Here you go naturopath !! Sorry I had a lot going on and couldn't write it right away ^^; Its okay that it wasn't MBLAQ XDDD no worries!!! I hope you liked this, because Idk a lot about I can't really write Hoya's personality that well...well at least I don't think I can hahaha enjoy! Kekeke and you can always apply again btw don't think you cant! +_+


There is something about coffee shops that makes you feel at peace. It may be the smell of fresh coffee from the pot, the yummy snacks, or just the calm quiet atmosphere. For Howon, simply being at the coffee shop was enough for him, but seeing the smiles on his customers only made it better. There was one tender smile, in particular, that made his heart beat fast. Howon had been friends with Hyunjoo since High School days, and ever since the first day they was like they were siblings. They were inseparable, but if one wasn't there...they always could tell what the other was doing. Instinct, you might call it.

At the little coffee shop, Howon was the #1 barista. His coffee was heavenly, and many would come to try it out. He was practically famous in the little town, even having a few fan girls, but no one knew his coffee like Hyunjoo. She was his #1 fan, and he preferred it that way. Howon always had feelings for Hyunjoo, but he could never tell if they would qualify as 'love'. Sure he would be thinking about her a lot, and he always wanted her to be the first to hear the news of his life. He never would put a label on his feelings other than friendship, not until Hyunjoo moved away. Once the most important thing in his life left him, was when he finally realized his true feelings. His feelings for Hyunjoo.



“One special brew for the Miss with the lovely smile.” Howon cooed, placing a cup of coffee in front of Hyunjoo. She shook her head, covering her smile with the cup as she took a sip. She placed it down, and glanced up at Howon.

“Please don't talk like that.” She chuckled, “It's just weird.” Howon shrugged, taking a seat across from his best friend. He crossed his arms.

“Fine,” He said. “I wasn't expecting you today, JuJu.” The barista boy smiled warmly, happy in side that she would visit him even though she was busy. Hyunjoo grinned at the nickname Howon granted her with when they were Freshman.

“I came to tell you something,” Hyunjoo said, uncertain if she should tell Howon the news. She knew he wouldn't approve of the transfer, but she hoped that he would understand her reasons. Howon just continued smiling, and nodded at her to continue. Hyunjoo had a apprehensive frown on, as she gripped the mug of coffee tighter.

“Howon...I...” Hyunjoo slowly formed her words. Howon couldn't help it as his heart beat picked up the pace. Was she going to confess?!? He wasn't ready for it! He needed to prepare! He wanted to be the first to tell her...that is if he really liked her or not. He still couldn't decide what label would fit his feeling perfectly. “Howon? Did you hear what I said?” The barista snapped out of his panicking thoughts, and starred at Hyunjoo in confusement.

“I'm sorry?” He asked, coughing. “What did you say?” Hyunjoo rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Just when I had thought I finally got it off my chest.” Hyunjoo pouted, looking down at her coffee. “Howon, I'm...leaving.” Hyunjoo looked up to see a frozen Howon. Her heart hurt to see him like that.

“Leaving? Like to go home? Its okay closing time is only in a few minutes and-”

“No, Howon.” Hyunjoo stopped him, shaking her head. “I'm leaving, as in moving. I got the scholarship in Australia that I always wanted! They called me last week to confirm it.”

“Last...last week?” Howon's eyes grew wide. “You didn't tell me right away?!” He felt hurt and betrayed. He always told Hyunjoo everything..and didn't ever wait a week to tell her!

“Howon...I didn't know how to tell you! I hoped that you would accept it..” Hyunjoo's voice was full of pleading as she watched Howon's hurt eyes tear up and look away. She reached her hand out, lightly placing it on top of Howon's. The boy barely acknowledge it, too overcome with his confusing feelings to notice.

“You can't go.” Howon whispered, finally holding Hyunjoo's hand. He turned his gaze back to his friend's, and squeezed her hand. His eyes were now the ones filled with begging. “Please, Hyunjoo...I can't lose my best friend.” He couldn't lose that smile that kept him going, the smile that he dreamed of, the smile that comforted him when he was depressed, the smile that he loved so much. He didn't want to lose her, Hyunjoo was his best friend. He loved her.

