How to Ride a Bike [oneshot]

How to Ride a Bike


“Finally those damn exams are over!" the tallest from the group exclaimed while playing with his food.

“I know, right? I probably will fail my year though.” Nobody was shocked by Jonghyun’s statement. He repeats the same thing every year but always manages to pass his school year anyway … maybe the puppy-eyes effect works on teacher too, who knows.

“Did you guys understand the math problem?” the “mother” of the group asks.

“Hell no! I wrote nonsense from the start till the end.”

“Hey! Jinki! I copied like ... three quarters of what you wrote! I actually thought I would pass math … at least math!”  Jonghyun exclaims.

Jinki wasn’t really listening since he was so concentrated on his piece of chicken. Thank God Kibum was so protective and would look after his friends’ health. He rather cook for them something good and full of good stuff, then letting them eat junk food every day.

“Jjong, you should really take your studies seriously … open wide, annngg!” Kibum says, putting the remaining rice in his best friend’s mouth.

They happily eat like this for a few minutes, talking about how stupid the math teacher was for making such a difficult test, when the maknae raises his hand and starts waving it hysterically to get everyone’s attention.

“Taeminnie, we are not in class. But talk.”

“Let’s go out tomorrow … I mean we should really do something together, just the five of us, then we can forget everything about the exams … plus it is the beginning of summer and soon I will be leaving for Japan with my parents and brother … say yes, please!” he says, using his aegyo to convince everyone.

Everyone smiled and nods their head of approval.

“Where should we go? To the movies? To the park? Han River? Shopping?”

“Oh my god, please, let’s go to the mall. There is that really cute shirt I NEED to buy or my life will be ruined plus I need to get those sh –” Jonghyun quickly covers the fashionista’s mouth before it gets worse.

“No …” Taemin continues. “Let’s go to the beach near the old port. It actually is pretty and no one ever went there since the port was closed fifteen years ago.”

“Oh fine!” everyone agrees with him.

“Tae, I will have to borrow a bike from you. I broke mine.”

“How can you … break a bike, Jinki?”

“I was trying to do stunts and –”

“Oh fine … got it.” Kibum knew exactly what happened. We are talking about Jinki after all.

“Wait … why bike?” Jonghyun asks which makes Minho laughs.

“Hyung, you don’t want to walk to there, right? It’s really far away plus we will have to climb up on a hill.”

“But I don’t –”

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing !!!!

the school bell interrupts him. Quickly the five boys put away their stuffs, throw away the remaining food and plastic dishes and runs to their next class which was P.E. For Minho’s excitement, they were having a soccer game.




Lying on the bed, he could feel someone’s cold hand on his cheek. He doesn’t move, not wanting to wake up and wanting that person to get his hand off his face. He moves around, but the hand is still there. The hand taps his face lightly before caressing his cheek.

“Awn, you look so damn cute when you sleep, Jjong!”

Kibum. Jonghyun promises himself that as soon as he wakes up completely, he will kill him for waking him up so early on a Saturday morning.

 “What do you want, Kibum?” he muttered, still not opening his eyes.

“I’m here to teach you how to ride a bike. You'll be ready for later.” Kibum says, seating next to Jonghyun’s unanimated body. He slaps the other’s in order to definitely wake him up.

“You . How do you know I can’t ride a bike? And who said I needed help from you?” Jonghyun says, sitting up on his bed next to Kibum.

“I've beem your friend since we were four years old and I never saw you on a bike. And, they don’t call me almighty for nothing. I can make you an ace in less than 30 minutes. Now put a shirt on and let’s go.”




“Kibum, if I fall down I swear I kill you. It has been thirty minutes already. You are not so almighty after all!” Jonghyun screams, scared to put both of his feet on the pedals.

“Awn poor baby. You look like a dumb dinosaur on this. No, a cute lost puppy actually. No … if a puppysaur exists, then that’s what you like … a lost and dumb one though.”

“Okay shut up and help me, maybe?”

Straight away, Kibum places his hand on Jonghyun’s back and on one of his hand that was holding the handlebar. “Now look. Give yourself a run-up and I will gently push your back. At the same time, start to pedal and keep your hands on the handlebars. On the count of three. One … two … three go!” he takes his hand off the handlebar and pushes Jonghyun softly. The older boy tries as hard as he can to pedal like his friend requested and does not take his own hands off the handlebars.

Without knowing, he was already a few inches away from Kibum’s supportive hand. Seconds later, he was meters away.

“Oh my god, Jonghyun! You are … you are riding a freaking bike!” the younger boy creams throughout the street.

Jonghyun just realized what was happening and felt so proud. He was 17 and just learned how to ride a bike … in 45 minutes. Impressive, huh?

He relaxes a bit as he rides in the middle of the street, then the sidewalk, then the street again … he was swirling around and riding with just one hand. Did he really learn all of that in less than an hour?

He looks back at his friend, still waving and asking him to comeback (probably because Kibum was too lazy to walk). He immediately turns around and heads to Kibum’s direction.

“Hey Kibum, check this out!” he shouts, showing off that he can ride the bike with no hands at all.

“Jonghyun! You stupid , watch out!”






“Kibummie, go faster. You are so slow! Even Onew is ahead of us.” Jonghyun whines, pouting.

“If you weren’t so damn heavy, it would be really easy for me to pedal. And stop complaining! At least I am nice enough to carry you. Oh my, why did I wake up so early to teach to this Jackass how to ride a bike when it was pretty obvious that he would end up breaking his leg?!”

“I didn’t break it! I just twisted my ankle … but I am getting better now! Thanks to you!”

Kibum smiles at the other boy’s word.

“Whatever. Hold me tight, the hill is getting closer.” he says, trying to forget how painful it was to ride a bike standing.

Jonghyun tighten his grip around Kibum’s waist and silently rests his head on the boy’s back. He closes his eyes, enjoying the sound of Kibum’s soft breathing.



[A/N] Omg I had so much mistakes in this one ..
I know I said I would post a new one tomorrow, but I felt like posting this old one now ! :3
I liked it, actually. And it's ... a happy story ?
I still having diffulcty writing what I truly have in mind. I wanted to add more but I didn't know how to write it down.

Anyway. I hope someone enjoys it !

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carrotcake #1
gosh! that was really cute! :"""">
shawolduck #2
@Keyumma : Thank you for reading ! ^^<br />
Haha I think I forgot how to ride a bike though ..<br />
It has been 7 years since I last tried to ride one. o.o<br />
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@Kimchi_mandu : Thank you for reading ! ^^<br />
What if Puppysaurs existed and we could have them as pets ? It would be great ! :D<br />
<br />
@CHoi_Minju-Nikka : Thank you for reading ! ^^<br />
Well, Jonghyun is a cute puppysaur ! >.<
puppysaur is too cute~!
Kimchi_mandu #5
aw its really cute! hihi a puppysaur!!
made my life! lol especially 'cause i'm almost an adult and can't ride a
Yey ! One comment ! ^^<br />
Thank you for reading !!!<br />
“Awn poor baby. You look like a dumb dinosaur on this. No, a cute lost puppy actually. No … if a puppysaur exists, then that’s what you like … a lost and dumb one though.” <----- LOL XD Jee, you're so supportive Key<br />
Awww that was cute :3 Poor Jonghyun though. Oh wells~ Who knew spraining your ankle could end up being good?