at your ego right now. Obviously you weren’t the only option for Baekhyun. You couldn’t help but feel a bit disgruntled. That was until Baekhyun rejoined you in the booth. His sure grasp pulled you close to him, arm around waist. You froze when he nuzzled your neck but he just exhaled a puff of air on your neck. “Don’t worry, beautiful. Our fun comes later,” he whispered there.

“If you’re just going to neck then I’m leaving,” Sehun said snottily.

Baekhyun sat up, breaking the quiet companionship between you up. He called you beautiful. An ember of hope coaxed itself in your chest. “Let’s play a game.”

Sehun finally roused himself to look interested. “What kind of game?”

“First, the stakes. If I lose, you can drink from my lovely acquaintance.” Baekhyun sent a wink in your direction. Your lower lip was caught between your teeth in worry. What was Baekhyun doing?

Sehun was looking everywhere but at you. The air was igniting with anticipation. “And if I lose?”

Baekhyun hummed in thought. “You get up at the DJ booth and rap the entirety of I like Big Butts.”

Sehun pulled a face, clearly expressing his dislike for this stipulation. “Fine. The game?”

“Let’s get Chen to serve up shots of blood. Whoever guesses the most blood types correctly wins.”

Sehun his lips, “You’re on, Baekhyun.”

Chen grudgingly set up two sets of shot glasses, mumbling about the two better not waste his supply. “I’m almost out of O negative. Do you know how rare that is?” he pouted.

After the forth shot, Baekhyun was still looking strong. But Sehun, no matter how long he thought, still managed to guess correctly. You started to sweat when Sehun guessed A negative correctly when Baekhyun did not. Then relief avalanched through your veins when Baekhyun said O positive and Sehun exhaled the wrong answer.

There were two shots left, AB positive and AB negative. They would pick one and whoever blurted out the correct answer would be victorious. Sehun was looking sated, like a kid who had eaten too much candy. Baekhyun’s confident smile never left his face. He would win. After all, he said he didn’t share.

A part of you trusted Baekhyun; he didn’t show a hint of malice towards you. Sehun however, with his poker face and unemotional eyes, sent off alarms. But, you saw how he drank from the previous girl. He treated her like an expensive glass of wine.

Baekhyun took the shot and smacked his lips in satisfaction. “AB positive.”

Sehun threw his shot to the back of his throat and his eyes narrowed. “AB negative”

Chen was unbiased and simply pointed to the winner: Sehun. Baekhyun lost his poise and your palms began to perspire. Before Sehun could take a step your way, Baekhyun intervened, facing you and blocking your vision of Sehun.

“Listen to me Amanda,” he began to croon, “Just won prick from Sehun won’t be so bad.”

“You lost,” was all you could manage. How dare he bargain you and lose?!

“It was just for fun,” he shrugged off the guilt you laid on his shoulders. “I’ll watch him the entire time. You’ll be safe.”

“Safe?!” You said in fear, “Someone I just met is going to drink my blood!”

Baekhyun enfolded himself around your quivering body. “I did the same thing once,” he consoled you. “It didn’t turn out so bad.”

Is this what your life was turning into? Student by day, blood bag by night? Were you about to be passed around like a good bottle of hard liquor?

“If you do this, I’ll reward you.” Poisonous words dipped in your ear as Baekhyun pushed your hair behind your ear. It didn’t matter what he was about to offer. Baekhyun alone was tantalizing.

Still, you whimpered as he pushed you towards Sehun. Sehun’s cold fingers slipped around your wrist and pulled you the rest of the way. His mouth was set with determination. You attempted to steal it and set it in your spine. You regarded with great trepidation as Sehun’s fangs came out, wicked and sinister in the low light.

“I’ll bite right next to Baekhyun’s marks,” Sehun murmured, mostly to himself. “That way he’ll always remember he had to share with me.”

Then, without another hint, Sehun sunk his canines into your flesh and surveyed as tiny rivulets flowed from the puncture wounds. He slurped on your body’s essential fluid like he was beyond thirsty. His brown eyes flickered, red tingeing the irises. Sehun closed them and languished in the drink.

The pain that had been radiating up your arm diminished. No, you didn’t want to … Sehun’s tongue lapped at your skin, to boost the blood flow, and with it came a blush to your face. It felt like that tongue wasn’t just at your wrist but—your eyes latched onto Sehun’s, now open. They were small crescent moons, crinkled with secrets. He knew what he was making you feel; he took pleasure in how e was making you feel. To your embarrassment, you actually let out a cry, that sounded way too husky for your regular baby voice.

