Grey and Purple

The Hand That Held Hers

Walking to school with an onigiri in hand, Eun Sang bought it in the convenience store near Bona’s house. Yesterday had gone by a lot smoother than she had expected. Her morning flew by quickly with each lesson, she had lunch with Bona and Chan Young. At times she could feel more than one set of eyes fixated on her during class – she knew that one of them was Kim Tan and she guessed the other was Young Do. As a reflex she turned her head to his direction just to make sure, but she didn’t even have enough time to look away or abort her mission because Young Do’s eyes caught hers immediately. She’s not going to think about the smirk he sent her way and how it had her body reacting in a way it really, really shouldn’t. That was not something Eun Sang felt like she would ever - and she meant ever - be ready to think about.

But nonetheless she was glad that she didn’t have to talk to or face the man she left behind that morning. It took a lot to do what she did and she wasn’t sure if she’s ready for another confrontation, not yet at least.

God she was never going to be ready for anything.

When she reached Jeguk high, from the corner of her eyes she noticed a familiar orange motorcycle parked along the sidewalk. She didn’t have to look to see who was leaning against it. Who else would those long, slim legs belong to? There was the shortest halt in her pace – she didn’t know why – but she hurriedly caught herself and she might or might not have purposely walked further away from the motorcycle. Her efforts to blend in with the rest of the Jeguk students going to school and going by unnoticed were of course in vain.

Eun Sang-ah.”

Of course he had to call her.


Her body was frozen solid, she couldn’t help it nor could she help the shiver that ran down her spine at the way he uttered her name. His voice was deep and smooth, smooth and sweet like honey. And just like the woeful worker bee she was, she couldn’t deny that she was drawn to him. It wasn’t something she could ignore like she had before, not anymore. Eun Sang blinked and snapped herself out of it. She could already sense gazes and looks being shot their way from passing students.

The first few steps were reluctant but she made her way over to Young Do. She was too absorbed in everything that was going in inside her head to even notice anything until she finally looked up at him. His hair wasn’t gelled up in its everyday coif and it was the first time she has seen his hair like that. His fringe was swept sideways, covering his characteristic and thick eyebrows and she noticed that his hair looked a shade lighter than usual when it’s styled this way. There was something else but she couldn’t point out what it was, maybe it’s just his hair.

Her obvious gawking didn’t go unnoticed by Young Do, but somewhere along the way she became his subject of attention. She forced herself to look away once she finally realized it, blood rushing to her cheeks and ears in embarrassment.

“Why didn’t you accept my friend request on SNS? Are you ignoring me on purpose?” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

She looked at him, incredulous.

“Yah, answer me.” He pulled out his phone and showed her the pending request. “Why haven’t you accepted my request? Are there things on your SNS that you’re keeping from me? And why did you accept Myung Soo instead of me?”

Eun Sang didn’t know what it was, but the corners of her lips tilted upwards and she stood there while Young Do continued to fire questions at her.

“Since when did he become more important than – ” His sentence was cut short when another voice called out her name from behind, both of them turned to the direction it came from.

Kim Won soon approached her, dressed in a suit and a folder in hand. “May I speak to you,” he glanced at Young Do, “in private?”


“Are you free now?” His expression was void of all emotions as usual.

Before she could respond to him, Young Do stepped forward. “No,she’s not.” His hand caught hers immediately and he lifted their hands. His tone was suddenly serious and grave, the threat laced between his words was hard to miss.

The older man’s eyes studied their linked hands for a moment before slowly turning to look at the entrance to Jeguk High. Eun Sang followed his gaze and there stood Kim Tan by the glass doors. Their eyes met momentarily and then he turned around and disappeared into the building. Kim Won glared at him and clenched his jaw.

The tension was thick between them. Eun Sang tugged at the hand that held hers but the grip on her only tightened. His face was suddenly serious as he stared straight into her eyes. It was the same look on his face when he told her his feelings during the camp, but this time instead of Kim Tan it was his brother standing there. The silent ‘No’that Young Do sent her way seemed to echo loudly inside her head.

She gave him a pleading look despite the concern that was starting to bubble to the surface. They were already receiving a lot of attention from others even more that Kim Won’s here. It was a very awkward situation and they’d most likely stir up some words and she couldn’t afford that. Out of instincts she placed her other hand atop his, lingered there for a few seconds before giving it a very small reassuring pat. She didn’t know what she was doing, or whether it was going to backfire but she did it anyway.

