Babies, Babies, Babies!

Bound for Life

"Where is she?!" I burst into the house and all the guys sitting on the couch pointed towards the kitchen. I ran in to find her washing dishes over her belly. "It's two?!" I couldn't contain my ear to ear grin. She didn't speak until she finished drying the plates. "What happened?" I panted.

"Hyung." Jungkook and the rest walked in, very serious.

"What?" He just shook his head towards me. The mood seemed very down.

"It's not two." She dropped all the forks and spoons in the sinks and sighed heavily.

"What? What happened?" I was confused.

"It's not two babies."

"Oh." I didn't want to sound too disappointed but I did feel a bit sad to find out that we weren't going to have two babies. "Well that's okay, what did they say about the baby?" I smiled.

"It's not one baby."

"What? What do you mean? You are pregnant aren't you? If not you're really round.." I laughed a little but everyone stayed quiet.

"It's not one baby. It's not two babies. It's three babies, Jin." She said seriously.

"I'm sorry what?" I pointed my ear directly at her and smiled like a goof thinking she was kidding.

"It's three babies." She said again.

"Hahahahahahahaha, that's funny because I could've sworn I heard you say it was three!" I laughed loudly but I quickly stopped when I realized that no one was laughing with me.  "Wait, are you serious?" My jaw dropped. "What happened?!"

"Well they told me it was two at first. They read the results to me and it said two but it turns out that those weren't mine. Two nurses bumped into each other out in the hall and mixed up the files they were holding, mine was one of them. The other woman was the one with two babies, we're three." She said looking at the floor.

"Oh my god." I started pacing back and forth and back again running my fingers through my hair, I was so close to yanking it out in frustration. "Three? What are we going to do with three babies?" Everyone was quiet. "Are you freaking serious?" I looked at her and she burst out laughing.

"No! Hahahahaha!" All the guys laughed along with her, everyone was clutching their stomachs because they were laughing so hard.

"What?" I stared helplessly at her.

"I'm sorry Jin, I couldn't help it!" After all the laughter died down she finally explained what happened. "The thing about the files switching really did happen and they really did tell me that it was triplets but right away they clarified that it was a mistake." She smiled.

"So is it one baby or two? I'm confused."

"It's two Jin, we're having two babies!" She threw her hands up in the air and hugged me tightly. I smiled happily, finally having clear what was going on. I wrapped my arms around her waist, picked her up and spun her around.

"Oh my god, sweetheart, I have to put you down. You are ridiculously heavy right now." I grunted while I put her down.

"Group hug for two babies!" Jimin yelled and suddenly all the guys surrounded us and we hugged.

"Alright guys, we're going to let you guys have a moment and talk about this." Suga shooed everyone out of the kitchen and to their rooms, leaving us two alone.

"So, two babies huh?" I sighed.

"Yep." She grinned. "Jin, how is this going to work?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. How is this going to work with Mina and your company and us. Are we going to raise the babies together but not "together"?" I watched as she talked with her hands, the small crease in her forhead forming as she worried about the future of our family. "I know that you have no romatic interest in me but what are we going to do? What is it that you want? How is thi -" She started walking away from me when I grabbed her arm and pulled her into me for a kiss. I pressed my lips onto hers while digging my fingers through her hair and sliding my other hand up and down her back. While I kissed her I took in the smell of sweet roses that was coming from her skin. I hadn't planned on this but now I couldn't help and feel hot for her. I knew she felt the same way because when my hands started to wonder beneath her blouse, her skin felt hot too. For a second I felt that I was being too forward but then I felt her lightly bite my lower lip. "Mmm." She let out a small moan of pleasure when I finally released her from my grasp. We were both out of breath. She shyly looked down at the floor but I could still tell that her cheeks were blushing pink. After catching our breaths I grabbed her face and kissed her again. This time I was the one that took her lips into my possesion. The feeling of her plump, soft lips on mine was like a whirl of ecstasy that I didn't want to end but it did.

"What I want is for you to be with me." I whispered to her. We were standing so close the our noses bumped into each other but I didn't care, the closer I could be to her the better.

"What about Mina?" She asked in a small voice, looking away.

"Forget her. It's all about you and me and the babies, our family." I smiled.

"Really?" I could tell she wanted to smile but she didn't know if she could trust me.

"Yes really. I want you to know that from now on I will only have eyes for you. I want to make you the happiest woman in the world and give you and our children nothing but the best. I know you have a difficult time trusting me because I've been so flaky in the past but I'm going to work hard everyday to gain your trust, if you let me of course. So what do you say?" I smiled.

"I would love that Jin." She smiled

"I would love that too."

"Have you come up with a solution to this?" We sat before the CEO of Jin's company with the intention of telling him what our plan was to solve our little situation.

"Yes, we have sir. We have decided to try and be together as a family for the sake of our children and for ourselves." We had already told him that we were having twins and he wasn't too thrilled but he managed to keep calm.

"What about this V fiasco? Everyone thinks that you and V are dating." He said while looking at me.

"I'd be willing to give a public statement saying that it's not true. A simple misunderstanding." I replied.

"I'll arrange for you both to make an appearance on a talk show and you can clarify anything that has to be clarified."

"I want to stay away from the spotlight as much as possible. I don't want to have to go on a bunch of public events to talk about ourselves." I stated seriously.

"I agree, that is best. I'll let it be known that this will be the only public event where we will be addressing the situation."

"Sounds good."

"I will have you notified when everything is set. I expect you both will try to make this relationship work no matter what."

