Say It Like You Mean It

Childhood Dreams


"Wahhh, who threw that?!" she whined in protest as she rubbed her very sore and very pink face in the biting wind of the December morning. The boys across the street only smirked and chuckled to themselves, pointing at laughing at the young girl, not one of them coming out and confessing their deed of throwing a snowball at her. Frustrated and with a fiery spirit, she trumped across the street, disapproving pout on her face as she approached the gang of young boys. "Now, who threw that? I'm gonna go tell my mommy if one of you doesn't con-confess," she stuttered, trying to sound as authoritative as possible in order to instill enough fear so the culprit would come clean. Most of the boys only continued to point and snicker at her funny and pouty expression. She narrowed her eyes over the four boys, wondering who it could be. Then, he confessed.

"It was me. I'm sorry," he stated, stepping forward in his puffy blue winter jacket that looked more like a blue marshmallow that was swallowing him whole, head down held down in shame.

"Well, I guess that I forgive you," she sighed, knowing that she couldn't stay mad at the equally young but extremely adorable boy before her. She had not yet developed feelings for the opposite but, she knew that he was cute and that he would use those adorable puppy brown eyes against her at one point or another during this quarrel and she would be powerless.

"Oh, you didn't let me finish. I'm sorry... That you're such an easy target," he grinned widely, turning back to the other boys in the group who laughed with their own squeaky voices at his quip. She puffed out her angry cheeks like a squirrel, angry that she had been deceived.

"Why you little-" you growled, pouncing upon the other and pinning him to the ground. The group of onlookers erupted into a roar of 'Ooooh' as he struggled under her powerful grip despite her own tiny size. "Now say sorry like you mean it," she hissed, hating that she was wasting her time out there in the freezing cold chastising an idiot. He only gulped as he looked up at her with those dangerous brown eyes. She felt her heart flutter lightly at his stare, but wanted to maintain her determination to get him to apologize. Say it," she chimed, forcing him down even further into the fluffy snow. He only stuck his tongue out at her, enjoying her frustration. "What's your name?" she growled, sitting back on the back of her tiny legs.

"Jongin, but the others call me Kai," he answered honestly, sitting up so that he was facing her even though she was still seated firmly on his lap.

"What's your name?" he asked expectantly.

"Like you need to know. You still haven't said sorry yet, Jongin," she spat, hissing the last word as if she were referring to a contagion more than a person.

"Well, I need to know who I'm apologizing to before I do," he smirked, grabbing her lightly by the waist with his own tiny hands. She blushed at the touch, not knowing why.

"No, what you need to do is to apologize," she retorted, finding a way to push the male back onto the cold ground. "Now, I'm not getting off of you until you do," she smirked, lowering her face to his so that their noses were almost touching, just so that she could cause enough discomfort for him to apologize. Suddenly, she felt a warm pool around his pants. She jumped off of him and shrieked at the sight- he had peed on himself. His friends burst out into uncontrollable laughter as he sprung to his feet and tried to hide his embarrassment. His face turned as red as a beet as he shifted uncomfortably under their stares.

"Hey guys, knock it off! Geez, so he had a little accident, who cares!" she barked, essentially hushing the other three boys. "Now, Jongin, let's go to my mommy. She'll know what to do about this and maybe, she'll give you some hot cocoa too," she suggested, grabbing his hand, forgetting the previous dispute for he was in desperate need of help. Though she didn't look back to see it, he blushed brightly as he trotted behind her across the street and to her own home.

"I'm sorry," he muttered as the two of them sat in the living room, small hands wrapped around respective cups of hot chocolate as their mothers chatted away after the incident was resolved. She looked up from her frothing liquid to stare up at him, eyes wide with shock.

"O-oh, it's okay I guess. I think that you kinda paid for it. It's no big deal," she grinned happily. "By the way, my name is Jun HaNi," she added, taking a careful sip of her delicious hot chocolate, feeling the liquid warm her from her core.

"Oh," he muttered shyly. "I like you Jun HaNi. Can we be friends?" he asked timidly, taking a sip from his own cup. She beamed at him, completely forgetting any ill will she had held towards him.

"Of course. I like you, too, Jongin. We can be friends for a long time."


After that day, the two of them were inseparable,always consoling and teasing each other, making each other smile a smile only the other could provoke, and enjoying each other's company. As the twelve long years rolled on, they grew closer and closer, becoming almost like siblings. He would always protect her and treat her like his princess while she would always respect him and treat him like a prince. They never thought of anything more than their friendship- at least, she didn't. Little did she know, his heart was b with love for her with ever passing day and he had to struggle to hide it away to keep her happy. As she smiled, he was being gnawed at by his love for her and knew that soon he would have to let it be known, no matter the consequences.