When she moved her hand, her fingers brushed up the sleeve of his coat and Eun Sang swore it wasn’t her imagination when she saw the punishingly broad patch of purplish-grey that marked Young Do’s wrist. She could tell from the color of the bruise and the small slit of red she saw creeping from the shadows of the sleeve that the injury was recent. Her eyes immediately flicked upwards to look at him, she was ready to open to ask him what had happened.

But he didn’t give Eun Sang a chance to.

His hold loosened and his hand slipped from hers. Eun Sang’s heart dropped at the sudden loss of contact. It wasn’t normal for him to give in so easily and her concern only grew when he wouldn’t meet her eyes. She sensed the same feeling she felt earlier, when she couldn’t figure out what it was but this time it was much stronger. It was written all over his face, she has yet to decipher what it was. So there was something going on, how could she be so clueless?

How little did she know about this man who seemed to know her like the back of his hand? How much further does she have to reach to grasp what’s hidden from her?

But then again, what rights did she have?

She was aware of the presence beside her and how he must have witnessed their exchange. How she would explain it to him if he was to ask her, Eun Sang had no clue.

Without a word, Young Do turned around and fixed his helmet, fumbling with the straps. His fringe fell forward and concealed his eyes. Eun Sang realized just how much she didn’t like it, how much she didn’t like not being able to look into those strong and dark eyes that seemed to hold secrets of the world.

She was completely clueless and helpless to the man and it bothered her, but what bothered her more was just how much it really bothered her. Young Do seemed like he didn’t want to talk, the last time she saw this side of him was on the same night at the camp right before he walked away from her and Kim Tan. His shoulders were hunched over as he continued to busy himself with his bike. His secrets and burdens seemed a lot harsher and heavier in broad daylight.

She stood there for a minute, her hand itched to reach out to touch him, to find out what happened but she caught herself. So she turned and followed Kim Won in the opposite direction, away from Young Do.

Within the first five steps she took, Eun Sang already knew that she was going to regret choosing to leave. Because the expression on Young Do’s face when he looked at her earlier seared into her memory and her heart dropped a bit more with every step she took away from him.


A/N: Andddddd here’s Chapter 4, sorry it took a while guys >_< I had the chapter ready but I haven’t gotten around to reading it. I’m finally on my Chinese New year holiday so here’s my gift to all of you :D I hope that this chapter is enjoyable to read and I will try to update soon since I’m on holiday. Thank you for reading and following me, and also it would make me really happy if I could know what you guys think of the story so far since things seem to be unraveling.

Anyways happy chinese new year and have an amazing week everyone <3


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lsumner91 #1
Chapter 4: Such a great story I love the emotion between the two. U also shipped these two while watching heirs and felt sad when eung sang denied his feelings. I think she matched well with young do then Kim tan. Kim tan was too demanding and inconsiderate of her feelings compared to young do who could sense how she felt and comforted her in her struggles. Please please please update your story soon. I love it already and the Youngsang moments.
afaflaouamri #2
Chapter 3: Omg!!!I love this!!plz update asap!!
zoey777 #3
Chapter 4: authornim please update:'(((((
zoey777 #4
Chapter 4: authornim please please please update soon!!!!!:'(
Chapter 4: Omg! Why did I just found out this story now.
You're like a life saver to my Youngdo and Eunsang shipping.
It's not like I don't want Kim Tan & Eunsang together but watching the drama makes me
craving for more of their moments together. I actually like YoungDo more, he deserves EunSang.
he deserves a chance to be with her and this is the answer to my shipper dream. Lol?
Too dramatic right? But I seriously like your story.
And this last chapter is so much of a cliffhanger, wah!
The few chapters makes me want to read more.
I hope you're not completely abandoning this story. It'll be a waste
since the story's progress is doing great.
It's been a year already, I really really like really hope you can continue writing this story. T.T
No pressure though.. I'll subscribe and gonna wait, hoping for you to update this one. ^^
oh my fav words from young do is "can you handle my true words?" omg the feelings ><
Chapter 1: finally found a story featuring my favorite couple Youngdo x Eungsang. :) I ship them sooo much.
Marinaaaa #8
Chapter 3: Skip the class please ^^
jurc_e #9
I'm enjoying your story a lot, I think it is very well written. Can't wait to know what will happen next. ^^
Eun Sang ♥ Young Do... i really wanted them to end up together in the drama. I hope they will have a really happy ending♥
Good luck writing, authornim and update soon! I 'm really curious about what happens next <3