Chapter 3: Volunteering

Can't we be more? [Hiatus}

Yuri's POV


I groaned as I heard my alarm clock ring.


Aish so annoying I gently tried to roll myself off my bed, but I used to much force and ended up falling onto the floor face first.


"Ow" I whined softly to myself while rubbing my forehead I slowly picked myself up and started to stretch while walking over to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast


"Hmm, what should I eat today?" I mummbled to myself but immediately sighed when I opened the fridge and cupboards but found nothing except cereal and milk.


"I guess I need to go to the market later." I mummbled to myself while preparing my cereal. I sat down in front of the T.V with my bowl of cereal and started to watch cartoons, until I had finished my cereal. 


"Aigoo, I should really go to the market after I pick up Taeyeon's books for her." I yawned and glanced at the clock noticing that it was almost 12 o'clock


I walked into my room and changed into a pair of jeans and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. I than walked back to the kitchen to get my keys and purse.


"Wouldn't want to get locked out... again." I mumbled to myself while remembering how Taeyeon had managed to take my keys from me and lock me out for the whole day, all as part of an "innocent" prank


Yeah right


I sighed as I walked over to the front door to put on my black converse.


I still don't get how she managed to get my keys though. It was in my fron pocket the whole time! Is she some sort of pickpocket master?


I decended the dorm's stairs and walked out quickly when I noticed someone watching me


Weird. I've never seen her at the dorms before. I wonder who she is? But she does seem oddly familiar. I wonder why?


I shook the thought off and decided that if it was important I'd eventually remember who she is.


I walked out of the dorm and walked over to the dorm's parking lot, to look for my car. When I finally found it I got in and drove to Oak library.


When I got inside I noticed that something was different.


Why is it so loud in here?


I walked over to the head librarian and smiled down at her


"Hi Sunny, how are you doing?"


"I'm fine Yuri. So what brings you here?"


"I"m here to pick up some of Taeyeon's books. Do you know where they are?"


"Actually I have them right here. I was just about to put them in the reserved section. But since you're here now that saves me some work"


I smiled at her and took the books from her "Thanks. But, hey why is it so loud today?"


She siged and looked at me slightly disheartened "Both of our usual childhood daycare volunteers moved yesterday, and we've only been able to find one volunteer so far. Say, could you possibly volunteer pwease?"


I decided to ignore her ageyo this time "Sorry, but I can't. I have school remember?"


"Come on Yuri, it'll be only on the weekends from 12 to 2 for a couple of weeks before we can find permanent replacements. All you need to do is read to the kids, and maybe do a puppet show or two."


"Aigoo, fine I'll do it." I mummbled


"Thanks Yuri your a life saver." This time I couldn't help but cringe a bit at her agyeo." Oh and by the way your daycare partner will be Jessica Jung."




I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster at the mention of her name.


"Oh ok. So when do I start?" I could hear the surpressed excitement in my voice.


Smoothe Yuri, real smooth.


I couldn't help it though because eventhough we were bestfriends I hadn't been able to see her recently due to my volleyball practices, and all of her student council paper work for the start of the school year. And not to mention her dates with Taecyeon.


"Can you start now? Jessica's coming in a couple of minutes."


"Nae, of course Sunny."


"Oh wait there she is."


I looked over to the front door, and sure enough Jessica was walking through the doors, and heading straight towards us. When she finally reached us she gave both of us a dazzling smile.


"Annyeong Sunny. What are you doing here Yuri? Are you my daycare partner?"


I felt myslef smiling at how excited she sounded when she asked if I was her daycare partner.


"Nae I am. Sunny recruited me on the spot a couple of minutes ago"


"That's great! Now I'll have a partner to share the work load with! And it's even better cause now we can spend more time together"


Before I could answer her Sunny looked at us and chuckled while telling us that our shift started now.


"Nae" we both said while saluting her childishly.


We both truend around and started heading for the daycare section of the library


"Sica, aren't you busy with all of your paper work?"


"Hmm, well I wouldn't say I'm drowning in paper but it's not really light either."


"Hmm, so is there any particular reason why you decided to volunteer if you have a lot of paper work?"


"Well, actually my aunt and uncle just moved into the neighberhood and while they're looking for jobs, they decided to drop my little cousin off at the library's daycare. So I figured I might as well volunteer as a temporary voluteer to get closer with him, and help out in the community."


"Oh, that's great" I said while smiling at her


But my smile immediately fell when we turned the corner and entered thdaycare room. There was paint splattered all over the room, and some of the little kids were running around, while others where painting on the wall.