“I already accepted the scholarship, Howon. I wont be gone for long, a few years tops!” Hyunjoo tried to cheer him up, as she wiped a tear that had rolled down Howon's face.

“Miss me.” He said, as he got up with out another word. Howon made his way to the back of the shop, not bothering to look behind him and see the girl he loved, one more time.

“I already do, Howon...I love you.” Hyunjoo whispered, wiping her own tears as she left the shop. Howon was feeling just like the cold coffee sitting stationary on the table- abandoned.


------Three Years Later-----

“Howon Oppa! Can you close up the shop alone? We'll stay to help you!” The two College Freshman girls chirped, crowding the famous barista. Howon put up his hands, and laughed.

“I'm fine girls, really. How about you two home and study? Oppa doesn't want to hear that you got bad grades!” He smiled at them, and patted each one of their heads. They nodded, said their goodbyes, and were on their way. Howon was finally alone.

The tired barista boy plopped himself down in a booth, and stared at the cup of coffee he made for himself. He watched through the front window, as a happy couple walked by. They were sharing an umbrella, not caring if they got wet by the rain. They looked happy.

“'s been three years, and no contact from you. Can't you sense that I am going crazy?” He sighed, and rested his head on the table.

It had been exactly three years since Hyunjoo had visited him in the very coffee shop Howon still worked in. She had told him that she would be gone for a few years top, and Howon was starting to believe that that had been a lie. Maybe she was having the time of her life, not being dragged down by him. He missed her like crazy, and tried to contact her...but every attempt was a failure. He never could figure out why she ignored him, but he prayed that it was all a misunderstanding.

“Just go visit her, Howon!” He told himself, as he was in the process of sitting up. “Go see her, tell her how you feel, and kiss her. You know you want to, you always have..” He buried his face in his hands. He had to see her, and if she wasn't going to come home...he would just have to go on a little trip. A trip to Australia.


------A week later, at the airport in Seoul-----

“Here is your ticket, Sir. Thank you for flying with us.” A stereotypical airport worker smiled, handing over a piece of paper to Howon. He bowed, and made his way to his gate. He pulled his luggage, as he looked around the large airport. He couldn't believe he was actually going to go find Hyunjoo. He wondered how she would look. New hair cut? Possibly dyed? Maybe she got a tan...or maybe she started wearing more makeup. For all he know she fell of the face of the Earth.

By the time Howon was actually on the plane, he had started to regret his decision. His palms started to sweat when he thought about all the different scenarios that could go down when he arrived, and all he could focus on were the bad ones. What if she had a boyfriend? What if she was never coming home? What if she has a BOYFRIEND. Maybe she missed him so much though, that she realized she liked him too? He could only hope.

“Sir? The plane landed already...I doubt you want to stay on the plane...” Howon's eyes cracked open as he felt someone shake him. He jumped up, brush creeping on his face as he looked around the empty plane. He must have fallen asleep thinking about it all...

“Um...thank you, sorry.” He bowed, and quickly exited the plane. As Howon strolled around the airport, he couldn't help but be taken away by all of the people there. He glanced at two tall blonde girls that passed him, in awe at seeing real blonde hair for the first time. Then it hit him.

He wasn't good at English. He slapped him self mentally as he continued through the unknown territory. How was this going to work?!?


Several hours later, plenty of failed engrish later, and tons of money spent on cab fare later...Howon was confident he found the right flat. He thanked the driver, proud that he lad learned a bit of English, and walked towards the flat's door. The boy took a deep breath and slowly brought his hand up to the door. She had to be home...

Knock! Knock!

The flat's door opened to reveal a very tall Brown haired girl. She looked Howon up and down, as she towered over him.

“Who are you?” She asked him in English. Howon gulped, and scratched his head.

“Hello! My name is...HO...WON.” He slowly formed his words, earning a weary look from the girl.

