Plastic Mistletoe

Plastic Mistletoe

After having to deal with an interview where MyungSoo was all over him and had to brush WooHyun’s idiotic attempt to put a headband on him, he decided to go out for a walk. He enjoyed Christmas but not as much as he used to, he wished to be more time at home with his family than between schedules but he was happy nevertheless, it was his dream coming true but somewhere, deep inside his heart, he felt hollow.


He was just walking around a park near their dorm when a low voice called him, “Hey,” he wasn’t surprised so he turned slowly; “you’re going to catch a cold.”


“Well, at least I’ll have an excuse to stay home,” he shrugged, “what are you doing here, hyung?”


“I came to give you this,” WooHyun walked until he was kissing close but just wrapped his scarf, the one SungJong took borrowed a few weeks ago ―without WooHyun knowing―, around his neck and fixed his bangs once he was done, “there.”


“Thanks…I guess,” his nose sank behind the soft material, looking up at the other, “that’s it?”


“Maybe we could walk together, if you want,” SungJong knew he must’ve hurt WooHyun when he refused to wear that silly thing so he just nodded, pressing himself close to his side ―he wore insoles because he matched SungJong’s height― as they went down the street. At some point, WooHyun had reached the maknae’s hand and intertwined their fingers, SungJong tensed self-conscious of the fact that his hands were usually very cold but the latter didn’t seem to mind even though his were warm all the time, “don’t you have something to say, SungJongie?”


“Like what?” WooHyun laughed softly, so he was going to play dumb.


“Let’s go back now,” he stopped to make his way back, letting go of the maknae’s hand and SungJong felt the way the ice crept its way under his skin again, he wanted WooHyun to hold his hand, to keep him warm and safe from everything but he didn’t move, only staring at the other’s back as he got further away with each step, “c’mon, maknae!”


Only when they were only two blocks away from their dorm, SungJong’s soft voice broke the silence, “I’m sorry.”


“What for?” WooHyun arched a brow, looking confused at him from over his shoulder.


“For everything, I know I’ve been distant from you.”


“Oh, that,” that did make the power vocal come to a halt, a few houses away from their door, “I noticed.”


SungJong lowered his gaze to his boots, “And for complaining about everything you do,” suddenly hot hands touched his cheeks, melting even his heart at the heartfelt smile WooHyun gave.


“It’s ok, I know you mean it in a nice way,” his eyes didn’t lie, “besides, it’s Christmas, and I seriously prefer to be with you even if we’re fighting.”


SungJong saw his hyung searching for something inside his coats pockets and grinned once he found it, the maknae blushed lightly but laughed loudly at the thing the other showed him and then held upon their heads, a small plastic mistletoe, “Isn’t it a bit too late for that, WooHyun?”


“Who cares? It’s still Christmas somewhere and we’re both under it so we must kiss.”


So they kissed tenderly, under a streetlamp light and in the chill night, SungJong’s hands under WooHyun’s coat while the only one he had left went caressed his neck. Their lips meeting in innocently touches, sharing small smiles as they separated before diving for another and another until everything else was forgotten. Except that plastic mistletoe over them.

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 1: So fluffy and cuteee..
So cute!!! *hugs* Awesome story!