The Number One Rule

Rules are made to be Broken




“I’m tired.” I said to no one in particular as we trudged inside with half of us rushing to the kitchen. “I hope he didn’t eat all the food.” Junsu said as he began rummaging through cabinets. I sat on the couch trying to fall asleep even if it was just for a minute, but failed because Taecyeon tripped off a pair of pants. “Whose are these?” He asked holding them up to his body. “Wooyoung have you been playing dress up again?” Junho joked as he snatched them from Taec. “What?!” Wooyoung yelled with what sounded like a mouth full of food.


“Some people are trying to sleep.” I huffed as I pushed myself off of the couch and began to walk to my room.  I opened the door and noticed what looked like a girls uhm undergarments on the floor.  My eyes travelled to Chansung’s bed and sure enough there was a girl in bed with him without any clothing. I did what any sensible person in their right mind would do. I turned and ran for it. “What’s wrong with you?” I felt my face go red as I thought of how to explain our maknae had been having . “Girl………huh.” They all just stared at me like I had lost my marbles. “That didn’t tell us anything.” They all laughed at my explanation, or lack thereof. So I tried to explain again after taking a deep breath but all that came out was “Chansung….” I gave up and pointed towards our room. Wooyoung took it upon himself to investigate. “Where do you think you’re going?” I asked I a grabbed his shirt. “I don’t believe Chansung has a girl anywhere in this apartment.” He scoffed and walked to the room.




“He wasn’t lying there is a girl in Changsung’s bed!” My eyes popped open to see Wooyoung smirking at me as I smacked Chansung to wake him up. “Ow what babe?” he whined as he proceeded to climb on top of me. My eyes widened as what sounded like a herd of wild boar coming closer to the room. I attempted to push Chansung’s heavy figure off of me but quickly pulled him back to me when all of the members piled in the room to see the “action.”


There they stood before me, with amusement dancing behind their eyes. I can’t believe they caught us. “ Chansung who is this lovely lady?” Wooyoung asked with a smirk plastered on his lips. He attempted to sit on the bed and shake my hand but seeing as how both of mine were busy covering my s with a sheet. “Yah! Woo Young!” Chansung glared at him before he was snatched off the bed by Nickhun who was trying not to look at us. “Stop being such a ert.” Taecyeon said as he began pushing everyone out of the room.


As soon as the door closed I sighed and lay back down. “I thought they had schedules.” I whisper to him. “They did. I just didn’t know when they ended.” I sighed as I re-wrapped the sheet around my body as I began to collect my clothes that were within reach, off the floor. “Can you go get my pants?” I asked as I got dressed. “Sure.” He kissed me on the cheek and quickly ran out the door. As I sat on the bed waiting for him to return with my pants I heard what sounded like a mixture of congratulatory hollering and lecturing. I grabbed a pair of shorts from a computer chair and slowly and as quietly as I could, opened the door and walked towards where the sounds were coming from.


 “I’m so proud of you” Wooyoung fake cried tears of joy. Nickhun sat on the couch red as a beet. He’s so cute when he’s all embarrassed. “Shut up Wooyoung.” Junsu said as he stared down the much taller maknae. “You know the rules no girls are allowed in our rooms. What if hyung came home?” “There’s no point in lecturing him he knows the rules just as well as the rest of us.” Junho stated nonchalantly. “We should talk about this later after his little guest leaves.” Taec said as he stared intensely into my eyes. Okay maybe it wasn’t that intense but he caught me eaves dropping. I turned to walk back to the room and tripped on my own feet sending me flying forehead first into the hardwood floor. “Are you okay?” Chansung asked as he helped me up. “I’m fine.” I could feel the blood rushing to cheeks. “Are you sure?” He began checking my head for injuries. I couldn’t help but giggle I nodded. “I’m fine yeobo.”


“Yeobo?” Taecyeon exclaimed. I glanced at them as they watched us intently. My eyes shifted from him to them. “Guys this is Kim Hana. And you know who they are.” He smiled as he introduced us. “Don’t you think we should have known of her existence before she came into our personal space?” Junsu questioned him as he glared at me. I couldn’t believe how cute I thought that was I mean its freaking 2pm how can I not let my inner fan girl out right now. “Don’t be mad at him Junsu oppa.” I said with my best aegyo which only made the giant maknae do his aegyo. I raised an eyebrow at him and tried to fight how cute he was, but I failed and began to pinch his cheeks.


