A Parent's Loss

Bound for Life

"So you're about to reach the 4 month marker on your pregnancy, how are you feeling?" I was in the doctors office. After the boys left to their meeting at the company I recieved a phone call from the doctors office to reschedule my appointment because she was going out of town for a few days.

"I feel good. I don't get morning sickness anymore so that really feels good. I have noticed that I get really tired easily. I run out of breath more often. Mm.." I thought of more things that I had been experiencing.

"Have you felt the baby move yet?" She asked me.

"No, not yet."

"Well I can guarantee that's going to be happening very soon so look forward to that." She smiled."I've noticed that you're a bit underweight for what is expected at your pregnancy stage so we have to watch out for that."

"Really? I thought I was eating too much."

"Have you started wearing maternity clothes?" She asked.

"Not yet but not because I don't need it, it's just that I haven't gotten around to shopping for some. Like I mentioned before, I'm always tired so I get lazy to go."

"Uh, any stretch marks?" She was looking down at a list of things that I was suppose to be going through at this point in my pregnancy.

"A few but not too many." I had found them on my belly a few days ago while I was showering.

"Do you exercise often?" She started teaching me several excercises that would be helpful during labor. "So remember to walk often, even if it's just around your neighborhood and stay hydrated."

"Okay, I will." I smiled.

"Have you been experiencing any ual drive?" The question startled me.

"Excuse me?"

"Normally at the 4th or 5th month of the pregnancy women tend to feel more ual. It's because of the all the estrogen that your body is producing." She explained.

"Oh.. Well I haven't felt anything like that yet."

"It's best you be informed, I want you to know that those things are normal." She stood and motioned me to lay on the bed. Meanwhile she went for the ultrasound monitor thing. "Now it's time to check for a heartbeat, are you ready?" I nodded excitedly and exposed my bump. The same routine as always she put some jelly on my belly and we watched the screen. "Well everything looks fine. Unfortunately we can't hear anything yet but don't fret, it's still early. I'm thinknig that next time you have an appointment we will definately hear it." She smiled. I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn't be able to hear the heartbeat but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Sounds wonderful." I started to gathered up my belongs and soon the appointment was over. "Thank you Dr. Kang." I walked out the door. "Oh and have a safe trip!" I waved.

"Thank you and get home safely." She smiled. I walked down the street and suddenly got a wiff of something sweet. I followed my nose and found myself at a sweets shop. They had ice cream and doughnuts in their window display. I was incredibly tempted to go in and buy something.

"Well baby, you heard the doctor, we've got to eat!" I marched in there and almost lost my mind.

"Hey how'd it go?" The boys all marched in. I was watching tv when they all came to join me.

"Yum! Is that ice cream?" Jungkook and Jimin grabbed spoons from the kitchen and plopped on either side of me on the couch. They dug into the ice cream bucket that was balanced on my stomach while V noticed the box of doughnut I had left on the coffee table.

"Noona, can I grab a doughnut?" He asked.

"Sure, have at it."

"So how was your meeting with the CEO man?" I asked but they all simply stayed quiet, avoiding my eyes. "Well?"

"He said that we'll hear from him in a few days." Namjoon answered my question.

"That's it?" I felt like they weren't telling me the entire truth.

"Yup." I shrugged and went back to my drama.

"Noona this ice cream is amazing! Where did you get it?" Jimin asked. He grabbed a spoonful of ice cream and it off  slowly like it was a cone. I watched as a bit of ice cream drip from his soft lips and down his chin. Something came over me that made my insides burn. I wanted to jump on him and it off of his skin before kissing him and ripping his shirt off and running my hands through his thick and y hair. I wanted to cover his abs in ice cream and-

"STOP IT!" I shouted at myself out loud. All the boys turned to stare at me, startled.

"Noona, what the hell? Are you okay?" Jimin asked. I felt my skin heating up, my forehead had small beads of sweat. Jimin placed his hand on my thigh innocently but, in the state I was in, his touch sent sparks into my body.

"I'm fine! I just need to lay down." My body felt like it was over-heating. He was sitting so close to me that I could smell the sweet ice ceam scent in his breath. I jumped up and quickly made my way to my room, slamming the door behind me. "What the hell was that?" I was in disbelief at my own dirty thoughts. "Since when am I so ... ?" I laid down and just breathed in and out slowly until I felt my body go back to it's normal temperature. I felt my eyes begin to get heavy and soon I was asleep.

"Ow.." The boys and I were outside on the patio when I felt a weird pain in my lower belly. It was the evening time when the boys decided to take out the grill and cook up some meat for dinner.

"You okay?" Jin checked up on me.

"Yeah, I think I just ate too quickly." I smiled reassuringly.

"Maybe you have indigestion noona." Jungkook suggested.

