My Invisible Lie

My Invisible Lie


Two years ago he unintentionally broke my heart, and now, even after all that heartbreak I could never erase his existence. The pain of loving is unbearable yet not loving him would kill me completely because no matter what, it seems my love for him is inevitable.
"How long has it been since then?" I would question myself ...the day when I was recognised not as Kai's younger twin brother, not as the one who is living in the shadow of his twin, the one who is shy and introverted, the one who is never good enough but just as Sehun...
I thought it was my miracle, the fateful day that allowed my encounter with him, the way he looked straight at me, at my soul and called out to me.


But...miracle doesn’t last forever, and I knew that like every other time, he too would become enchanted by Kai. I saw it before, I remember those stolen longing looks, those shy smiles and those loving stare that was engraved into me but not directed at me. Instead, these belongs to someone who has a face similar to mine, a voice like mine, a person who has everything I wished for but shows no awareness of it because I was not chosen one. If Kai is the light then I am the shadow, the shadow that is continuously waiting to be noticed by that one sole existence but falls short ... It was then I realised that nothing lasts forever, you can live to dream but in the end it is nothing but an illusion, an illusion based on selfishness and I have come to accept that miracles does not exist.

... No matter how hard you wish...

“What do you think about this?” Luhan asked smiling brightly as he held up a beautiful silver ring, a ring that showed its love and beauty in simplicity.

Staring intently at the object Sehun smiled lightly. It was a smile of obligation, one that did not cover his eyes to show the beautiful crescent shape that people other than Luhan did not get to see so often but was good enough to hide away his bitterness, the sadness that was creeping to surface. The bitterness of that smile to his relief and dismay went unnoticed by Luhan in all his excitement while Sehun could only reply with a soft “He would love that” in the brief moment when their eyes met. He knew that he would always be the forgotten one in comparison to Kai yet he couldn’t help but continuously hope for more, wishes to be seen even if this after all was merely his unfulfilled desire. However, he can’t change the past or alter the present so he has to accept the cruel reality of the situation even if he couldn’t help but to divert his eyes away from Luhan’s enchanting eyes to just even for a little; distant himself from the man and stare straight at the object in his hand instead. He tried to erase the pain from his heart because he shouldn’t be feeling like this, he knew… yet…he couldn’t help it, he wanted to be selfish for the last time before he had no right to, he wanted to be able to cling onto the last of his love for Luhan no matter the pain it caused for a while … just a while longer until he is able to move on and forget it all together, to forget about Kai, forget about Luhan and most important of all, to forget this torturous love.

I’m going to start cheering for you so that I can forget about you, so you can be happy… my beloved.

Walking out of the jewellery store with Luhan in front and Sehun silently tailing behind him expressionless as always, “Thanks for going shopping with me today, you really helped me out and I hope Kai would be happy with this” Luhan said as he directed his gaze to look at Sehun “…After all… it’s a ring that you, his twin brother chose… I’m certain he will like it” Twin brother huh?

Once again an invisible scar present itself in his heart… the unbreakable chain that tied Sehun to a title he wished not to accept but will forever remain and not long now, forever just a brother he would remain….

 How can I support your relationship when I am the one desperately seeking your attention, your love that will never be granted to me… but all must come to an end …

In one month the man I fell in love with will become my brother in law, my first and last love will be forgotten yet I will continue living this forbidden truth, the undeniable truth that should never surface because I, Oh Sehun am in love with his brother in law.

“Make Kai happy,” --Give him the love I could never and will never be able to experience “I will be counting on you…Please cherish him for the rest of your life” Sehun said through his masked face. This was his responsibility as a brother who needed to ensure his brother’s happiness even if that meant destroying his own.

“Yup, I want to make him the happiest man in the world. For that sake I want to get a doctor’s license as soon as possible… I want to protect Kai and a lot of other people. I want to do my best so that I can protect them”

You are so bright…so very bright because your light always dazzles me, the me who is insignificant in your eyes

“If it’s you, I’m sure you will become a wonderful husband and a great doctor Luhan”

“Thank you.”

