New World

Young, Wild and Free

I was just pulling my t-shirt over my head when Jaekyung yelled from downstairs, "JENIE! HURRY UP!" I hurriedly tied my hair up in a messy bun, multitasking God only knows how by grabbing my backpack with my left hand, my combat boots in the other and swung the first jacket I see peaking out of my luggage. How I managed to get out of the room without falling flat on my face was still a miracle...

However, the sight in front of me made me halt. What the...? She was dressed much differently than me. Different as in what-the- is she wearing. She wore a tight little black dress that clung to her like a second skin. It reached just to the middle of her thighs and the fact that she had those kind of legs that seemed to stretch on forever, made her look taller even though she wore thigh high boots that had no heel to accentuate her height. Her makeup and hair plus her clothes made me seem underdressed or in this case, overdressed. How I wish I packed a bunch of dresses with me. I saw her give me a once over, her critical eyes making me feel so bad about my fashion sense. Okay, don't get me wrong. I loved dressing up. But I was still the kind of girl who dressed up like a boy. Really. My wardrobe consisted mostly of shirts, jeans, baggy stuff and comfortable shoes. Dresses and me were like a cat and rain. We just didn't go well together.

"Little , I know you rock the whole I-don't-five-a--about-what-i'm-wearing, but don't you think you can be a bit more girly?" she asked, shaking her head as she took in my Chrome Hearts crop-top, military print cargo pants, combat boots, not sparing the leather jacket I held in my hands.

"Excuse me, but what exactly is wrong with a pair of comfortable clothing?" I retorted, slinging the straps of my backpack over my shoulders.

"Nothing is wrong," she replied. "I just want my Little to look good in front of those people."

"It's okay Jae," I said, cringing at the image of what the people there could be wearing. Surely not neon suits for girls and speedos for guys right? "I don't live to impress people."

"Okay okay sheesh," Jaekyung surrendered, grabbing her car keys. "I get it. Now shall we go?"

When I nodded, we walked out of the house, locking the door behind us and made our way to the Bentley that stood tall and proud in the alley.

"Why don't we just take the Jeep?" I asked, curious as Jaekyung dumped her bag in the backseat.

"Hun, we need to arrive in style," she answered, flipping her red hair over her shoulder. "Plus, its a long way to the place. The Jeep would make us both cramp."

"Am I going to know anytime soon where we're going?" I asked again, for probably the nth time that day. Ever since she'd told me about that sort of cult, I wasn't able to stay still; instead I annoyed her with a thousand sort of questions.

"Where are we going?" "Is it gonna take long?" "Who will be there?" "Are there hot guys?!" Okay, I know the last question was random, but who could help it? I was a er for hot males, sue me.

2 hours later we arrived...

The sun was setting and the orange tint of the sky was strewn with pink, blue, purple and even gold The usually white fluffy clouds were gradually turning coral pink, the kind that was a mixture of orange and pink, glowing due to the last rays of the sun. The sunset made everything else shine in an orange afterglow; the green of the leaves were turning a shade of gold and auburn and people's face were starting to turn livelier due to the expectation for a very wild night and I could see the night was just beginning due to the fact that people were still arriving in huge monster trucks, probably to show off their newest monster like in those Fast and Furious movies. I could see people milling around the small bonfire I was sure would turn into a huge hot mess of exam papers, wood and alcohol bottles. I wasn't surprised to see guys with dreadlocks and all sorts of crazy hair that ranged from quiffs to mohawks with electric blue finishes smoking someone straight out of a pipe. So potheads even existed here huh? It somehow reminded me of a highschool; there were so many cliques and even if they were closed off to their own group, they seemed to match well with others, therefore creating the synergy of wholeness. There were the jocks, the big burly guys who held cheap bear in their hands and had a blonde bimbo stuck to their side. There were the goths/emo, those who were into screamo and wore black the whole day, without caring if it was summer, their faces lined with black. There were the skater kids, the kids who sported beanies and smoked casually, passing the small box that contained weed here and there. There were the cheerleaders, the tall, blonde, silicon girls who wore the skimpiest of clothing leaving nothing for the imagination. Each clique had their own music playing from huge speakers the Lord only knows where they came from. I could hear whiny pop mixed with the loud screaming, the bass of altrock and indie pop and with the heavy beats of hiphop. I take back my words from earlier; it wasn't a cult, it was harmless teenage rave. Was it that bad to compare it to measely high school cliques? Honestly, it wasn't. It was fun, seeing people who were more or less like you.

