Chapter 1

'W' in the sky

It had been a little less then a year since JYJ left, Yunho was trying to pick up the broken pieces of the band. And more importantly the broken pieces of their Maknae, his Changminnie. The split had took its toll on the youngest member and he'd spent more time holed up in his bedroom brooding then anything else. Yunho really hated seeing Changmin like that and he knew sooner or later he'd have to talk to his wayward boyfriend about possible continuing TVXQ as 2, which SooMan was pressuring him to do. Jeez talk about pushing it the other had only been gone for a year and they want then to just straight back on the band wagon. Yunho really wasn't sure if he could sing without the other 3 and he knew Changmin couldn't, poor thing cried the moment anyone brought any of them. Today though Yunho was at the SM building talking over what was going to happen regarding the 2 remaining members to TVXQ 

 "Yunho have you spoken to Changmin about the possibilities of resuming TVXQ are a duo" SooMan asked

 "No i haven't, its hard enough to get him out of his room much less to talk" Yunho answered

 "well please try, the sooner i can get ans answer the sooner we can start planning" SooMan exclaimed, Yunho nodded. They talked for a while after discussing new songs and contract related things, SooMan sent Yunho off and he headed back home. The moment he walked though the door he heard crying, Changmin's crying to be exacy, by now Yunho was rather used to the sound of his young lover crying, normally the younger curled in his arms in bed, Yunho had alway took it upon hiself to comfort him. He toed of his shoes and made his way to Changmin's bedroom, from inside his room under Changmin's sobs Yunho could hear 3 familiar voices, what was changmin doing listening to JYJ. Yunho knocked gently and opened the door, Changmin was at his computer desk staring at the screen of his laptop hand pressed over his mouth trying to suppress sobs

 "Minnie, what's wrong" Yunho questioned walking other to the younger and scooping him up sitting back down on the chair, Changmin pointed at the screen and with a shaky had rewound the video then wrapped himself around Yunho like a koala. Yunho watched the video in silence listening to the lyrics Jae, Chun and Su were singing, although it took him a couple minutes he realized exactly was Changmin was crying, the lyrics to the song legitimately sounded like they were directed at them, the other 3 still cared and wanted to be one again. That gave Yunho the hope be needed to restart TVXQ as a duo and keep it going until  the other 3 could return. Once the video ended Yunho turned to the crying mass of koala wrapped around him

 "Minnie. where'd you find this video" Yunho questioned

 "Kyun sent it to me" Changmin choked, well that made since, Kyuhyun was all for making Changmin believe that the others still cared and hadn't forgotten him or Yunho

 "Do you finally believe what Kyuhyun has been trying to tell you the last 6 months" Yunho questioned

 "Yes Yun they want to see us and I wish desperately that we could see them ever for just an hour" Changmin mumbled, Yunho paused thinking. If JYJ would send a message through lyrics so could they, Yunho rose from Changmin char kissing the youngers forehead as he slipping his arms under Changmin's rear and walked them over to the bed. The moment Changmin was set down and Yunho layed next to him Changmin's face was in the crook of Yunho's neck

 "Minnie, SooMan want us to resume activities for TVXQ as a duo, I've been posponing  out reply toward it because i was sure how you'd handle it, but the vidoe gave me an idea, if Jae, Chun and Su can send messages to us through lyrics we can do the same to them" Yunho said wrapping his arms back around the male in his arms

 "yea, that is a good idea Yun, although I-I really don't think i could do any of our old song I do think we should continue TVXQ until the others can join us once again" Changmin answered looking at Yunho with a small smile on his face, he looked much like the 15 year old Yunho met 7 years ago not the 23 year old he was now

 "alright i'll tell SooMan tomorrow, for now lets go get something to eat, your to light and i know you haven't been eating regularly" Yunho stated

 "you sound like my mother" Changmin grumbled "can we stay like this for a little longer" he whined. Yunho complied the younger not normally into this much skin ship and Yunho did like it when Changmin went all koala on him. After 20 minutes the couple headed out to a ramen store and then went for a walk down by Han river hand in hand,the small smile on Changmin's face hadn't changed and it made Yunho happy to finally see his Changminnie coming back. Yunho stopped and pulled Changmin into his arms kissing him, Changmin melted instantly and responded just as fast, Yunho lapped lightly and Changmin lower lip and was instantly allowed access. Changmin's arms wound around Yunho's neck as their tongue danced leisturely, Yunho pulled away moments later and pressed their foreheads together 

 "I love you Minnie" he mumbled 

 "I love you to Yunnie" Changmin answered "and I'm ready to continue TVXQ with you" he added

 "I  guess this is a new chapter of our life isn't it" Yunho said as he pulled away and looked up, there clear as day in the night sky was Cassieopiea shining brightly, Changmin's eye followed Yunho's to the sky

 "I guess so" he answered the smile on his face brightening "Yozorani ukanda hoshigo mojiwo egaki dasunoha, Guuzen janaito imamo mada shinjiteruyo, Onaji yamino nakade onaji kyorino mamade, 'W' wo egaki tsuduketeiru, Kimini mitsukaruyouni motto kagayaku kara" he sung quitely to the night sky, 3 of the 5 stars seemed to twinkle back as them as he said that

 "Wasurenaide" yunho said still staring at Cassieopiea as he pulled Changmin closer, he wondered it JYJ were seeing the other 2 stars as bright and twinkly as they were, he hoped so. Yunho knew  that the path ahead was going to be hard and rough, but he also knew with each other everything would be fine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AN: Hi Ya readers, after being down for the count in terms of Kpop and HoMin for the last like 6 months i've finally come up with something. I know its a little out of date being the lawsuit is long over, but the translations for 'W' (if anyones noticed) sounds like their singing about HoMin and TVXQ 5. Also i for the first time read the english lyrics for 'How can I' and it also sounds like the 2 of them are singing about what happened. And thus the idea for this fanfiction.

Also Changmin is singing the first verse of 'W'.

Hopefully you readers enjoy, and hopefully this will inspire more HoMin fanfictions. 


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Chapter 1: HoMin is ❤️. Thank you for writing an amazing fic of them.
Chapter 1: This is super adorbs, I loved every bit of it. Except for the fact that there are numerous grammar and spelling errors, this story was fantastic.
Chapter 1: Yunho always can takes care Min.^^
Koala Mi cuddled Yunho, cutie XD

without forgetting Jae,Chun, Su, coz I Love them too,
Thank You Yunho n Changmin for keeping and protecting TVXQ! !!
HominYC #4
Chapter 1: I love this story , lovly HoMin ^^