"What are you doing, Jongin?" you asked as you flipped through the channels on the television, growing more and more bored with every infomercial that plagued your eyes. He stopped his graceful dancing over in the corner to stare back at you, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

"Giving you a show, duh! Don't act like you don't love my dancing," he smirked, deciding to flop down next to you on the couch.

"Pfft I like your dancing as much as I like watching a commercial for a snuggie," you teased, punching him lightly on the arm. "But, you look pretty tired, let me go get you some water," you offered, rising from your seat to go to the kitchen. You didn't realize that he had followed you until you felt his warm, muscular arms wrap around your waist and him rest his smoothly chiseled chin on your shoulder as you poured the water.

"What are you doing, you dork?" you asked, not at all minding the close proximity since you had been together for so long.

"Bugging you, what does it look like," he teased, releasing you from his grip to grab the cup of refreshing liquid gold.

"You're such a dork," you scoffed teasingly as you reached to the top of the fridge to retrieve your favorite pocky snack.

"And you love it. You've been loving it for twelve years," he quipped, stealing the box out of your hand and removing a thin, chocolate covered biscuit stick. "Oh my god, thank you. I totally wanted one of these. Thanks for showing me your stash," he chuckled, placing the delicious snack to his lips, watching, waiting for your reaction. You puffed out your cheeks, a sure sign that you were frustrated although the feeling was only half there. Like with years ago, you could never be mad at him for more than a few seconds at a time; however, wanting your precious snack back, you reached for it and failed. He set the cup down on the counter and held the pocky stick high above his head, sticking his tongue out at you as he taunted you. "Ah, ah, ah, my pocky," he chuckled, keeping it for out of your reach as you continued to swipe the air trying to retrieve it.

"Give it back," you whined, stepping back to pout and cross your arms across your chest, something that you had learned always worked on the older male.

"Aww, don't do that," he pleaded, lowering his hand as he relented under your pouty charm. Catching him off guard, you deftly grabbed the snack and shoved it between your lips, smiling at your victory.

"Haha, loser. My pocky now," you laughed in triumph.

"Pfft, please, cheater. You forget who has the whole box right here, dork," he chuckled, shoving the box in your face but swiping it away when you made a feeble attempt to grab for it. "Now, if you want the rest back, you have to take this one from my mouth," he teased, placing a stick between his teeth and grinning at you, obviously wanting to play the pepero (pocky) challenge with you. He leaned in teasingly, wondering if you would really give it a try, Though your heart beat out of your chest at the opportunity, you hastily turned your head, wanting to maintain your pride. You would have been lying to say that you didn't imagine kissing those beautiful, round lips of his although you tried to convince yourself that you held no romantic feelings for the other.

"Pfft, you're gross, dude," you joked, pushing him away.

"Psh, fine. Looks like this pocky is all mine then," he chuckled. nibbling the stick.

"So be it," you shot back, turning back to look at him, that smug smirk plastered on his face. "Oppa, I'm bored," you droned lazily as you made your way back into the living room. Suddenly, you felt his warm palm wrap around your wrist. You stared up at him, confused but slightly excited, wondering if he had anything in mind. You gulped as his stare intensified.

"Let's go outside then. It's snowing and it's beautiful. Plus, we can have a good old snowball fight like we used to," he chuckled, expression transforming instantly as his lips curled up and his eyes turned to sparkling crescent moons.

"Oh, I remember that. I remember when we first met. Jerk! I still have to get you back for that," you growled playfully as you headed to the hall closet for a coat as he dawned his own.

"Here, let me help you," he chuckled as he stepped behind you and helped you slide into the coat easily. "Now, zip it up. I don't want you getting a cold on me. I don't want to have to be your doctor when you're out sick," he teased. You did as you were told, huffing playfully. You knew that it would be an honor for him to nurse you back to health. You looked at yourself in the closet mirror, giggling to yourself at how you looked like a giant balloon animal. "You're beautiful, you little dork," he teased as he grabbed your wrist and dragged you outside into the biting air,



"Hey!" he shrieked, feigning offense when you threw a giant snowball at his flawless, tanned face.

"Ha! That's payback after all these years," you quipped, sticking your tongue out at him. "Deal with it, bro," you added, wiggling to do an adorable victory dance.

"Why you little-" he growled playfully as he made his way back over to you. "You're going to pay for that," he added, stepping so close to you that your head was to his chest as he towered over you. You could smell his intoxicatingly good smelling cologne emanating off of his clothes. You could feel the comforting heat radiating off of his wonderfully toned body even under all the layer of clothing. A part of you wanted to wrap him in your arms and melt in each other's embrace while another part of you wanted to push him into the ground and replay the days of old. You gladly decided on the latter, deciding to than to possibly please him; however, before you could attack, he already had you pinned to the ground, breathing hard and mind and heart numbing at the intimacy as he hovered about you.