But I don't think I explained my kind of crowd yet...

See, I'm the kind of girl who socially smokes and drinks. I don't belong to any cliques because I was misture of everything and anything. I wore black and usually wore heavy eyeliner, I played soccer and I wore heels. Heck, I even like colouring my hair. I wear snapbacks and beanies with oversized shirts and I even own a skateboard. I'm also the girl who enjoys headbanging to heavy metal, throwing my hands in the air to house and electro music, jamming to slow and sensual RnB and grooving to hiphop. Hell, I liked good music okay? Don't judge. But honestly, I liked hiphop more. I think I'd prefer the unpasteurised rapping and trashy beats that make you wanna get up and start acting ratchet anyday. I don't know, there's just something about hiphop. So yeah, I was stuck in the ratchet group of people who attended underground battles with other crews. That sounded so much like a weird mixture of Step Up and Fast and Furious...

Jaekyung led me to the crowd we were supposed to hang with. Was I supposed to be surprised to see people I somehow knew hanging in this sort of crowd? The first person I saw was Jr.. He was hanging with what looked like his own bunch of guys. They whooped and laughed like they were high on crack. Jr. lifted his head and his eyes met mine. His dark brown eyes were filled with laughter and mischief as he smiled at me, causing his eyes to crinkle at the ends. I smiled back and gave him a small wave before turning to Jaekyung who was already in the arms of Minho. That was when I noticed how different the atmosphere of this group was.

Ever seen those movies where the bad guys dress in black and were supposed to look so intimidating that the good guys were supposed to their pants? No? Okay. Better explanation. Imagine Iron Man, Thor and Captain America (include Loki if you want) were the bad guys and were meant to destroy the world. Imagine that the superhero suits they wore had been traded in for leather jackets, oversized wifebeaters, cargo pants and snapbacks. And do I need to say that they were the kind of clothes from brands like BoyLondon and whatnot? Rich bastards I tell you.

Needless to say, that kind of badassery vibe was emmitted from the group. And I swear if I didn't have a pair of balls, figuratively, I would have cowered from them. But no. I was Leyah and I didn't back away from kids who played wanna be bad guys. Oh, it! They looked hot okay? I'm just denying myself reality. Back to what was happening.

Jaekyung pulled herself away from her boyfriend, to spare her cousin a bit of her time and dragged Minho with her to where I stood, looking around at people and making snide comments about whoever I saw. Oh, don't act like you don't do that too!

"Leyah," Minho greeted, his eyes becoming tiny slits as he grinned. "Come, let me introduce to the guys." He said, slinging an arm over both Jaekyung and my shoulders as we walked to the group of guys. Pimp much? I wriggled out of his grip, taking a step away from him.

"Oh, I see the girl ain't falling for you," someone snickered, earning a bunch of oohs and burns from guys that surrounded him.

"And I suggest you shut up before I break your bones," I retorted. Oh . I just didn't go there. Way to make a good first impression kid! You see, usually there is this filter between a person's brain and mouth that makes the person think twice before saying something. But apparently, I was absent when God was giving away those filters. Blame me not.

People whooped and howled with laughter. Even Minho chuckled heartily. The ? Weren't you supposed to put me in a bamboo cage and make me suffer?

"Damn, where d'you find her?" someone asked.

"She's feisty," another one added.

"I like her," and another.

"What are you? The ing triplets that finish each other's sentences?" That didn't come from me, I promise. But I was thinking something along those same lines.