I will be fine; I can sever all of my feelings for him and move on

Suddenly a loud scream caused Sehun to cut off his thoughts, he saw Luhan screamed his name while running quickly towards him. Seconds later without much clue as to what was happening Sehun felt himself being pushed across from the spot he was standing onto the cold hard floor, far away from Luhan.

“Someone! call an ambulance”


“HURRY UP A PERSON WAS CAUGHT IN IT!!!” cries were heard from the public but none of that registered to Sehun.

Slowly trying to forget the pain inflicted on his right leg and on the side of his face Sehun got up from the floor into a sitting position with the help of a woman “ Are you alright? … Thank goodness you only received minor injuries,” she said but he was still trying to regain consciousness. Then he saw it, he saw Luhan lying a few metres away from him covered in blood, broken pieces of glass and blocks of metal surrounding his body

“HEY! Don’t move him!! Don’t touch him yet until the ambulance gets here!!” the bystanders said amongst each other but Sehun didn’t hear it, how could he when all he saw was Luhan lying lifelessly on the ground in a pool of blood. He froze

“Lu--?” Sehun called out from shock before pushing out of the woman’s grip to run to Luhan “Luhan!!! LUHAN!!!” he calls out but someone restrained him from getting any closer to the body



----------->>>>>>At the Hospital>>>>>>>--------------


“Sehun!” he hears his name being called out by none other than Kai who came rushing in after hearing the news “what happened? Is Luhan alright?!”

“Right now he’s resting… they say he broke a couple of bones but he is still alive” Sehun replied lifelessly without lifting his head up to look at Kai from the hospital bench

Sighing out in relief “ I see… thank goodness” Kai smiles as his legs gave out “I really didn’t know what I would do! If by chance he died…”

Kai didn’t say anything but he could see that Sehun was shaking “what’s wrong? Do your wounds hurt? Are you okay?”

“…Eyes” Sehun mumbled quietly before bursting out with tears overflowing “I’m sorry it’s my fault! Because of me Luhan…”

“No, it’s alright. It can’t be help, it was an accident after all” Kai tried to console

“No!! You don’t understand, the doctor said he couldn’t see anymore!!! LUHAN CAN’T SEE ANYMORE!!! HE WON’T EVER BE ABLE TO SEE AGAIN AND IT’S BECAUSE OF ME!!”

“...No way… that must be a lie… then what about our wedding? His dream of being a doctor?!” Kai asked shakily as he gripped tightly onto both of Sehun’s arm who at the time couldn’t look directly at his brother due to the guilt. The fragments from the ground due to the fallen objects damaged the corneas of his eyes but it was because Luhan had saved Sehun that it has happened, because of Sehun that he has lost his eyesight and Sehun knew, it was his fault after all.

It’s all because of me you are suffering. It’s my fault.



A few days later after Luhan had woken up Sehun came to visit him again, but it was not like he didn’t visit him daily when Luhan was still unconscious.

“Luhan hyung, it’s me… Sehun, how are you feeling?” Sehun asked as he stood outside of the door, not daring to step inside because he couldn’t bear to see what he has done to Luhan. “Lu-”

“Go home, I don’t want to see you yet. I don’t feel like talking to you.” Came the voice he knew too well and kneeling in front of the door Sehun cried silently “I’m sorry…” why wasn’t it me, why couldn’t I be the one instead of him… it was time to face the consequences. This is my punishment.

Hearing footsteps coming closer he saw Kai who stared back painfully at him

“Kai! Why are you suddenly going back after having come all the way here?!” Sehun asked as he tries to pull Kai back from running away

“I cant!!  I can’t see him after all! …I’m sorry but could you return this to him for me” Kai requested as he shakily put out his hand which contained a small box within its grasp “ I know this is cruel and cowardly of me. No matter how much he hates me, I don’t have the confidence… I don’t, I don’t have the confidence to live together with him…” Kai cried while Sehun could only stare back in distress as the pain in his chest was slowly increasing.

