Chapter 02

Super Sized Junior Coffee

                The first day Hyukjae came as an employee to the café, he was working in advertising.

                “Go advertise outside of the building,” our manager had said, right before he handed Hyukjae a sign, costume.. And apparently something that looked like spandex.

                “Sir..? What is this for?” he asked, so politely, while holding the thing stretchy fabric between two fingers.

                I couldn’t help the snicker that passed through the cracks of my lips.

                “Keep in mind you had to do this too,” the manager gave me the guilt of snickering and the embarrassment of the looks from Hyukjae.

                “Don’t look at me like that,” I harshly said.

                “Like what?” he gave me a smirk.

                I glared at him. He sighed, then went to the restroom to change into the costume.

                When he came out, it was like something that came out of a comedy movie.

                I squatted behind the counter, holding myself as I laughed quietly, on the verge of rolling on the floor.

                Now that costume would surely attract customers.. And the funny thing is that it did.

                After an hour, maybe a little less; I’m not sure if it’s a hectic day for everyone, but more than the average amount of customers came in to buy something. Coffee, cookies, biscotti, magazines, newspapers, you name it!

                There were just too many people, and I needed help.

                “Hyukjae-ah!” I tried to yell out, but my short height made it impossible to look over the many people in line. I grunted rather loudly.

                A Milk Tea Latte, one small Cappuccino, Iced Tea, and.. Th- this is too much!

                I can’t even remember my name anymore, because of all these orders.

                What was I supposed to do again?

                Who ordered this in what size!?

                I’m literally panicking in the kitchen, mumbling the customers’ orders, and chanting it into a song so I would remember.



                Someone was calling me, but I was too busy and stressed to have it processed into my head.

                When I got the drinks, I called out the names of each one, and the customers would come and get their.. Whatever it is.

                But this still wasn’t enough.. Hyukjae was attracting more customers than I could serve.

                So I walked and squeezed through the crowd of people to get outside; when I did, I saw Hyukjae dancing. Very well, actually. Even if he was in that embarrassing costume.

                “Hyukjae!” I yelled, “Stop advertising!”

                “This is what I was told to do,” he replied.

                “And now I’m telling you to stop what you’re doing and help me serve the customers!”

                He agreed and got into the kitchen with his overly-sized coffee costume.

                We continued with making the drinks, and I didn’t realize that his costume was in my way until I bumped into it for the hundredth time, and insisted that he got out of it.


                My name was called again; and there is still no process going on with my brain, but I still replied to it.

                “I’m busy!” I yelled.

                “Fine, ignore me.” I knew the person that this voice belonged too, but I still couldn’t think straight.

                Hyukjae had taken his costume off, and got in the kitchen with me, his hair disheveled.

                In the alleys of my mind, I thought he was kind of cute, but it was the wrong time to think about anything else. Serving these people was my first and foremost priority.

                When there weren’t as many people as before, and the café had finally emptied most of the customers, I got out from behind the counter, and literally ripped my apron off before slumping on a chair.

                I exhaled a tired sigh, and threw my head back. I saw an image of my best friend, upside down.

                “Annyeong,” she said.

                “Sumi, what are you doing here?” I asked.

                “I was excited to tell you something, but it doesn’t seem as exciting as it was when I was here half an hour ago,” she said with a grudge.

                So she was the person calling out my name all this time! Aigoo!

                “I was busy! You saw me running around the kitchen, so of course-,”

                Sumi had interrupted me with an obvious question, “Who is he?” she asked.

                He was taking off his apron, and he, too, looked exhausted from working, and dancing to attract customers.

                I also think he needs to fix his hair, it’s kind of distracting.

                I looked back at Sumi, “He’s Hyukjae.”

                “Do you know him?”

                “He’s in our class.”

                “Oh.. I didn’t know that!”

                She eyed him a little longer.

                There was a small pause then I remembered, “What was it you were so excited to tell me?”

                “Oh that’s right! I got a job!” she almost squealed.

                “Seriously? Where?” I was caught off guard by what she just said.

                “It’s the book store.. Right across the street!”

                Across the street? Why does hearing that seem to bother me? 


A/N: My grammar was awkward in this chapter. Sorry. Haha! Just another reminder that I update this fic rather slowly. But thank you to those 5 subscribers from just the first chapter! T///w//T I love you guys forever! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this update. ^^ Please anticipate the next chapter. Keke!

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eun-dj #1
this sounds interesting x)<br />
update more ~
Annyeong! :) Oversize Coffee costume? :O I want to see him in that! XDDD<br />
<br />
Update Soon! :D
Hahahah I would've loved to se eunhyuk oppa in that costume!!!! >.< love your fanfic!<br />
Update soon! >.<
camij723 #4
camij723 #5
Update faster maknae <3 ^^ hwaiting!!