Your Heart

Daehyun waited nervously in the hall outside his father’s study. He was rarely summoned to speak to him unless it was over official matters. The relationship between the two wasn’t bad, it was just…distant. His father, being the king of Mato, was very strict regarding his behavior in public, and Daehyun preferred to be more of a free spirit, which meant that they often avoided each other in order to prevent clashes which would certainly upset his mother. But lately his father had been bringing the topic of marriage, mentioning “alliances” and the potential “political advantages” to having him be married. Daehyun had some arguments to this. For one thing, he was highly against marrying a near stranger merely for political advantages. And for another…he didn’t exactly want a…girl.  But their society wasn’t really open to homoual unions even (especially) between royalty. In any case, he was certain he wasn’t particularly interested in becoming the king. Daehyun was pulled out of his reverie by his father’s voice echoing out from behind the door.

“You can come in, Daehyun.” He pushed open the door, leaning on it a little to force it to swing open. The doors were heavy, solid oak, thick and intricately carved.

“Hello, father. You sent for me?” The king rose from the old mahogany desk that he used in practical work, rather than the one placed in the main library for show.

“I have been mentioning this recently, as I’m sure you have noticed. Both your mother and I think it’s about time that you consider marriage. You are old enough now that other kingdoms are beginning to take an interest in you as a potential suitor for their daughters. Mato is a fairly powerful country and they know that they would benefit from our alliance. You have plenty of choices, Daehyun, but as you are twenty now, it is high time you begin to consider them.” Daehyun simply frowned.

“I have no interest in the princesses from the neighboring kingdoms, father. I don’t want to get married.”

“We’ve discussed this, Daehyun.” His father’s voice softened. “I know you don’t want to marry someone you don’t love, but affection for your partner will grow over time. Royalty like us doesn’t really have any other options. Your mother and I both went through this too, and we have become close over the years. I understand, I had many of the same misgivings as you when I was young. But it can work out. Just consider it, Dae. It’s for the country, you’re the only child in our family. It may be harsh, but…we don’t have other options.” Daehyun bit his lip. His father sighed.

“We’re just saying you need to think about it, Daehyun. You’re twenty now.” He waited for Daehyun to say something, and when he was silent, the king sighed.

“You’re free to go, Daehyun.”

Daehyun turned and left the study as quietly as he had entered. Once outside, he ran to his room, unconcerned by the princely image that he was supposed to maintain ‘”at all times.” He slammed the door behind him and flopped down onto his bed. Rolling onto his back, he stared up at the ceiling. Why me? Why do I have to be the only child? I wish I had an older brother…then maybe I could do what I want. Or what if my cousin could take the throne? Yunho hyung is older than me, and would probably be better at it. And he’s already betrothed. This wouldn’t even be a problem if it were hyung in line for the throne and not me. Daehyun sighed. He rolled over again, the black silk sheets wrinkling beneath him. I need to get out of here.

Daehyun cracked open his door. The hall was empty. He slipped quietly down the hall and headed for the kitchen. People bustled about between various dishes, preparing for dinner that evening. Large steaming pots of stew were suspended over fires, and a large slab of venison from the previous day’s hunting expedition lay on a stone counter across the room. A young man with round cheeks, tending to a set of roasting ducks, looked up and saw Daehyun hovering by the door.

“Hey there, Dae! Uh, your father isn’t with you, right?” Kim Minseok, sous chef of the castle, peered behind Daehyun.

“No, he’s not. Don’t worry, there’s no one to comment on the lack of formalities, hyung.” Daehyun grinned. Minseok was forever nervous about addressing Daehyun by his first name, despite his insistence. It had gotten worse since his father had reprimanded them after hearing it in passing.

“So what are you doing down here?” Minseok inquired. Daehyun frowned.

“My father’s been ‘suggesting’ that I get married. Soon. But hyung, I really don’t want to.”

“I expect you told him as much?”

“Yes. Not like he listened. Only option, he said. I don’t have to be in love to get married if it’s political, apparently. But hyung, you know I’m not that kind of martyr. I don’t want to be forced to sacrifice what I want for the benefit of the country.”