“Criticise me!!” Kai yelled, “Tell me I’m a terrible person!!” Kai shouted. But he couldn’t… Sehun couldn’t yell or shout at Kai for leaving Luhan when he is the one at fault; he was the cause of the drift in their relationship. The reason for Luhan’s burden was Sehun and upon seeing Kai, he knew that everything is about to change. The Kai kneeling down in front of him that he is embracing is not the outgoing and bright Kai that Sehun knew. This was the broken Kai that can’t deal with the result of the broken reality because it was too much to bear, the damages were too great to fix… it was done.

I’ve done it… not only couldn’t I save my friendship with Luhan, now I have ruined their relationship as well… I ruined the person I love and his happiness… I ruined my brother’s chances of being happy. How could I criticise you when I was the one that caused the unplanned Kai… I was the imperfection in your relationship.

Why didn’t I realise it?

Hate me instead…

Returning the next day Sehun found Luhan asleep on the hospital bed as he approached him

“Luhan…I’m sorry,” he whispered. Luhan looked peaceful but Sehun was scared, he was scared of the reality that has drastically changed “I’m sorr-“

Waking up from the crying sound next to him, Luhan calls out the first name that name to his mind “Kai?”

“... is that you?!” Luhan called out again while trying to get up from the bed as he moves his hands in front to reach out to the said person “that must be it, you’re Kai… I wanted to see you so much”

“…” Sehun didn’t know what to do as he watched Luhan reach out to grab nothing but empty spaces of hope for Kai who had abandoned him

“Kai… you’re here aren’t you? Kai?” Luhan ask desperately as tears fell down his delicate face

Holding back the pain of seeing Luhan so vulnerable, Sehun covered his mouth quickly in hope of not letting a single noise out while clutching tightly onto the shirt in front of his chest

I’ve taken so many things from him

“ Is it a dream again?” Luhan mumbled into his knee as he bent down to cover his face “if it’s going to be like this... I wish that I had died that day…” he sobs at the cruel reality

Not being able to take it anymore “ I’m here!” Sehun shouted, “I’m right here… it’s not a dream,” So please, don’t cry and don’t say that you wish you had died --Sehun said as he moves slowly towards Luhan who looked in his direction…at him, that heard his voice but didn’t see him…

As their fingers touch “are you there, Kai?” Luhan ask again “ how pathetic. I still cant accept the fact that now I am in a world without light… I’m frightened of the dark”

When he got closer, Luhan pulled him into a tight embrace that he had longed for but for some reason he couldn’t help but cry, how ironic is that? It was his only chance to be where he always wanted so why is it that he was not happy? Why was it that the pain in his heart only got bigger? “I’m scared Kai! I’m too weak… I had no idea I was this weak…” the answer is simple; because he is not the one that was meant to be here, he is merely a replacement for the original

“You don’t have to worry about anything… it will be all right,” Sehun whispered.

Forever, I’ll stay by your side… and just lie to you this once

I will become the person that you need … I will become your eyes



“Luhan! Congratulations on getting out of the hospital” Sehun said as he came to see Luhan because Luhan was finally released from his confinement of those four cold white walls

“ I don’t want to get out of the hospital. I don’t want to suffer anymore than this…”

“But there are so many colours and things outside-“

“I no longer have anything to do with that world…” Luhan respond emotionlessly

“I see… what a pity. I went through all the trouble to find these shoes for you… they seem to look good on you” Sehun exclaim excited in hope to hide his disappointment. This is not the Luhan he used to know…

Walking out of the hospital Luhan can feel the breeze of the wind gently caressing his skin, it was gentle, it felt nice to be out in the open after so long. However, moments later as he felt people rushing past him and their loud voice drastically increasing, he felt scared… “What just happened?” Luhan questioned as his face visibly paled “I’m falling into the darkness” his mind screamed and he felt as though he was engulf in darkness until “Luhan” he heard his name being called out

