♥A MAN DESERVES TO LOVE♥ Taemin x Minho♥

Chapter 8~

Last night Minho decided to bring Yuri over. Because of what had happened he did not want to leave her alone.

Minho didn’t wake up forgetting everything that had happened last night. He did not know what he had in mind when he kissed her last night. Minho stood up from his bed and went to the room where Yuri was peacefully sleeping. Minho opened the door and stared at her. She was very beautiful but he didn’t have any honest feelings for her. He closed the door for and just smiled.

Minho walked down to his kitchen to make some coffee but then suddenly someone knocked the door.

*Knock. Knock. Knock.*

Minho opened the door and he was surprised who was standing in front of him.

“Good morning...” Taemin said softly, “Did I wake you up?”

Taemin was dressed up very nicely. He was wearing a button down long sleeve blue shirt, nice plain blue jeans and a brown scarf.

“No, it’s okay,” Minho smiled.

“Umm...I was wondering if you are okay. Last night you looked very worried.”

“Ahh...no need to worry. Everything is fine now, thank you for asking.”

Taemin nodded and smiled.

“Well... that was all. I will be-”

“Wait,” Minho caught himself stopping Taemin from leaving, “Stay for a while.”

"Are you sure? I don’t want to get in your way.”

“No, no. Come in.”

Taemin stepped forward to his elegant apartment. Taemin looked around the apartment and notice how clean and organize it was. It looked as if it was cleaned by a woman.

“You have a nice home,” Taemin said.

“Thank you. I’ll be back. Let me change and we’ll head out somewhere.”


Minho smiled and headed to his room.

Taemin sat at the living room and noticed the rosey-like perfume around the house. Was there a woman in the house? Could it be that Minho was with a woman last night? Taemin knew that the woman that could possibly be with Minho was no other than Yuri. Taemin looked around and saw one of the bedrooms closed. Was Yuri there? Taemin had the feeling that Yuri was sleeping there but he was afraid to check. Taemin remained seated and patiently waited for Minho.

Finally, Minho came out of his room.

“Okay, let’s head out.”

“Where are we going?”

“We’ll see.”

They began walking out of the apartment.There was a long silence while they were walking.

Minho then decided to interrupt the silence.

“It’s very cold, isn’t?”

Taemin looked up, “Ah, yes but I like the cold.”

Minho smiled, “Let’s go to a park right over there and we can get some coffee.”


Taemin was really happy that they were hanging out again. They began walking to the direction of the park.

They finally arrived at the park.  

Minho saw a shop selling coffee and decided he will buy coffee for each other.

“I’lll go buy you a coffee at that shop. Stay here,” Minho said to Taemin.

Taemin nodded and smiled.

‘What should I talk about? I feel so nervous when I’m near him,’ Taemin thought.

Minho came carrying 2 coffees.


“Here you go.” Minho handed him his coffee.


“Thank you.”


“Be careful its hot,” Minho smiled.


Taemin nodded and blowed on his coffee.


“Anyway, I’m very sorry for yesterday. I left you without any explanation,” Minho continued


“It’s okay. I know something important happened.”




“It was Yuri, right?


Minho looked up.




“I see...” Taemin looked down.


‘Should I ask Minho if he is dating Yuri? I really want to know,’ Taemin thought.


“Um..Minho can I ask you a question?”


“Yeah, go ahead,”Minho took a drink from his coffee.


“Well...I...are you..”


*Ring. Ring. RIng*


Minho checked his phone.


“I’m terribly sorry. It’s Yuri. Hold on for a second.”


Minho picked up the call and talked to Yuri. Taemin just looked at him.


‘Wasn’t it obvious?’, Taemin though as he was looking at Minho, ‘Isn't it obvious that they are dating? Why did I want to ask a question like that when I can see it in front of my own eyes?’


Minho finished talking.


“Again, I’m so sorry. So what were you saying?”


“It’s okay and never mind that. How is Yuri feeling?”


“She is doing much better. She was just asking where I was."


“Oh. You should go back then.”


“Nah. I want to stay here with you for a bit. If it’s okay with you,” Minho smiled.


Taemin blushed, “Of course, it’s fine.”

They began walking again. Minho, noticed that necklace of Taemin’s.

“Taemin, that necklace...”

Taemin looked down to look at his necklace.


“Oh, this? Key gave it to me. He bought it for me yesterday. Can you believe I didn’t know when he bought it? He was with me all day. How can I not have notice when he bought it?”


“I noticed that he has the same necklace too," Minho said.


“Yeah. We are really good friends. I haven’t seen him for a while and I was really happy he got this for me.”


“He must really care for you.”


“Yes, indeed," Taemin smiled holding his necklace.


With a look of dissapointment Minho stared at Taemin. He looked very happy when he talked about Key. Everytime he mention Key he will smile and laugh but when he was with him he didn't do anything. Why was that?


He was really worked up thinking of Taemin. He needed to drink, he needed to clear his mind.


While they were walking Minho noticed a bar, “Taemin, lets get some beers to drink at that bar over there,” Minho suggested.


Minho was feeling sad again. Why? Could it be that he actually did fall for him?


They drank for a while (Mostly Minho.) Taemin stared at Minho drinking and drinking. He was going to his 5th beer without stopping.


“Um...Minho you are drinking too much. Please stop. You are making me worried.”

“I’m okay!” Minho yelled.

Everyone on the bar looked at Minho crazy.

“Okay, that’s it! I’m taking this away from you!”

Taemin got up and picked up all the cans of beer and threw them away.

“Taemin! Give those back!” Minho stood up.


“Look at yourself! You are so drunk! Let’s get you home!”


“I’m not drunk!” Minho yelled.


“Be quiet! Everyone is looking at us.”

“Let them look at us. It doesn’t matter to me.”

Taemin tried picking him up but he ended up falling with him. Minho was on top of him.


“Minho get off of me! You are all drunk.”


“I am not.”

Taemin tried to push him away but it was useless, Minho was very muscular and strong. Minho did not move instead he just stared at Taemin’s face and leaned over.

“Minho, stop messing with me! What are you doing?”


Minho, without even thinking leaned over and softly kissed him.

Taemin could not believe what was happening. He did not stop him but instead continued and followed the lead of his kiss. Even if this was an accident he didn’t want to miss the opportunity with him. He was way just too happy to let go.

Minho stopped and whisper to his ear, “I like you.”

Taemin's eyes widened as he heared ‘But...what about Yuri?’ Taemin thought.


OMO so sorry for the delay D: I was so busy these days! I will try update more quickly! I miss AFF!

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DontForgetEunHae #1
Chapter 3: Yeahhh meet at starbucks omg
Chapter 3: Yay! Dumbo Minho xD

You better make it up for tae! :D
frostysnowprincess #3
Chapter 2: Aww Taemin!!!
frostysnowprincess #4
Chapter 1: aww the first chapter is cute~! This is Marie btw XD
Chapter 2: Awesome :D whhaa! Minho, you stupid! Don't u dare say stupid things for taemin!

Update soon!