I'm Sick If You're Sick

I'm Sick If You're Sick

“You guys, just go to your bed now. We have tight schedules tomorrow. No time to rest. So have a deep sleep tonight,” Onew says to s.

“Hyung, it’s still 9 pm. Taeminnie and I still have two rounds playing winning eleven,” Minho answers without looking at the leader as Taemin nods while drinking his milk.

“Don’t argue!” Onew’s voice goes higher. “Tomorrow morning we have a recording for Music Bank. After that, we have a flight to Japan and film some TV programs. The next morning, we’ll go back to Korea and hava a recording for Music Core. You will have no time to rest, guys. Minho-ah,” Onew turns around to Minho. ”You should pay attention to your health. You should rest enough. You have a contract as MC for Music Core and a role in your new drama. How could you spend your leisure time to playing some games instead of sleeping?” No one responds. Onew is not in a good mood to debate. “You too, Taeminnie. You have a shooting for WGM. And you, Kibummie, go to your bed. Your drama musical’s schedule is no joke.”

As Onew finishes his long sentences, Taemin hurriedly stands up, takes his milk, and heads to the kitchen. Key drags his feet to his room without a single word. And Minho, silently, turns his games off. Only Jonghyun who doesn’t move from the couch where he plays some games on his phone.

“Where will you go, hyung?” Jonghyun asks when he sees Onew walks to the front door. Minho has entered his room. Only Onew and Jonghyun are left in the living room now.

“I need to go to the pharmacy,” Onew replies. “I run out of my medicines. We need them for tomorrow. I will go to buy them. Stop playing with your SNS,” he says before continues his step to the door.

“I will accompany you.” Jonghyun jumps from the couch and runs after Onew who has opened the door.

“I said go to sleep, not came coming with me buying the meds.”

Jonghyun notices the exhaustion in his leader’s voice. He stares at Onew’s eyes. “I’ll take your jacket, and we can buy the meds together, then.”

There is a silence between them. They look intently at each other. In the end, Onew sighs as he gives in. Jonghyun goes into his room to take his jacket.

“Make sure you have already slept when I am back from buying the meds with hyung!” Jonghyun utters to Taemin at the same time he takes his jacket. “Stop chatting. Make sure both of you have slept by the time hyung and me come back from the pharmacy.” he repeats his words when he enters Minho’s and Key’s room to take Onew’s jacket.


They walk in silence. Sometimes Jonghyun hears the boy next to him takes a deep breath. Jonghyun just glances at him. He doesn’t want to disturb Onew and his thought. Secretly, he enjoys the moment with his leader.

Suddenly, Onew stops walking. Puzzled, he looks at Onew. “What? What’s wrong, hyung?” he asks.

“Are you still on diet?” Onew questions back.

Jonghyun nods.

Onew pouts hearing the answer. “Actually, I wanna treat you some yoghurts or ice creams. You are too quiet, so I wanna ask you to have some ice creams to distract you from whatever you are thinking about.” he says naively.

“Hyung, you’re the one who keeps in silence. I’m quiet because you’re quiet,” Jonghyun corrects.

“Okay. Since you let me keep quiet, you have to eat ice cream with me. One night without diet won’t make your fans turn away from you.” Onew enters the minimarket. Jonghyun shakes his head and follows his leader.


Jonghyun and Onew sit on the bench in the park near their dorm. Jonghyun finishes his ice cream while Onew eyeing his ice cream. He only ate three spoons of it. “Do you want my ice cream? I don’t like the flavor.” He offers to Jonghyun.

The younger shakes his head. “No. I’m not allowed to eat ice cream too much. You know it, hyung. Besides that, that is chocolate. Your favorite. Why did you say you don’t like it?”

“I prefer chicken to chocolate,” he replies and stands up from his seat. Once again, Jonghyun just shakes his head. He stands up too.

“Hyung…” Jonghyun screams seeing Onew falls when he steps. His hands catch the older’s limp body. He sits Onew back on the bench. “Hyung, are you okay?

Onew doesn’t answer. He lifts his hand as a sign that he is okay. Considering his condition, Jonghyun takes his phone out from his pocket, trying to call Minho. When Jonghyun brings his phone closer to his ear, he feels a grip on his wrist.