“It’s all right. I’ll never let go of your hand!” the voice that he knew so well affirmed while holding his hand gently and for that moment he felt safe in the hands of that said person

“Hey Luhan, doesn’t the wind feel good? A lot of birds are flying in the sky and the sky is a combination of pink, orange and deep blue. Many clouds are drifting towards the setting sun and there are already five stars shining… the sky is reflecting onto the river’s surface and the town and people are gradually shrouded in darkness”

Closing his eyes Luhan can imagine it; no “I can see it… I can see it when I’m with you Kai… I can see the light and the colours” “everything is so vivid” Luhan thought but Sehun can only cry silently with a smile on his face at the bitterness that he felt because he was not Kai… he can never be the Kai that has stolen and occupied Luhan’s heart

Ever since that day, little by little he started to smile more

Even if he is not smiling at me… I am happy.




“Like I said, even though it’s weak, after all this time I can still feel the light… the doctor said that my eyes might be saved if I have a cornea transplant. But don’t get your hopes up too much because it’ll be more painful if my eyes can’t be cured so-”

Hearing that Sehun broke down “you’ll be alright… I’m sure your eyes will be able to see again! Absolutely, I’m sure of it” as he gently hugged Luhan

As Luhan held onto the embrace his hand found itself touching something “what’s this?”

“Ah- it’s a string of a thousand paper cranes, I heard that if you complete it then you get a wish granted… I wanted to try and see if my wish would come true” my wish for you to regain your eyesight. No matter how meaningless or hard, I would do it for you                                                                                    

“Did you fold all these?”


“All by yourself in two days?”

“Yup, yup… hahaha, I felt as though my finger prints would be rubbed off from folding so much”

Knowing his intention Luhan smile brightly, he gave ‘Kai’ the smile that Sehun loves so much

“Do you want to fold something too?”

Nodding at the question they began making various origami

“What’s this” Luhan ask

“Let’s see… that’s the forget-me-not flower, according to the book in the language of flowers it means true love or faithful love and enduring love”

“Then this is your flower Kai. Just like the flower language you always stay by my side sincerely and my heart also feels the same”

‘True love’… but I’m not the real one. I’m just a fake


That afternoon something unavoidable came up when the two was taking a stroll along the river, “What’s wrong? Somehow you don’t seem cheerful today”

“I’m just thinking… that ever since that day at the hospital Sehun hasn’t come to see me even once even though you come to see me everyday”

What does he think about the real me?

“What do you think about Sehun? If you haven’t covered for him that day you wouldn’t have been hurt like this. Right now what do you think about him, the one who took the light from you?”

“It’s not his fault. That was an accident and it couldn’t be helped… no one was at fault. I know that in my mind… but even though I know that I still cant forgive him!” Luhan answered as Sehun look blankly at the figure in front of him

“Today the hospital told me it’s hard to find a cornea donor. Maybe I’ll have to stay like this for the rest of my life. If it comes to that, I have the feeling that I’ll forever hold a grudge against Sehun even though I know he is also suffering right now… I can’t stop this feeling of hatred!!”

The pain was visible on his face even though he didn’t want to show it, Sehun knew this but why couldn’t it hurt any less to hear it. How was he suppose to pretend that it was alright when it wasn’t… hearing that the person you love hates you was more agonising than anything but he needed to be fine. He needed to be Kai right now.

As the wind gently picks up with the uncontainable tears continuously rolling down his face, Sehun shakily replied with a bitter smile “no it’s alright…” and in order to reassure himself he whispered once more “it’s fine”

I’m ashamed of myself for getting my hopes up even just a little bit, I thought that maybe, just maybe he has already forgiven me but that was only because the one he was smiling at is Kai. I am only playing a role of the person he loves… If it was me, he would never smile at me again because I am the cause of his pain. No matter how much I pretend, I am not the real Kai



A few days later…

“ Luhan!! There was a call from the hospital, they said that they found a donor for you so hurry up and change your clothes!!” the two who at the time was sitting in Luhan’s room heard his mum yell