"Yes sir." Both Jin and I said in unison. I shook hands with him and for the first time ever, he gave me a genuine smile. I guess it was then when I realized he wasn't a bad guy but instead a man who was doing his job as the CEO of this company. He was simply looking out for us and for himself.

"I feel like once we go in, we're officially going to be parents." Jin and I were both standing outside of a baby store called Babyland. After the meeting with Jin's boss, we went to lunch and that was when we decided it was time to start buying things for the babies, furniture and strollers for example.

"Well we have to start getting used to the idea because we already are parents." He cracked a smile while patting my round belly. "Ready?" I nodded and smiled. Jin held my hand and together we went inside. It was like walking into, well, Babyland. Literally.

"Where do we get started?" Jin and I were probably the most confused looking people in the enitre store.

"Hello! Welcome to Babyland! My name is Hae Won, is there anything in particular you are looking for?" A perky salewoman came up to us with a baby bib around her neck, probably part of their uniforms or something.

"Um, no. We were just looking around." I smiled awkwardly.

"Alright well if there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask." She smiled then skipped away.

"Why'd you tell her we were just looking?" He asked me while we walked down a random aisle looking at high chairs.

"She scared me." Jin cracked up at what I said.

"She was so nice, how could she have scared you?"

"She was too happy, it's overwhelming." I laughed. "I sound bitter, don't I?"

"It's okay Miss Moodypants, you're pregnant. You have the right to feel however you want and no one can question it." He reasoned.

"Ooh look!" Towards the farthest end of the store was where they had the furniture and bedroom setups, sort of the way they had at furniture stores so you could get an idea of what the room might look like. "These are so pretty!" It was like nursery heaven. "Jin?"

"Yeah?" He was busy looking at some changing tables.

"These are all very pretty and everything but where are we going to put it all? We don't have any vacant rooms at home and it's too much stuff to put in my room alone. I'd have to get rid of most of my furniture for it to fit." It made sense that the babies be in the same room as me since I was their mother after all.

"Well.." I watched him pace back and forth from a rocking chair that I found. "We could have an empty if you and I shared a room.." He suggested rather coyly.

"Like you and me, sleeping together? In the same room? In the same bed?" I was a bit shocked but moreover I was flustered. My face warmed up and I couldn't find the courage to look him in the eye.

"Um, well, yeah." He started playing with some toys that were on a shelf. "It's the only way that we'll have a room for the nursery. What do you say?" He finally looked at me.

"Okay." I smiled. Looking at it objectively, it made the most sense for us to share a room. The babies obviously had to sleep together and some of the boys already shared rooms amongst themselves.

"Good!" He said over eagerly."I mean, yeah, sounds like a plan." I laughed at how he tried to play of non-chalantly.

"Want to get shopping then?" I nodded.

"I would love that."

"When are they delivering the baby furniture noona?" Jimin asked while he helped me unpack the last of my stuff. I had finally moved into Jin's bedroom the way we had decided to a few days ago at the baby store. We opted for Jin's room because it was the bigger room.

"It's suppose to come in tomorrow morning at around 10-ish?"

"Are you going to have them build it too?" Jungkook asked while he layed on the bed.

"I wanted to but Jin insists on doing it himself. Apparently it's his job as the father and he was so excited that I didn't have the heart to tell him he was probably going to screw it up." We all laughed.

"Noona I think we are all done here!" Jimin stretched his arms high.

"Good job team! We did some good work here today!" Jungkook jumped off the bed and high fived us.

"Shut up Kookie, you didn't help at all! And god knows where V is. I haven't seen him since he supposedly went to the restroom, 2 hours ago."

"I did too! I was supervising." He joked.

"Thanks for helping guys, I'll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep!"

"Goodnight noona!" They all went to their rooms and I got ready for bed. After washing my face and brushing my teeth I climbed into bed and checked my clock.

11:00 p.m

I wonder what time Jin will get home.. Jin had been called in for work along with the rest of the older guys of the group. The 3 maknaes had stayed home with me.

"Hey you." At that moment Jin walked in.


He left the room again and got ready for bed. Once he was back in the room he put on a sweater and awkwardly got into bed with me.

"How was your day?" We both laid stiffly and stared at the ceiling.

"Work was good. Yours?"

"The move was good."

"The room looks great."

Uncomfortable silence filled the air. I didn't feel weird laying next to Jin but I didn't want to do something that made him uncomfortable.

"Can I ask you something?" He said to me suddenly.

"Of course, ask."

"Can I hold your hand?" I blushed.

"I would love that."

Hello there! New chapter up so leave some feedback please ^^
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P.S Muahaha to all who thought I was kidding about the twin thing! >:D lol jk 

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Chapter 22: Awe~ I remember this~^^
MyMark #2
Chapter 22: Please update soon!!!!!!
I love this story so much pls update soon!!! Jebaaaaal
Chapter 21: Omg! I haven't read this in such an long time!
Chapter 22: Yayyy finally the babies is here. Hehe
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 22: Daebak hope u update asap!
Chapter 22: OMG daebak! I'm so in luv with Jin <3<3<3
MyMark #8
Chapter 22: I've been waiting so long for an update. Please update!!!
Freespirited_drummer #9
Chapter 21: Hahahahaha i laughed hard when i read the "dorky joyful handsome alien ladies man" baby of Mom J-hope and Mom V! XD
jongtaexiulu #10
Chapter 22: I can't wait to see how the kids are going to be spoiled~ XD