Destiny of the Lost Princess.

Chapter 7: back into umma arms. 


Author POV 

after finding no changes in her body she decide to head off to West River Castle "come one Grover" she said, and Grover simply meowed in respond. 

making sure there was no one around, she head off and finally after hours and hours of walking g she finally found the exit of the forest and a roan that leads up to the west River Kingdom.


meanwhile at the Gates of West river kingdom stands a young woman waiting anxiously for someone dear to her,

"Ms. Victoria your here again i see" a young soldier say as he approach the Young woman

"hello N sshi" Victoria greeted to the young Lad and slightly bowed to him then turn back facing the Gates


the young shoulder simple smiled and looked up to the watch guard who was immensely watching outside. 

"Soldier!" N called out the watch guard looked down to him and quickly saluted 

"do see anyone approaching?" he ask the soldier simply shook his head, 

"awh... please inform us if you see a young lady who is in her teen coming this way" N shouted, the solder nodded and return to his watching.

"thank you" victoria muttered


N simply smile and looked at the gates too " do still believe she will come?" he said 

"of course... Shane is no ordinary weak little girl.. she stubborn and strong willed she'll never let those Northern Crest brats take the better of her" she Ranted 

and looked away with worried eyes, N only chuckled " you spoke so proudly of her yet you still worry" he said 

"of course any mother would worry for her child safety after all" she say.

 N scoffed and was about to respond to her comment, when she started to move away from him and head toward the gates " and where are you going?" N Ask chasing after her 

"she here, my Shane is here" She said as she run to the gates "what do you mean!"

N was about to stop victoria from opening the gates when the watch guard started shouting

"Sir, Sir! there a young girl approaching! and she look very weak sir!" he shouted

"see!" victoria shouted " now open the Gates!!" 

"but cant be sure it her right!" N stated 


victoria glared at him and looked up to the watch guard " this young girl has black hair comb in braid and is wearing a long checker brown skirt and wearing a dark blue top with a red lining at the side correct" she shouted to him.

the watch guard went back to check and run back " yes mam! , your right how you know?" he respond 

"I was the one that made that dress that my daughter! now open up!!! " she shouted, the watch guard flinched and throw the keys to her, key's for the human sized door. 

Victoria caught the key and unlock the door and went out. she stood there for moment not seeing anyone 

"where is she?!" she shouted "she'll be insight in just a moment mam!" the watch guard responded 

and on cue a familar figure came into everyone view, N squinted his eyes , it was in fact a girl with her head held down, and her clothes were all messy some parts were all shredded and cover in dirt.


"Shane... SHANE!!" Victoria shouted 

the figure stopped walking and looked up. 

"SHANE!!!" Victoria scream upon seeing a familiar face "Umma!" Shane weakly called out as she pushed herself to run. along side her was of course Grover happy to see Vic umma as well.

Victoria run out to Shane caught her as Shane collapse into her Arms and Grover purring to her side. 

"MY daughter... my Shane i knew you'll be alright" Victoria cried as she held Shane tighter

"umma" Shane muttered before she fainted.


Shane POV

i found myself waking up in unfamiliar cozy room  with stone walls and single window on my left side. i sat up feeling a bit weak from the very long walk i did. and form the window i saw the sky was orange, indicating me it was early evening now.  


"Meow!" i turn back and looked down to my bed i was lying on and saw Grover at the foot of my bed " Grover!" i yelp as i pulled out sheet i was under in and notice i was wearing a whole outfit. 

"umma must have change me" i muttered. then i felt paws againts my leg. i look back down and patted Grover head. 

and when i was about to pick him up the wooden door suddenly open revealing Vic umma holding a tray of food, which i assume for me.

"umma!" i greeted she looked at me with surprise eyes "Shane your awake!" she chimed and quickly put the tray down on the table and gave me a great big hug.

"i'm so Glad your alright" she muttered, i smiled against her shoulder " me to umma, me too" 

she pulled away from my hug and sniffled, " umma stop crying " i told her.

"i can't help it ok... i was so worried about you" She said as she wipe her tears away " umma" i chuckled 

"ok.. enough crying ... now... its about time for you to eat" she said as she pulled the tray off the table and put onto my lap. 

i chuckled and nodded " thanks umma" i said as i chow down. 

