Chapter 1

Fame Or Family?


So that was only the preface and the REAL STORY begins here...

There was a girl who dreams to be a star because what she really wants is to know his idols someday...She made her idols her inspiration in life...At school,she takes performing arts and drama...One of the audience saw her talent in singing and decided to put her on audition for a drama in Taiwan...From Canada,the girl flew to Taiwan.She was happy because finally she can visit the place that she wanted to visit for a long time.She auditioned at a company but unfortunately she was rejected due to that she can't speak their language.The girl flew back to Canada but she didn't give up.She studied mandarin language and decided to come back to Taiwan for an audition after 2 years.She still got rejected,they said her voice ain't good enough.She decided to study college in Taiwan.She studied voice lesson to make her voice better.She works part-time at a coffee shop.One day while she was working at the shop,the manager from before called her and said they need a model right away since the model was absent.She became famous with modeling that they partner her with fahrenheit as a magazine cover.Later on her pictures spread around the net as well at billboards.She was so happy to have met her idols because it's a dream come true because finally she was able to met them.They chat and became friends with Fahrenheit.Fahrenheit members then decided to feature her on their 4th album and obviously she agreed.She finally enter the music career after all the smiles and posing on the modeling industry.The album was a success that is became a drama where the protagonist are her and fahrenheit.She was shock because finally she would act together with fahrenheit and her goal was reached.For all the hard work,she finally got what she wants and later on she has a concert with Fahrenheit that she became known as Ms.Fahrenheit.Yet reaching her goal did not made her happy because she realized that being a superstar like she is now,it makes her happy being with fahrenheit but it seems there's something missing in her life and that is being an ordinary girl living with her family enjoying school or work.People think being a celebrity is awesome well yeah it is but while being awesome,your loosing time being with your loved ones so I'd rather be an ordinary girl living a simple life than having to meet my idols and forgetting about the ones I love.

~this is a pretty short story but i hope you just learned the main lesson of it~
~being popular is something to be proud of but the time for your family,it's the most important of all~
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Awh such a sweet story
Visiting old fics!
YouDunnoMe #4
i like ur story
Nice <3