“No need to call anyone.” Onew says when Jonghyun looks down at him.

“But, hyung…”

“If there is someone who knows it, I don’t wanna talk to you anymore.”

“In one condition,” Jonghyun retorts. ”Let me carry you on my back to our dorm.”

Onew laughs weakly. “Jonghyunnie, I’m the one who carry you on my back in our newest MV. Why should I be the one who is carried by you now?”

“Because I don’t wanna talk to you if you reject my term.” Jonghyun says.

“Seriously, I won’t talk to you if the others know about this,” Onew murmurs when Jonghyun lifts him on his back.

“And I’ll make sure we’ll keep talking to each other because you have received my term.” Jonghyun smiles at the end of his sentence. He knows Onew can’t see that smile.

Onew quiets. He can feel the warmth from Jonghyun’s body. He closes his eyes. He tries to remember how it feels, the comfort of the warmness that flows from Jonghyun’s body. He never imagined that it will feel as consoling as this.

They walk in silence. A Smile is plastered on Jonghyun’s face. While Onew keeping his eyes closed, forcing his brain to memorize it.


“Yah, what’s wrong with you two?” Key asks in sudden when they are having their breakfast.

“Why did you yell abruptly?” Minho replies rapidly.

“I didn’t ask you. I asked to Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung. They keep glancing to each other.”

Minho’s eyes widen. “Hyung, what’s wrong?” he repeats Key’s question, looking at the two oldest members. Key rolls his eyes.

“Just finish your breakfast.” Onew declines to reply directly. Jonghyun keeps eating. “What’s wrong if we keep glancing to each other? Don’t you often do that with Taeminnie too?” Onew smirks.

“But, I feel there is something different here,” Key mutters.


He sits on the edge of the stage, talking to fans, when Jonghyun suddenly joins and takes a seat next to him. A smile appears on Onew’s face when he sees Jonghyun interact with fans happily.

“Did you have sleep enough last night?” a fan asks.

“Yes,” Jonghyun reacts.

“What did you dream about?” Onew asks this time.

Jonghyun gazes at Onew, his eyes are locked at Onew’s. “You.”

“Aaarrrgghh...” Fans scream loudly when they hear that answer.

“Isn’t he sweet?” Onew cuts their eyes contact off when he says it and faces his fans. He can feel his face blushing.

“Hyung, let’s start the recording,” Taemin shouts from the center of the stage.

As he rises his body up and intends to run to the maknae, Onew is tripped by his own foot. Jonghyun, who stands beside him, grabs Onew’s arms swiftly. “Clumsy leader,” he whispers, followed by giggle.

“Maybe since you’re around me, I become more careless. Maybe my body knows you’ll always rapidly hold me when I fall,” Onew responds while releasing his arms from Jonghyun.


SHINee ended their recording for Music Back two hours ago. Now, they are in Incheon Airport, heading to Japan. While waiting, no one of them talks to the others. They are tired. Taemin has already laid his head down on Minho’s shoulder. Jonghyun and Key set earphone on their ears. Onew inspects s one by one in silence.


Tok, Tok, Tok..

Knocking on his room door drives Onew stepping to the door. He has turned off his lamp and is ready to sleep when the door is knocked.


“Jonghyunnie,” Onew is surprised to see Jonghyun in front of his room. “What? You should be on your bed now, sleep. Tomorrow morning we have to go back to Korea and …”

“May I sleep here?” Jonghyun cuts off Onew’s statement. “Kibum keeps playing many songs loudly. I can’t sleep there.” he continues.

“Of course. Come in,” Onew shifts to give Jonghyun access to his room. Now, they are in the hotel in Japan after filming some TV Programs. “You don’t mind sharing a bed with me, do you?” Onew asks while locking the door..

“Never mind sharing anything with you,” Jonghyun answers. Onew chuckles hearing that. He turns on the lamp.

“Why? Why do you turn the lamp on? You can’t sleep with the lamp turns on, hyung.”

“You can’t sleep in the dark.”

Jonghyun is quiet.

“Why? Do you feel uncomfortable?” Onew questions when they lay side by side on the bed.