“ It will be alright now Luhan” Sehun said as he hugged Luhan tightly “take care on your way”

With that comes their last stolen kiss that Sehun didn’t want to break away from because now he is longer needed, now he will revert to being just Sehun

“Let’s get married. After the surgery and my eyesight has returned to normal, let’s get married for sure this time. This time I want to make you happy Kai”

Once Luhan walked out of the door with that unmistakable smile, Sehun broke down crying

In the end, it is still Kai…

There is only one more thing I can do



Kai stood there shocked by the revelation

“Please stay by his side. His eyesight will return to normal very soon so… at that time, I want you to act as if nothing has happened…” Sehun begged to Kai on his knees because this is his love for Luhan, this is how far he is willing to go to make Luhan happy even if it in the process kills him inside

“Sehun…” Kai uttered, “don’t tell me all this time you’ve…! Don’t tell me you-” Kai didn’t know how to respond because for the first time, he is finally seeing the Sehun that is not hiding away anymore. “There’s no way I can do that! I don’t have the right to be with him anymore” Kai exclaimed because he was the one that ran away, all this time he was the one who abandoned Luhan “you’ve been supporting him all this time… how can I…” Kai tried to explain

“IT HAS TO BE YOU!!” Sehun shouts in desperation “ It has to be you Kai…” Sehun voiced out weakly because this is the heartbreaking reality

“BUT YOU LOVE HIM!!! All this time how could I not have notice?” Kai laughed ironically because he it was true, how could he not have noticed Sehun’s feelings for Luhan when he is his brother… or maybe he didn’t want to…


“I CAN’T DO THAT TO YOU!!! NOT AFTER I HAVE CHOSEN TO RUN AWAY AND FOR YOU TO BE THERE AS MY REPLACEMENT!!!” Kai can see it clearly now, he can see the emotional torture that Sehun has put himself in and now he can longer get out of it. But there was more, in that moment Kai can see that Sehun is actually the brighter one, the more dazzling one, the one that is strong enough to face his emotions and is willing to sacrifice everything for his beloved… something which he couldn’t do…

Lowering his head Sehun cries, “ Please, I beg of you. Please go back to the way it was before…” Sehun begged as he cries his heart out while Kai was rendered speechless “think of it as saving me …saving Luhan… please…!”

 Let my lie be complete



“I can see…” Luhan mumble as he stare intently at his hands with tears flowing out of his eyes

“Luhan” a voice calls out and he couldn’t be happier to finally see the face he has been desperately trying to see again

Half a year after later everything went back to the way it was before

“So you’ve already made up your mind?” Mr and Mrs Oh asked while Sehun stood outside of the room as he listened to the conversation because this is it

“ I want to get married to Kai and protect him… just like how he has been supporting me”

“ I see, if that is what you two have decided after having overcome such a tough period, we will give you our blessings from the bottom of our hearts”

“Thank you very much. I will also do my very best to study and get a doctor’s licence” Luhan bow respectful

Hearing that the conversation has stopped Sehun quickly got away from the door to go back to his room but unfortunately, Luhan came out first and their eyes met for the first time after so long that Sehun was afraid to divert his gaze away or mutter a word


Deciding that they needed to talk the two went outside

“ A lot of things have happened… but I can be with Kai now so…” Luhan started but Sehun quickly interrupted “I’m really sorry… I-”

“No, it’s alright now… to be honest there were days when I hated the fact that I covered for you, but now, I no longer feel that way” Luhan explained as Sehun gripped tightly onto the railings till his knuckles turned white “so from now on, I want to get along with you, since you will be my brother in law. Can I?” Sehun only gave a weak nod but Luhan smiled nonetheless and said “thank you” before he affectingly ruffled his hair


Sobbing to himself as he stared at the piece of paper flower in his hand, Sehun couldn’t bring himself to throw it away

Why can’t I throw it away? I can’t give up like before anymore. I have only dug a deeper hole that I am unable to get out of…

Why must I continuously fall helplessly in love with a person that is out of my reach, that doesn’t belong to me...?



