
❝ DOMINO ❞ { Apply Open }

SM Entertainment reveals new girl group, DMINO!

The rumors have been confirmed! After EXO's sucessful debut in 2012, SM Entertainment reveals they are supossed to debut a new generation of top notch idols soon! The recent post in their official Facebook Account says:

“Angels at first, demons the second.

SM Entertainment proudly presents to you,

2014's Shining Beauties, Domino!

Filled with talents and personalities of all sorts,

these 8 girls are divided into two groups just like their

EXO sunbae-nims. Domino A stands for Alpha,

The Start, and Domino O stands for Omega, The End.

They are going to be around here lately so stay tuned!”

Unexpectedly, a lot of people are supporting them, unlike what some predicted due to the label's mistreatment to f(x). How about you guys? Do you like the idea of a new group?

prettyman01: Wow! They are having positive comments!

+400 -15 "Knew this moment would come. Don't worry though, f(x) fans, I'm sure SM has a plan for them. After P.T being one of 2013's mega hit albums, who would be stupid enough to let them rust?"

+100 -25 "Alpha and Omega? ㅋㅋㅋ Cool!"

+75 - 05 "Filled with talents and personalities of all sorts? At least SM didn't mention anything about visuals!"

+149 -13 "This is so unexpected...Gonna see if I'm gonna like them though."

sullichoi: How about f(x)? Are they going to be pushed out even more just like what happened during EXO's debut?

doomdada: Of course, this is SM. People are going to look out for this (even if they hate it!)

ke85kpop: ONLY talents & personalities? Does that mean they're fugly?


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hommage #2
Chapter 2: uh, my name is zhang
not zhan

and my rap twin is jimin aoa

and you forgot to hyperlink i in eunji
hommage #4
could you explain the difference between domino a and domino o

by concept maybe?