“I have disturbed you, hyung. You might not be able to sleep tonight.”

“Silly. Just sleep!”

But, until midnight, Onew is still awake. Jonghyun has slept, Onew thinks because the younger doesn’t say anything or makes any movement. Since Jonghyun turns his back to Onew, Onew needs to lift his body up to see whether he already slept or not. When his face is right on the top of Jonghyun’s head, suddenly, Jonghyun turns his face to Onew. Their lips meet. Surprised, they widen their eyes. But, no one tries to pull his lips away from the other. Seconds later, Onew pulls away and seats himself on the bed. “I think you’ve already slept.” he explains without facing Jonghyun.

“Not yet.” the lead singer responds softly. “I also think you’ve slept. So when I saw a silhouette moved, I spun my body to face you because I was afraid. But…” Jonghyun is not able to continue his words.

“Don’t mind it. Go to sleep!” Onew giggles. ”In the past, you ever kissed Minho too, when we had our rehearsal in Japan. In that time, seemed like you didn’t mind it. You even laughed. Why are you so tense and fearful now after our kiss? Do you like to kiss Minho better than me, huh? Onew teases him.

“No, hyung. It’s not like that. It’s just …” again, Jonghyun can’t finish his statement.

“Okay, stop it here. You need to sleep.” Onew utters while chuckling. He lays down and pulls up the blanket covering his whole body.


SHINee’s members are on their way to Haneda Airport. Key, Taemin, and Minho are busy teasing each other. Jonghyun plugs his ears with headset. Occasionally joins with those three joking. Onew closes his eyes, not interests to join.

“Onew hyung, are you okay?” Onew hears Taemin’s voice.

“Hmm… Just wanna sleep.” He answers without opening his eyes.

“Did you sleep enough last night, hyung?” Minho retorts.

“Yes. I slept well last night. I just wanna sleep now, so I’ll have enough energy for today’s Music Core.” He explains. “You should sleep too, Minho-ah. You’ll be the host.” He adds.


SHINee has ended performing Everybody. They’re waiting for the next recording for the upcoming shows.

“Onew hyung,”

Onew lifts his head up hearing his name called. “Jonghyunnie,”

“I…” Jonghyun stops when he stares at Onew’s hand. “Hyung, your hand.” Jonghyun kneels down in front of him and reaches out his hand which is reddening. “What’s wrong with your hand, hyung?” His voice is full of anxiety.

“Don’t worry.” The leader pulls his hand out from Jonghyun’s grasp. And he regrets his action. Though it was just a moment, but Onew felt comfortable when Jonghyun’s hand grips his. “Just windmill movement’s effect,” he feigns.

“But, hyung…”

“It’s lunch time. Go and take your meal.” cuts Onew.

Jonghyun stares at Onew and his hand, alternates before gets up for obtaining his lunch.

“Jonghyunnie,” Jonghyun stops his step and turns around to face the leader. “Don’t tell the members about it.” Jonghyun takes a deep breath as the answer for Onew’s order.


“Where will you go, hyung?” Jonghyun shouts when he sees Onew leaves the waiting room. With tray full of foods in his hand, he runs after Onew.

“Go to the back yard. I’m not comfortable here. It’s not good if the others are aware of it,” he says while lifting his red hand.

“I come with you,” Jonghyun declares whilst aligning his steps with Onew’s.


“How do you know this place is quiet?” Jonghyun asks. They both take a seat on the bench under a big tree.

“Minho ever told me that he always comes here before he starts recording for Music Core.” the older answers. Onew elevates his long sleeve. He shakes his head observing his red hand from fingers to elbow.

“Hyung, how could it be like this?”

“No idea.”

They gawk at Onew’s hand that looks like just showered with blood so it reddens.

“Hyung, let me feed you,” Jonghyun cracks the silence. “You’re not allowed to shift your hand a lot. Let it recesses.”

“I’m not a kid, Jonghyunnie. I can feed myself. If you feed me, you won’t have enough time to feed yourself.” Onew refuses.

“Hyung, you asked me to not tell the members about your condition. Now, I ask you to let me feed you so you are able to rest your hand. If you reject it, I will make sure Taemin, Key, and even Minho who is MC-ing will be in front of us in minutes.” Jonghyun smirks.