I turned my head to see B.I walking towards us with an amused expression on his face. I raised my eyebrows defiantly.

"Don't worry, I don't bite," he said passively, reaching his hand out to do that man-hug thingy guys did.

"Want a drink?" he asked, turning to me. Before I had a chance to say anything, Jaekyung intervened.

"No can do, Hanbin," she said. "I'm taking her to meet the girls." Now who the was Hanbin?

"Why so impatient Jae?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. "Let's introduce her to the guys atleast."

"God, you're such a little girl!" she sighed.

"And you aren't?" he retorted, childishly.

"Oh for 's sake, just shut up!" I yelled exasperated. Dang, this place was filled with childish little pieces of s. "Is there anyone mature enough to hold a decent conversation?"

"Sorry, Leyah," Minho said, patting my back. "These guys are okay when they are sober. Come I'll let you meet the others." With that, I gladly let him drag me wherever he went. I didn't really want to stand between two kids.

I met a lot of people, some who I probably won't even remember. All I know was that there were two groups, practically brothers. One group was called Team A and the other was Team B and frankly, I didn't see sense in their names but then Minho explained why they had such irrelevant and vague names. They were still deciding on names and even though it's been years since they were together, they were so used to being called Team A and Team B. I actually understood. I knew what it was like being undecisive and used to something that you are too lazy to change your habit.

I remember Team A being the most sober ones; most guys there were quiet except Minho and two guys named Seung-something and Taehyun. Those guys basically mingled with everyone. There were two other guys that made up the group of five. Another guy whose name started with a Seung who played the guitar, seated behind massive trucks with his back pressed up against the tires and someone who has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen on a person. He told me his name but since I was too wrapped up in gawking at his eyes, I nodded and later resorted to calling him Bambi. Again, don't judge.

Team B on the other hand were a mess; I don't think I've seen such an overly excited bunch of people in my life. To put it simply, they behaved like they were high on a mixture of weed, cigarettes, pot, crack and drugs. Heck, if someone told me they did drugs, I'd have believed them. The unruffled ones was B.I himself and this guy called Jinhwan. No offence, but he reached to my shoulders. It felt so awkward standing beside him that I wanted to flee. Really. The other guys were already drinking past point of sanity. As B.I introduced me to his group -apparently B.I was the leader of Team B- I quickly found myself taking a liking to them. They were hilarious! There was this guy called Bobby who jumped around everywhere like an Energizer Bunny; he seemed to never get tired. B.I mentioned that Bobby, even without drinking was usually a hyper kid. Well, I knew people like him. I met Junhwe, someone whose name started with a 'D' and something-hyung. There names were hard okay? I'll probably make a nickname later for them. Surprisingly, they didn't drink. Especially Junhwe and D-guy, they were underaged and I think they were glad they don't drink because people were already starting to puke.

By the time I met the guys who made up TeamA&B, it was already twilight. The sky was taking on a darkening hue of dark blue and the stars were already starting to shine in the sky. The bonfire was being fed regularly with wood and paper which I suspected to be exam and test papers and now it had enlarged from the size of a round coffee table to the size of round pool. I was on my third bottle of beer, glad that I didn't get drunk easily, when Jaekyung detached herself from Minho and came to me.

"You okay?" she asked, leaning her back against the truck I was standing by.

"Yeah," I replied, givving her a small smile.

"I'm gonna go find a friend," she said. "Wanna come?"

I downed the last sip of my beer and threw it in a corner, before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "Yeah sure."

We walked to the back land, deserted except for the occasional couples who had their ual hormones raging seeing they were all over each other. Jaekyung and I kept small talk going when we were halted with a nasally voice.

"Oh look! It's Minho's private !" someone called, surrounding with an unpleasant cacophony of snickers and giggles. Seriously, did they not realise they sounded like dying cats?

Jaekyung and I turned simultaneously and when I spared a small glance at Jaekyung, her face was etched with irritation. Go get'em tiger!