“That’s enough Sehun,” ordered a voice. Kris had come to intervene. What are you doing, Baekhyun?”

“Me?” Baekhyun feigned innocence. “I’m hardly—”

“Last time I checked, you said she was yours. Now I see Sehun drinking deeply from her. Arianne is going to kill me.”

“No human can kill a vampire,” Sehun rolled his eyes again.

Kris narrowed his eyes shrewdly, bouncing between Baekhyun and Sehun. “First Luhan, now you two,” he shook his head. “If she’s harmed or abused,” he made solid eye contact with both, “You’ll have me at your door.”

Baekhyun wriggled his fingers at Kris’s receding back and Sehun stuck his tongue out childishly. “Always a wet blanket, Kris.” Baekhyun joked to ease the tension. “I’m going to take Amanda home now.”

Sehun’s eyes swung back to you. “Goodnight Amanda.” Somehow, when Sehun said your name, it felt more intimate than his lips on your skin.

You shuddered and Baekhyun mistook that for you being cold. “You’ll be feeling chilly but that sugary drink from before will help you regain some energy.”

The walk home was silent compared to the walk to the club. You had only done as Baekhyun bid and yet you felt as if you had done something wrong.

Baekhyun broke the silence, not able to keep quiet for long periods of time. “You didn’t have to sound like you were enjoying it so much.” 

You stared at our companion in disbelief. He actually had the audacity to pout. He looked like a sullen child force to share his toys. “It’s your fault for not guessing the right blood type!” You blurted out.

You had never felt so relieved to be back at your dorm. You almost rushed to your door if not for Baekhyun grabbing your arm and keeping you cemented by his side. He pushed back your heavy wool sleeve and his thumb brushed Sehun’s marks. You winced but it didn’t seem like Baekhyun cared at the moment.

“That little ,” He cursed. You were stunned at the foul words he spoke.

You attempted to pick up the sense that you had dropped since you met Baekhyun. “Baekhyun—”

“Do you remember the kiss I gave you earlier?” He demanded abruptly.

Did you ever! That kiss had more passion and depth than any kiss you had ever received. “I remember.”

“Think of that right before you go to bed instead of what happened with Sehun,” He insisted. He placed a kiss right beside your ear where it met your jaw and was gone.

You attempted to unlock your door but the keys were jumping around and hindering you. These boys…these VAMPIRES were taking a toll on your sanity. And damn your curiosity if you weren’t eager to find out what would happen next.

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neenah_03 #1
Chapter 3: All i can say is...damn that was hot. Well done author!
Chapter 3: This was...omg so ing hot! i just can't! I am itching for the scene when he finally gets to drink from her. This was just so y to read. . Sorry but it did. Freaking wish I was Amanda.... T-T
Kelliefornia #3
Chapter 2: yayy an update <3 lol I was so happy! ugh I saw that pic all over tumblr and it gave me so many feeeels~ even tho baek is such an irresistible vamp, but dude.. if I heard "he likes to play with his food" or that he actually puts me as a wager in a bet... uhh tantalizing or not, I'm out man.. with that said I think it's cute tho if he like treats her like food but then actually starts liking her.. kinda like the song wolf lol.. ok sorry for commenting so much >< thanks for the update!!! I'm always pleased with all of your stories!!!!!
Kelliefornia #4
Chapter 1: cries so good author-nim~ my two fav things- baekie and vampire!au ugh I cannot wait for the next update. gah even though you've said baek isn't your cup of tea I loved the way you wrote him here! confident and alluring but still so cuuute! I seriously read this 5+ times tbh and there's not even any yet x.x
Chapter 1: ooooh I'm excited!! especially when the oc and I share the same name heheheh
Chapter 1: Oooh so good! I really like spinoffs as it always shows more depth to the story as well for the characters. This side of Baek is so refreshing as he's always portrayed as an innocent little boy and that's why I loved your oneshot of Baek being a psychopath! Keep up the writing cause I'm really enjoying it! :D
psiphidragon #7
Chapter 1: Very nice, looking forward to more.
Chapter 1: Ohhhh , I like it !
I`ve read almost all of your stories and they were so goood. This is no exception.