Chapter three

Angels and demons
Chapter three:
 Your pov:
His fingers brushed over my hands as I felt a slate of cold metal pressed against my skin. "What is that. Is it a bracelet" I giggle as I kept my eyes close . " no peeking" he teased as he began to fumble. I felt his hands constantly slipping as he tried to hook on the bracelet. "Why this! This is ruining my romantic moment" He huffed in frustration . "You know u could just let me do it? All you need to do is allow me to open my eyes." I suggested eagerly. " NO ! " he exclaimed " I can CAN DO I-" his voice cut off as I heard the bracket fell to the ground . I laughed hysterically as I opened my eyes and picked it up.  It was beautiful silver plated bracelet with a word engraved on it. "Angel".
I smiled and placed it delicately on my hand. I looked up to see a puffy cheek jongin. "Are you mad ? It's okay , see I've put it on! Don't be mad"  I coaxed as I poked his cheeks . Jongin closed his eyes and begin  to pout.  My heart thudded as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His pink pouty lips stared into my face, begging for a kiss. Butterflies gathered in my stomach as I inched forward . I rested my lips on his warm soft lips. The taste of mint slowly spreading through my mouth as a warm round hard ball pushed passed my lips. Jong in broke away laughing as I felt my mouth. " a sweet?! HEY YOU BROKE MY ROMANTIC MOMENT !" I exclaimed angrily. " sorry baby!" He said as he pecked my lips. I pouted as I questioned him " why did u put angel?"
 He gazed at me lovingly as he whispered. " your are the angel and I am the bad guy who comes in and disrupt your life. When you see me, I give you accelerate heart beats and a stomach ache. Therefore I am a demon who must protect this angel with my life."
Such a powerful statement I never knew why. Now I do
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