So small a beginning

So small a beginning

It's warm and damp.

I find a little spot and sink right in.

I look forward to the sunlight as it finds it's way to me.

But, I am so small, so insignificant. I have hardly begun to be the thing that I am meant to be.

I will not give up, not ever.

Even though my size may not reflect the sturdiness I will some day exhibit, I carry on.

Knowing that day will come is my reason for living.

I can feel myself Stretching and reaching out as the days go by.

You cannot see me, but I am here, I am strong.

Just waiting for my chance.

Even if I am stepped on, I will persevere.

Let the rain beat down ad the scorching hot days of summer sizzle the very ground I am about to cover.

It is no matter to me, not anymore.

I have begun to grow and the roots that tie me down have grown as well.

I have reached deeper and deeper with every rotation of the earth.

The warm, nutrient rich blanket that covers me has sheltered my whole existence.

It has made me strong.

The times I have gone without care, without notice, without nourishment has helped build me up for this day.

The day when I say to the world, here I am, watch me flourish!

I dare you to hold me back.

With my sights set on the sky, I continue to grow without fail, without any elaborate attention or recognition.

I stand alone.

The days turn into months and months turn into years.

Happily I have reached out in many directions without force but with such height and strength no one can push me over.

I stand solid and strong against my adversaries.

I will hold you when you are young.

I will shadow you through your life.

I can bear anything for you, from a tiny bud to the weight of the world if needed.

One day I may even surround you and shelter you when you need it most.

I am a tree.



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