N's new puppy

N's new puppy

"Owh, you’re so cute, ouuuuh, yes you are my little agiii~" N said with the cutest voice to his new puppy he bought just an hour ago. The puppy's name was Ravi. "Do you want to go for a walk Raviii?" "bark bark" Ravi responded happily with a waving tail. N put on Ravi's leash and went outside the door, to go for a walk.

20 minutes later

N and Ravi was finally home from the walk. N looked at Ravi, who was clearly wary tired. "Are you tired agi?" N said as he continued "Should we take a short nap?". N picked Ravi up placing him on the couch next to him, and snuggled his arms around his puppy. "Sleep well Ravi".

Next morning

N woke up because he could fell something moving. Which I of cause just thought was Ravi. Then N reached out for his phone on the table next to him and got at shock when he saw what the clock was. It was 2 am in the morning. N could not believe that he slept for this long. "aish, i need to pee" N said tired as he tried to move up from the couch. But for some reason he couldn’t move, something heavy was stopping him. As N opened his eyes he started screaming. "Whraaa, who are you?" as he tried to move the tall boy that was lying on top of him. "Arrrrh, get of me". The male started wake up by all the noice N was making. The male finally managed to open his eyes, a locked right at N underneath him. N locked hella' mad yet kind of scared. N started shouting again "Get of me" and managed to get away. As soon as he stood up he continued "Who are you?". "I'm..I'm Ravi" the male said. "Whaat no way in hell, stop talking gibberish" N shouted at him. "But..But it's true" he said. "I'm Ravi, your puppy". "You’re not fooling me, I’m not stupid. Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" The male started to stand up, and looked whit his best puppy eyes at N "N hyung, I..I really am Ravi. I know it's hard to believe" Ravi paused for a second, then continued "but Nnnn~ I really am Ravi". N just stud there with his mouth wide open, looking extremely confused. "H..how?" n said. "I turn into a human, when the suns down". "ehh..oh..okay..Ravieeh~" N muttered. "But why?" N asked. "I don't know Hyung. I was just born like that" Ravi took a short brake talking. "but I guess you going to abandon me like the rest did, when they found out. Right?" N was taken aback by Ravi suddenly asking this. "uhmm, I don't know Ravi? Your still my puppy so..uhm.. You can stay if you want to" "Really?" Ravi shouted. "Yes, if you behave well then you can stay as long as you want."Omo, Gomawo hyung" Ravi said as he gave N a big hug. N stated laughing by Ravi's sudden move and hugged him back. "You’re still my cute puppy after all"

The End

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New reader here! Awesome! :D
taoris_ultimate_fan #2
I'm drooling at the Great Cuteness,,,,this is too cute..really,no kidding!i like the story author-nim~thank you for writong it for the readers(including me=u=)'''*rolls around \ÔuÔ/
I like it~~~
Chapter 1: Awwww that's so cute ^_^
Thunder198 #5
Chapter 1: ohhhh Hyuknille, It's so cute <3 Ravi as a puppy and he turn into a man. That's soooo awesome and cute in the same time. I really love it <3