“Huh… Why is it so hard to live with you? Full of requirement.


At the fifth spoon, Onew shakes his head.

“What’s wrong, hyung?” Jonghyun inquires.

“I’m done. Eat it. You haven’t eaten yet.”

“Onew hyung, you just ate four spoons. How could you say you have done?”

“Jonghyunnie, four is better than none. Do I need to feed you too to make you eat?”

Jonghyun shakes his head. Whilst Jonghyun is eating, Onew leans his back on the back of the bench. He closes his eyes. He organizes his breath. He feels pain in his body.

“Hyung, are you okay?” Jonghyun’s soft voice is heard. Onew doesn’t open his eyes. He just nods as the respond. “Hyung, you are sweating.” Onew senses Jonghyun’s hand on his brow.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry. Just give me few minutes to take a break.” Onew answers feeble.

The younger singer worries about his condition. “I’ll call…” Jonghyun stops his utterance when he feels a soft palm grabs his wrist. Onew tries to stop him by grasping his hand.

“I’ll make sure this will be our last talk if you tell the others,” Onew’s voice trembles.

“But, hyung…” This time, the ringing sound of his phone stops his words. Minho’s name is displayed on his phone’s screen. “Minho-ah…” Jonghyun answers quickly, wanting to tell the younger to come to their place.

“Are you with Onew-hyung? Where are you? Go back to the studio, quickly. We’ll start our recording.” Minho yells.

“Onew hyung…” Jonghyun replies.

“We’ll be back, Minho-ah.” Onew cuts his statements and takes his phone from his hand and shuts it off.


During the pre-recording, Jonghyun doesn’t take his eyes off of Onew. He frets of his condition. He knows he is not fit whereas Everybody dance is not easy and needs much energy. He wants to make sure there will be nothing happen with his leader.

In the third recording, what the singer afraid of happens. He sees Onew kneels down and doesn’t stand up in minutes. Rapidly, Jonghyun rises his hand up, asking for a break. When the other members are startled with his motion, he has already run toward Onew.

“Hyung…” his voice is full of anxiety. “Are you okay?”

“Onew hyung, what happens?” Taemin asks when he reaches Onew. The all members are surrounding him now.

Onew takes breath ponderously. “I’m okay. Seems like my legs are cramp,” he says while enduring his pain.

“Taemin-ah, help me take hyung out of the stage.” commands Jonghyun to the youngest. Taemin puts Onew’s arm around his neck and together with Jonghyun, they bear the leader out off of the stage.


When SHINee arrives at their dorm, Jonghyun asks Taemin to exchange bed with Onew so he can look after the leader. Taemin agrees. Then, Jonghyun carries Onew to his room. Carefully, Jonghyun lays him on the bed. He removes his shoes and jacket. As he touches his skin, he is surprised by Onew’s hot skin. His leader’s temperature is too high. Hurriedly he heads to the kitchen, grabs the ice from the fridge before puts them in to the ice bag, and comes back to his room.

Slowly, he wipes Onew’s face. He looks at the older’s face intently. Innocently, he smiles at the peaceful face. “You have cute pink lips, thick eyebrow, beautiful eyelids, and soft skin, hyung.” He traces his finger on Onew’s face. “Wake up, hyung. Get well soon.” He says while grabbing the leader’s right hand on his.


Vaguely, Onew hears someone sobs. ”Who is crying?” he says in his unconsciousness. His eyes are closed. He can feel someone on his side. He senses the warmth flowing from the hands that grab his. He feels comfortable, a comfort that is familiar to him.

“Jonghyunnie,” Onew’s voice is weak. Finally, he is able to open his eyes. He sees Jonghyun bows his head on his bed’s side.

Hearing his name is called, Jonghyun lifts his head and meets with Onew’s soft eyes.

“Hyung, you’re awake.” Jonghyun can’t hide his cheerful voice. His left hand rubs Onew’s face. “How are you feeling now?” He asks.

“You cry, don’t you?” The leader asks back. His left hand tries to reach the younger’s face, trying to wipe tears on his eye’s corner. “Do I make you cry?”