Day of the wedding

Everyone was present to celebrate this joyful day for the couple in this beautiful church that was covered in white making it seem more magical than it already was. Anyone would want to join hands with their special someone here but not for one person… not for Sehun who has to suffer watching the joining of the person who stole his heart and his brother

Something old…

I have got to pull myself together…finally this is it … on this very day, my lie will be complete… my invisible lie will be complete…

Something new…

Smiling as genuine as he could, “please take care of Kai” Sehun requested as he shook Luhan’s hand. Thump* Luhan flinches but he doesn’t know why he is feeling like this… this familiarity in touching Sehun’s hand confuses him. “Do your best, I’m also certain that your dream will come true Luhan” Sehun said before walking away from his beloved without turning back because this is it, this is their concealed fate and Luhan was left to stare blankly at his hand but Kai’s call bought him back to reality

“ Luhan look at this! These are the flowers for the flower shower, what is the name of these? Do you know?”

Something borrowed…

“These are forget-me-not. Come one, we used to make origami-”

Something blue….

“Origami? What do you mean?” and with that Luhan was left stunned by what Kai had said, how could he forget?

“What are you talking about? It’s your specialty isn’t it?” Luhan was shocked at Kai’s reply

“ Of course not, I haven’t touch a single piece of origami paper for about 10 years… Sehun is the one who is good at it” Kai proclaimed brightly “Sehun is really good with his hands so-”

“Half a year ago didn’t we fold a lot of origami?” Luhan interrupted “have you forgotten about that?” Luhan looks at Kai with eyebrows raised questionably; who looked back nervously “you’re right… I remember now. We folded a lot didn’t we? We folded a thousand paper cranes together right?”

“The thousand cranes were folded by you. All by yourself in just two day.” Luhan replied as he observed Kai who seemed to be panicking at that point “you tried your hardest to fold them for me…” Luhan continued but was shortly interrupted

“It’s time for the wedding ceremony… please come this way”

  “…” Luhan didn’t say anything in return and silently followed the staff “let’s go Kai” but Kai didn’t move



“Do you still remember the flower language we talked about that day?” Luhan asked “the flower language of forget-me-not… you shone light into my darkness… you became my eyes, you were my light Kai” Luhan reminisced “that’s why, this time, I want you to let me repay you for it. For the rest of my life, I will do what the flower language suggests”

Well then. The Bridegroom is coming…

“…. I don’t know…” Kai stated without looking at Luhan as he cast his eyes downwards “there’s no way I would know… the only thing I could do was to avert my eyes away from your suffering, I’m a coward…”


“It will be all right”

“You don’t have to worry about anything…”

Luhan stood there unable to move as the door to the grand hall began opening

“Mum…I’m sorry I’m going out for a little bit” Sehun said quickly before walking away because no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t will himself to stay any longer

Upon seeing Sehun walk out Luhan’s eyes widened in realisation “then… the Kai from those days was…”

“Forever…I’ll stay by your side”

Then it suddenly all became clear. “I’m sorry Kai but I can’t become one with you… I sorr-” a gasp was heard from the people attending the ceremony

“It’s alright. I really don’t have any right to get married to you Luhan… in the end, tell me the meaning of the flower…the meaning that I couldn’t understand….”

“It’s true love”

“I see… true love…it really suits Sehun perfectly” Kai gently smile


“hahahaha- I’m so useless…” Sehun laughed even though his whole body was ready to break down any second as he delicately held onto the flower “when will I be able to give up-” suddenly the wind picked up and blew the flower out of his grasp where it landed in the river

“Wait!” Sehun yelled, running after the flower as he dove into the river. The water soaked his clothes and it felt cold against his body but he didn’t care, his priority and what he wanted was the only thing he has left to remind him of those days with Luhan; a fake flower. Finally reaching it “thank good-” but just as he was able to pick it up, the flower broke in front of him “just like I thought, it’s no good… A fake is no good!!!” Sehun wept