"Oh look! It's the gold digger!" she retorted, mocking something's nasally voice.

"What did you have this morning? Flakes?" she asked, pouting innocently, but honestly it just made her look like a disgustingly lookalike of Pamela Anderson. Come on! There are better insults out there than Flakes! 

"Atleast, I don't anybody's for breakfast, lunch and dinner," Jaekyung replied, raising a perfectly groomed eyebrow. Uh-oh. I know that look. It's one my mother wears often. It's when is about to seriously go down. Girl, run away while you can 'cuz she's about to break your legs!

"I-" she started, "Oh save it for someone who cares!" someone else interrupted. This time, the voice was nothing like the nasally voices of the pack of things. It was deep almost rough and toned with annoyance. A figure merged from the shadows and the first thing I notice is the cigarette she brings to her lips to take a puff and blows out the smoke, causing it to dance around in almost seductive tendrils.

Damn, she was pretty! Like I-Could-Belong-On-The-Runway-But-I-Don't-Give-A- kind of pretty. Her midnight black hair hung at her hips, the ends streaked with pink, blue and purple; that kind of ombre usually didn't work, but on her, it looked good. Her pale alabaster skin shone in the moonlight and the small torches of fire. She was tall, with legs that stretched on forever and slim, lithe body that looked like it could keep her agilely swinging from one tree to another. Mind you, she wasn't a skinny stick like what Korean girls tended to diet to be like. She was healthy, a good exotic dose of curves here and there. She walked forward, smirking as she saw Jaekyung and I but when she turned to the pack of hyenas, her face darkened.

"Man, you're annoying," she huffed, dropping the cigarette and crushing the stub with the toe of her boots.

"Byul," Jaekyung greeted, her tone amused. Huh?

"Jae," the girl, apparently named Byul, replied. Turning to the pack of silicon dolls, she yelled, "Why are you still here?" It was amusing watching them scram away from her. It was as if she could have eaten them alive, or worse, rip their extensions and fake eyelashes off. Oh the horror.

"Finally," Jaekyung exclaimed, hugging the girl.

"I know right?" she laughed, a hearty sound. "Where have you been?"

"Around," my cousin replied, shrugging, the first to step out of the hug but still left her arm slung around the stranger's shoulder. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing really. Been around, making music and whatnot."

"Damn. Are you playing tonight?"

"Yeah, I have killer for tonight."

"Man I can't wait! I'm pretty sure the guys have already stocked on the heavy stuff."

"I do hope they have those colourful shots we had last year."

I so know what they are talking about. I awkwardly shuffled on my feet, trying to make sense of their conversation. It was obvious that they knew each other for a long time and I was sure she had something to do with TeamA&B.

"Oh, right," Jaekyung said, abruptly changing from one topic to another. "Byul, this is my cousin, Leyah. Little , this is Haebyul."

Byull smiled as she turned to me, her half moon shaped eyes turning into crescents. "Hey. Call me Byul."

"Hi," I replied, smiling back.

"So that's the girl everyone's talking about?" she asked, turning her head to look at Jaekyung curiously. "Seriously, you're famous."

"Wait what?" I asked, not understanding. Hun, last time I checked I wasn't Megan Fox nor was I a celebrity.

"Yeah, someone who takes the attention of guys on each side of the border? You are already known to everyone," Rahel shrugged, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her leather jacket, offering me one which I happily took. Lord knows I'm gonna need it.

Popping one in , she lit up and even lit mine. "I don't get it. What attention? Who guys? Where border?" I asked.

"Girl, you really are new to this aren't you?" she asked, raising a disbelieving eyebrow at me. I shrugged.

