
Daesung is living in the orphanage, his parents left him.

Seung Hyun is a leader of a gang, he killed his father and his mother hates him. 

They are ment to meet each other but they dont know what is the connection between them... 


Kan Daesung’s diary

“- I know, what you are thinking about. Why do you want to sell our house? We’re so happy here!

This is the beginning.

I’m always dreaming about moving to the new apartments and then… From then on I can’t remember anything.

I just know I’ve done something really bad, wrong. You know when you disturb your parents so much that they just left you.

That’s what I am”. 


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lonerforever #1
Chapter 5: Man in tattoo and man on throne?(Thinks of fantastic baby XD)
I like the story but I do not understand it all.
daebabysung #2
Chapter 11: this story very confusing me...But i like this story too just somehow don't understand all of them. But so happy to see them together at the end. Even can't remember the past,the feel the touch is already a habit T T Todae forever~
IndigoGrey #3
Chapter 9: They will be happy in the next life? These two have been through too much, I hope they are left in peace in the next.
Aniram #4
Chapter 7: Im sorry, I hope it will better, but cant promise anything(
vbybsb1982 #5
Chapter 6: aiiish sorry to say it but i still can't get the clue and red line about what daesung and top are, what war??
daebabysung #6
Chapter 6: ...IS daedae died?!nononono, what happen? what is the locket? and why...i need a continue T T...omg, dae, i dont want you get hurt!
Aniram #7
I will! Thank you for reading)))
Chapter 5: wow this story took a huge turn now!!please update soon!!
Aniram #9
Hope you'll find the answer while reading. Thank you very much!
xtavista #10
Chapter 1: daesung has some sort of 6th sense?