"Maybe.." I continued to eat but this time much slower. The pain still didn't go away. I felt pressure in my lower area and suddenly felt like something was leaking out of me. "Oh crap, I have to pee." I stood up and ran inside to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and did my business. "Ahh.. That feels much better." I sighed in relief. I reached for the toilet paper and cleaned myself up. Once I stood up I reached to flush the toilet and almost cried at what I saw. "JIN!!!!!!" I screamed."JIN!!! V!!!" I burst into tears. "NAMJOON!!! HOSEOK!! HELP!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs some more. "YOONGI!! JIMIN!!! JUNGKOOK!! HURRY, PLEASE!!!" Suddenly the pain came back and this time it was bad. I fell down to the floor clutching my belly until they came to help me.

"What's wrong?! Can we come in?!" I heard Jin yell from the other side of the door.

"YES! PLEASE HELP ME!!" I shouted and they burst in.

"Oh my god what's wrong?!!" They all went into a state frenzy when they saw me.

"Noona what happened?!" All I could do was point to the toilet and they gasped.

"Is that .. blood?" They asked in horror.

"Yes! Now help me please!" I shrieked in pain.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Jungkook ran to the nearest phone and made the call.

"Okay, thank you very much." I heard him say to the person on the phone. He ran back to us and said "They said they'll be here in 5 minutes, noona hang in there!" I felt more and more blood coming out from down below and the pain became more and more frequent until it just never left me.

"Jin, it hurts so much!" I cried.

"Baby, it's going to be okay, I promise! We're going to get you to the hospital and everything is going to be okay." He reassured.

"Are you sure?" I wept.

"Honey I promise." Jin was on the verge of tears.

"They're here!" I heard the ambulance sirens coming from outside and soon there were paramedics in the bathroom shooing everyone out, even Jin.

"Ma'm we're going to get you to a hospital and do our best to help you okay?" One of them talked to me while they lifted me onto a gurnie. They wheeled me out to the ambulance.

"Only the father can ride in the ambulance." The other paramedics said to the guys while Jin hopped in.

"We'll meet you there Jin!" I heard Namjoon yell. Once the ambulance doors were shut we rushed to the hospital and arrived in 3 minutes flat. They wheeled me off and into the emergency room.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't go any further." I heard the paramedics tell Jin and that was the last time I saw him before my vision went completely black. Everything after that was a blurr. I remember hearing IV noises in the distance and people talking, saying things like "I think we're losing her.", "Is it what I think it is doctor?" and lastly "She didn't make it.." I had no idea what was going on but I was scared out of my mind. I feared for my life and I feared for my baby. After what seemed like hours of hospital noises I suddenly heard nothing. This went on for while until I was finally able to open my eyes again. Slowly my vision came back and I was in a hospital room. The light hurt my eyes so I kept them shut but I could hear everything clearly.

"Doctor how is she? How is the baby?" I recognized Jin's voice while he spoke to the doctor. The doctor didn't reply. "Please answer me.." His voice cracked.

"I don't know how to put this Mr. Kim.." He finally answered.

"Just say it, please."

"I'm sorry to say this but she has suffered a miscarriage."

 "No!" I heard shouting coming from Jamie's room. "No!" I heard it again. I ran down the hall to go to her when Hoseok called me.

"Jin! Where are you going? She's asleep." He said.

"I'm just going to check on her." I opened the door just a crack and I saw her tossing and turning in her sleep.

"Jin, save her!" I rushed over to her side and tried my best to soothe her. I saw that her body had broken out into a cold sweat while she cried in her sleep.

"Sweetheart, wake up." I said in a calming voice while I shook her lightly. Her eyes suddenly shot open.

"Jin!" She sat up, scared. "Did you save her?" I had no idea what she was talking about. "Is she okay?" I pulled her in for a hug.

"Is who okay?" I her hair.

"The baby.." She whispered and that's when I realized what was going on.

"Honey, she's fine. It was just a dream."

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Chapter 22: Awe~ I remember this~^^
MyMark #2
Chapter 22: Please update soon!!!!!!
I love this story so much pls update soon!!! Jebaaaaal
Chapter 21: Omg! I haven't read this in such an long time!
Chapter 22: Yayyy finally the babies is here. Hehe
kawaii_anime1004 #6
Chapter 22: Daebak hope u update asap!
Chapter 22: OMG daebak! I'm so in luv with Jin <3<3<3
MyMark #8
Chapter 22: I've been waiting so long for an update. Please update!!!
Freespirited_drummer #9
Chapter 21: Hahahahaha i laughed hard when i read the "dorky joyful handsome alien ladies man" baby of Mom J-hope and Mom V! XD
jongtaexiulu #10
Chapter 22: I can't wait to see how the kids are going to be spoiled~ XD