Chapter 4

Roses (A Lee Sung Min Love Story)

I got home and slammed the door behind me. “Hey”my dad said as soon as he heard me. “How was you first day then?”“Ok”I mumbled, walking into the kitchen. “Oh, really? I think you’ll fit in well here. Just give it a few days.”My father was talking to me but all his attention was devoted to the football match that was playing on T.V. I grabbed a snack bar and made my way over to the staircase. “Where are you going?”My father asked still staring at the television. –His scenes are exceptional!! “To my room, to study. I’ve got some work to catch up on.”“Ah, Ok.”–He left it there. I knew he wouldn’t start a conversation again until in was half time anyway.



That night I didn’t really do very much apart from my small amount of work I had been given to catch up on. –Just un-packing. I always find that is the worst part of moving or even going on holiday! –All the un-packing you have to do afterwards. Though, I’d almost finished now. It’s nice to get it out the way. “So,”my dad started when we sat down at the table for dinner. “Did you meet any new friends today?”I paused with a mouthful of food. “Don’t eat so fast!”he instructed. “Sorry”I mumbled after swallowing. “Well, I did meet a couple of people.”I continued. “Oh, really? What were there names?”I thought for a moment. –“Errr…Ta Han Kyung, ummm…”“Oh. Yes! He’s a nice lad.”My father interrupted. “And…lee Sung Min…”I couldn’t remember any other names! How awful! “Lee Sung Min?”I was questioned. “Yeah. Do you know him, too?”–He nodded his head. He must know this town very well. He can name almost every single person who lives here! “Do you have any homework that you need help with?”I raised one eyebrow at my father’s question after I heard it. –“Dad, I’m not 9 years old!! I can do my own homework now!”He laughed. “Ok,Ok.”



The next day I was quite relieved to find Han Kyung waiting for me at the front of the school. It made me feel like I had a friend. –I wasn’t a loner or anything!...I just didn’t know anyone. “Hey there!”He chirped happily when he saw me approach. I smiled and waved as I walked up to him. “How was your first day then? I didn’t get chance to ask you yesterday.”“Oh”I replied thinking. “It was better then I had expected.”He gave me a smile. “That’s good to hear.”


We walked through the school waiting for class to start. “I’ll introduce you to some more people today.”Han Kyung said feeling guilty. “Oh. Don’t worry about it. It’s nice that you even talked to me yesterday.”He laughed. “Why wouldn’t I talk to you?”“Well, Back in my old school I used to get teased a lot, no one liked me.”I lowered my head ashamed of the memories that were filling it. “That’s stupid.”Han Kyung continued. I looked up. “What?”After tutting Han Kyung made his opinion clear to me. “They were probably jealous of you! I mean maybe you were just to pretty for them to handle…”I laughed at his, what I thought to be, ridiculous conclusion. “I doubt that was the case.”I muttered back. “Stop putting yourself down!”Han Kyung suddenly busted out. “You fine how you are. You just have to believe to feel good about yourself!”I smiled. “Thank you.”

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