"Nae, Yuri..."


"Did you know that the daycare would be like this...?"


"Ani Yuri..."


We were both staring into the room like we had just seen ghosts. And our faces paled even more when we realized that we would have to watch these kids for the next 2 years.


"Hey, Sica..."


"Nae, Yuri..."


"If I don't make it out of here alive tell my parents I love them arraso?"


"Of course, and do the save for me if that happened, would you...?"


"Of course..."



After our little date with disaster the both of us decided to go back to my dorm, and hang out. But when we finally entered into my room all we could do was collapse onto the couch infront of the T.V.


"Hey, Sica?"


"Yeah, Yuri"


"You know I just realized that we'll probably have to go through the past 2 hours of our lives ever weekend for the next few weeks."


"Yuri, please don't remind me about that. I know I said that I wanted to volunteer and help out, and get closer to my little cousin, but right now I feel like my arms and legs are going to fall off."


I laughed softly when I heard her say that.


"Well, I think I have something that might cheer you up." I said confidently with a smile


"What is it?" She asked lazily while snuggling her face into the couch cushions.


"Well, you see, I was looking through the books Taeyeon told me to pick up earlier, and well see for yourself." I said while chuckling softly


When I showed her the books I got the response I had been hoping for. As soon as she was done reading the title she started to laugh like she hadn't been about to die from exhaustion a couple of minutes ago.


I grinned and started to laugh with her. "See I told you the titles were daebak."


"Why, does she have a book titled Anyone can be Tall but not everyone can be Short! 100 and 1 ways to Appear Taller"


"She's been trying to be taller recently. But I seriously wonder why? Taeng's best feature is how short she is!" I cheered


She chuckled softly "Yeah you're right. The fact that the proudy shorty is trying to appear taller is seriously the only funny thing about all of this though."


"Yeah, but that shorty is seriously jjang!"


"You got that right. Hey, Yuri do you have anything to eat?"


I groaned "Ani I forgot to buy groceries before coming back to the dorm."


I glanced over to the door and groaned when I noticed that it was already 6 o'clock. All the grocery markets around the dorm were probably closed my now, because most of the markets only stayed open until 5 on Sundays.


"Let me treat you for dinner than"


I looked over at Jessica in surprise.


"You'll pay for me to?"


"Of course."


"Call! Let's go Sica," I yelled as I pulled her out of the dorm and towards my car.


"Yeah! Slow down Yuri!"




When we were both inside of the car I started up the engine and drove to the restraunt a couple of blocks away.

A/N: Annyeong, dear readers. So a couple of you guys probably noticed that I had uploaded a chapter 3 earlier but there were only 2 letters. Well, I had actually meant to only put that as a spot holder, but I forgot to hide the chapter. And since I accidentally posted it and probably disappointed a couple of you guys when it turned out that the chapter wasn't a real chapter. I decided to write and post the actual chapter sooner than I normally would've. You might also have noticed that the the title's different from the first chapter 3 that I posted, but I decided to post that as the next chapter. And since it was my fault for accidentally posting a fake chapter, I'll still be posting another chapter either this Friday or Saturday. Thank you for giving me so much support so far and sorry for the long A/N. And as always comments and subscribers are appreciated.


P.S. thank you unwritten988, and rahamn023 for upvoting! I really appreciate it!

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Next update maybe next week. Sorry for the wait guys :(


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youngyul #1
Chapter 13: 1000Years author... pleaseeeee... make an update ;'( *cray
Chapter 13: Wahhh... its so nice to see your update again author :))
Haha something change in Sica's feeling, eh ? I'm curious about Yoona Taecyon too...
Calm down author, feel free to being inspired and then make the update...
Of course you have another activity and task beside this hehe..
Im sure we will support you all the way :D
Haha sorry for too much talking.. eh writing here ._.

Well, have a nice day author^^v
sone_marg14 #3
Chapter 13: thank you authorshi to your update...if your story will good i guess you can post it and if will ruin your flow of your story then don't post it
cooljags #4
Chapter 13: jealous sica....will be cute and awesome
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 12: Authorshi i think four i want see in one chapter..kekeke

I want to jeolous sica and that jerk can you just remove him in the story....
Kimmyvu #6
Chapter 12: It can be four or five. CANT WAIT FOR THE UPDATE!!!! ( please make it long)
changethegame #7
Chapter 12: FOUR :) This is getting interesting c:
tiara08 #8
Chapter 12: no 4.....please^^
Chapter 12: For me its 4 or 5 hehehe...
As long you make it long update kekeke XD

Get well soon author :) becareful with ur fing^^