"My turn," he chuckled lowly, making your heart skip a beat at the sound of his velvet voice. You tried shaking out every thought of wanting to kiss him out of your hand as he continued to stare down at you, eyes gleaming and small smirk painting his face. He was your best friend and you knew you shouldn't be attracted to him in the least but, as you lay squirming under his grip, you couldn't reign in your wandering mind and heart. "Ha, finally, after all these years, I get to do this. Hard to believe that when we first met, you had me pinned down and feeling like this," he huffed, smirk transforming into a nostalgic smile.

"And, remember that you peed yourself," you reminded him, sticking out your tongue.

"Hey! That happens when I'm nervous. I don't pee myself anymore because I find a bathroom but hey, it's natural," he retorted defensively. "But, I guess that I grew out of it because it's not happening now." Your eyes widened, wondering what he meant.

"Why are you nervous?" you asked curiously as you turned your head to the side, no longer able to stare him back into those mesmerizing brown orbs.

"Because I finally have the chance to do something that I've been wanting to do for who knows how long, now," he answered smoothly, grabbing your face and gently turning it back so that you were facing him. You gulped as he closed the gap between the two of you, chest pressing on yours and noses almost touching. "I didn't know it back then, but I was picking a fight with the girl that I already knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with," he cooed timidly, shy smile creeping onto his features. "I know that you probably don't like me back but, I can't take it anymore," he sighed before crashing his lips onto yours in a heated kiss that dispelled all of the years of pent up passion and love he had felt for you. He shyly ran his tongue over your bottom lip, and begging for entrance which you quickly granted him. He explored your small mouth, never losing passion as his tongue swiped every inch. Helpless and melting under his touch like the snow under the morning sun, you lost yourself to into the kiss as well, finally admitting to yourself that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you and that you should not have wasted all the years of acting like he was just a friend. Though you felt a burning heat in his pants, you decided not to part the kiss to call attention to it. "I'm so sorry," he managed as he pulled away for air after the kiss and sat back on the back of his legs, allowing you to prop yourself up on your elbows.

"Don't be, silly. And, who said that I didn't like you back," you grinned kindly as you cupped his face in your palm. He blushed at your touch. "You didn't have to be so nervous. I'm your best friend and I have a crush on you, too. How much easier could it get?" you chuckled. "I don't even mind that you're nervous again," you added, eyes flicking down to . He looked down, wondering what caught your eye and, upon realizing it, blushed even louder as he tried to cover his obvious . "I'm sorry. I just keep embarrassing you every time, huh?" he apologized nervously, throwing his head down in shame. You smiled before lifting his chin so that he could look at you.

"You're not an embarrassment, silly. I really don't mind. It's natural," you grinned. "Now, just like old days, let's go get you some hot cocoa and this time, I'll know what to do about this," you teased, pushing him lightly off of you.

"Well, you coming or not?" you asked as you made your way to the door and he stayed in the snow, watching the perfect snowflakes drift down, more than content that he had finally gotten his wish.

"Ah! Yeah, I still have to steal the rest of your pocky," he joked, springing to his feet and joining you at the door. Suddenly, his arms were around you again and you really did melt in his embrace.

"I love you, HaNi, Can we be more than friends?" he muttered hotly in your ear as he tried his best not to rub his against you.

"I love you, too, Jongin. And yes, we'll be more than friends and we'll be together for a very long time," you cooed, placing your hand over his. "As long as you don't mess with my pocky," you added, playfully.

"Pfft, you wish. My pocky!" he laughed, letting you go and racing towards the kitchen for the prize. You did the same, smirking to yourself as you thought of your own obliviousness and naivety. How could you not have known all this time, all these years? Either way, your mind drifted from the pocky and to the real prize- your best friend of a prince that you could finally call your own. As he kept the box of pocky out of your reach, he, too, thought of how this lazy December day had given him so much, knowing and proud that this was the beginning of something that the two of you would never let go of. You finally had each other and that's all you needed now. 

A\N: Heeyyyy sorry this took so long to update.. just got around to posting it but enjoy!! :D

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I'm thinking about writing a sequel for this since the girl knowsvjust what to do wiyh the adorkable kim jongin. what about it? let me know your thoughts...


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Chapter 1: awwwwwwww was soooooo sweet and cute!!!!
mmessouri #2
Awww <3 So cute
Xianni #3
Pleasee update ?^^
2minromance #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^