002. Newbie.

A Jock Girl

Nal anajumyeon andwaeyo
Son jabajumyeon andwaeyo
I need you now
I need you now
Da annyeongira malhago useumyeo bonael su itdorok
Dowajwoyo dangsini nan pillyohae

Another day with a phone keep buzzing for signalling a message has been received. You did lazily moves your hand from the sleeping spot and grab a large shape of Samsung Galaxy Note III to viewed the message. You rubs your eyelids roughly before pressed on the notification alerts of the message. And your thoughts was right. It might be from your mom.

"Jihyun-ah.. how are you doing over there?
Why didn't you send me a message that you've arrived there?
You make me worrying about your condition very much.
If you're asking me how I know, it is because of your cousin, Minjoo.
She sent me a message last night when you were asleep.
I hope you're going to prefer living in there. Love you.

You read and was about to shedding a tears but you keep it slow deep down to chills yourself. You are not the weakling person anymore to everyone. It flashed your lips curled into a softy smiles up. You pressed the reply button and generously punch on the touch keys.

"I am doing fine. Don't worry about me, okay? 
I am sorry for not sending you a message about it because I was so tired of unpacking.
Hope you're doing alright over there. 
I'll try to be loved of being in here. Love you too.

You replied and sent. You calmly put it back to the place beside of the small lamp on a small table that sat closed to your bed's sided and rushed on to the bathroom.

You do your usual daily routine in the early morning. Today is your first day to enrolling into a new school or so-called as academy. It is more like a boarding school because there were a girls' dorm and boys' dorm in each separating buildings. Minjoo had explained everything and we can back home for a few days if we don't have a classes to attend.

It is such a relief because you haven't studied in an elite academy school. The reason to explaining how happy you are. You splash the water all over your face to removes the facial cleanser white creams and brush your teeth.

After 5 minutes later, you have done and walks out with still wearing your black kitty pajamas on. You opened the closet's door and found a uniform was places in the middle. You take it out and went inside of the bathroom to change. 

"Yah, Jihyun-ah. Are you done already?" asked your beloved cousin as she knocking on the door for a confirmation if you are inside. "Nae! I'll be there soon." you shouted unloudly to make her heard it. "Arraseo. Ppaliwa! Our class will starts in any minutes." she warned and climb down the stairs, leaving you alone. 

You didn't replied and wear the tie on. It is your first time, though, since when you were in Australia, people didn't know anything about uniforms. They had a free outfits to wear. And it is your very first time -too many first times- to wore a skirt, a shortest one, also. You steps out from the bathroom and facing yourself in front of the tall mirror. 

"Woah. This uniform looks nice. No wonder." you chuckled, softly. You combs your hair and grabs a backpack, along with your favorite gloves. It is only for your safety when riding on a motorbike. Your skins was allergic to another kind of gloves, that's why you brought yours.


You hurriedly tidy-up your bedsheets and shutting the door. A footsteps of your feet was loudly echoed due to it's wooden staircases and you were running like a thunderstorm. Combined both, it would make a loud sounds. Luckily, it is a terrace house. Not an apartment.

While you were busily tied your shoelaces of the sneakers, Minjoo was already waiting in the garage. You locked the main door and walks toward the garage, where she has done cleaning your motorbike. You were suprised a little bit.

"Oh my god. Did you bought this?" you speak in an Australian accent. She nodded, "Yup. I bought it with my salary. I had collects the money for 4 months. Hope you will like it." she laughs a bit and wore a gloves. You nods and tap on her shoulder. "Wait. A salary? Did you work?" you suddenly asks, in curiousness.

She flick on your forehead, "Ouch. Yah, waegure?" you complained as rubbing the place where she just flicked on, in frustratedly. She stuck out her tongue, "Now, you are more like a child to me. But still. You can't beat my chodingness." she evilly laughed and drove off as soon as she tied the helmet. You shook your head and chuckles as you comfortably tied up the helmet on your head.

You started the engine and drove off, leaving the garage to closed, automatically. It was handle by Minjoo since she paused with a few meters away from the house and pressing on a button of the remote. Both of you driving by side to side, laughing as make some joke about to hit on each other.

For your more suprising moment is when she can avoids your hits. *Wow. She's amazingly a smart choding.* you laughs at your own thoughts. You'd concentrate on the roads to not being anyone's victim at next. The traffic lights was almost red, now Minjoo signed you to follow her. You did and she bring you to ride on the streets where people walks for a jogs but there was no one. No problem for you.


- 30 minutes later.

Minjoo stopped and parked her bike on the motorcycle's parking lot. You did as well since there was only a few parks are left. You parked it beside her and safely untied your helmet to breath the refreshful air. You took off your gloves and put it inside of your backpack. So does herself.

"Kajja." she said as pulling your wrist. Once again, you followed her and strangely felt like someone staring down to your figure from far. You tried to exchange the glaces but there was a hundreds of them. You were guessing, they attends to the same academy as you by looking down to their uniforms.

"Don't exchanging your stares with them. They are like a dangerous tigers to someone new." she said as pulling you to stay on her side. "What? But why?" you questioning. She rolls her eyes, "Because they hate it. 10 seconds needed and you'll see what happens next." she said and paused as counting on her fingers, staring at the gateway. You eyeing it, also.

"1..2..3...4..5..6..7...8..9....10." she finished it. And. "INFINITEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" "ARRRRRGGGGHHH!!"

*Ouch. My eardrums.* you thoughts as covered both of your ears and saw seven men on a different motorbikes were drove passed the gates and parked themselves on the same parking lot as both of you. Only one person that parked beside of your bike. 

It makes you felt curious about them. You eyed Minjoo, "Who are they?" you questioned for a tenth times. You could see how calmful when she looks at them then smirking. "Infinite. A kingkas." she answering. You raised your eyebrows.

"Kingkas? What is that?"

"Someone you will never forget when you are one of Woollim Arts Academy's student. They rule this building along with a queenkas." 

"Queenkas. Wait, King and Queen. So, they were like a gangs in here?" 

"You may guess it right, though." she chuckles and about to walks off but you catch her wrist first. 

"You didn't answer my question about your salary yet." you jokingly said. She playfully stuck her tongue out a little bit and they tried to approaches to both of you. Ignoring their fangirls, behind.

"So, you are the new transfer student that everyone were talking about since yesterday?" asked one of them with a nametag said Kim Sunggyu. They put their eye-gazing at both of you. You knitted between your eyebrows and nods since you can understand it as a new student came from a west country.

"Yes, I am." 






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niena98 #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon!! I'll look foward for it!!