Receiving the Powers

The tale of the Crayon Rangers

Crayon Rangers!

On the outskirts of Seoul lies a small town called Popville. This small town is picturesque to most outsiders with small cottages, large green parks and high ranking schools. No one would ever imagine what really happens behind the scenes.

On the outskirts of this outskirt town in the basement of an inconspicuous building was a hideaway. Running around the room was a small robot with a flashing crayon on his chest. He was currently inventing a set of super strong helmets for a very ‘special’ set of people. I say inventing, it was more sticking coloured tape onto some cheap white helmets he got online.

When the helmets were completed, he placed them by each outfit to make them complete. Just as he finished doing so, five streams of light- blue, red, pink, yellow and orange- beamed into the room, dropping five previously sleeping girls onto the floor, the impact waking them up.

“Ah, girls, you’re here!” The robot exclaimed as the girls began to sit up and stir.”

“What the hell is going on?” The eldest girl, who was wearing blue pyjamas yawned. She was clearly confused as she began standing up.

“Where are we?” The second eldest whispered. She was wearing pink pyjamas and she looked scared.

“Who are you?” Twins in red and orange spoke simultaneously. They were stood up clinging onto each other’s hands.

The fifth girl was wearing yellow pyjamas and on her thumb, fast asleep and oblivious to what was going on around her.

“Soyul, would you please wake up.” The mysterious robot asked monotonously as he walked over to the dead-like body and kicked it lightly.

“5 more minutes mom.” She replied sleepily before she began snoring again.

“I’ll take away your phone if you don’t get up in the next 5 seconds!” The robot said sternly- well as stern as a robot can get. As soon has he finished speaking Soyul shot up.

“NOT MY BABY! PLEASE NOT MY BABY!” She whined before noticing where she was. “I don’t know who the hell you are or where the hell I am but if you touch my phone I’ll rip your circuits out and you’ll never be able to robot again mister.” Soyul was now stood up and face to face with the robot.

“Now that you’re all awake, allow me to introduce myself.” The robot walked to stand in front of all of the girls, clearly unfazed by the recent incident. “My name is Wife Jung. I am a robot technician whose main purpose is to create weapons and other boring stuff like that. I’m also a slave to the CEO.”

“Huh?” Gummi was still highly confused.

“Don’t listen to that idiot!” A voice boomed from behind the fivesome. “I am The CEO of Chrome Entertainment.” A giant floating head in a glass chamber was speaking “The five of you have been called upon as the chosen ones, the saviours of Popsville. We will soon be under attack from many evils also known as the Top 3. They are Lee Soo Man and his smooth pop-dancing army, Yang Hyun-Suk and his popping hip-hop army and Park Jin-Young and his mixed up mess of an army. They are trying to take over all of the smaller companies and once we are all eliminated they will battle it out to take over the entire entertainment industry of Korea. As the Crayon Rangers you will work to protect Popsville and bring harmony to the k-pop world. With your unique talents you will save the day.”

Everyone was silenced by the speech. They were all confused and unsure of how to handle this news. They all silently came to the conclusion that this was all a hoax. A very expensive and elaborate hoax.

“Thanks but no thanks.” Gummi spoke. “It’s 6am so I think we’ll be heading back to our houses. Hopefully the next bunch of strangers you grab from their beds will fall for this. Let’s go guys.”

The group of girls began to walk towards what seemed like a door before they were stopped.

“Uh, I wouldn’t go through there if I were you. That’s a portal to the nether regions, aka the toilet. Exits that way.” Wife Jung pointed before turning around and fiddling with some dials. The large face seemed to disappear.

As they exited the building in silence, they made their way down the long hill to headquarters was so conveniently located on.

About halfway down the hill they were all silently hoping they could get back home without being seen as they were all in pyjamas and barefoot. They all simultaneously groaned as a group of girls in hip-hop clothing appeared in front of them in a v formation.

“A-YO GG!” The tallest of the girl yelled before music began blasting from nowhere.

The five pyjama clad girls looked at each other even more confused than before. Could this day have gotten any weirder?

“I GOT A BOY MEOTJIN!” They all began to sing and dance, confidence flowing through their blood.

“Who the hell cares?” The girl in pink pyjamas yawned. “I just wanna sleep.”

As soon as the 9 mysterious girls stopped singing another song began playing. As if by magic, the girls in the pyjamas all took formation and began jumping up and down like they were on invisible pogo sticks.

“JUMPING YEAH JUMPING YEAH EVERYBODY!” They chanted in sync. A mysterious power none of them knew existed within their small bodies was released. The 9 girls all shrieked and hissed before retreating into the night

“Well that was weird.” The twins said in sync once more.

“Can you stop doing that? It’s creepy!” Soyul said as she typed away on her phone. Before they knew it they were being beamed back to the headquarters, just like they had been less than an hour before.

“Dammit, can’t a girl get some sleep?” The pink pyjama girl sighed mid transportation.

“So do you believe us now?” The CEO’s voiced boomed around the room.”

“I guess so.” Gummi shrugged. She had given into the fact that she wasn’t getting any sleep any time soon.

“Will you all accept your fate as the Crayon Rangers, Protectors of Popville?” The CEO spoke once again.

“Sure.” The girl in pink shrugged and everyone nodded along with her.

“I will now present to you, your morphers. You will receive a power necklace and gloves which when combined will instantly turn you into the Crayon Rangers.” The CEO spoke as Wife Jung opened his chest to reveal 5 boxes.

“Gummi, you hold the Blue Crayon power.” The CEO announced as Wife Jung handed her the gloves and necklace.

“Thank you” She replied, bowing before placing the necklace around her neck.

“You Ellin, hold the Pink Crayon power.” The CEO said, Wife Jung doing the same as before.

“I feel honoured!” The newly appointed Pink Ranger replied before placing the necklace around her own neck.

“Choa, you hold the Red Crayon power.” Again Wife Jung handed over the gloves and necklace and the new Red Ranger bowed.

“You, Way have the Orange Crayon power.” If you couldn’t guess, the floating head spoke, the robot gave the girl the gloves and necklace then she bows and puts the necklace on.

“Soyul, you have the Yellow Crayon power.” The floating head spoke, the robot gave, and the girl nods and puts the necklace on.

“So, what do the colours mean?” Way asked, speaking on her own for the first time.

“Nothing, I just thought they were pretty.” The CEO spoke monotonously.

“Now, remember, you must wear the necklace and gloves at all times-” Wife Jung began speaking.

“What about when we sleep or shower?” Choa asked this time.

“JUST KEEP THEM NEAR THEN! Ahem. But wear them all time OR keep them near if you can’t. Also, please don’t wash them, they’re electrical and they’ll cost too much to replace. We don’t have the budget for that. We’re still small.” Wife Jung replied before transporting them back to their own homes.

These girls had no clue what was coming to them.


A/N: I hope you all enjoy my ramblings~! Please subscribe~!

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Chapter 1: More plz :DD
hazelcrisp #3
Chapter 1: Please continue! It was so funny. Love the characters, they're so funny. Can't wait for more!
Hello! Keep up the good work. n_nb