Flashback to Remember You!


Sulli remember the past as her loved one, Taecyeon died.

Sulli finds photos of her and Taecyeon which holds memories.

Sulli goes back into the past.....



Sulli is a sensitive and talented girl. Even though she is popular in school, she is shy around guys. Sulli loves songs about love and stuff. She liked to remember good times about people she liked, but Taecyeon was different, she kept a picture of everyday she was with him.




Taecyeon is the bad boy kind of guy, but when he met Sulli he completely changed. He is now a sweet and caring guy. At his old school, he was thought as a pretty boy, everyone liked him. In middle school, he had a crush on DaHee, one of Sulli's friends.




Suzy was Sulli's best friend. Suzy was  a very talented girl. She's a lot more popular than Sulli. When Suzy was young, she went to the same school as Taecyeon, but she didnt know. 




Krystal is one of Sulli's friends. Krystal has a personality like a baby. She is a very beautiful girl and can make any guy fall in love with her. 



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