“Em, who is it?” Called a sweet voice. Was that...?

Howon had to catch himself from fainting when he saw Hyunjoo come from around the corner. She stopped a few feet behind from 'Em', and starred at Howon.

“You know him, Hyunjoo?” Em asked, as Hyunjoo walked up to the two at the front door. Howon could help but cover his mouth, so no one could here his cries. She had grown up, in the three years she was gone. She grown, both height wise and hair length. He eyes looked more tired too- probably from all the work the scholarship was throwing at her.

“Emily, can you leave us alone? He is a good friend from Korea.” She smiled at Em, oh how Howon had missed that smile of hers. He had seen many happy smiles over the years, but Hyunjoo's still was able to affect him even after such a long time. Emily nodded, and left the two to stare at each other.

“ did you?” Hyunjoo began, quickly switching back to their native tongue.

“It's been three years already. I couldn't stand not seeing you for another minute.” He cute her off, and walked up to her. He starred into those surprised eyes, as he cupped Hyunjoo's neck, and dragged her into a kiss.

The kiss was sweet and tender, filling the gap of all things missed over the years. It was full of all the sadness felt, and the happiness experienced. As Howon kissed Hyunjoo, Hyunjoo couldn't help but be taken aback. Howon felt something for her? So it wasn't just one sided all along? She felt horrible, knowing that she had left someone who had cared for her the most...and never even contacted him once. She was too afraid to tell him her feelings...but she couldn't help but feel like a princess. A princess that was just rescued from all the torture of being away from her best friend.

The two love birds pulled apart from the heated kiss. Howon rested his forehead against Hyunjoo's and chuckled.

“You don't know how long I've wanted to do that.” He whispered, grazing Hyunjoo's cheeks with his thumbs. He smiled at her, gazing into those eyes he had fell in love with so long ago. Hyunjoo blushed, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“That makes two of us~” She whispered back, pulling Howon into a heated kiss. As if they had already been together for so long, the two kissed passionately. They stumbled over to a nearby couch, Hyunjoo straddling Howon. Howon moaned as he ran his fingers through Hyunjoo's hair. He had dreamed of this moment, and couldn't believe it was actually happening.

“I missed you” He whispered, as he trailed kisses along Hyunjoo's neck. She replied with a moan of her own, and crashing her lips onto Howon's. The two kissed, their tongues battling for dominance, and their hands roaming around places they had never explored before. Until now.

“I love you, Howon. I love you so much.” Hyunjoo whispered as a tear fell from her eye. Howon pulled away, offering his love a tender smile. He kissed the ears away, and smiled.

“I love you too, Juju.” He soothed, placing a strand of her hair behind her ear. He cupped her cheek.

“You don't know how much I missed that nickname.” She cried hugging Howon tightly. Howon grinned against her shoulder, and rubbed her back.

“Shh, don't cry. We're together now, I'm not leaving you...we'll be together forever.” He pulled back and smiled at her. “Okay?” He asked, her hair. Hyunjoo nodded, cracking a smile. “I love you Hyunjoo, I'm just sorry I was too late to realize it.” Howon whispered, before placing another kiss on his lover's lips.

THANKS FOR READING!!! I HOPE YOU LIKED IT ^^ Like I said I didn't really brush up on infinite personalities ^^; so I pray that this was in the ballpark- of the character and of what you wanted.

If you have any problem with it by all means message me!


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gett-n #1
great job!
Mrem96 #2
@LemonWasabii93 lol I'm glad you liked that part! I could totally picture him saying that idk why XDD
"Hello! My name is...HO...WON.”

This just made me crack up xD
ThePowerChaserToYou #4
naturopath #5
This is really wonderful, really, you're so lovely in writing fan fictions! I like it when they parted in the coffee shop~ it's just so sad + Hoya & Emily moment! xD<br />
<br />
I'm terribly sorry, I was busy with my campus orientation for the whole week so I didn't have the time to give a comment about the story.<br />
<br />
Thank you once again!
WAHHR! daebakk>w< i loved this!! ^^