I Really Don't Care! ... That much!

I Really Don't Care! ... That much!


Leeteuk tore his gaze away from the book enclosed in his hands just in time to see his bedroom door being thrown open by Hurricane Heechul with so much force he was actually shocked it wasn't torn off it's hinges as though it where mere paper.
"Thanks for knocking." Leeteuk spat in a sarcastic tone, returning to his book.
"It's not like you where doing anything anyway!" Heechul shot back.
"I could have been." The leader stated matter-of-factly, flipping a page.
"I... we have more important things to talk about!" Heechul sputtered, caught off guard by Leeteuk's nonchalant response.

"Hangeng's been talking to SNSD again!" Heechul cried dramatically, throwing his arms up in the air for effect.
Leeteuk sighed, closing his book and setting it beside him. Obviously, his alone time was over. Once Heechul started there was no shutting that drama queen up until he was finished. This wasn't the first time Heechul had randomly burst into his room without knocking... though he supposed he should count his blessings. At least this time he was just reading. There had been one time Heechul decided to burst into his room during 'KangTeuk' time... that did not end in a pretty manner.

"Heechul, we work with them. He has to talk to the-" Leeteuk tried to reason with the over dramatic Heechul, but was promptly cut off in cold blood.
"But he has ME." Heechul snapped, jabbing a well manicured finger at himself, "He doesn't need them!"
Unfortunately for Leeteuk, one had to pass a rather large mirror to get to the window; Heechul's current destination. The dramatic diva paused in front of the mirror, sweeping his eyes over his own figure before placing his left hand palm-flat on the wooden vanity, using his other hand to sweep the hair out of his eyes.

"I'm prettier than them." Heechul muttered to nobody but his reflection, despite the fact that Leeteuk was seated a mere five feet away, "And I know he talks to girl groups when he's in China! Like S.H.E! Have you seen them? They're pretty! ... Even though I'm still prettier."
"Yes but it's part of the job-"
"I've seen Kangin talking to After School!" Heechul claimed, wheeling around on his heel.
Leeteuk's eyes widened in surprise.
"Wha... but... what does that have to do with anything?!" The leader demanded, his face clearly turning a bright shade of red.
"Everything! I know you don't like it either! I've seen the look in your eyes when he talks to the Wondergirls, I know you don-"
"I GET IT!" Leeteuk shouted, tossing his book at Heechul.
The book hit the wall a good foot away from the dramatic diva and hit the floor with a thud.

Of course he knew the jealousy Heechul was feeling! More than anything he hated seeing Kangin interact with the girl groups. Or any female, for that matter! But he couldn't say anything. He couldn't even show his discomfort. As part of being a leader, he had to keep himself composed.

"Look, I get what you're feeling and I know it's hard but-"
"Ooh!" Heechul squealed in a high pitched voice, the suddenness of it causing Leeteuk to jump nearly half a foot.
He watched as Heechul fished his cellphone out of his pocket and flipped it open with a mischievious glint eyes.
"Hangeng wants to meet me for lunch~ Oooh, and then maybe shopping afterwards! I want something shiny. Like jewelery! Thanks for the talk, Leeteuk!" Heechul chimed in a sing-song voice.
Leeteuk watched wide-eyed as Heechul practically danced out his bedroom door, slamming it behind him. Only after the man had left did the leader finally manage to find his words.
"... KIM HEECHUL!" Leeteuk yelled at the top of his lungs, "YOU NEVER LEARN!"

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exoticzk #1
wow amazing
zakhia #2
"during 'KangTeuk' time... that did not end in a pretty manner."<br />
what's wrong with ? :p