Minseok hummed.

“Well, I don’t know what good I can do on this one…but for whatever it’s worth, you have my support.”

“Thanks hyung.” Daehyun sighed again. Then he brightened up, saying, “Make any pastries recently? Or buns?” Daehyun flashed his eyesmile and stuck out his tongue.

“Yah, prince. Just cause you’re royal doesn’t mean you should make fun of your hyung.” Minseok walked over to a stone oven and pulled out a tray of bread buns.

“Nothing in these, but they’re fresh.”

“Thanks hyung!” Daehyun picked one up and bit into it.

“Is the back door open?” He inquired through a mouthful of bread.

“Sure. The dairy guy came by this morning and they left the door open for him. No one should have closed it yet.”

“Ok. I’m gonna sneak out then and maybe head to town.”

Minseok shook his head. “Fine, but don’t get caught, and come back for dinner. We’re making cheesecake.” Daehyun smiled and hugged him before backing toward the door.

“Thank you hyung! You’re the best!” He turned and ran out the small wooden kitchen door, Minseok laughing behind him.

Once outside the castle, Daehyun looked around before heading for the castle gates that stood before the giant main doors. He lurked about near the gates, waiting for a passing cart to get the gates open for him. They were huge, wrought iron twisted into beautiful patterns, twice as tall as himself, and only opened when carts needed to get in and out. They were opening now, as the stream of produce carts that entered the castle every day streamed by him. He slipped between the slowly moving carts and out past the castle walls, starting the kilometer trek to the nearby town.






Once in town, he headed first to the small chapel. He wasn’t particularly religious, but he loved the sound of the music that he could sometimes hear through the walls when there was a ceremony going on. He paused by the door of the chapel, but there was nothing but silence. Oh well. The pub almost always has musicians. He shrugged and turned away, now headed for the pub near the docks.

When he arrived, a light wind was blowing, making the pub’s sign overhead creak and swing in the breeze. He pushed the door open, already hearing the sound of the instruments the musicians often brought. Going inside, he looked around and picked a seat near the back of the little building. He wasn’t planning on being noticed, he was only there for the music and a chance to be outside. He glanced toward the bar, where a man, slightly taller than him, with blond hair and wild eyes, was climbing up to stand on a barstool. He watched with slight interest as the other man looked down at his friends seated near him and called, “Jonguppie, come sing with hyung!”

A young man with black spiked hair glanced up and shook his head, replying, “Himchan-hyung, you’re drunk again. I don’t sing, remember?”

Another young man, tall and with hair a shade of pink so dark it was almost red, giggled, “Yes but hyung, you dance when you’re drunk. Then hyung dances like a strip-”

“Don’t even, Junhong-yah.”


Jongup reached up and put Junhong in a headlock. As Junhong struggled, Himchan began belting out the lines to the song the bar musicians were playing.

Look at me, come into my arms, don’t worry about anything for today
Oh Kiss me baby, Give me your love
Trust yourself to the rhythm, will be alright

Daehyun raised his eyebrows. Himchan’s voice was low and rough, and it sounded like he would be a good singer – if he wasn’t already so drunk that the notes were off key. As he watched, the door to the pub swung open again. Turning, Daehyun spotted two men coming in together, one with an oval face and soft-looking cheeks, and the other, slightly taller, a man with thick lips, dark brown hair swept up and off his face. Himchan turned to face them, bellowing, “Jae! Gukkie-yah! Come here!” before launching into the next song as the music started up again.

The slightly shorter of the two called back, “Himchan hyung, you’re drunk already? Yongguk hyung and I have only been gone fifteen minutes!”

Himchan jumped off the barstool, remarkably steady for someone who was apparently so drunk. He walked over to the two by the door, saying, “Not quite. Just tipsy. But Jongup gets so embarrassed that its funny.” He smirked.