I wanted to be reflected as the real one in your eyes yet I knew I could never be the real one because you have already chosen that person… you have chosen Kai. A fake can never replace the real one just like how you would never see the real me…

Out of no where “a real forget-me-not? Where did so many come from? …Why?” Sehun questioned but a familiar voice answered him

“… Because real flowers suit you better”

Looking up he saw it… he saw Luhan’s smiling face… the smile was directed at him…. “Sehun





Sehun ran away to try and get back to land but Luhan was faster and pulled Sehun into his embrace; Sehun’s back pressed tightly against his chest

… not Kai

“Let me go! You have got the wrong person Luhan!” Sehun said desperately trying to get away

“I don’t.” Luhan stated plainly

“ I’m Sehun, not Kai-”

Luhan didn’t let go “I know…but you’re my real one. In the end I couldn’t see anything. Even after my eyesight had been cured I couldn’t see any of the things that are so dear to me.” Luhan slowly turned Sehun around before using his hands to caress Sehun’s face as finally tears of happiness could be seen from Sehun “thank you for supporting me. Now I can see you so clearly”

I can see you my beloved

Slowly surrounded by a sea of forget-me-not, under the sunset the two joined together, hand in hand smiling happily because finally after all the hardship they have been through… they finally found each other…




“Hey” Luhan greeted Kai


Kai was fidgeting and Luhan could see that clearly, which nearly caused him to chuckle because this is weird, especially if that person is Kai

“So what brought you here?” 

Clearing his throat “I came here to apologise…” Kai replied “ I’m sorry for running away when you needed me most, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to support you, I’m sorry I-” and he was about to go on listing but Luhan interrupted “I forgive you” and Kai couldn’t have felt more relieved, yet, at that moment something stung. The look on Luhan’s face, it was different from when they were together… he seems brighter, more dazzling and Kai guessed that it was because of Sehun. He knew it was his fault and he was the one who let Luhan go because of his selfishness but he couldn’t help and feel jealous of Sehun in this moment. Luhan is extremely attractive in every aspect as a kind, loving person and anyone would be stupid not to realise that… he was that stupid someone…

… However, none of that mattered anymore, he is happy to see that both Sehun and Luhan are happy together because they deserved each other… they both deserve someone who can love them equally as they love the other

“ Make him happy…” Kai said and didn’t bother to explain because he knows Luhan understood what he meant, the words were left unsaid between them

“I intend to, it’s my turn to repay him for everything and continue making it up to him”

After giving the best smile towards the man he could have spent the rest with his life with but missed the opportunity, Kai waved goodbye and not so long after that Sehun came back

“I’m home!” Sehun called out from the front door before making his way to the living room where he found Luhan reading a book


“Hey…how was your day?” Luhan asked as he put out his hand for Sehun to take “not bad, I saw this really cute…-”

As Sehun continues to retell the story of his day Luhan watches intently, nodding here and there before cutting him off half way “Are you happy? With me?” Luhan questions. Intertwining their fingers together "I’m happy" Sehun whispers but shaking his head lightly as he looks into Sehun's eyes; finally showing the undeniable love he has for the younger "we're happy..." Luhan replied


Sometimes... you fall in love with a person while planning your whole future with them, thinking it would last. But then it turns out that they are not the one ... It's okay to keep trying, don’t give up…

...because, out of that infinite number of possibilities, there is only one irreplaceable half of a piece. That is what will no matter the hardship or distance reunite you to your true one...Your true love.


A/N > how was it? I dont know why I was so nervous about this, even more than my previous fics (2 song names was added in this, can u guess?)

anyway, sorry for the late update

comment and tell me what you think ^^~<3


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Chapter 1: such good story. such beautiful... i can really imagine the situation~ i love this~ thank you
That was just baeutiful, my gosh! Im happy hunhan ended up together. Wonderful story. :)
Chapter 1: SOOOOO KAWAIIII. My feelz meter went from 0% TO 100000%
opparisgay #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Mais-Taemin #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^