The First of Everything.

Young, Wild and Free

Pushing past the busy bees of travellers that seemed to move together, I made my way to the exit of the airport, pulling along my suitcase with one hand and clutching my backpack with the other. People rushed about, trying to get from one destination to another, sometimes stampeding over each other just to be on time.

Ah, time. If only time hadn't existed and wasn't an important factor in people's life could the human race actually push themselves for major change. Time was always limiting; someone or the other was always complaining about having no time. There is always time. Or that's what I thought. But then again, who would listen to the wise words of an 18 year old?

I looked down at my watch. 10:59 a.m. Around an hour had passed since I landed in Korea. I took a deep breath. Why? They say the air you breathe when you reunite with your hometown warms your heart. Huh? Oxygen is oxygen. Humans breathe it all the time. Isn't the air that people in Africa and the people in China breathe the same? For someone who hasn't been to Korea for atleast 16 years, it wasn't impressive. I mean, what was I supposed to expect? Jasmine and the sort fragrances lingering the air?

"Little !!" someone called. I furrowed my eyebrows. Whoever had that nickname was probably the victim of a themselves. I mean, what unfortunate soul earned that moniker?

"Little !!!!!" the voice yelled louder, it's feminine voice pitching higher than the normal loud shouts of cab drivers. The f.....?

There stood my cousin, annoying princess, in her full redhead glory. Park Jaekyung was one of a kind; anyone could notice that miles away from her. One could have smelled her spicy vanilla scent and immediately known it was her who walked by. She was waving her arms madly, holding up an extremely colourful placard with 'MY LITTLE JENIE' written on it. Oh God. How embarrassing. She was earning herself disapproving looks and glares from parents and elders who obviously didn't want that kind of language anywhere close to their precious little babies. Hell, even as her cousin, I felt uncomfortable with her calling me her little . There was no way I wanted to be seen next to that crazy woman.

"Don't ignore me Jenie! I know perfectly well you noticed me already!!" she yelled once more, throwing me a malicious smirk. Lord, why exactly did you make us both related? Muttering a few curses under my breath, I walked over. And as soon as I was withing a grabbing distance from her, I was engulfed into a humongous hug. Well, it was more like a mini-tornado that reeked of Prada perfume. Man was her grip strong.

"Get off me you little !" I ordered, trying to wriggle my way out of her grasp. How come such a tiny thing had such strength?

"Yah, this is no way to talk to someone older than you," she tsked jokingly, finally letting go of her hold.

"Sure, then. What do you want me to call you Your Highness?" I retorted, mocking a curtsy.

"If I could make you my slave, Little , I'd make the best queen ever," she joked back, holding her head high like the queen of England.

"Psh, you wouldn't even bother waking up from that queen-sized bed if you were queen," I replied, bumping my hip into hers. Well, it was true. It's not like she'd make a bad queen, it's just that she's too lazy to care about world hunger and like that.

"She's feisty, just like her cousin," a deep male voice said. "I'm starting to like her."

"Junior, if you're trying to get into Little 's pants, it ain't gonna work," Jaekyung remarked, turning both of us around to look at the boy -wait, what was I supposed to call a 6 foot giant?- who was walking towards us.


Who was he and what the heck did he have to do with my cousin? The guy was everything I didn't like in a guy. Flawless complexion, twinkling eyes, baby face, well groomed hair that shows he's been trying too hard to tame, and a smile that is able to melt hearts. Great, just great. First impression on one Korean guy, good start to a summer vacation Jenie.

"Yeah, 'cuz I'm too fab for pretty boys," I commented, voice filled with sarcasm as I puckered my lips like a diva.

"Yeahhh!!" Jaekyung whooped. "That's my Little !"

The guy named Junior, smiled but I did notice the glint of bewilderement that passed for a milisecond. I smiled back; I was pretty sure he wasn't used to getting such snide remarks. Heck, he probably was the Casanova, seeing how he earned interested glances from every woman, married or not. 

"I guess, it runs in the family," he concluded before his smile took on a mischievous smirk. "But I find that incredibly irresistible."

"No really, I mean, this is as close as you'd get to me, so don't bother yourself,"I shook my head, raising my hands in a 'No Thank You' manner.

Jaekyung laughed, clearly impressed that someone had the balls to stand to her "charming" friend. "Little , I think it's time to get you home."

We made our way to the car, lifted my luggage in the trunk and off we went to Jaekyung's home. The whole time was spent in friendly banters and chatters, mostly done by Jaekyung and Junior while I looked outside and took in my surroundings. It wasn't that different from L.A actually, people miled around doing their own business while slowly the city came into view, the lining of trees and nature slowly disappearing.

We came to a rest area which was basically a gas station with takeaway restaurants. Jaekyung halted her Jeep and Junior who I learned his name was Park Jinyoung and was called Junior because he shared the same name as some famous guy, stopped singing at the top of his voice. I didn't know what song he was singing, but I was pretty sure we shared the same taste in music so I'd definitely have to bombard him with the local specialty later.

Before I could ask why we were at a gas station, Jaekyung said, "You must be hungry Little . I'll buy you coffee or something."

That was nice of her to offer me something; we hadn't known each other that well, but seeing that she was starting to be a person I was starting to respect, I knew we'd surely get along.

"Sure, thank you. I'll come with you," I grinned up at her as she nodded, getting out of the car and walking into the shop me trailing behind her.

"GET ME STRAWBERRY MILK!" Junior screamed. Child much? Jaekyung paid no attention to him whatsoever, as she made her way quickly through aisles and got whatever thought would be good snacks to eat on the road. I was in the middle of looking through the section where they kept music CD when Jaekyung called.

I immediately turned around, only to bump into someone who accidentally spilled his cold coffee all over me. Normally I wouldn't have minded the cold ice tea, but seeing that I was drenched in it, I was not sure whether to be pleased or not.

"Well, atleast I showered in iced tea," I remarked sardonically, trying to squeeze the wetness out of my white t-shirt.




YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Chapter 1 done!!!!!

Someone please read! TT TT


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Chapter 5: waaah! New chapter is the best, seriously! Alyyyy, update faster ;~;
And you have a lot of readers btw :P : D
Chapter 5: Hahha..Mark is my bias as well!
Now I wonder what make them apart.
perfectlyangelic1 #3
Chapter 4: oooh I read this before then forgot to save it D: can't wait to read more~
Chapter 2: This chapter rremind me to tbh