Daehyun, meanwhile, had been staring at the taller of the two newcomers. His eyes had been drawn to the man as soon as he had walked through the door, and as Himchan spoke, a smile curled at the edges of the man’s lips which expanded into a full gum-filled grin. That’s cute. Daehyun shook his head. This was not what he had dropped into town for  - his situation was difficult enough without finding himself mooning after some stranger from the street. Unfortunately, the motion attracted the man – Yongguk’s – attention. He turned, locking eyes with Daehyun for a second, before Daehyun quickly glanced away. Yongguk looked away, back to his friends, heading over to the bar. As they moved away, he heard Youngjae ask, “Can we stay a few more days? Unlike the rest of you, I enjoy having a real bed, and food that is actually edible and not full of weevils. Anyway, I still need to trade in some of the jewelry we obtained out at sea.”

Himchan frowned. “I offer to cook. None of you let me!”

“I said edible, hyung! No one can eat what you make!”

Yongguk simply said, “Careful, Jae. We’re not the only ones here.”

His voice was deep, and sent a slight shiver up Daehyun’s spine. Then he frowned. Why should being in public matter? He dismissed the thought as the other two turned to glance around the bar, sliding father back into the shadows and looking away as if he hadn’t heard anything. When they turned away, he slipped out the door and headed for the castle. He couldn’t be spotted in town or his father would have his head.





Back in the castle, Daehyun glanced around, trying to sneak into his room. He ran down the hall that led to his bedroom and slid inside, sitting on his bed seconds before one of the servants opened his door again to call him to dinner. Going down the curving stairs that led to the dining hall, he worried his bottom lip, already thinking about all the ways his parents might try to suggest princesses for him to meet up with.

He sat at the table across from his mother, his father at the head of the table between them. All of the various dishes were gathered near the front, where they sat, leaving an empty stretch of table at the other end. Daehyun had never liked eating with just the three of them, always feeling that the other end of the overly-long table seemed desolate and lonely. His attention was dragged back to his meal when his mother’s light voice broke the heavy silence that had slowly settled over them.

“Are you okay, Dae? You aren’t eating, what are you thinking about?” She and his father glanced at each other.

“Nothing important, mother.”

The table lapsed back into silence. Daehyun nibbled at the meat on his plate. Thankfully, it seemed that his parents had nothing else to discuss with him that night, apparently deciding they had pushed him far enough that day and were instead talking quietly between themselves. He sat eating in silence until Yongguk suddenly popped into his head. I wonder what he’s like? What does he do? He has a dangerous feel, but his smile was so cute…and his voice is so deep. The sound was really nice…

He shook himself internally.  Not right now. Refocusing on his plate, he dug into the cheesecake that Minseok had promised him.

As he curled into bed that night, a gum-filled smile popped into his head, and he fell asleep with his lips curved into a slight smile of his own.


A/N so...never done this before, my first post (i'm scared) and it's a potentially long chaptered story..what am I doing? Anyway, if you got this far, thank you so much for sticking with it, subscribe if you like it (please?) and even if you don't, leaving me con-crit or a comment before you go is always welcome. ^^ 



...I feel like my writing is so juvenile...

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 2: Omg I cant wait to know what happens next please update soon! !
Chapter 2: This is so interesting and captivating! Action and BangDae. I really like your story! And don't worry, your writing isn't juvenil! :)
Chapter 2: wah wah. now Dae on the ship. yeay. \(^.^)/
thanks for the update.
Chapter 2: Wohoo...
Whats going to happen...??!
Cant wait for the next update...!!
Totally loved this!
This is so great and awesome!!
U did a very great job authornim!~
Can't wait for what will happen next!
Update soon!~ ^^
Chapter 2: This is so interesting!!!
I loved it!!!!!

Update when you have time~
k0j3t4 #7
Chapter 2: Amazing! I love it so much!!!
Chapter 1: This seems really interesting. Prince and Pirate. sounds good. I will surely subscribe for more. :D
Btw, Your writing is awesome. love it. \(^.^)/
Chapter 1: Wow. I haven't read any fics of this kind. I like it and it looks interesting~ I hope you will update soon? =)