“No, hyung. No, you don’t. I just worry about you.” He answers while freeing his grasp on Onew’s hand on the bed and changes grabbing the hand on his face. “How are you?” he repeats his previous question.

“Much better. I just need to take a rest,” he smiles. “Sorry to make you worry,” he adds.

Jonghyun shakes his head and smiles. “I’m glad you feel much better.”

When Onew tries to sit, Jonghyun helps him. “Do you need something?” the younger asks again.

“No,” Onew replies while taking a deep breath. “Don’t you sleep? You haven’t slept, right?”

Jonghyun doesn’t answer.

“Go to sleep. You’re not supposed to be sick too. I’m okay now. No need to worry.” Onew commands.

Jonghyun shakes his head. “I wanna take care of you. Make sure you have really recovered.”

“Just sleep, Jonghyunnie. We’re in the same room. If I need something, I’ll wake you up. Your bed is just a few steps from mine.

“I don’t wanna leave you even just a few steps,” Jonghyun is being persistent.

Onew sighs. He shifts to make a space on his bed. “Come on. Sleep with hyung.” he says while patting the empty space. Jonghyun stiffens. “Why? You don’t like to sleep with hyung? We slept together yesterday. Now, let me take care of you while you’re sleeping.”

Jonghyun pulls his body up from his chair and lays down on Onew’s side. The older does the same.

No one makes a sound, then.

“Do you feel comfy lying side by side like this?” Onew asks.

“Hmm…” Jonghyun hums.

“Are you nervous now?

Jonghyun freezes.

“I notice, lately you always look nervous every time you have to share space with me.”

“Hnnngg.. No, hyung. That’s not like that. I just…”

 “It’s okay, Jonghyunnie. I’m just joking.” Onew laughs. “Okay, it’s time for you to sleep.” He puts his right hand on Jonghyun’s head, his hair smoothly.

Jonghyun breathes out. “Hyung, are you really getting better, now?” he questions.

“Hmmm.. You looked after me the whole night, of course I’m getting better now.” Onew reacts, doesn’t stop combing Jonghyun’s hair with his fingers.

“That’s good,”

“Jjong, why did you cry?”

Jonghyun is surprised Onew repeats his first question to him. He doesn’t reply.

“Why did you cry, Jonghyunnie?” Onew says again his question. His voice softened. “Did hyung hurt you?”

“I… I just can’t withstand looking at you suffering cause of your sickness. I can’t see you like that. That’s why I cry. Looking at you who are usually bright but suddenly sick, I feel unwell too, hyung.” Jonghyun sobs in his last word.

Listening to ’s reason and sob, Onew intuitively pulls Jonghyun closer to him. His right hand still Jonghyun’s hair whilst his left patting Jjong’s back softly. “Hyung says sorry for making you sick,” he whispers.

Jonghyun is quiet. He tries to stop his crying. Slowly, he put his palm on Onew’s waist. When the older doesn’t show any denial, Jonghyun bravely puts his arm around Onew’s waist and takes himself closer to his leader. Realizing Jonghyun’s means, Onew tightens his embrace to the younger. For a moment, they are silent.

“Hyung, you have to promise that you’ll never be sick later. You’re not allowed to be sick. If you are sick, I’m sick too.” Jonghyun mumbles in Onew’s hug. “I love you, hyung.” He adds.

Onew smiles hearing Jonghyun words. “I promise I won’t get sick anymore if it means I hurt you. I don’t want you to be sick too, Jonghyunnie. I don’t wanna see someone I love to be sick.”[]




My 2nd Jongyu fanfiction..

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Chapter 1: so sweet >_<
Chapter 1: Awwww, they're so cute !!
Taking care of each other <3
Really good story ^^
Chapter 1: This is beautiful hope you can write more abt jongyu :)
arianijongyujungli #4
Chapter 1: ive read it this morning. it was so sweet, i like the way jonghyunnie care about onew. noum..... is that jongyu already in relationship or the ending was just like thaaaaat??? write jongyu moreeee authornim!!! goodjob i like it really
lwyCarmen #5
Chapter 1: Jonghyunnie is just soooo sweet xD