Idiots ( 2 )

My Life With Teen Top

Seriously , what the.... Okay. So.... Okay. And I taught they changed ! Are they going to pretend to be angels in front of that huge dude so they could mess with my brain ?! And then , I smell something... Something burning. I turned my head to the kitchen only to find smoke coming out from there. o.O . It's on fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shook Chunji who was busy eating popcorn beside me and he turned his head towards me with a poker face. What did I do ?!

"No ! This bowl filled with popcorn is mine ! All of it is mine !" He yelled at me. Who the heck would wanna eat his popcorn ?! Geez this kid.

"I don't want your popcorn." His poker face changed into a grin.

"Then what is it ?" He asked calmly. His eyes now glued to the television. What's so entertaining about that game anyways ? Anywho , I told him that the kitchen was on fire and he took a glance at the kitchen for a while and continued eating his popcorn. What the heck ?

"Urmm... Aren't you going to go put out the fire ?" He looked at me while eating his popcorn and then looked back at the television.

"It's not my responsibility." It's not his------ what ?! He was the last one to get out of the kitchen just to say that it wasn't his responsibility ?! Seriously this idiot ! I ran towards the now burning kitchen and ran into the bathroom and carried out a bucket of water. I splashed the water into the kitchen. Niel look at me as if I was crazy. Why is he looking at me like that ? Seriously. He should come here and help me but he's just standing there like an idiot.

"What ?" I asked him.

"Why are you splashing the water into the kitchen like that ? Do you want the dorm to have a flood ?" I feel like I wanna kill myself right here , right now. Is he blind ??!!??!! There's a freaking fire , burning the kitchen and he asked me why I'm splashing water like a mad man ?!

"THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE FOR GOD'S SAKE !" I yelled at him and he widened his eyes. I taught he was going to help. But boy , was I wrong. He ran and stood beside me only to yell beside my ear.

"OH MY GOD ! IT'S ON FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH PUT IT OUT ! PUT IT OUT ! DON'T LET IT BURN ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE !!!!!!" Wow. He sure helped a lot. I think I'm going to thank him someday if I became deaf.

"THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I NEED TO SAVE MY ALL OF MY MAKE-UP PRODUCTS BEFORE THE FIRE BURNS THE WHOLE DORM !!!!!!!!!!" Oh okay Joe. Why won't you save ALL the make-up products in Korea when Korea is burning one day. Save your stupid make-up and marry all of it and then go back to America and live happily ever after with them and just leave all the people who are suffering due to the fire here in Korea. And how come the maknaes are still sitting there playing video games ?! Oh yeah right. Like I told you before , even if there's a flood or tsunami , they're just going to sit there playing video games and drown to death. And we're in the exact same situation right now but water was replaced with fire ! Let them die with controllers in their hands. Let them burn into ashes with controllers. Yeah. They like that right ?! And I know the leader is a lazy , but seriously ?! How could he not smell the smoke or hear Niel's ear piercing yelling ?! And Chunji , my lovely visual... YOU EATING POPCORN IN FRONT OF ME RIGHT NOW IS NOT HELPING AT ALL ! I REPEAT , NOT.HELPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Oh ! They're here !" Chunji... Why the heck did you invite guests on this kind of time ?! Do you want them to die with you ?! And Niel !!!!!!!!! I AM trying to put out the fire but how can I if you keep on yelling beside me until the water is splashed somewhere elese because of your annoying yelling ?! But Chunji is driving me nuts because he invited the firemen to------ Owh.

/Puts bucket on top of my stupid head and yell like a mad man/

Why didn't I call the fire department in the first place ?! Aissh ! I'm so stupid ! And L.Joe is there standing with a lot of cosmetics bag in his arms grinning like an idiot. He dropped them and hugged one of the firemen with his legs wrapped around his waist as if that fireman was his lover. What the heck ?!

"Thank you for coming here and saving my babies !" He has kids ?! Whose the mom ?! Why didn't he tell me ?!

"Oh-urmm-it's my pleasure (?)" The fireman stutterd since it was an awkward moment. I mean like , a guy hugging another guy... Like that... For a stupid reason , how can it not be awkward. And yeah , I just figured out who his 'babies' are. I bet you also know. Don't say you don't.

"So , I taught you said it wasn't your responsibility to put out the fire." I said at Chunji who is STILL eating his useless popcorn.

"Since when is it my responsibility ?" Is he stupid or what ?

"Well you called the fire department which is responsible." I explained at him and he looked at me like stupid.

"What's so responsible about calling people ? The firemen were the one who put out the fire. Not me. So the one whose REALLY responsible here are the firemen...."

"@$&%€#~!" I am now living with idiots , a maniac , a sleeping grandpa and a fish. A talking fish which talks non-stop , a sleeping grandpa who is born in the year 1992. A maniac who likes to wear make-up , two idiots who only knew how to play games and another one who is incredibly stupid. I think we settled this before. But I'm just repeating to make sure I don't forget. I want to remember these 'amazing' people so I will 'meet' them one day when I'm in the grave. Yes. When I'm in the grave. I want to haunt them until they regret everything. But it might be crazy hard because these people are incredible. I don't think they can even reconize a ghost. I think the ghost will just die twice if they try to kill these 6 bafoons. They might be the living 'Incredibles' with extra ordinary super powers which can drive people insane. Wait , the Incredibles only have five characters right ? Maybe I should kill the sleeping grandpa because he'll just 'shoot' his 'sleeping power' towards himself. Yeah , that's good.

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Chapter 1: OMG I'm still in the first chapter and omg haha !!!
My brother is telling I look like goofy now because of my reactions !
Chapter 2: " it's normal for them to scream because they're...... Them......" that killed me ! Oh dear god I can't breath !!!
so funny !!
Chapter 1: Trust me it's really funny !!! so excited to read more !!
eunahsoo #4
Chapter 4: This is too funny I love it
Chapter 2: lolz those kids are funny. <3
ILoveYou_Forever #6
Chapter 4: LMAO The kids are so adorable~ And Channie is cute~
Chapter 4: Poor niel xD ..
Chapter 4: Oh god lol!! They all need a reality check!
Chapter 4: LOL! poor manager.. aish, the manager must be crazy if he stay with them to long.. lol
Chapter 2: I just can't stop myself from laughing