Fall into my heart


Kim Jaeseop (AJ) has never wanted anything more than to live a quiet lifestyle. Being a chaebol asks so much of you and many people befriend you for the sake of using you. When AJ agrees to fill a family request, not expecting much to come out of it. What he gets instead, is something he never expected to find. In a place where money can buy everything and everyone, what does his discovery have to do with it?


(This is for the SEASONS writing contest located here! https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/545894/s-e-a-s-o-n-s-writing-contest-open-contest-drama-romance-writing-karma-giveaway the female's picture is Kim Shin Yeong in case anyone is curious. )


Behind AJ, was Eli who spotted a man he hadn't seen in a long time. Chin Hwa their mutual friend, was with a young lady he assumed to be Chin Hwa's childhood friend. The only reason that the lady was identifiable was because Chin Hwa expressed ages ago that he had a thing for her. He had even texted saying that he was so excited to be spending more time with her because they were going to the event.

Glancing back at AJ, he saw that AJ was glancing around the room with a bored expression before his eyes landed on Chin Hwa's friend.

"And three...two...one" Eli mumbled to himself as he watched AJ make his way across the floor for the first thing in the room that had AJ move more than a single step the entire time they had entered the room. Eli hoped that this young lady understood what was coming her way because there was no turning back now as long as AJ grew more interested.

Anyone want an update? I have some time right now so let me know! >3>


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Ashtence #1
Sounds really good! Cant wait for another update! :D