#1: A Warm Hug

Life, Love, and Hope.

#1 bangdae


It was a night before Christmas Eve. Himchan was making a shopping list for the Christmas party. “who wants to come with me for groceries?” asked himchan, but no one answered. “I’ll treat you chocolate?” he asked again. This time, junhong hurriedly stood up and raised his hand, “I’m in!” he said. “I’ll go with himchan hyung too,” said jongup.

“youngjae? You don’t like the treat? it’s chocolate.” Himchan was trying to persuade youngjae to come with him. “fine, I’ll go,” youngjae agreed. But something about daehyun is weird, he’s still curled on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him when the older mentioned about the chocolate.

“Daehyun, you’re not coming?” asked himchan. “No,” said the younger. “that’s weird, you usually would do anything for food.” Daehyun still didn’t move a bit from his place. “Not for today, I just don’t feel like going,” he said. Himchan just raised a brow and mumbled, “…okay.”

“And yongguk, where’s that punk?” himchan asked again. “He went to the bathroom just now. Just leave him with daehyun, so he wouldn’t be alone,” said youngjae. “Okay, we’ll be going. Bye daehyun, say bye to yongguk too.”

“Youngjae! Make sure you buy me chocolate too. Bye,” said daehyun lazily.

They all went out, leaving Daehyun alone in the living room, with yongguk who was still in the bathroom. He left out a sigh. What took him so long anyway? He asked himself. He tightened the blanket around his body and left out another sigh. He’d been sighing a lot lately. He was not in the mood to do anything, except curling up on couch with his beloved blanket. The weather is really cold and the blanket is cozy, makes them a perfect combination.

“Hey, where are the others?” yongguk just popped out of nowhere and made the younger jumped a little. “Sorry I made you jump.”

“it’s fine. They’re shopping for the Christmas party,” said daehyun. “why don’t you join them?” asked yongguk as he settled down on the couch adjacent to daehyun. “I’m not in the mood for shopping.” Daehyun sighed again—for the God knows how many times.

“Are you okay, daehyunnie?” the older seemed concerned with the other. Of course. As a leader, he should be responsible and he should be there when his fellow members are troubled.

“Not really. Just lacking the spirit of Christmas, I guess?” they both chuckled softly. And it was silence after that. But it wasn’t long until yongguk break it.

“Mind sharing your blanket? It’s so cold,” he asked as he rub his hands to make a little heat.

Daehyun isn’t a selfish person, of course he wouldn’t mind. He doesn’t want his hyung to catch a cold and freeze to death. He doesn’t like to see people suffer.

“I don’t. Come here hyung.” He moved closer to the older and helped him wrapped the other end of the blanket around yongguk. “Do you feel better?” asked daehyun and the leader replied with a nod.

“but, isn’t it a little awkward with a gap like this?” daehyun asked again. Yongguk nodded in agreement and they came to silence.

Yongguk is shy, somehow. He hesitated to initiate the first move, as well as daehyun. Daehyun doesn’t like the tiny little insignificant gap between them. He doesn’t want to be awkward with the leader. He wants to erase it. it’s now or never, he thought.

“How about…” the latter move closer to the older and wrapped his arms around his body, he buried his face in the crook of yongguk’s long neck, “this?” asked daehyun with a grin on his face.

“Much better.” The older smiled and hugged daehyun back. He was surprised by the sudden hug. He didn’t expect the younger to hug him first. Too much for his liking, it makes his heart flutters.

And for daehyun, he finally found his missing piece. He didn’t feel gloomy or not-in-the-mood  anymore. Because yongguk is there, giving him what he really needed;


A warm hug.

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Chapter 3: I like the the stories ♡
Please update more ^^
Squishy0330 #2
Chapter 3: I loved it especially the angst level of it and then the apology after
Chapter 2: This is adorableeeee
mamizu #4
Chapter 2: Oh my god, this is cute. update or sequel please......
bdz357998 #6
Chapter 2: Aww this was soo cute and sweet!! So fluffy lol
Chapter 2: It's so short but cute love it :)
xyaaar #8
Chapter 2: It is cute!