"See, there are two big crews here. They are the ones who rule the underground hiphop scene here. The rest of the crews don't matter," she began. "There's GOT7, the guys who lead BANG. They are the guys who take in everything, from dancing to rapping and to visuals. If you wanna differentiate from the other crew and BANG, always look for the goodlooking ones," she took a puff of the cigarette and took her time exhaling. "Then there's the ones who defy rules of battle. They are led by who you know as TeamA&B; together with four other groups, they form KINGS and honestly saying, they are much more talented than BANG. Atleast that's what I think. The world is too shallow to notice the tiny thing called talent," another puff of cigarette. "And as you can see, both crews have their own loyal fans. Call it groupies and whatnot, it's true. But there are those people who have loyalties to both sides. Originally, if you are within a crew, it doesn't matter if your sibling or closest friend is on the other line; you battle them no matter what. But for those on the sidelines, it's hard to pick sides. Jaekyung can be an example; she's friends with Jr. but she's dating Minho right? It's hard for us to pick sides. We want to support our friends but we also know we were supposed to stand by our lover's sides."

Just as she said that, a guy with red hair that covered his forehead and a beanie walked by her, leaving a kiss on the side of her neck. When us three girls turned to look at him, he winked only at Rahel who blew him a kiss. The guy turned his big doe eyes at us and before we knew it, he was already gone.

"God! It's starting!" Jaekyung squeeled like a deranged pig, grabbing both our hands and dragging us back to the front where people were busy shouting and yelling. What the hell?

All I could hear was heavy beats I knew immediately it was Skrillex. People were jumping to the beat that sounded suspisciously like the music from arcade games. From my peripheral view, I could see people tumbling and flipping in the air, displaying their martial arts and b-boying skills. When the song morphed into something more electronic and danc-y, I suspected that it could have been some boring Kpop song but someone had changed it to something that could have been played in a club. I threw my cigarette on the ground, after inhaling one last puff and exhaled, walking to the front passing and pushing between sweaty, stinky bodies.

Holy !

B.I was in the middle of the clearing, getting all hard and aggressive at some other guy's face, twisting his body and dancing his heart out. What shocked me most was the part of the dance where a few guys started doing the same moves, shaking in the most crazy ways, ripping their shirt off only to reveal ripped bodies underneath the layer of cloth. I resisted the urge to fan myself. I told you I was a er for hot men, sue me.

"Hot right?" Jaekyung exclaimed over the loud music.

"Oh yeah," I muttered, not bothering to answer her.

She briefed me on what's going on- both major crews battle it out, showing off their dancing skills. Well, rapping and music skills were shown but I wasn't really paying attention since I was too focused on shirtless men.

I don't exactly know who won because one moment BANG's performance had left my mouth open in shock and KING's performance had everyone dancing along. I was on my feet, dancing with Jaekyung to the beats that Rahel dropped - I found out she was a DJ- throwing our hands in the air and basically having a good time. Beer bottles were being passed around and I had enough alcohol in my system to start getting slightly dizzy. I didn't care though. The music turned more ratchet as it struck midnight, and people were starting to grind against each other. I though, laughed when B.I grabbed my waist and pressed my back against his chest, moving our hips together. I'm not gonna how sensual it was 'cuz I'm sure children won't be innocent anymore. Clearly, I enjoyed it more than I should have.

But what came next was unpredictable.


Okay, I know I'm incredibly late! Like almost a long time kind of late! I don't even remember when I started this story!
However I won't hold it against you guys if you're not gonna read... /quietly sobs/
I don't know if this chapter made sense. I'm sorry! I don't know if I can fix it. It makes sense in my head but I don't know if it's okay while reading.
Next chapter is in a few days I promise! There'll be more drama and maybe a teaspoon of romance?

Bless those who bother reading when they see the 'updated!' sign next to the title!

Much Love,

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Chapter 5: waaah! New chapter is the best, seriously! Alyyyy, update faster ;~;
And you have a lot of readers btw :P : D
Chapter 5: Hahha..Mark is my bias as well!
Now I wonder what make them apart.
perfectlyangelic1 #3
Chapter 4: oooh I read this before then forgot to save it D: can't wait to read more~
Chapter 2: This chapter rremind me to tbh