Chapter 1.2 - Predebut


Chapter One
January 2014


A tall-looking lady was spotted out in a gym, alone. Not many people spotted near her. No surprise, it was winter. Outside the building, snow stacked everywhere, and it was freezing cold outside. It was weekend, so majorly people chose to stay at home than go outside. However, this young lady chose to work out than stay at her dorm.
Despite the cold, she wore a white t-shirt, gray jacket, and gray short training. To complete her gray fashion, she wore a gray running shoes. She also tied her hair into an apple
hair. She looked beautiful and sporty, yet cute with the apple hair.
She took a bottle of water and drank it until the bottle became empty. After that, she continued her workout, weight lifting.
"Oh, Hyejung! You are here?" A tall, muscular guy approached the young lady.
She put the barbells and bowed to him. "Good afternoon, Manager."
"It's afternoon now? Looking at the window, it doesn't seem afternoon, haha! I thought it was already midnight." The so-called manager laughed at his own unfunny joke.
The lady cannot take jokes, so she answered, "The weather outside surely is dark." And with that, the manager's laugh turned into a sad smile. He knew that Hyejung is not a person who can laugh at unfunny jokes, but still, he wanted her to laugh at his joke.
"Why are you here though? I thought today is your agency's new girlgroup announcement." The older guy asked. 
Hyejung shook her head. "It's tomorrow, Manager."
"I see, good luck!"



"Miho, here!" A girl called her friend and waved her hand. The so-called Miho approached her while dragging along her taller friend.
"Hey, Nami!" Miho greeted Nami. "I brought Chaekyung, hope you and others don't mind." She grinned, while pointing to her friend that she brought. 
Nami shook her head. "Nah, it's fine. The more the better!"
Miho looked at her friend, "Chaekyung, let's go!"
Chaekyung smiled and nodded at her. They about to walk when a girl grabbed Miho's sleeve, "Bora and Iseul haven't come."
Miho scratched her not-so-itchy head, "Aah, I forgot about them."

While waiting for two other girls, Miho, Chaekyung, and other girls talked with each other. The girls were Miho and Chaekyung's schoolmates from middle school, Miho's best friends to be exact. Chaekyung also friends with them, but she was not close with them during middle school. At first, Chaekyung was silent because she did not really blend with the topics, but Miho noticed it, so Miho changed the subject that Chaekyung know. They became closer than ever.

"Oh, there's Bora! And Iseul too!" Miho pointed to two girls that were running to Miho and friends.
"Sorry, we are late! The snow was very heavy," Bora said while panting.
"It's okay! Now, let's eat lunch first~" Miho smiled warmly.

And they had fun a lot, because of the friendly Miho, and moodmaker Chaekyung.



"School almost ends..." She thought.
"Exams ended just now, graduation in a month." She mumbled while cupping her face with her hands.
"Tomorrow is Seven Seasons' announcement of the new girlband." She thought and sighed.
"But starting tomorrow, maybe I can read comics freely!" She thought again and smiled widely.
A girl who was wearing the same uniform as her tapped her shoulder. "What's with your face, Hyeju? The class already dismissed."
Hyeju came back from her thoughts, "Ah nothing, just thinking."
Her friend chuckled, "You don't usually think, Hyeju." She joked.
"I was thinking about graduation, the announcement of the new girlband, and comics!"
"I see the last one coming." Her friend shook her head. "Oh, right! Tomorrow is the announcement! I wish you all the best!" The taller girl ruffled her hair.
"But tomorrow the new episode of my favorite anime will come out!" The childish girl hyped up.
The talled girl sighed, "Aren't you excited with your agency's new girlband?"
She nodded, "Yes! But-"
"No buts!" Her best friend interrupted her. "Be a good girl, decrease your love to animes and cartoons like that, focus more okay! You have a great voice and great dance moves." She grabbed Hyeju's shoulders.
Hyeju only nodded, not even listening to her friend.



author notes;

annyeong! finally heeyoungie came back after... around two months? ehe. /grins awkwardly. I promised to update on may, but because I'm busy (( and lazyness )) it delayed into june. aaand, the part two of predebut is here yay! /throws confetti. now all members already introduced, have you found someone who has same/similar personality? you could imagine her as yourself o u o see you in next chapter yay! please subscribe and comment! upvote is loved oho < 3

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edited chapter one, go read two other members' stories o u o


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tasha23 #1
Chapter 2: it's already may! authornim! please update!
_Insert_Username_ #2
Oh hey! I hope you stick around. Waiting on the new chapter too. o w o
Hi! Le new subs here.... keke^^
Chapter 2: Goodluck, author nim!
Wow! Just saw this one. Waiting for Hyejung and Minji's parts, because I feel like I could relate to them. haha xD
_Insert_Username_ #6
Chapter 1: Wow! FIRST COMMENT!!! So excited~ I like this idea. More than one character to be. It's kind of better than those "choose your own path" things, since there is more dialogue. I Like It!

So yeah... uhmmm.... i'd love to be your co-author if that's all right. ... gah! why do I sound so shy. :p anyways, if you need the help, i'm up for it. message me, or just reply to this comment. I can't wait for this story to get more readers! Peace! > u < / HWAITING~