chapter 2.

Irony 반어

Hana's gaze remained forward, anger boiling inside her at just by seeing the boy.

"This is my place, Jongin." Hana spat making sure that she made it sound the coldest she could.

The boy walked in front of her and smirked while crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Still the same selfish aren't you? This is a school property if you haven't realized it by now, Kang Hana." Jongin spat back not removing the penetrating gaze from the girl.

"I don't have time for idiots like you." With that, Hana stood up and turned around to exit the rooftop garden but Jongin was fast enough to grab her arm.

With a devious smirk, the boy inched closer to her ears and whispered, "Just a heads up, I'm bringing your sister to the party at Baekhyun's next Friday. I just thought I'd like to thank you in advance."


Hana made sure that her slap would leave a red mark on Jongin's face before she dashed down the stairs. She had to get away from him or she would really be pissed enough to break his jaw.

Jongin rubbed his cheeks as it stung him. However the corner of his lips couldn't help but lift slightly. This girl definitely is something, he thought. 

Still y but still hot as ever.

Jongin chuckled slightly before he too, exited the rooftop garden.


Hana stormed to the part of the school building where the younger students had their classes with a piercing look in the eyes. It was free period and she was heading to a classroom - in particular, her sister's classroom. The students that were walking and hanging out along the hallways grew silent and stuck themselves to the walls as they made way for Hana to pass through. They knew better than to get in her way. And with the look on her face at that moment, it looks as if she could kill anyone with her bare hands.

After reaching the classroom that she had been finding, she slammed the door open and landed her eyes on a petite girl that was comically talking to her group of friends. Ignoring all the stares directed to her, Hana stormed to the girl and pulled her wrist roughly.

"Follow me."

Hearing the older girl's tone of voice, the younger girl excused herself from her friends immediately and continued to be dragged by the older girl of the classroom.

As soon as they reached an empty hallway, the younger girl yanked her hand out of the older girl's grip and winced.

"Did Jongin ask you out?" Hana glared straight into the younger girl's eyes.

She began to feel uncomfortable as the older girl wouldn't put her hard gaze down and finally admitted.

"Yes he did.. And I'm going with him to Baekhyun oppa's party." She timidly relied as she fixed her gaze down to her foot.

"Spill everything out." The older girl crossed her arms and demanded, still keeping her glare to the younger girl.

"H-he asked me to be his girl friend.. Unnie I-"

"You're landing yourself into deep , Kang Jimin." Hana glared at the girl one last time before the bell rang and she soon disappeared into the crowd of students.


Jongin was having free period and he was chilling in the clubroom with his buddies. It was pretty much routine for them to hang out in the clubroom when they were bored, having free time or sometimes when they wanted to skip classes.

"Baek are you sure your parents aren't home next Friday?" The boy with bright large eyes questioned.

"Yes, Yeol I double checked and they said they're going out of town from Thursday and won't be back till next two weeks." Baekhyun assured.

Baekhyun always organised parties like this once in a while and when he does, word gets around fast. So far all the parties and gatherings he held were very successful therefore students are always looking forward to his parties.

The boys were in their usual setting; Baekhyun and Chanyeol were playing pool and arguing occasionally, Jongin preoccupied with watching videos on his phone and Sehun sleeping.

These boys were actually the heartthrob or some call them the flower boys of the school mainly because of their good looks and how they excel in their co-curricular activities and even because of the parties that they hold. The only reason they had a whole clubroom to themselves was actually these boys had made a deal with the chess club members to use their clubroom as they find it peaceful and it was also to hide or run away from their fangirls. Seeing that the chess club has only five members that rarely use the room, the boys convinced them to allow the usage of the room which they happily agreed.

Baekhyun suddenly looked up as if he just remembered something important.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask you guys if you all have a date already for the party."

Jongin smiled devilishly and he turned his attention away from his phone and to his friends.

"Yes I do, and it's a fresh piece of meat, alright."

Chanyeol tilted his head and asked, "Who's this fresh meat, kkamjong?"

"God damn it, Chanyeol! I'm not black! Anyway, I'm bringing Kang Jimin. I asked her out just this morning and boy was she swept over her feet."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at each other gulping while Sehun who was sleeping previously was now awake and listening.

Chanyeol was hesitating to speak finally spoke up.

"Jongin, you're aware of who that fresh meat is right?"

Jongin just rolled his eyes and put back his sinister grin.

"Of course I'm fully aware of who the sister of the fresh meat it is. It's going to be fun, guys. Trust me, and besides, she's pretty cute too which is a change from the usual hot ones."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol could only sigh for they can't do anything else to stop Jongin. Sure, both Chanyeol and Baekhyun love girls but they would never go to an extend where Jongin went. And they knew he did that because of her.

Sehun who didn't speak a word from the start left the room. He doesn't really like the way Jongin treat girls but he knew that it was the same Jongin that he had grown up with after all these years. He doesn't get mad at him and yell right up but instead, he just bring himself away so his anger and irrational side would die down after and his heartless self would come back again. He made his way to the rooftop, locking the door to make sure no one enters. He took a stick and lighted it up.




Hana was sleeping again when the last bell rang and it made her immediate shoot up from her seat - she was lucky as no one saw her being so flustered. She regained her composure and stuffed her things into her bag.

Gosh, why am I so sleepy today! I need to get a grip of myself.

As usual Hana was one of the first few students that would hurry out of the classroom. She slung one of the straps of her backpack over her shoulder as she made her way to her locker. Slamming her right palm to her locker, the door swung open and it basically earned her numerous stares from the students nearby. There was a pin-drop silence before they began whispering some things about her. And as if it was all normal for her, Hana simply rolled her eyes as she dumped 80% of her bag's contents into her locker. She only brought home her notebook and merely left the math homework her teacher gave because who was she kidding? She totally at maths and she's definitely not touching that piece of paper again.

She was about to leave the school building when her friends pulled her aside. Trying her best to hide her annoyed expression, Hana gave them a confusing look.

"Okay babe, we just got to know like super last minute that Baekhyun is throwing a party next Friday night and it's going to be a blast because I heard some of his college friends are coming!" Joori shrieked as she beamed anticipated at Hana.

Hana could only stare at her as she practically just shot a mouthful of words to her.

"We know that it's really last minute but Baekhyun just told me in class just now that he initially wanted to invite us last week but he forgot. But whatever! Come on Hana, you know all of Baek's parties were a hit and we always go there to have fun!" Yura grabbed Hana's arm and gave her the puppy eyes.

Hana looked at both of her friends and sighed.

"I really can't, guys. I'm not into this."


Feeling dejected, Joori and Yura's shoulders deflated. They were really placing their hopes high that Hana might finally agree this time but yet again, they failed miserably and Hana rejected the offer. 

Hana gave them a small wave as she continued walking out of the school.

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Chapter 12: chanyeol, baekhyun and sehun's caring sides made me sequel...
there's some more in jongin, right?
Chapter 11: that was unexpected. but, i got it now. will be waiting for more.^^
Chapter 9: interesting story. i like it...
alizarin #4
Chapter 8: Great storyline.. I wished for some more SeNa interaction though but thanks for the update! Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Great story author nim! Please update soon!