Be My Starlight


What if the star that once seemed so far away, suddenly appeared before you?


"Follow me. Don't worry, you're safe." 

Something made you trust that voice, a voice that was so familiar. It was a voice that made any fear fade away. 


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kissmerina #1
Chapter 5: WOW...I really liked this XD Some lines were so cheesy that I laughed so hard :D
Really love this fanfic :)
lightningmaknae #2
Chapter 5: Screamsssssss my feelssss
cheol_soo #3
Chapter 5: Daebakkkkk
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 5: Uwaaaaaaaa... the ending is sooooo sweet <3
thank you for this beautiful story, author~~~~
Chapter 3: i like the part when it said "your stomach was growling louder than EXO" XD LOVE IT
yuu_sama #6
Chapter 3: Hello, author~~
I like your story, uwaaaaa~~~ I can't stop giggling like crazy, hahaha...
N is so greasy here.
But yeah, I like him. Who won't fall for him anyway?