“Are those my shorts?” Nickhun pointed to the clothing that adorned my bottom. “Oh yeah I guess. I just grabbed something to cover up.” “First she comes in without permission and now she’s stealing clothes.” “Hey I’m not stealing. He can have them back once I get my pants back.” I stuck my tongue out at Junsu. “I like you.” Wooyoung stated as he snatched me away from my Chanbear. I giggled as he pushed me on the couch, sat next to me and began to throw a gazillion questions my way the first being ‘do you have any single friends?’ followed by ‘is Hana your real name? Where do you live? Where did you go to high school? How did you meet Chansung? Favorite color? Favorite 2pm song? Favorite fruit? Favorite animal?’ All I could do was laugh at him as I tried to remember his questions. “Yes but they don’t like 2pm. Yes. Why are you going to stalk me? An Art school in Incheon. Buying food how else. Blue. Without U. Apples. Bears?” Soon the Taecyeon joined most likely to save me from the weirdness that is Wooyoung. “So aside from Chansung who’s your favorite?” Taecyeon smiled. “Who said he was my favorite?” I laughed at their expressions of shock. “He’s my number one then it’s Wooyoung.”


He jumped up with a type ‘in your face losers’ expression. “And that would be why I like him.” “You’re a weird one.” Junho stated. He hasn’t said anything to me this entire time and that’s what he has to say. “Thanks?” Was all I could say to that. “So when are you leaving?” Junsu inquired. I sighed, grabbed my pants and walked to the bathroom. 


After I put my pants on I gave myself a quick once over in the mirror only to see a big red spot in the middle of my forehead. I winced as my fingers lightly came in contact with my new injury. “Great just flipping great I look like someone smacked me in the head with a bat.” I frowned as I tried to manipulate my fringe into covering said spot buy failed miserably. I groaned in frustration as the spot seemed to mock me with its stubbornness. I snuck some makeup that was sitting on the countertop and began applying it all over my face. “Please work.” I begged to no one in particular. Just as I was putting the last finishing touches on someone, more specifically Wooyoung knocked on the door. “Are you done I have to use it.” He yelled louder than he needed “Yeah almost give me a second.” I yelled back and started cleaning up, putting everything where I found it hoping no one would notice. But good old Wooyoung couldn’t wait 2 freaking minutes and pounded on the door like he was the police. “Yah! You had better not be stinking up our bathroom!” Damn near giving me a heart attack I dropped the foundation in my hand causing it to crumble into a million pieces. “!” I stared at it wishing it would just disappear.


“What did you break?” He continued to yell as I felt my heart rate quicken. They are going to kill me.  “What’s going on?” I heard Chansung ask and the door knob began to turn thank GOD for locks. “Babe open the door.” I’ll be right out.” I stomped my feet as I wet some tissue and tried to wipe up the makeup only making more of a mess as it produced a stain their white tile. “Damn!” More pounding on the door “I’m going to break the door down if you don’t open it in five seconds.” “Okay okay.” I stuck my hand out and grabbed what I hoped was Chansung and dragged him inside. Yes, success. “What happened?” His eyes glued to the now brownish-yellowy floor. “Wooyoung scared me and I dropped it.” He pulled me into his arms and I felt he shaking I looked up to see him laughing. “Are you laughing?” I glared at him. “Junsu is going to kill you?” He continued to cackle. “Please tell me that was not his!” I stared at the spot mortified. “It’ll be okay I’ll tell him I did it.” Before I could protest we were out of the bathroom, Wooyoung was in and Junsu was glaring at us.


After we explained the situation Junsu was muttering profanities under his breath, Junho was giggling silently, Taecyeon seemed to be waiting for I don’t know what to happen, Nickhun, who came out of nowhere, was trying to ease me out the door. “I’ll pay for it!” “You don’t have to do that it was an accident.” Khun politely declined as he tried to close the door. “Yah! You can’t kick me out.” I pleaded as he continued to close the door in my face. Groaning and stomping my feet in frustration I left.


As soon as I stepped outside of their dorm my phone vibrated. I took it out of my purse and saw I had a text message:


From: Channiebear


Sorry about them interrupting us hope you aren’t mad and Junsu is over it I gave him the money for his makeup Wooyoung keeps asking when you’re coming back and so am I. I miss you already^__^


<3 your yeobo


I smiled and told him I’d see them again soon.

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DamiIsLove #1
waaa~^__^ channiebear~ so cute~<br />
maybe some chapters more?? :D
YES!!!!!<br />
That makes me very, very happy. :D<br />
But now I have to go sleep, and dream of Chanana. (:
rawkabette #3
@brookieboo thats the plan :)
Please, PLEASE tell me you decided to go longer than a oneshot. o.o<br />
I will be very sad if you don't.<br />
Channiebear is so cute <3
lol there'd better be a soon. like really soon. like soon soon. ^____________^