"i see our little worrier eating her hearts content, huh" someone voice out surpsing us a little 

we look up to the door way and see a young man in white armor with a White Gourd seal on his elf shoulder plate. 

and by the looks of his posture and patched he has, i guess he was a General. 


"General se7en" Umma whispered 

bingo, i was right he is a general, but for a general he sure look soft. usually generals i remember from when i was still a princess, usually look, tough and mean. but he look nice, gentle and soft. 

not its bad or anything but it just uncommon to see such general like him, 

" general... come on now Vic is that anyway to address your cousin" he stated making my eye bulge out 

"Cousin!" i yelp, and looked at Vic umma who simply chuckled " 2nd degree cousin" she stated 

i look back to gen.se7en who frown "yah, you make as if we aren't that close" he said 

"who said were close" Umma scowled Gen. Se7en gape " YAH! i'm the close 2nd degree cousin you ever have and i havent seen you for what 7 years and this hous you great me!" he shouted pointing at Vic umma like a child. 

Vic umma and i couldnt contain our laugh, and just openly laughed at the man. this man is really a rare kind of general. 

"sorry se7en i was just joking" she said calmly and went head and gave Gen. se7en a hug. 

he return the hug after a while they pulled away and Vic umma gesture over to me " this Shane" she Said Gen. se7en shot open and look at me and great big smile " your shane! why hello!" she greeted and come over and gave me a great big hug. i shyly return the hug and smiled at Vic umma who watch us with amused eyes.

he pulled away from the hug " call me uncle ok?" i timidly smile at him and nodded 


both us looked down to Grover. "Woah! Grover you sure grown a lot fa-" he stop when he saw Grover looking at him sharply " grown a lot of fur!" he chimed.

grover meow and purred as Gen. Se7en petted his head, he lean over to me and whispered " he still hate being called "fat"?" he ask, i smiled and nodded 

he only chuckled and stood up "ummm..." i hummed gaining his attention 

"yes?" he raised his brow encouraging me to ask " why is a white gourd general here in west river kingdom" i ask

 Gen se7en raised brow and smiled " well West river kingdom is in alliances with the White gourd kingdom were here to help protect kingdom from any surprise attack. " he told 

i open mouthed nodded my head. " well ok i better get going see you around Shane and you too Vic, Grover as well" he said as he made his way out.

" that man i wonder how he become a general" Vic umma chuckled 

she turn to me as i finished up my food and place it on the table " well ok then... you get some rest" she told me.

i pouted my lips and look at her with puppy eyes " umma i'm not tired" i told her she raised a brow " really? you can barely even walk," she commented as she pushed my legs up to the bed and pulled the sheet over me again.

"sleep shane... your mind may not be tired but your body is so rest" she whispered before giving me a kiss on the head 

"alright" i muttered before i properly settled myself and watch Vic umma walk out of the room 

"Sleep tight Shane dear" she said and closed the door. 

i smiled and looked out of the window to see it was already dark and stars were appearing "i hope appa and others doing alright" i muttered before i feel sleep.

General Se7en

Sorry for the very late update

school has been a drag for me with midterms and all

and sorry for the boring chapter... 
promise i'll make better in the next one. :) 

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Kyoya_kumo #1
Chapter 23: Yeah... I’m actually commenting a lot... WAY MORE than usual... anyway... Rapmon... for a top 3 “squad” member you’re quite lacking the “atmosphere reading” thingy....
Kyoya_kumo #2
Chapter 22: Soooooo.... EXO were the “wolves” that attacked in the beginning and kidnapped Shane
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Chapter 18: Forget my theories.... Exo is on the black side...
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Chapter 13: BACK TO MY DUMB SELF!!!!! White=YG, Black=JYP and Saphire=SM ??‍♀️??‍♀️
Kyoya_kumo #5
Chapter 35: SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! *chant* keke plzzz authornim sequel *aegyo*
Chapter 35: yesssssssss pleasssseee
This story is awesome!! DAEBAK!!! if i may, i would like to request a separate story [ a sequel ] of Shanely and her lover after she became the queen ...keke.. plz consider it c:
Chapter 33: i jst cnt believe this is the ending T_T i wosh i could upvote this alot of times such a great story